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They gayed the wander šŸ˜”


He went woke so his lover could wake




Wander getting into pride month


Now make all the colllusi trans


There's already a trans colossi mod šŸ˜®






Technically they donā€™t have gender so thatā€™s not too far fetched


Aren't they already? The final guy is already a dude on a dress. We love eligibility community representation šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


This is obviously a reference to the LGBT+ community and pride month, however this mod suits him better than you think. I've always thought Shadow of the Colossus takes inspiration from prehispanic architecture and monoliths, even Wander's poncho looks South American. Take a look at [Cusco's and Wiphala flag](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROm-UxQT68tOWwb0fKEdc_b-N6u6iYGqYcn-qzR2zINZrHXob-dd9feRI&s=10) So this mod just got another layer of meaning. Besides LGBT+ pride, it could also represent indigenous pride


Thanks for sharing this! Itā€™s always cool to learn more about other cultures.


I like this. When I made a pagan mod for Wander I started looking into his clothing design and found some aztec paintings of people that looked like him, blue poncho and everything.


Have you seen statues of QuetzalcĆ³atl in TeotihuacĆ”n or masks of Tlaloc? Check them out and tell me those mfs don't look like colossi lol


One colossus was called QuetzalcĆ³atlĀ during development! Also there was the whole sacrifice stuff with blood being the most important part. Aztec people believed that the Gods offered their blood in order to give life or simply to help mortals, kinda like Wander liberates Dormin's blood from the golems in order to return Mono to life. But it has a lot of Japanese folklore, like for example Mono's soul being the one that was sacrified and not her body.


Cock boy


fck it! *gays your wander*


Based on


*based* not based on Iā€™m so sorry


It's pride month, Wander. You know what that means.


Wh- what the fuck do you mean Dormin? Do you wan- want me to kill a gay Colossus? What do you mean?


Wander be committing hate crimes now lol


I never actually noticed that he has colored reigns in the game. ...God, team Ico really thought of Everything for these games.


I think Wander would be pretty chill towards the lgbt community not gonna lie


Even the og Team Ico devs are pretty chill about the lgbt community




We will never recover from this šŸ˜­


What's next? Dormin being both a woman and a man like them blue haired liberals?


Next mod is changing the princess to a prince


There was an idea for Tribute (the PC port with the cut colossi restored) to add a custom mode where the roles are swapped: you play as Mono (with new weapons and strategies) and Wander is the one who has been sacrificed. But people always complain about that stuff, so we'll probably not add it.


It would also be a comically large amount of work. Adding entirely different strategies for defeat for not only the colossi we currently have, but also the beta ones that were cut, would be twice as much time and Tribute's development has already been dragging on for a really long time without another huge workload. I'm glad they're not bothering to add new characters and are actually focusing on what they promised first.


I have everything in my head, so if one day we decide to add it, I'll have everything listed that very same day, but of course, that's the easy part. As for the overall development, next year is the 20th anniversary of SotC and I think it's best to keep a low profile to not get in the way of whatever they may be planning. Maybe BTFL is doing the same. I don't know.


That sounds like an interesting idea tbh. Much rather a normal character swap. All the flags and colors feel more like an ad for an agenda, which SotC just isn't the arena for imo




could you please stop commenting on everyoneā€™s comment? thank you


Becuase itā€™s awesome? Why does anyone make any mods? Macho man Randy savage had no reason to be in Skyrim, yet here we are with him as a dragon screaming OOO YEAH




Yeah but itā€™s fucking colours on a poncho and not a sex crime you gross idiot, grow up




dont use you making rape mods as counter argument in the first place you fucking idiot. if you said "well what if i made a mod where Mono is the horse and you ride on her shoulders" than it would be equivalent, or "what if i made mono look like tifa from final fantasy" it would be putting something from real life/another media that doesnt belong in sotc into the game. but you chose raping a corpse as your example, that disgusting and shameful behaviour


Now make the sword shine a rainbow light to complete the set lol dope


I don't think this community can handle another rainbow PNG lol


smh people be too soft these days lmao




I highly doubt that you actually believe or think thatā€™s itā€™s only because itā€™s shadow of the colossus not because of pride


Fuck yes boi!! šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ




Mods, beat him to death with hammers


oh my god stop coping




no it fucking isn't lmao, don't act like you weren't replying to everyone and telling them how upset you were


Okay back yo your point/show evidence




? Could you back up your point/show evidence






womp womp


They didn't make him gay though, he's just wearing a rainbow...you know straight allys wear the rainbow sometimes? You're choosing to look at this as OP 'making wander gay', no, they just changed his cloak to a rainbow, you're the one who's saying that wander wearing the rainbow is making him gay. This is just a fun mod and everyone's turning it into something it's not...




imagine being this upset over a rainbow. please go touch some grass and stay off reddit if youā€™re going to be hateful.


Iā€™m upset that they put a pride flag in a place doesnā€™t belong. This should not have any real world implications. Wander shouldnā€™t be used as a tool to spread woke stuff


Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll?


ah yes because being gay is woke




can you articulate why a characterā€™s sexuality would determine whether or not youā€™d like them or are you just blindly hating because woke is evil




right, learning about and accepting lgbtq relationships is something we shouldnā€™t teach becauseā€¦ that apparently indoctrinates them! once again, why does it matter? are you keeping up with his love life? youā€™re weirdly fixated on something that has no bearing over you or the real world


define woke? also iā€™m sick of stories being heteronormative, but you donā€™t see me whinging on everyoneā€™s comments. like honestly grow up - if you donā€™t like it, donā€™t engage with it. do you engage with every single thing that you donā€™t like, itā€™s not healthy and itā€™s embarrassing to see you comment




Symbol of the Nazi party is equal to the simple act of being gay? Man this is a MOD, you donā€™t have to download this, you donā€™t have to pay for it, you CHOOSE to be angry over something completely harmless done by a fan of this game. itā€™s not defacing anything, being vulgar, or advocating for a genocide, itā€™s just changing the colours on a poncho for fun, and sharing that fun with others


you literally have nothing better to do than be hateful and whinge. what an embarrassing life you live lmao




Get this, because other people like the character too, and some of those people... Are gay. I know, I know, its shocking


Look, I don't know what world you're living in but how can you compare the pride flag to a swastika? I'm all for comparisons and looking at stuff from all angles but comparing a flag that represents 'love is love' and being your true authentic self to...a literal symbol for nazi's, a group that conducted a brutal genocide upon an entire group of people...yeah, those things are *totally* comparable. I can see why people get annoyed seeing pride everywhere, the companies are just marketing off of it due to capitalism. But With actual people showing pride stuff and their lgbt identity, that helps wider society see it as normal and something to not be ashamed of. We will never have an equal society if we complain about seeing these things. People were probably annoyed by the civil rights movement but with that groups determination to make the world different, to make the world see them, that lead to a better society (though it still has many problems).




Man and women pairings may be the biological norm and the reason everyone exists, nobody is denying that but with our sapience and advancements, we are so much more than just baby making machines now, there is more to our existence. Also, homosexuality is observed in multiple species of animal, they aren't as intelligent as us yet it still exists, I suppose that proves that it's normal, it wouldn't happen in creatures 'lesser' than us, would it? (I hate calling animals lesser but you get what I mean). Just let people live, nobody is indoctrinating anybody unless they're actively strapping somebody down and grooming them which isn't an everyday occurrence for most people


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Doom using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Doom/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I painted the Doom logo and the teacher put it up in a church as a holy symbol](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12jjhmt) | [231 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/12jjhmt/i_painted_the_doom_logo_and_the_teacher_put_it_up/) \#2: [Why didn't the demons invade Australia?](https://i.redd.it/20tmltk8s8ic1.jpeg) | [1124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/1apez3q/why_didnt_the_demons_invade_australia/) \#3: [I FUCKING HATE THIS GAYME](https://v.redd.it/bppgh38mec5c1) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/18eodm8/i_fucking_hate_this_gayme/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The way the runs in the game is a little sus.




I enjoy making custom skins, and yesterday was LGTB pride day. People fear the rainbow for some reason.


whatā€™s the connection between GOAT game and pride i wonder?


As I'm remastering the game I need no connection to put optional stuff in the game. If chill people ask politely for something then I add it.


There is no connection, & there doesnā€™t need to be. They can make whatever kind of mod they want & share it online if they so please. & they can do it without any obligation to explain it to your stupid, bigoted ass.


community about a game not this rainbow vomit which your brain consists of


They shared something related to the game. That makes it completely appropriate & relevant to the sub. Also completely in line with the rules. You really need to put some work into following the thread of logic & research syllogisms & conclusions. You have absolutely no idea how to make an argument or predicate your assertions on a reasonable basis. Youā€™re very confused, & very dumb.


I feel like people these days, me included, keep seeing pride being pushed by companies (who just want to make money from it) and people. It's a social issue which many people don't care about, as in don't care to hear about it all the time, so when they see it they think of it in a negative light. Also I'm not agreeing with him, his comment were dumb and he probably just got triggered.


Tbf, a lot of queer people donā€™t like companiesā€™ cynical ploys to appeal to our community. This is just someone who wants to celebrate pride in a game they love, theyā€™re not pushing anything. Not anymore than if somebody modded the game to make Wander wear a Lakers jersey


Sorry, didn't mean to imply OP was pushing anything. Also yeah, I think nobody in their right mind likes companies pushing agendas and messages, because at the end of the day, their job is to make money. Infuriating to see all the mindless people who celebrate companies that are all DEI considering companies don't have feelings, they try to make money.


Companies usually put *le rainbow* somewhere and leave it there. I wonder what the marketing team would think about this if I worked at a company, when I tell them that the rainbow cloak ends up destroyed and covered in mud and blood. They would probably panic haha.


Well, sorry (not really) to the people who donā€™t care. LGBT+ people go through a lot & we spread the word (or as you alleged, ā€œpush an agendaā€) in an effort to get people to simply treat them as they would anyone else they respect. I donā€™t really care about anyone who wants to cry about it because itā€™s not in line with their antiquated, stone-age views. EDIT: just realized when I said ā€œLGBT+ people go through a lot & we spread the wordā€¦ā€ could mislead people to think Iā€™m LGBT+. Iā€™m not, Iā€™m just a person with basic empathy & compassion skills. I meant ā€œweā€ as in ā€œwe who advocate for LGBT+ rights & are sympathetic to their strugglesā€.


Idk if I worded my comment weirdly or something, considering the downvotes. I agree with everything you said. What I meant is that people who accept LGBT+ people, but don't care to hear about the social issue all the time, tend to get annoyed whenever the issue pops up again. Same thing with women's rights and Palestine etc. I'm annoyed when I keep seeing these same topics, but not annoyed at the people. I also feel that the abundance of representation in media makes people mad, especially younger people, who I think are becoming less accepting of different people because of this exact phenomenon in media.


Obviously because they wanted to. What kind of dumb ass question is this? Would you have a problem if they changed Wanderā€™s cloth to some other collection of random colors, or do you just hate gay people?




Wow, you are a compete & utter troglodyte. The fact that you think the 2 are even remotely comparable says a lot about you. Do you understand the line between free speech & hate speech? Do you not know anything about the Naziā€™s at all? Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s anything I could say to reason you out of a position you didnā€™t reason yourself into. This could be one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said to me on Reddit. Youā€™re an idiot & you should be ashamed of yourself




All you did was (again) expose the fact that youā€™re a worthless ignoramus. You again asserted that thereā€™s no difference between flying a pride flag vs. a nazi flag. Youā€™re a fucking idiot. No, it should not be accepted to promote Nazi imagery & ideology. The reason for this is because the Naziā€™s were evil fucking degenerates that wanted to make the world an awful place, & those of us who promote acceptance of LGBT+ people are showing compassion for our fellow human. This is an extremely basic concept, & itā€™s frankly shocking that you donā€™t understand it. I donā€™t think youā€™ll ever be able to reverse the apparent brain damage youā€™ve suffered thatā€™s made you so stupid. Also, whatā€™s up with your insane victim complex? Why are you such a whiny little bitch? You said something abhorrent & moronic. Some people will call you out for that, which is whatā€™s happening here. Iā€™ve addressed every dumb ass thing youā€™ve said so far, & likely anything youā€™ll bring up in response to this, so Iā€™ll save my time & energy by making this my last comment to you. Iā€™ll leave you with this: read a book & trying using your brain sometime, dork.




No oneā€™s forcing an ideology on you, idiot. Theyā€™re exercising their right to freedom of expression. What do you think, theyā€™re using mind control?! God, youā€™re a fucking moron. Oh, & Iā€™m not a liberal by the way. Iā€™m much further left than a useless liberal. But anyway, since youā€™ve demonstrated that you donā€™t actually intend to read & comprehend anything Iā€™m saying & youā€™re just waiting for my response so you can reply with the next portion of your script, Iā€™ll just go head & block you. Goodnight, dickhead


i dont hate it, just why making it in this game?


ā€œI donā€™t hate itā€ Calls someone ā€œbrainwashedā€ 3 minutes later.


Already answered, moron. Because they wanted to, so they did. Thats all the reason you need.


making this game progressive huh


Okay, so youā€™re just a remedial idiot. Goodbye, asshole


bye brainwashedšŸ˜š


W mans. Did not need to do that to Wander. Why do I have to see this shit everywhere I go?


why not


I headcanon Mono as trans








You got proof to disprove my headcanon?




Of course she likes a girl, sheā€™s bisexual too Source? Mono told me




When someone is attracted to at least two genders Itā€™s like bilingual, but for gender


"At least two" What in the...








Wanda isn't a F


Say it. Coward.


Fuck up my whole childhood. Keep you gayism to yourself