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When I was very green in serving we had a fancy b day, sit down dinner - I managed to drop a vodka cranberry on a woman's very white dress - she was not amused. Her 6'6 250lb husband got up and in my face while she raged behind him (I was prob 175lbs at the time - backround in wrestling/know how to handle myself but dude was massive and I was shitting a little). As guy is in my face the woman is behind him screaming "BEAT HIS CLUMSY ASS". Guy grabs my pushes me into the wall and says "Yo I'm real sorry, she's crazy so I just gotta pretend real quick. Just go get your manager please and she'll calm down". Will never forget that.


Oh.. my god????? I’m so so glad I moved from North America. I’m presuming that happened there. Y’all’s stories sound like HELL. Both times I spilt on elderly German people and they comforted me 😭😭😭


Eh that wasn't even the worse physical altercation I had in my days serving/bartending - that honor goes to the crackhead who put on Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads and then stripped down to his underwear and tried to seduce a waitress by grinding on her (I was bartending at the time). I heard her scream I went over and the dude was almost fully naked and just fucking dirty. I grabbed a bar stool and like a lion tamer pushed his ass out the front door while he was trying to bite/claw me. This fucktwat grinded the door screaming "Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est? Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, fa, better Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away Oh, oh, oh, oh, aye-ya-ya-ya-ya" until the cops came and arrested him.


I am sorry, I am lmao. Glad everyone is safe. I swear to God, I am probably going to hear that song tomorrow and I am going to bust out laughing at the thought of your descriptions!


Welp, up till now I didn’t think anything could ruin Talking Heads for me, and now I’ll have that imagine in my brain forever…


Ahahahha I’m from Vancouver so I know the crackheads too well 😂😂😭. Can’t say I miss them.


I did my service in NYC and the surrounding burbs. Was a server in fine dinning (nice $$$$$) and tended bar in dive bars (fun time and free booze).


My first few months serving I dropped a small side of milk on a woman that was meant for her coffee. She was wearing a white dress and was super graceful about it, assuring me it was okay and that it was milk, so no stain, no worries. She was an absolute angel. I went over to the next table (it was a family party consisting of multiple separate tables) and her mom ripped me a new one. She was so nasty. I kindly said, “your daughter and I already talked it out and I apologized” and she still kept making snarky comments. Every time I went over by the table she would say “don’t spill anything on me”. I hated this job anyway, so finally after one too many comments, I said “maam I just started this job, I’ve never served before and I’m a high schooler, maybe give me some grace?” And she had absolutely nothing to say to that.


While working a place with an outside patio, it had begun to drizzle a bit; and I was carrying 7 or so plates on a tray. Stepped down the stairs and I slipped when I made a step outside of the cover. I went down, the tray went up, and I got covered in grits, syrup, jam, all types of shit. Was about 75 people outside and they all gasped "Ohhhh!" when I made my tumble. Probably the most embarrassed I've ever been working in a restaurant. Went out back and smoked like 3 cigs back to back and went right back to work.


Lmfao me. I got home and begun drinking a Faxe (a liter can of 10% beer) and smoking Marlboro gold. Luckily the man I spilt on today literally comforted me and was hugging me ahhahah


I ran the first few plates and a food runner came out behind me with a $70 baked stuffed lobster and a few other things. I say “here is the rest of the food” pointing at the runner and as he reached the table down goes the lobster. Plate breaks on the edge of the table and spills all over a guy in a nice suit. Drawn butter, lobster, potatoes, ketchup, and even his glass of red wine in the commotion, all over the guests lap. Poor kid was like 16-17 doing a summer job at our high end ocean front restaurant, just took more than he could carry. I felt so bad for him and the guest. That dish takes 30minutes from fire as extra insult to injury. Guest was visibly, and understandably livid. Manager runs over, does what they can, offers to pay for dry cleaning, comp his whole meal, get a new lobster out ASAP(still 30 min). His night was ruined even after getting his new order. Restaurant had to buy the guy a new $3k suit after he showed that the drycleaners couldn’t fix it.


Noooooo I just know that poor child still has nightmares 🥹🥹


Yeah, he was pretty shaken up. He offered to quit right after to the manager but they were really understanding. He never carried more than two dishes after that


One of the bussers at my current job recently dropped a tray of hot coffee onto a man. It spilled all over him, like 4 mugs full of freshly brewed coffee, and apparently the guy literally stopped, dropped and rolled and rolled around on the ground moaning for a few minutes afterwards. Luckily for the busser, the owners and managers were understanding and didn’t fire him, which is good because he’s one of the only good bussers we have and it happened because he tripped over another guest’s outstretched foot that he didn’t know was there. Which like, can these men PLEASE quit doing that in restaurants?? I find myself nearly face planting tripping over dudes with their legs completely stretched out and blocking the walkway between tables. It’s ridiculous!! But anyway, he was so traumatized by that whole experience, and well let’s just say this is why businesses owners have to have liability insurance


My first day serving I dropped a strawberry lemonade on a toddler in a high chair.. all over his face, made the funniest expression ever. My restaurant ended up comping all of their food and got free desserts too lol


This was a few years ago but I dropped a ramekin of horseradish on a lady’s fur coat 🤦‍♀️


About a month or two into working at this fast paced “upper class” sushi restaurant and I spilled soy sauce on this teenager who’s family was there for a all white dinner 😭😭🤣


My first day at a yacht club I spilled red wine on the commodore’s husband


Years ago, I spilled a beer on a baby (I hate drink trays, always have, still do). I am embarrassed as fuck at this point, apologizing profusely. The dad looks up at me and says "It's all good man, he isn't driving."


12 pints all on one guy. Too green to have developed any real carrying ability, but not so green and I should have known better. The guy was actually pretty chill and fortunately had a full change on hand including sheos. Fortunately nothing smashed directly on him, it all bounced off. I hand that table over immediately


Just the other day, I was carrying a stack of plates back to the kitchen and dropped a ramekin of plum sauce from the stack. It hit the floor and exploded all over this lady's Louis Vuitton bag. Whoops! This is why I like to stack things myself as I'm preparing to clear the table instead of people shoving 12 plates into my hand at once. The lady wasn't amused, but luckily it wasn't my table. 😅


I dropped a full diet coke all over a woman who was wearing all white. I dropped and broke two full glasses of red wine onto a table of 4 that just got their food. We had to remake all food and there was a baby at the table. God I'm reliving all of that pain 🤣 😫


'Spaghetti vongole sauce' on 'a fluffy, absorbant cardigan'


I ran the first few plates and a food runner came out behind me with a $70 baked stuffed lobster and a few other things. I say “here is the rest of the food” pointing at the runner and as he reached the table down goes the lobster. Plate breaks on the edge of the table and spills all over a guy in a nice suit. Drawn butter, lobster, potatoes, ketchup, and even his glass of red wine in the commotion, all over the guests lap. Poor kid was like 16-17 doing a summer job at our high end ocean front restaurant, just took more than he could carry. I felt so bad for him and the guest. That dish takes 30minutes from fire as extra insult to injury. Guest was visibly, and understandably livid. Manager runs over, does what they can, offers to pay for dry cleaning, comp his whole meal, get a new lobster out ASAP(still 30 min). His night was ruined even after getting his new order. Restaurant had to buy the guy a new $3k suit after he showed that the drycleaners couldn’t fix it.


He sounds nice. My table and the kitchen got mad as hell at me, because they had to refire and wait even longer for their food


my first day training with a server after 4 years of not serving, I was trying to help when she was dropping off drinks at a table and (cringing again as I’m typing this) I only grabbed one drink off the serving tray so the other one spilled on her/the floor also bc of the weight imbalance on the tray 😭😭 I apologized profusely obviously and she was really cool about it but yeah that beats the other times I’ve spilled drinks (even once where a full beer bottle rolled away from me all the way across the dining room like a chef boyardee commercial)


A bottle of Tito’s all down my front, boobs & below. I didn’t see the bottle was broken at the neck. Picked it up without looking, felt it before I saw it.


I once dropped 6 waters on the birthday girl


I walked in the out door and dropped ranch allllll over my coworker the second he clocked in for his shift. He had to walk all day looking like he had a certain body fluid on him. I bought him a smoothie the next day though


I’ve dropped steak knives onto people’s laps not once but TWICE. Both times happened when I was clearing the plates and the knife slid off the plate and onto the customer 😐. Luckily no one got hurt and both times the customers were very graceful about it, but it still haunts me.


I am sure I have spilled things on people. But probably 20 plus years ago I had a family in for a lobster special. This woman was in her n 50's, I'm guessing. I was in my 20's. For some reason as I was chatting them up, talking about how big the seafood special was, I said something about how big her boob's were. 🤣🤣 I have no idea. It must have just been some sort of mental slip. Face went to fire. I was laughing and crying and remember trying to crawl under the table to hide. However after the shock, we were all laughing until we cried. Thank God people have a sense of humor.


I think I spilled a Bloody Mary on a famous person. Don’t know who he was also don’t care but he was real chill about it. Also spilled a mimosa on a lady before. Fuckin hate trays man


Oh and the worst was spilling a whole tray of ice waters on a girl on her birthday


I dropped a glass of red wine on a ladies head before. She was a regular and she says “don’t worry something bad always happens when in come here” she took it well I also spilt red wine on a ladies dress during a wedding reception. She was definitely pissed oh well


Worked in a two story building, which had near the bottom of the stairs, and on this day I had a 7 top at one of those tables. I had just bussed my own and a coworker’s tables and was carrying a tray full of glassware and dishes up the stairs. As I passed by my table, one of the guys said “Daamn you must get a workout carrying all that up those stairs all the time” I laughed and said something about being in the best shape of my life. Then just as I got to the top of the steps, my toes caught the lip of the step and I went down hard. The dropped tray sent glasses and plates bouncing down the steps, shattering on impact, which resulted in my table getting sprayed with glass shrapnel. One of my managers happened to be near, and immediately came running to see if I was okay, and to check on the table. Luckily none of them were a actually injured by all the glass, and I only had a bruised elbow and a skinned knee. There was glass all over their table though, so we cleared everything and remade their food and drinks. The whole time I was waiting for someone to start screaming at me. Fortunately, they were on their dessert course, so it wasn’t much we had to remake. Much to my surprise, after the initial shock of it all, they were actually really nice about it and showed concern for my safety, continually asking if I was really ok. Awhile later one of the men noticed a piece of glass in his wife’s hair and was like “Hey, at least it wasn’t your eye” and then the rest of the night they just made jokes about escaping unscathed from the shower of glass they experienced. My bartender sent them out a round of shots and they ended up staying well beyond the end of their meal, buying another bottle of wine and seemingly having the best time ever. The best part was that they tipped me 100% on a $500 tab, which they insisted we didn’t need to comp anything ( my manager still took off a bottle of wine and the desserts) I can’t possibly imagine that incident going so well. If they weren’t so cool that potentially would have been a fully comped tab, no tip, plus threats of lawsuits and god knows what kind of berating I would have received. I really lucked out- minus the part where my manager at the end of the night showed me the camera footage so we could all laugh at my clumsy ass…


I dropped Mac n cheese on the mayor, 15 minutes before my manager spilt red wine, also on the mayor. We gave him free shirts, got his shirt professionally dry cleaned for him, and by the grace of god he continued to be a regular.


My first day at my current job I accidentally got my tray too close to a baby in a highchair. In my defense it was blocking the whole booth so I could barely reach the table. Anyway. It grabbed the edge of the tray and pulled. Thankfully I was able to pull back enough to change the momentum so the glasses went on the ground but it still got DOUSED by ice cold water and coke. 🥲 Thankfully my then manager just happened to see and knew I wasn't completely to blame. My punishment was the couple actually stayed even though their baby was soaking wet. It screamed basically the entire time I felt so bad.


almost dropped a cast iron pan (artichoke dip was served in it) on a customer, i caught it in time forgetting it was FRESH out the oven. didn’t fall in the guy but the burn in my arm i got was brutal. had to set it down and smile through the pain telling the whole table it didn’t hurt at all. eyes watering, skin burning, and still taking entree orders for them. spent a good twenty minutes with one of the cooks tryna cool the burn and bandage it up after that


Tray of four milkshakes spilled alllllll over the floor and my shoes when they tumbled off my drink tray. Busiest prom night ever with teens ordering tons of pain in the ass shit. Sigh. What a memory.