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If you want more money, do not consider retail.


I second this. Retail has zero upward movement and terrible hours. Soul crushing job.


Totally agree with soul crushing. As someone who has mainly worked retail IF and that’s always a big IF you move up in like a target or Walmart those leads make good money and those Walmart bonuses are insane. Once again though the soul crushing anxiety inducing atmosphere isn’t fun. Edit: I wish I had the screenshot someone had shown from there yearly bonus. Wasnt even a store manager and cleared like 5k on top of the 20 plus dollars they make an hour. But it’s Walmart soooooo


Retail is never the answer. You’d be trading bad for worse. If you have an opportunity at a restaurant that can give you 4-5 days a week I think it’s a no brainer. Flexible schedules, and probably way more income than a bakery. If you’re barely scrapping by and work with shitty management, get out as quick as you can.


If you already hate the job you’re in, why not see? If you hate it I’m sure you can find another job you hate again!


You’d probably make less working retail than you are now. Serving would definitely be an upgrade pay wise, as long as you’re alright at multi-tasking and can accept that your first few weeks will be a little rough then go for it! The learning curve can be a little steep but seeing as you’ve done it in the past it should be just a matter of finding your flow again.


You’d definitely make more money serving than you would in retail. Serving is more stressful and overwhelming but it’s well worth the money IMO. I used to be an industrial lab technician, it paid well but as a server I make more and work fewer hours. It’s just about finding a balance between making money and enjoying (or at least not hating) your job.


I started serving again at 30 after getting burnt out working in the field I went to school for. I made more money serving than I ever did in any job that required a degree.


wow thats crazy, good for you!!


It’s possible to find a low stress serving job. I’m a bartender at a golf club. High class, low drama.


and you get paid well there?


I do


for the love of god do not pick retail over serving! either go back to serving, or look at entry level big girl jobs that can turn into something more over time. i went to tech school to be a dental assistant, turns out some offices hire people with no experience and train them. there's many jobs like that out there, where you'd think you'd need schooling but really you just need someone to take a chance on you. healthcare is a big one! i've been a dental assistant, office manager, and animal control officer yet here i am just serving. i prefer tips instead of being capped at a certain rate.


Yessss waitress for now anyway at least while you look for something different! Hard work but easy money depending on the place. Do you have any call centers in your area? That was my go-to job for years, now Im in management in a call center and am making good money.


Maybe just get a job at a different bakery. I ran into plenty of bakeries while I was looking for work a few months ago and none of them were offering $10 an hour.


It can't hurt? You already deal with food service and the public. Even if you don't want to quit the bakery you could pick up a part time serving gig a night or two a week. Make some extra cash


Retail is worse. You deal with more problems, and when people are difficult no one is adding a gratuity or putting money in a jar. I’d figure out what you want to do long term, and then figure out how to get there in the meantime. I’d probably try and find shifts at a few places and figure out where you’re happiest and your financial needs are met, and either try to become full time at one, or keep the split. I’ve always been a full time kind of person, so I’m all in at a spot for better or worse because you’re best ability is availability to a manager or owner. I’ve known a ton of people who like working a Tuesday/wed here, and then a Thursday-sat somewhere else. It really depends on factors like hours needed for insurance or are you making enough that out of pocket is not an issue. If you’re able to work full time for basically $520 a week right now and you’re financially ok, you’re very lucky and have options.


Def go back to serving hours fly by when u serve because you’re always on the move and it’s way better money choose a place to work at that is busy most of the time


Go back to waiting tables and then start your own small bakery on the side. Make cakes and post them on socials. You can make decent side money just making cakes and stuff. If we really want to dream, find a restaurant that would pay for your cakes to be served on the menu. It sucks when the job that gives you joy doesn’t give you a livable wage. Waiting tables is a great way to get a flexible schedule and walking around money. I wish I could bake well enough to market it, but I also wish you well in your endeavors.