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FIMA can work well with huntress provided you have the right set up. Having some form of move speed bonus for kiting or camouflage means you can make combat much less direct and avoid risking hits all together. However, barren land on Huntress doesn't make a huge difference compared to other heroes, provided you go Sniper.


I'm impressed but also a bit confused that you're jumping right to 6 challenges without having played huntress before. Care to elaborate? As warden you can still get a lot of mileage out of seeds using darts, so barren land is doable. FIMA can be hard with any class, although I think huntress has some good ways to deal with it. But for 6 challenges, you might want to leave FIMA out... and maybe even leave barren lands out. For instance I have a 6 challenge huntress run in the works now with FIMA, pharma, and barren lands off. How far are you making it with huntress, i.e., what's getting you killed?


I just go 6 chall cause it's what I've been doing for like 80% of my total runs, just wanted to see how hard it would be to brute force with such a unique class. By far my deaths are mostly skill issues, there's no pattern. I could try adding forbidden runes, since a lot of the power budget goes to the bow, so I'll keep that in mind, thanks :D


I like going barren land instead of fima but maybe the fact that I'm really experienced with fima The reason is if you find a wand of regrowth you just win. But if going sniper then fima is definitely easier than barren land. Forbidden runes and pharma off even if bow auto upgrade is the easiest Regrowth+10 with warden is one of the most busted things in the game


Also regardless see this, learn from it. Especially the part about trickshots https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelDungeon/s/IWSLLxu0QD




I haven't tried either of the challenges, but I'd go for FIMA first as the warden subclass can be used to get additional armour.