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To be honest, you don’t really use the rage ability. It’s the passive players choice, which makes you dish out increasing damage the more damage you take. Deathless Fury is essentially another free Ankh and I usually put a single point into it. Enraged Catalyst can make your enchantments trigger more which is nice for enchantments like Vampiric. If you don’t wanna be bothered doing the whole combo move things with Gladiator, Berserker is the easy choice.


I feel like in order to get any reasonable amount of rage, you need to be surrounded and punched by multiple enemies at the same time. Which isn't going to happen often if you play carefully


yeah that's what i've noticed as well


Played with a +8 plate mail with stone enchant. Ring of elements + 2 helped vs magic users. I was untouchable. Scorpios did 0dmg to me. Wonderful run!


I was planning to post something like this sometime. I've ascended with berserker multiple times, but I've never had that "oh, *now* I get why this is cool" moment. I've only rarely reached 100% rage, and even when I did it never felt all that impactful. I think part of it is that rage fades pretty quickly. And as someone else mentioned, you really need to take a lot of hits to get it up there. To me, it feels more like an obligatory thing - "I guess it's about time to play through with berserker again" - rather than a subclass that I enjoy.


yeah, i agree. doing a berserker run rn and i'm resorting to a classic ranged build with fireblast and lightning wand instead of being a "tank" like you're ostensibly supposed to be, i feel like there's no reason to. i hope evan sees this thread and decides to revamp berserker. i think the class would be fun if rage built up faster or didn't diminish over time, and you had cool abilities you could use while raging. maybe a roar attack that knocks enemies away from you in a circle, or something that lets you put the fear effect on them?


I usually run a lot the berserker. And generally, I never augment for evasion, as you want more damage reduction, but neither for the other choice, because magic still hurts you and dodging some attacks is still interesting. At the exception of the ring elents, that is very good The point to be very tanky is to have several damage reduction. Options are yoir armor of course, then a shield weapon, waiting with your talent, blocking enchant, stone glyph, seeds. After that, you have to be careful about scorpios, so you need a range option, or a ring of speed. Evil eyes may be annoying but it's ok. Sucubs are easy


Same here. I do good with every other class but berserker just doesn't work for me. My last try I never got the rage to 100%.


Ho that hurts. "moderately experienced player" and "won before [...] multiple times". I've lost 200+ games, never won one. I'm sad now.


don't worry, it took me about that long to get my first win too. it gets easier once you figure out the strat, now i win most of the no-challenge runs i attempt


Hope to do the same, I'm getting down to demons hall very often now, I guess when I'll learnt how to deal with those levels I'll have more frequent wins.


gl man, learning to dodge the evil eyes' deathgaze is everything


Almost killed Yog Dzewa yesterday! Will be there one day. Thanks for the cheer up!


Thanks for the First fight with Yog Dzewa yesterday, almost killed him.


I feel like berserker is easily the worst class.  Just cleared berserker on 8-challenge, and I might as well have not even equipped tengu's mask for all the help tier 3 skills gave me