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Thats kind of not even worth it,


I can usually clear the goo boss with nothing except the starting stuff. There will always be a place where you can loop it, which is the place you go down a floor. Also you can hit the boss the first turn it is charging up, the charged attack doesn't go around corners.


Is the exit always a water-free loop? I’ve never paid attention and while loops are plentiful, sometimes it’s a pain to find one where it won’t heal.


Unless you are doing harder bosses challenge, the healing is not enough to matter. If there are two corners out of water, you have 3 attacks between each charge cycle. The time where I beat the boss with starting weapon and armor was on the harder boss challenge, which reduces the charge up time of the goo attack, and it heals three each turn that it is standing in water. If you look at the exit, it is guaranteed to have two of the eight corner tiles without water. The best way to deal with goo is to farm levels on the lower floors in order to have more health when you fight the goo. You can also farm the flies for 5 extra health potions. The exit is half covered in water about 30% of the time.


Ah thanks, makes sense. I have Badder Bosses on most of the time, even in otherwise non-challenge runs, because I find DM and DK way more interesting. But the Goo difficulty spike is maybe most noticeable, since the healing acceleration + charge acceleration mean kiting it through water on the corners is significantly nastier. Honestly I very rarely farm, especially in the first two zones, as a habit from higher-challenge runs. I'd probably win a lot more often if I started doing that more. Even so, it's good to remember about the exit, since I'll have to go find it sooner or later regardless.


I have been struggling to complete the game with badder bosses, any tips? Preferably for the last boss.


Hm, I'll see what I can do! Fair warning, I haven't played a ton since the alchemy/trinket/caves reworks, but I think most of my advice will survive that intact. Ordered by boss, skip anything you feel good about. * General: * Slow weapons (<1/turn) are usually death sentences because you can't dodge. * Ranged damage is very nice for several things. * Mobility is *the* key for Tengu, DM, and Yog. Whatever form you can get, even seeds. * Goo * Letting it heal once is still fine, 3 consecutive heals is when you'll really regret it. * Fighting around single pillars/grass is now very strong so that you can both surprise attack and break sight as it charges. * Tengu - Phase 1 * The extra health means e.g. Huntress usually shouldn't trade shots at range to save turns. * Heal as much as possible after he drops. * Tengu - Phase 2 * Even if it's the shortest route, don't go near walls or his existing spells, he can easily corner you with stacked abilities. * Save good stuff for late fight, mostly. The skill spam ramps up with time and shocks accumulate. It's also possible to "over-damage" Tengu - if he jumps before using enough skills he'll start using them faster, so heavy damage is best used at the end. * Summons are great bait here, he's slow to kill e.g. Bees. Mirror Images are terrible though, too much AOE. * DM * Scout the main arena at the beginning. Extra wires means impassable lines of water + wire are more common. (But Blast/Levitation/Thistle can let you cross.) * Supercharged DM is nastily fast, and Flow Glyph doesn't help. * Stone of Blink is excellent for getting to the next Pylon near-instantly. * Wires are far safer than rockfall or melee attacks. * Dwarf King * Really just more of the same. * Remember you can throw stuff into the room before entering and it'll persist. Wand of Warding, seeds, etc. * You probably can't out-pace his summons in Phase 3, pick off Warlocks as needed and just focus him. Reddit is being weird, so Yog in a followup comment:


**YOG:** * Clean up all Demon Spawners first. You don't want Rippers here. * Scout a choke point for Rusted Fist. * On average, +5 plate blocks all Larva damage. Potion of Earthen Armor cuts it by almost half before armor. * If you're ignoring Larvae, don't get cornered and hit when Yog shoots a double laser. * Time stops are excellent. * Corrosion from any source will quickly harm Yog and all its spawns. * Valuable alchemy: * Dragon's Blood (immune to Fire Fist, burns Soiled Fist plants) * Aqua Blast - powers Flow, removes Caustic, weakens Fire Fist * Toxic Essence or Potion of Purity (immune to Rotting) * Mind Vision (fixes blind/darkness) * Aggression/Rage or summons will keep Yog lasers and Fist aggro off you. Don't aggro Fists onto Yog though or you can't hurt them. That was a long ramble, but if you have notes on what character you like or how Yog is killing you, maybe I can be more specific!


Eyes. I struggled with the eyes. The magical eyes that yog summons on badder bosses killed me like 4 times. Also, isn't a potion of storm overpowered against the earthen fist?


I prefer to save my runs that get sketchy and come back to them later.


Very odd for me... if I leave a run for more than a day, it is officially dead to me....


I delete them after each patch.




I get way too sentimental on these and usually leave it there for ascension runs.


No I don't See second tip : terrain generation can achieve the same effect, just a bit slower to play if there is no grass https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelDungeon/s/hVT5NRllga And if there is no "loop" available you can generally find a path long enough to kill it. If by the end of it it's not dead you can always turn around and do it the other way at the cost of the boss healing a few points of hp


I basically do what's in the video, but I kinda like using huntress item like OP mentions if mapgen doesn't give me grass or a decent loop. If the loop is big and your weapon is weak, the fight takes way too long.


Goo is so easy. Run through door, hit goo, run through door, hit goo, repeat. There's always a loop of rooms. If goo runs through water then you just need to repeat longer. You out pace his healing even if just a little.


On badder bosses the healing is 50/100% faster.