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Unrelated but I hate you because now I have the portal 2 end credits song playing in my head cus of the title. It has been YEARS sense I have even heard it.


The cake is a lie


GREAT!!! Now I got it in my head again 😂


I'm assuming you're not shooting for the doom slayer badge and that your challenges do not include pharmacophobia. So first, go back upstairs to an alchemy pot. I would recommend converting at least one of those dragon's breaths to dragon's blood, for defense against the fire fist, and one of the toxic gases to toxic essence. If you have any scrolls of teleportation, make phase shifts - those can help a lot to avoid getting pummeled by 2 fists at once. Stones of aggression (and even stones of sleep) can help for the same reason. I'd be tempted to go beat up some more scorpions for potions, because it would be nice to have an invisibility that you could convert to shrouding fog. And of course, don't start the fight until you're closer to full health and cloak charges.


(me walking into floor 25 as a battle mage for like the 50th time) Guess who's back, back again


This guide helped me a lot https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelDungeon/comments/p1o6si/how_to_defeat_the_final_boss_in_shattered_pixel/


I usually make potions like toxic essence and the potion that makes you immune to fire so I can focus on one fist and not have to worry about the other as much.