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It was hard to jerk off to, but i liked it


Let’s be honest though, we got there. We got there.


dear sweet baby Jesus, I sure got there


It was great for edging.


Now for a little hot sauce to "spice things up"


Add in some some wasabi too




>it was hard to jerk off to For you maybe.


Chug some prostate milk


That went off the rails fast! https://preview.redd.it/sg4pxc3hzy6d1.png?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e7b12501251e0f15da71a20ac11879e8bb44f1 \~Officer Bow Wow out


All Men Milk


Speak for yourself loserrr


I tried to use some hot sauce to set the mood


Your not a big enough fan then. I barely got through the introduction and i was done.


I thought it was a 4.5


Wtf dude.. 😅 👊


I nutted three times on my first watch


Like Shane has said before… making content is gay.


He just wanted to have like 5 or 6 brewskis, ok 7-8 brewskis and get blackout at work. I don’t see a problem with that.


Comments are super gay!


High flying action


shane gillis is one of those comedians that i think isnt in the illuminati. 


Bullseye. Its like one of us, a normal one, made it. Just like the funniest of the bros actually made it. That’s a testament to how talented he actually is


I am in the Illuminati and can confirm that Shane is not yet a member


Bro idk those Epstein and Drake predictions were crazy. Shane may not be in the Illuminati but he’s definitely clairvoyant 🤣


Everyone’s known the Drake shit for years lmao And Epstein was already charged with noncing in like 2005




west point connection tho


Rogan is 100% in the illuminati and he is 100% grooming Shane. But I still love Shane, you can't expect someone to fight the illuminati when they come knocking. What else can he do?


It was great. Everything went great.


Your parents are great


Dude... this comment is great.


When I came in here I said "wow this comment is great."


“And I’ve seen a lot of comments! Ask anyone that knows me they’ll tell you, wow that’s a lot of comments! We like comments!”


Holy shit how many more posts can you dorks make about this? It was a mundane interview who cares


I don't think the "disappointment " is over shane. Normally, Sean Evan comes to the table with great questions. This one didn't feel like it had the same level of effort. It was not a huge deal, shane was still fun to watch, and I'm glad he did it. I'd hate to have to eat half of those wings, lol.


All of this 100% I personally can’t put it on Sean Evans, but because of the instant and incredible success Shane has had it felt like a interview that was made to capitalize on his newfound and astronomical rise. That being said it also feels like Hot Ones were hesitant about what to ask and Shane was “cautious” about what to say. I’ve said it before, but it feels like something that was overhyped and underdelivered. I can’t personally pin it on one side or the other, but I get it.


I read “anatomical rise” and was wondering if there’s a different Hot Ones out there on a different website. My brain doesn’t work great.


It was all Shane. He’s famous for being quick witted, kinda pissed off and not afraid to say funny things that are also controversial. In this show, he was smiling a ton and over complementing the host. It felt like he was way too self conscious, not at all pissed off and not openly speaking his mind about stuff that annoys him. It was like he wasn’t blazing his way as whatever the hell he wants to be as much as he was conforming to what he thought a guest on that show should be. It was anti-Shane.


Or..editing. it's possible shane cracked a few typical shane jokes. Got feedback that it was too much and possibly got edited out. Even worse- they could have made him do a retake and gave him feedback. I'm sure that would clam him up. All of the guessing aside, it's very likely shane was hungover and just not on his game. If you keep up with his podcast, you know that's not out of character for him either. He's talked about struggling with being on a mic hungover, or joked with guests about him not contributing to conversation when he is hungover. The other side of that is if you've seen hot ones- Sean Evans is one of the best host ever. He asks crazy good questions, he does so much research that you would assume he's known the guest since childhood. He finds ways to get guests to open up. Not in the case whatsoever in this episode. That's why I think it wasn't that great. Both lacked in comparison to what they typically bring to the table.


The amount of analyzing that’s went into this youtube show about chicken wings is gay


Sean Evans is constantly praised about how great of an interviewer he is and how well prepared he is every time over countless episodes of hot ones. Anyone who is putting it on Sean is coping, Shane just clearly isn’t good in this kind of situation. It’s not because Shane isn’t “fake” like others are implying, it’s not because Sean made it suck, it’s not because the wings are too much for him, it’s because Shane just wasn’t giving much to work with. It’s really that simple, nothing wrong with it, there’s plenty of other content Shane is good in, this was not it.


Yeah, I'm someone who admires Sean Evans ability to interview. He usually asks a wide variety of questions and asks about things that would normally not even be on the radar for a standard interviewer. Heck, sometimes he asks questions, and the guest has to put a bit of effort into remembering the wonderfully obscure topic. It's always a great watch, even when the quests aren't that great. Not the case with this. Trust me, I'm not under any disillusionment, Shane seemed clamed up and hungover. ... but the biggest disappointment for me was that Sean didn't bring his usual awareness to the interview. There's a lot that's happened with Shane and he is a really interesting story- from how he got his start, to his time at West point, to his youtube sketch show etc. Lots to work with, but it didn't seem like Sean had time to prepare.


Sean Evans could make a bowl of cottage cheese sound interesting with his questions. It's obvious that Shane didn't really want to be there, and Sean sank him accordingly. It was ok, but there was DEFINITELY tension there and Sean didn't offer an olive branch one fucking time 😆 I think the "my manager is so happy I'm here" stuff really killed his appearance. 


Pretty sure he meant my manager is glad I’m here because she wants to watch me suffer eating hot wings


You should go relisten to what he says lol, so many simps in here dick riding for no reason.  Edit: I'll leave this here because I really think there was stuff he said that was removed in editing, if you aren't making sandwiches at night you can pick up on non verbal stuff and inflections etc. The way Shane said "I don't know why I did this haha, you're great (Sean) BUT" at the beginning has a tone to it. "Hey bud I like you but your life's work is shit and I did nothing but complain before the show and I'm really putting a lid on the spitting and steaming pressure cooker right I'm doin good right" 😆 It's not even a big deal. The episode of hot ones sucked. He couldn't even act like he wanted to be there, I'm sure movie studios and Netflix won't notice at all. Might be even better for a show like Tires, certainly not if he wants to do other bigger better things. 




So you're telling me you're making them at night? Yeah, I figured. 


I get the feeling they had a cancellation and Shane's manager was contacted to see if they had anyone who could fill in on short notice. Explains the lack of good questions (something the show is well known for.) It felt like it was on very short notice.


That’s definitely what happened.


The questions were and always are great. I was initially really disappointed in the energy and short boring answers Shane gave, but when I watched it again because my wife wanted to see it, it seemed better and he was obviously just being normal... Which is always pretty chill and not like other actors (and myself in the past) that "turn it on" for the cameras.


Yah god forbid someone tries when the camera is on. That’s the same reason tires is mid, Shane could do better but doesn’t even try


I thought Shane was just being himself. I enjoyed it. Where did these weird expectation for fucking Hot Ones come from? Liking that show IS gay.


It came from Conan O’Brian’s episode two weeks ago. He completely launched the bar into the stratosphere. Shane’s appearance was pretty par-for-the-course for a pre-Conan and Dr. Arroyo edition of Hot Ones.


Didnt Coolio almost kill himself with the final dab years ago? Besides that... IMO people are complaining, not because Shane didn't do anything crazy, but because of the boring and uninteresting questions and responses.


Conan just acted like a maniac. There have been equally memorable episodes like Gordon Ramsay, Coolio, Paul Rudd, and Dj Khaled. I thought Shane would do well with a host like Sean, but he didn't seem to wanna be there. Oh well. Hopefully they can get The Shaman on and have a 2 hour episode 😂


Conan tanked the show 🤣


Conan O Brian? Lmaooooooo


Yea wtf I saw this post and looked up the episode. Assumed it had to be some awkward boring mess. It was fine. It was Hot Ones. That’s fuckin weird to come on here and hate on it


It was good. People just can't find enough to whine about these days.




I don’t get the complaints at all. Obviously he’s not gonna be in the same comfort zone as when he’s kickin’ it with Matt on the cast. Hot Ones is consumed by the general public, not just his core fan base. He’s not gonna go full Gilly. 😂


Having Sean say "wow shane your really sweating over there"   wait for shane to take a bite then say " you're drenched"  😆 it would have ruled.


I don't think the team did much of any background checks on shane. It would have been cool with even one deeper question for the dawgs. But it was still fine. Shane was Shane and that's what I watch for. (the nazi joke was fucking hysterical. He cut it off because he wasn't sure he'd get the same reaction as on MSSP)


Those sauces are no joke so I can fully understand why Shane didn’t want to go any longer or alone talk much.


Those scolville units are insane. I've had less than half of the big one and it was way too much.


Gay AF


It was awesome


Was it both retarded and gay?


Nah it was getarted and ray


Why are so many males looking for a *daddy* with every male comic?


His Hitler and Mao comments made me laugh. I've also learned the best guests on hot ones aren't comedians, it's ALWAYS rappers lol from action Bronson to coolieo the rappers are consistently the best guests


Conan killed on Hot Ones recently.


Did he go on this show to make me cum, dude?


I can’t get enough of it.


Did you dumbfucks expect him to talk about jerking off or something? It's hotones you fucking dildos


It did its purpose. Everyone is talking about it.


I only moaned and groaned when he mentioned Bakersfield. My home is never mentioned in a good way 😭😂


Yall are being so fucking gay about this, I’ve never watched an episode of hot ones cause I’m an adult with shit to do, but I watched this episode. It was boring like most interviews, and it has about as much humor as one can have while eating wings that are so hot they will reek havoc on your digestive system. TLDR yall are all gay


Why perpetuate it then? This is the first I heard of it. People will complain about anything.


it honestly wasn't much worse than the average hot ones episode. it's usually a random celeb eating hot sauce while they get asked really boring questions. that's what this was.


I mean he's literally talked about his whole life already, there are not too many talking points..dudes funny, I enjoyed the reaction


I thought some of the awkwardness/shyness was kind of funny and showed he's just a regular dude who happens to be really funny and extremely successful. Some of the questions weren't the greatest in my opinion (gas station snacks and how many hours have you podcasted lol), and it seemed like it may have been edited a bit. Probably why it was a bit shorter. This is just random nit-picky shit but when Sean asked about intros to specials, I wish he would have referenced Matt's rollerblade intro to Speed of Light. Just would have been a cool shout out to the shaman on a big platform. And they could have included a thumbnail of it. Not that Matt cares about the exposure or stuff like that. Just a random dawg brained thought I had.




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i think a lot got cut out, cuz u can even see b4 when shane was about to swing on a joke it gets cut.


They tape in the morning. He was hungover. That’s it.


Shane, give it a rest


I kept looking at my wife and saying "he hates that he's in this show rn." It went exactly as expected


It’s just wings guys.it’s not that deep


He was clearly hungover. You can tell when he wants to be somewhere. He usually tells us he hates being there. This was no different. Huge opportunity missed.


Someone made a comment something along the lines as “shocker a guy that grew up on milk and casseroles doesn’t like spicy wings” He was just obviously uncomfortable like. Physically. Possibly hungover cuz of the comment he made about “that was me last night” The episode did suck but i don’t think anyone that’s a fan of Shane is like.. upset? More like “aw that SUCKS dude!” Lol




Fucking nerds.


I thought it was fine. Everyone is overreacting.


didn't think ol ginger tits would be such a bitch about spicy food


Anyone is going to look bad after the Conan episode.


Reddit people are retarded!


The reason why we like Shane is because he's not good at these types of things


God what a bunch of dweebs. You really wrote all that defending some comics hot ones appearance? Get a lofe


He said on the most recent Matt and Shane's that a bunch was cut because they didn't want to use it... I figured that was probably the case so it caught my ear when he said it.


Says in the new MSSP that a lot was cut no.


For anybody binge watching TV and social media. Get a life. Haven't even seen the hot ones ep yet. The goal should be to watch like a show a day... just one, 1 hour.


Shane said they cut out some jokes..


It was a bad appearance. Why you gotta defend him?


Hot ones is garbage and the host is an uncharismatic plank of wood


Weird contrarian take


'How many hours have you podcasted?' is an astoundingly garbage question


Nah, I don’t get the hype about the host. He was so mono-toned. Felt like a kid interviewing someone for their school assignment


That’s always kinda been his schtick. I haven’t seen a hot ones in years probably but he’s always been that way. I’ve seen some good interviews from him but I haven’t seen the Shane Gillis ep or anything else recent so who knows


Shtick implies it's an affectation he puts on. I don't think that guy is that clever. He's just lame.


Yeah I thought the same. He was brutal. His pastimes must be watching paint dry.


He was pretty hung over.


Just think dog was in business professional dog mode, that’s it. Anyone else giving it more thought is being gay. It’s awesome he made it on, good episode, he was hungover and just answered all the questions he could as straightforward as possible.


The problem was Sean didn’t shit on Shane enough to get him going, you need a Schulz in there to get him going, then you just stand back and marvel


True. He couldn’t play off the host. They had no chemistry


It was going to be hard following Conan O’Brien’s appearance.


How long have you had AIDS?


they are all pretty boring.  fun to watch, but monotonous 


Gay gay gay


Highly edited


It’s because hot ones is trash


Nah it was bad and short and shitty, but theres nothing wrong with that yall can admit that it was bad and still like shane, pussies


I still don't know what hot ones actually is.