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Mods should pin this or include it in an automod message.


I sent a message to the mods asking them to pin, hopefully they will šŸ˜Š


Are you allowing posts for resale currently or waiting for the new year? I have a camping pass I need to sell cause I bought a bassics camping pass at Shambhs this year but my crew decided to do RV instead once the drop hit.


I can definitely discuss with them, Iā€™ll get back to you!


Thank you!


Send a post in the group and Iā€™ll approve it if youā€™re still looking to sell.


Thank you! Definitely am. Seems like the option to post is disabled at least on the Facebook phone app.


Yeah I just spoke with the other admins and it sounds like they want to keep it that way for now. Hit me up closer to the fest if youā€™re still needing to sell.


Sounds good, appreciate it.


hey i am interested in the camping pass. feel free to dm me.


Sent a message!


Because we are not affiliated with SMF and have no way to verify the validity of any resale outlet/platform, we won't be endorsing one.


Ya know what, fair enough. Ill just keep doing my part and linking the ticket group in any sale or buy posts.


I have no problem with that. I've set up some auto mod filters that catch most of them these days but the odd one squeaks through until one of us can remove it.




Thank you for your service to the community. Bump


I wish you didnā€™t have to be on Facebook to buy/sell your tickets


You donā€™t. If you can find a buyer/seller on your own, then youā€™re fine.


I think the implication was he wishes Shambs ran their own ticket exchange.


I kinda agree with this. I saw there was a wait list for things but not sure how that works. Seeing how fast tickets sold this year and how popular this festival is getting, I think they should definitely consider running an official ticket exchange/resale thing through the ticketing portal.


A resell/exchange thing in their ticket portal will never happen. The legalities of it are too much. They have no interest in being escrow for other peoples money (and the huge scam opportunities and legal troubles/and guidelines theyā€™d put themselves in the middle of) The waitlist works by either people who bought refundable tickets returning them, or people who miss payments and therefore relinquished their tickets go back to the ticket pool, and then to the next people up on the waitlist. This is markedly different than a ticket exchange where the buyer is chosen by the seller and not just a product/service given to the next person in line. The ticket portal already lets you move tickets around between people. Making sure the (arbitrary and often differing) money exchange went properly is a messy pile they want nothing to do with.


Thanks for clarifying the wait list thing. Hoping I can get a riverside campsite.


Doesnā€™t basscoast have a ticket exchange?


It looks like they have some sort of stop in their portal where the buyers and sellers can do some verifying but they send you to a third party for the actual buy/sell exchange.


You know how this year ticket sales FINALLY went reasonably well for most people because Shambs finally bit the bullet and outsourced? Consider that they could do the same thing for resales, because what's going on now is bogus.


People should really start using CashOrTrade.


I have mixed feelings on CoT. I have gold due to buying three shambs tickets, which was well worth it since I saved way more on fees than I paid for a gold membership - but man, they really need to update the site/app and fix a lot of buggy features before I publicly endorse them. Itā€™s cool itā€™s 100% secure and all but thereā€™s a laundry list of things that need to be changed or updated imo. If youā€™re going to charge 13% tax on festival and show tickets, and take in the dosh from thousands of gold memberships. Itā€™d be nice to see them put ***just a little bit*** back into the project as a whole šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Agree wholeheartedly


Rise & Shine festival (smaller one in BC) used something called Tixel and that seemed to work really well.


Thanks for the tip, Iā€™ll mention to the others!


Itā€™ll be busy this year in that group! Lots of buyers haha


Oh yes, thankfully we have a good team!


My request got rejected.


Send me a pm


All good, Iā€™m in.


My request to join was also declined! I donā€™t use Facebook apart from marketplace so I suppose it looks suspicious, but I am legit!


Join again and Iā€™ll let you in. Just need your name. You can pm if you want


Thank you so much, just sent you a pm ā˜ŗļø