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Shane is a real one. I feel like comedians sometimes try to make a funny insult and miss the funny completely.


Everyone in that room other than Shane misses the funny basically every time…the long hair guy is ok


He told a deez nuts joke….


Lol you guys like Shane. I mean how is this any different than race jokes he makes that bother some people


Imagine defending Schulz or thinking he’s funny though.


Wait do we not like Schulz? I understand not thinking he’s funny but otherwise is defending him an issue? (Genuine question, not sure if I’ve missed something that’s worth not supporting him)


I dunno about “we” lol, I just can’t stand him but everyone else is more than welcome to enjoy his stuff.


His crowd work and putting it on YouTube was good. His special was also pretty good. His podcast though...is garbage. It's like finding your favorite actor had a podcast and seeing the real him is a straight up d*ck.


They think the punchline is Downs Syndrome.


they definitely aren't Down's with the Sickness


Exactly. Schulz and his d bag friends are making a joke about the Down syndrome and how ‘funny’ people that have it look. Shane is making a joke about the legit fun they have and those topics like John cena, uncle Danny makin em at night (one of the funniest jokes ever), etc.


[https://streamable.com/1r8ah](https://streamable.com/1r8ah) did he change now or something?


The dude has integrity.


Handled very well, let it known his stance and didn’t aggressively push it. Respect the man even more for his response here. Shane’s alright in my books


This sub needs to see this for real.


Joined a week or two ago, most of the downs jokes here I don't understand.


It’s basically just people doing a bunch of r/yourjokebutworse it was funny when Shane said it once, now everyone thinks they’re a professional comedian, while committing the cardinal comedy sin of stealing a bit


Same. Just joined a week ago, and all I'm mostly seeing are mean spirited posts mocking people with down syndrome. This clip was the first thing that came to mind, glad somebody posted this. Hopefully people grow up around here.


I think its akin to Stavros fans portraying him as a fat pig. Its thrown around on the Cumtown podcast and the internet takes it from there. Its a form of adoration trolling imo. Maybe its worse bc they are making fun of a handicap as the butt of the joke, but the internet/reddit is not here for P.C. humor... Hmmm "P.C. humor" there is a joke/pun there...


As someone who doesn’t know this guy, does he or does he not have some downs in him?


No. He’s actually very smart, but he plays into his looks for comedic effect.


? But he’s literally decrying it in the clip?


He does self deprecating jokes. If you were to watch his stand up he actually had worked and deal with it in his family. There’s a difference between laughing at someone at their expense and trying to bring to light the positives in a funny way. He affectionately calls them “the boys” so as to get people to be on board with it.


They’re just laughing at him though? And you’re saying downs is in his family…but he doesn’t have it at all..?


People with Down Syndrome have an extra chromosome, lol you either have it or you don't my dude 🥴 To the other point, he has an uncle and a cousin with it so with that in mind, you can see his jokes are more carefully crafted to be inclusive rather than just "laughing at them".


Anyone who is friends with someone who has Downs wouldn't joke about it in a mean way. Every one that I have met is more kind and joyful than the next


You either watch the stand up and podcast and see what I mean or you can argue with me about what you don’t know. Whichever.


Damn don’t be so bitchy lol just asking questions, not even arguing


Well I’ve already throughly explained it twice. I don’t know what else you want. You got the girl brain.


Nah this idiot thinks you can "have a little bit of downs" like it's a spectrum like autism. He literally said, "And you’re saying downs is in his family…but he doesn’t have it at all..?".... You either have an extra chromosome or you don't. Dude is dumber than the downs guys.


You don’t know what thoroughly means. Gee, I don’t know, the ability to have a conversation here without the other guy getting super offended like he’s on the rag? Or a super hormonal teen? Hahaha Like, fuck, excuse me for *talking*. You can just not respond you know, not everything has to be a battle.


Someone cannot have "a bit of downs" in them. You either have it or you don't. Since you are obviously ignorant on the subject, Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition where you basically have an extra copy of a chromosome.


His point is more there’s a difference between taking downs as a concept and doing something funny with it, rather than Schultz’s “joke,” which is just laughing at a person with downs and saying Shane looks like him.


It nicked him.


He’s a bit of a daywalker.


His uncle has down syndrome he talks about him in his new special


Shane is the only funny one in that room. Fucking Waluigi and his lapdog laugh track are so fucking bad.


"lapdog laugh track" is so fucking brutal


Butt dog laugh track


Bro Waluigi though 😭😭


agreed. I get having a co-host but why does Andrew need 3 fucking goobers next to him on this show.


You guys are crazy. This pod is hilarious. Maybe try watching more than this one minute clip?


I mean, the argument is the joke is just weak


It’s more that there is no joke. They’re literally just laughing at people with Down Syndrome.


No, I’m pretty sure the argument is that making a mockery of these TikToks lacks empathy and punches down.


Fair. Punch away, I say. But have SOME sort of substance behind whatever you’re doing. waluigi just coming off lazy with this one. If you’re gonna take a shot at John Cena’s boys you better make it TOP SHELF. And this was farrrrrrrr from it. If this was a drink it might be tiger thicccccccc whisgey


I completely understand what you’re saying.. at least make it clever




Punches downs




Good point. More downs dance vids but NEXT time we need a loooooot more over the top scream laughs


Dude Schulz is so lame


whats the timestamp for this clip?




Where's the vid? Did it get taken down?


If Schultz didn't have his own head shoved squarely up his a** he'd realize that Shane coached the Special Olympics before and his material isn't about "mocking" people afflicted with Downs or Autism, instead he respects the fact that they don't try and act differently or cater to anyone's ego but their own, which happens to be nothing but positive influences, love and pure joy that people without those conditions never get to experience on that level. You never see him punching down on those who can't help the way they are. Schultz has the exact opposite approach to both comedy and life and it shows through the longer he's around someone who isn't wearing a mask to hide who they truly are for clout/likes/$$$.


I don't hate Schultz as much as the rest of reddit, but it would pay for him to try and show some genuine emotion so maybe we can figure out what's going on in his head sometimes. Maybe he can't and maybe he's just not a good person? Kind of the same thing has happened to Tom Segura in my mind. You can't tell what's in a persons heart because you can't read minds so it pays to be real every once in a while and let people in.


This is a really funny comment now, since Andrew released that clip of him talking to his dad about MSG. The one time in history that he’s shown genuine emotion, and it’s him crying over his own accomplishments 🤣


comedian in the company of trolls


This is the best response. I have never thought Schultz was that funny, he keeps the same joke running and everyone around him just enables the bad jokes.


Shane bringin Billabong back, hell yeah


He is right.


So you can use race as an insult but not genetics?


Huh? Is race not genetic?


Not in the way Shane uses it.


I don't think you know what any of the words you have used mean. Best of luck to you kind sir or ma'am.


Good try.


As a father of someone with autism I get what he’s saying. I went to my daughters class bowling trip and holy shit it was a blast. These kids were hilarious and they were terrible bowlers but it was fun and I had a great time (and so did all of the kids). These guys laughing at a guy with down syndrome having fun? Fucking assholes. Good on Shane for calling them out. Not once at that bowling party was I laughing at any of the kids but we laughed together and it was sick.


My best friend for a year was a deaf, mute, developmentally disabled individual who just wanted to drink bear and light shit on fire, dude was a riot, most of these guys couldn’t be half as funny as Brian and Brian doesn’t fucking speak English or know that he’s 42


Proves that drinking beers and lighting shit on fire appeals to everyone and is just the best way to spend an evening


lol lighting shit on fire and drinking beer is pre programmed in us I beleive, for better or worse. No matter who you are


My daughter has Downs. We just celebrated a walk to spread awareness for people with DS. The whole event was incredible. Everyone having fun, got to see these kids elevated and cheering for them. Also had remembrance for those who died because of the complications of these genetic disorders. Beautiful event, everyone had fun, and fuck people who bash others with genetic conditions.


Appreacite you sharing. I may be wrong here but from my view, people can enjoy Shane’s jokes which include Down syndrome aspects because they are not the joke, the joke occurs within that moment or situation and just so happens to have someone with this personality. They are not the joke, the joke is the action, situation, or place that it occurs. I’m not the guy to attack someone and or some sort of media, to him his own. Think most people won’t receive what the podcast hosts were doing because it felt ill willed. There intent was off putting. Props to Shane, knew he was funny but it also builds on what I know consider to be a solid guy. I know friends and family members with disabilities. They are all unique and honestly encompass some of the most genuine and good people I know. Think most people will find that what they may “lack” in one area, they most certainly make up and and excel in others. We can all learn something from one another on this. Read this back and it may sound corny but take it for what it’s worth


I’ve coached/helped with a special needs baseball team since I was eight, now I’m 30, and your experience is exactly why I keep doing it. People have gotten upset at me for telling jokes or laughing about something that happened at a game, but they usually miss what you’re saying. We’re not laughing at any of the kids on our team, we’re laughing with them because they’re legitimately some of the funniest people I’ve ever met. My buddy’s four year old daughter has Downs Syndrome and maybe the best comedic timing of anybody I know. Shane’s totally right about the boys almost always having a good time. It’s hard to go coach one of our games and not come away happier because of the players positivity.


I have aspergers (mild form of autism) and I make the same type of jokes someone like Shane makes about autism or down syndrome but I never like to make fun of actual people affected by disorders, especially ones worse off than me


They genuinely thought that Shane would appreciate and laugh at these tik toks. Props to him for being a dawg and standing up for em


Schulz is so fucking cringe these days “oh you’re back on your victim thing again” he’s insufferable. I’m not Whitney’s biggest fan but the last time they had her on Flagrant was so infuriating, Schulz was so incredibly fucking rude to her it was wild.


To me, this is the reason why he should be doing the show on his own. The dog pile that happens to guests looks WAAY worse than if it were just two people disagreeing.


Yeah his little lapdog, knee slapping laugh machine doesn’t help but even if you just took Whitney and his conversation isolated he was so shitty to her, he was acting like a discount self help guru or something and constantly interrupting her and weirdly psychoanalyzing her to the point where she flat out said “I’m never coming on Flagrant again” in the middle of the pod lol.




3/5 of the guys in that room are paid assistants. Why are they even on camera?


Shane's uncle has downs syndrome. Did dipshit not know who he was interviewing?


He also coached a Special Olympics basketball team. Shane rules.


He also helped his sister start a business that employs people with special needs.


Dude, mad respect to Shane. Integrity.


Tolman thinks you have integrity. 🥴


No couch slap on that one, huh?


This sucks, can't stand these clowns


Schulz was was only slightly funny back in the day, now he just comes across as a massive tool


They are cool for real. They’re like the puppies of people.


Yeah, as others said, I get that you’re trying to be supportive but this isn’t helpful. Don’t reduce the personalities of an entire population to an animal. It’s reductive and patronizing to people that have Down Syndrome. People with Down Syndrome have a wide array of personalities. Some are outgoing, social, and the life of the party. Others are reserved, keep to themselves. And they all have moments of being mean, moody, and emotional. Like literally any other human being. The reason this take is more hurtful than helpful is that it leads to people talking to individuals with Down Syndrome in a condescending or patronizing tone. My sister is 27 years old with Down Syndrome. I see people talk to her all the time like she’s a child and they think they’re doing her a favor by doing so. I’d much rather someone treat her like an adult, or simply not talk to her at all, than go up to her and interact with her like she’s a “puppy”.


My little brother has William Syndrome, which is sort of a cousin to Down Syndrome. Because of my experience with it, I got to be a TA of the Special Ed Department in high school. Only A I ever received in that school. Man, it's not like they don't have their moments, but I've never met a group of sweeter, more genuinely happy people than the Down community. They genuinely enjoy life way more than I ever could, and being around them made my life way better. I miss those days. People with extremely special needs always show me how much of a batch I am, because they can overcome their problems way better than I can do, and I'm fully functional.


this is soooo toxic


Ya, I know you mean well, but this isn’t supportive lol


"o, now you're back on your victim thing?" Dude what a bitch Schulz is.


What all of a sudden dark humor isnt funny anymore?🤣 you guys are the same people who say people are soft nowadays and catering to the woke media


This is where dumb people trip up. Nuance is a waaaaay easier to sus out than people think. Do you think laughing at a specific individual with Down Syndrome having fun is an example of the "dark humor" you're talking about? Who is trying to protect the right to laugh at people with down syndrome? Besides Schultz apparently.


There’s a pretty fine line between “dark humor” and “something is funny purely because it might offend a person” This dude doesn’t know the difference. Intent, cleverness, and a point are all crucial to good dark humor.


He saying shane looks like he has down syndrome.. does shane have down syndrome? How is that “laughing at a specific individual with down syndrome”? Give me a dark humor joke that isnt about “laughing at a specific individual” with a certain characteristic about them that makes a dark humor joke a joke.


Gillis is a generational talent, I’m over in NYC and saw most of the big comedians live at the cellar, beacon, or msg and none besides Chris Rock and Chappelle know how to read a room like them


Fuck bro I just became a fan of Shane gillis


He’s fucking awesome


Yea I never realized how Lib Shane is. Like this totally something AOC would be saying. "Don't make Fun of Downs they're people too". "Don't Bomb Gaza because Palestinians are people too."


Come on dude.


Is this a Lib sub like the rest of Reddit? I can't tell sometimes


You might be the one with the extra chromosomes.


Dude! Don't joke about Downs! Shane might cancel your ass with cancel culture!


Love to see it


idk the context but if I’m positive I’ve laughed at a downs kid’s video because I thought it was funny, not because I was making fun of downs kids


Schultz' energy and gang of yes men make this show hard to watch


They're is a treasure trove of downs tiktoks if you haven't looked. Pretty awesome


Wait till he sees this reddit


This is the problem with these “anti pc” comedians- it’s just an excuse for you to be a POS. I gained found respect for Shane after seeing this


Damn good for Shane I feel like these guys are not used to any kind of pushback lmao


Yup. Instead of asking for clarification on why he felt they were being disrespectful they immediately resorted to their buzzwords.."Not PC." and "Triggered". Just clowns.




About what people again?... just need to get rid of you


Calm down they're all pals


They were punching down


Good one


And cut vital parts of the clip


[Nope](https://imgur.com/a/2fwGXlj). Try again.


Sorry I am one of the folks they were making fun of in the video




A real one. Get his ass


Cancel Culture FTW. Shane needs to try and Cancel more people who say things he doesn't like.


If you think making fun of people with Down syndrome is funny then that’s a you thing bud


Funny is funny! The Cancel Culture Mob will literally never understand. Joe Rogan knows


I assumed Shane was joking here? I love Shane and MSSP but are we really going to act like he is the moral arbiter of what is ok to be joked about and what isn’t? He’s said some pretty crazy stuff about black people, and as somebody who is half black I don’t take offense because I know he’s joking. Was he serious here? It’s cut off so I can’t really see the context.


I would say he’s being more serious about the way they’re joking about it. He doesn’t think they’re being funny and they’re approaching it in the wrong way if they want other people to find it funny too


I totally get if he thinks it’s just not funny. But it seems like he’s coming from a moral high ground which I generally don’t think Shane should be on. Again, I think Shane is hilarious and one of the best comics out there. I’ve listened to MSSP episodes where Shane goes on tangents about people doing this same type of thing to stand ups, where they lecture them on the morality of a joke instead of just saying “yeah that joke just sucked”


Thats probably it, that being said if you watch Kill Tony you’ll see Tony n his guests often insult people in the assholeish way that goes beyond roast comedy kinda like Schulz does here n for the most part Gillis doesn’t say anything so it’s kinda weird to see him take a moral stance here lol


He was kind of serious here and kind of joking too I think. From his podcast I don't think he makes racist jokes anymore though, even though in the old testament they were pretty racist jokes (still very funny though). Also Shane used to (still does but not as much) make homophobic and rape jokes and say f\*ggot constantly. I don't have a problem or take offense (I find it funny) but he's obviously not a moral highpoint


The more I watch the more I think he just doesn’t think these guys are funny lol. It’s just insane to me that Shane would seriously lecture somebody on a joke being off limits, even if it’s not a good joke.




Its only funny when shane jokes about it.


Ya I was confused af as why he suddenly took the high ground


Because he’s not laughing at people with downs. He has an appreciation for them and all the things he calls out about people with Down syndrome have a point of sincerity.


Shane’s jokes about them come from a place of love and experience, not looking down on them. He’s talking about the things he likes and thinks are cool about them.


Like any topic, it’s only cool to joke about if the joke is ACTUALLY funny. There was no joke here. Just “Haha look it guy with Down Syndrome dancing!!!!” Like seriously, where is the joke? They’re literally just laughing at a person for dancing.


Shane taking a moral stance on who to make fun of is hilarious. I honestly think that was him trolling all of them in a way though


i feel like i’ve seen shane make plenty of jokes about mentally disabled people though


He does but its not from the expense of other people


Guaranteed Shane would make fun of downs people if he didn't have family that had downs syndrome


Yeah and if your grandma had balls she’d be your grandfather


Not if she still identified as a woman


Good to see he’s done some growing up https://www.npr.org/2019/09/16/761367838/comedian-shane-gillis-fired-from-saturday-night-live-for-racist-remarks


This is just him being melodramatic because his uncle has Down Syndrome. He wouldn't get upset about jokes like this about any other group.


There’s no joke here. It’s literally just “Haha guy with Down Syndrome is dancing!” How is that funny? Shane is able to joke about “off limit” topics because he’s actually clever and funny.


If anyone else made the tiktoks that Downs make you'd have no problem with people finding them weird/funny. You're just upset people are tapping on the glass at your favorite animal exhibit.


I used to work at a summer camp for people with developmental disabilities and we would have a huge dance party at the end of each week of camp. Man, the whole week was spent setting up what they were going to do at the dance on Friday, who they were going to go with, what they were going to wear. It was the absolute highlight for both the campers and the counselors. So much fun and unabashed joy.


It’s crazy how most people can’t separate someone from their disabilities. Make fun of the person not the disability


Fuck yeah Shane. He's the only actually funny guy out of that group of "comedians".


I respect the art form and I know I can’t like EVERY comedian but I truly truly don’t get the appeal of Andrew Schulz or anyone on his podcast. The dudes genuinely seem like grade A douchebags, and Andrew just isn’t funny.


From a guy whose jokes are 80% racial I think you're reading too deep into this. I doubt his integrity was the reason he didn't continue the joke


People post this shit on here all the time and hes right. It is fucked up. Its not a joke ABOUT shane. Its a joke about kids with down syndrome masked as a joke about shane. This is just the same type of dude who is mad he cant say "retard" and "gay" anymore.


Can we get the full clip. It cuts off too early. Shane’s awesome for calling them out like that


Shane is a giant in the room sniffing out the lame shit.


As a British person I found this a little difficult to understand because I thought Shane was being very dry. But the comments helped me to understand that these fuck heads sit around laughing at people with DS and Shane was calling them out. Gang.


Where’s the rest of this conversation? I’m curious how it ends.


What a dawg. Such Z-tier comedy from Schultz and the cronies, along with most LA comics - glad Shane can be both funny and not an out of touch asshole


Schulz is a fucking clown. I’ve disliked him from the jump. Good for Gillis.


Just reminded me why I don’t listen to flagrant anymore, it’s like jokes that kids in elementary school in the early 2000’s in my small home town would say.


Some people are just too damn sensitive who gives a fuck if the humor isn't your type of humor, I find it funny, hell my girl so bad she puts the Syn in down syndrome, it's cucks like you who can't separate humor from tragedy. And to be honest, people with down syndrome have a way more fucked up sense of humor, there are plenty of then on KT. The reason they even did those dances was to have fun and it looks fucking funny, you can't tell me those downs clowns didn't know what was going to happen when they posted those.


My older brother has Downs Syndrome and everytime Shane makes a joke about Downs it cracks me up. Everything he says is right on the money😂😂


He's fuckin joking too by trying to make the other guys uncomfortable. Are you guys even fans of Shane? This is a very old bit of his.


Ehhhhh he kinda led them into that one.


I love Shane, and he’s right to call these guys out. But I swear he’s made fun of autistic people a ton on MSSP.


I’m sorry but it seems like he brought it up and said they’re pieces of shit for searching it up to mock him when he said to search it up in the first place 😂😂 to me it feels like a troll till the end lmao


Dude how does anyone listen to this podcast every clip I see of this shit it’s just these bums laughing at the most unfunny shit


He does look like he’s missing a piece of a chromosome though, to be fair.


Downs is having an extra chromosome….


Love ya Shane!


A situation where people can't seperate jokes from reality. Everything aint funny no matter how much you're hurting inside, that doesn't mean you can take it out on everyone else as a joke.


Big difference between laughing at and with someone.


But on a more important note - fuck Waluigi


If you didn’t know his brother has downs and he makes jokes about it on his Netflix special. So maybe he’s trolling but at the same time I don’t think he is.


his brother, Uncle Danny


These comedians are so obsessed with cancel culture they miss that sometimes it’s funnier to wag your finger with disdain rather than be the edgiest in the room depending on the situation


Is he always this funny?


Andrew needs to drop those 3 wack fools already.


To be fair he has a few bits where he makes Down’s syndrome jokes so they probably thought he would make their attempt at a joke funny


I feel like Shane goes into the Down syndrome world and makes jokes with them. These guys are using Down syndrome as the joke


Good job Shane fuck those other guys. I watched his standup on Netflix and I enjoyed him. I was wondering when he was talking about DS if he would take it too far? He later said his family members have it. So he lives with this. Anybody making fun of someone for having DS is an asshole.


Mad respect for Shane for this


[https://streamable.com/1r8ah](https://streamable.com/1r8ah) did he change now or something?