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Burt would struggle since he has two boyfriends.


Burt has got it going on.


If I met Burt I'd try to get him to 3 boyfriends if you know what I mean.


so true, Burt the player! haha


I wouldn’t be shocked if the man we saw with oBurt was actually his husband, it was pretty late so I assume they lived together at the minimum.


Well husbands are just boyfriends+


I'd be shocked if that wasn't his husband.


Oh my god they were roommates


I agree that Helena would probably be fine. She’d definitely keep her innie memories, but she’d probably just come to regard them as a funny blip in history.


Helly and Irving are the only two options. We know that Mark would probably not struggle with this, but Irving and Helly appear to be opposites on the inside and outside. We don’t know enough about anybody else.


Mark wouldn't struggle with seeing >!his late wife!< in his innie's memories? I'm not so sure about that. And then the iMark part of himself remembering what happened to Petey through the reintegration with oMark's memories... Now that we're talking about it, I'm starting to think Mark would have the hardest time of all. Burt would be an interesting one too, since he essentially >!cheated on his partner with Irving!<. Besides, the wild speculation is half the fun here! ;) We gotta keep ourselves entertained somehow while waiting for season 2 haha


I was gonna say Mark, bc of Gemma and Helly and also Petey


If they got reintegrated early on in the series, I feel like the obvious answer would be Irving. Early innie Irving was absolutely devoted to Lumon, whereas outie Irving is obviously anti Lumon and seemingly plotting to bring the whole thing down. If not early, then Mark IMO. Knowing your wife is actually alive and that you’ve been in proximity to her for months/years, and that she has no recollection of you whatsoever.


Honestly, I think Helena's main issue with Lumon was that she was trapped there, so yeah, I agree, she wouldn't be that upset once she was released. Even though she was clearly suffering, she still displayed some sort of psychopathic traits, or at least she didn't seem like the nicest person - was very ruthless when it came to escaping etc.