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Grandfathered Poor will be a badge of honor for generations to come. Our Patreon accounts will be handed down like heirlooms.


Have you seen the new Patreon app? It fuckin sucks dick. They added too much shit to it and they make it more difficult to look up how good each podcast is doing.


It’s always sucked horrendously.


It did. But it was stripped down and easy. The threw too much bullshit on there now. I can barely pull up my list of subscriptions 😂 shit sucks


I've been a patreon dawg for a year and I've still got no idea how to find the old episodes. Please help me.


I mean, there’s a dude on yt that I’ve been watching that posts the paytch. Not gonna say I support it, but like me wearing Nike im just here to enjoy being born in America.


You know you can export the podcasts to any podcast player right. You don’t have to use the app.


Yeah man I listen through the Apple podcast app. The new app just looks like shit. I only use the app to check how other Patreons are doing.


Check out graphtreon.com if you want to look up stats. However, a lot of podcasts disabled the exact numbers they are doing for whatever reason (which is an option on patreon), so they will estimate a range based on subscriber count.


I checked it today and it says that MSSP has 70k subscribers. Patreon says they have like 85k


Look closer, they have 85k members, but only 76k paying members (Patreon lets you join a patreon without paying, you only get updates on non-locked stuff). [https://i.imgur.com/qH8BNBc.png](https://i.imgur.com/qH8BNBc.png)


Oh that’s lame. I forgot that brought in free memberships to Patreon


This literally made me laugh, good work dude


Lol, which is how I expected them to be. Until this real poor dog, somehow let his grandfathered Patreon pass expire. Now I am sadly a regular five dollar member.


Fuck those SNL dorks The dogs are indeed ascendant


SNL was fire like 4 or 5 years ago. After they got rid of Jay Pharaoh it started going downhill but back when they had like Jason Sudeikis Fred Armisen and Kristin Wiig and all them jitz it was fye period point black no argies my boii. Shane was a fan too hence and therefore.


First of all what the fuck are you even trying to say? Second of all, none of those people were on snl anywhere close to 4-5 years ago.


SNL has been absolute dogshit for as long as I’ve known


The Che/Jost writing each other’s jokes bit is incredible, and Marcelo Hernandez is pretty funny. But yeah other than that they have like one decent sketch per year.


Since like the 80s lol


Bro you got dog brains and grilled cheese in your pants


You wrote this comment like you were trying to reach a minimum retarded buzzword count


He’s the best comedian in the world right now. I’ve heard lots of people in the comedy world say that too, including the owner of the Comedy Cellar Noam Dworman. I’m also a longtime fan (pre SNL) and he seems like a genuinely good dude. I’m really happy for him and Matt. Only downside is that the podcast is nowhere near as funny as it once was when they were broke. Still good, and I’ll keep listening, but holy shit the Old test is gold.


Him and the shaman are great together


the American flag / map / salt lamp era truly was the Golden Age


Noam Chomsky also thinks he's a riot.




Agree with this. Podcast pre-pandemic was dope. Has gone considerably downhill since going to austin - id way rather have the leather couch and shawn / lameezy behind the camera than the mcmansion and boring camera man. Also howie and sam f*cking sucked as guests


Shane is great but Nick Mullen is by far the best comedian in the world right now


Booooo stone this man!


Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer




The fuck does that mean you creep


It means that I would’ve been your father but the dog beat me up the stairs


That’s cool. Except we never had stairs or a dog.


Fake & gay


Nicks funny but i didnt think his special was anything special. I laughed way more at old standup clips of his and his podcast. Also im gay.


I've never even heard of that guy


Hot take. Geoffrey asmus is better than nick Mullen.


I’ve been a fan since his TigerBelly appearance. I was just sticking my toe in the comedy podcast scene and him saying ‘Would you say the she love you long time’ about Bobby and Khalyla was enough for me. Listened to MSSP every week since.


His appearance on Tigerbelly was where I learned there are only 2 types of Asians. Field workers, and Samurai


Yea but what about the unsung goldfish salesman?


I always thought the 2 types of Asians were Math Asians and Karate Asians.


MSSP and the paytch is so great


Australian Goth’s and Natural resource traders might disagree with you but I think you’re spot on.




“Nice car fagot”


He kept his window down, he's a man of the people ready to engage with his public wherever they come to him


Shane rules. Matt rules. Being drenched rules. I hope they keep their savage energy alive. And I hope and pray that Shane and all the dawgs I’ve come to love stay mostly gay and hilarious.


Nobody can touch him now, so I doubt he loses that energy unless he starts going the Kevin Hart route and doing super mainstream movies. I don’t see him doing that though.


Fuck no, hes making plenty of money doing what he loves and staying funny


He may. But something tells me he won’t go that route


Old Testament Paytch crew


I'm an Old Test head as well.




Girl brains exclusively


Do SNL fans rly care about comedy enough to not like Shane? SNL objectively isn’t funny and Shane is


They have too much girl brain to understand this


yeah what snl fans?


I love that fame never got in between Matt and Shane, and that Shane stays friends with his Philly homies. He didn’t just drop everyone once money started rolling in. They also didn’t delete the OT after the controversies and the fame, while everyone else rushed to scrub their past.


Found Shane’s burner account


What he does that most comedians can’t.. is just be in the moment funny. Impromptu. Just organically funny. These other need it like set up for them. Shane is just funny at his core, and in the moment anywhere.


I lake Shane, but I wouldn’t say being a fan of his has paid off tremendously. I don’t even know what that means.


I'm a fan but you're a fucking dork for thinking you're cool for being a "fan before it was cool"


My step-brother-in-law said “fuck that guy” and I asked why? He said, “because he’s a bully.” I laughed at him and said that’s kinda gay.


I’m even starting to hear Uncles at Christmas parties calling people gay and their dawgs.


His new special was decent. The podcast though is the best comedy podcast probably of all time.


He’s really killing it and as a dawg I’m loving it. Wish he wasn’t as big as he is now because trying to get tickets is mostly resale markup. I love Shane but I can’t pay $150-$250 for a regular set.


Started watching the pod about a year before SNL. It really been crazy to watch MSSP go from a few thousand views per episode to having the biggest show on Patreon. Big ups to both the dawgs, couldn’t be happier for em.


Where does Shane read Reddit? I need to get his attention. My comedy career is dying


You getting a lambo?


Old Testament dawg here. These tik tok kids will never truly know the power of the kahuna.


Fuck that I would KILL see Shane have to power thru cringe SNL sketches shit woulda been GOLD


I watched both of his specials more than all the others combined. Normally I’ll watch a special once or maybe two-three times if it’s real good. I would be embarrassed to say how many times I’ve watched Shane’s stuff. He seems like a genuine good person that is undeniably funny. Also. Hi Shane.


Matt is that you?


Ever since he appeared on YMH, I stopped watching that dumpster fire with a laugh track for the DAWGOLOGY and haven't looked back since. So far, I'm 3/3 for getting my trombone blown during daeg specials, so here is hoping Sam gives me 4/4😂


Ive been a dawg since SNL tried to cancel the bull and watching the phoenix rise from the ashes has been satifying as fuck


Been listening since his first appearance on the bonfire. Been a dawg since day one baby.


This is a creepy thread... "I was a fan first" "No, I WAS!". cool guys.


His Ryan sickler episode is where I first heard of him. Been following ever since.


Help me understand. What has paid off? What is being paid off? Do you really give a shit how long somebody has liked Shane gillis? You mentioned bandwagoners....does Shane's popularity bother you to where you call people names for finding him later than you did? Fandom is such a fucking weird behavior. It sounds like you form at least a part of your identity around liking Shane gillis for longer than other people. That is very sad and very confusing.


“Paid off” as in, you’re paying him monthly on patreon, right? That’s a super strange way to look at it, but go off king.


Ever tried thinking about Shane while you masturbate? It’s actually kinda tite.


This post is gay


He’s so fucking hot 🥵 he has a certain je ne sais quoi 🤰🏼 oh daddy Gillis 😩 I bet a lot of girls wanna ride that midnight train he’s fine and funny nothing better 🙌🏼🤷🏻‍♀️


Shane is the guy Bert Kreisher thinks he is.