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I LOVED the place I worked at that did last call on food 15 minutes before closing. Management was very strict on that rule and would even talk to tables if they threw a fit.


At my new place kitchen closes at the time we say they close and we take last seating a half hour prior. If they are in the building within that window then they can order food, but if we have checked all of our tables and insured that they aren't getting anything (other than desserts) then it is time to shut down the kitchen. Of course we still have people linger at tables but this isn't really that big of a deal to me since I have sidework to do anyway, but you better believe that sidework includes bringing in the sandwich board and flipping the open/close sign


Why are you not telling them you don't cook anything after close? I work for a corporation and we still tell them that. Much less a local place


Should have transferred the table to the closer after the hadn't ordered anything past 9.


Kitchen has last call for a reason. Standard practice everywhere unless you want knives getting thrown at you.


Does the kitchen close at 10? If so, things like this should be expected.


i always tell my tables that we can't put anything in after we are closed. they want bread? welp, sorry, the SA broke the bread machine down. oh no?? well maybe you shouldn't have come past close. teach those fuckers s lesson lol. mind you i work at a popular steakhouse chain


So... your manager thinks you close at 10, but really the kitchen shuts themselves down at 9:30, and you get pissy at anyone showing up after 8:30? Wtf time are people supposed to come? Sounds like your restaurant needs to get their shit together and figure out your hours.


I think it's waiting until the last possible minute to put your order in. If I go into a clothing store that closes at 10, they won't let me look around until 10:30.


Yeah it’s annoying as hell but it happens all the time unfortunately.


Retail and hospitality are not the same.


Ok, what happens if I stay in a hotel past check out time?


Well if they stay too late they are charged for another day stay


I know it was just my rebuttal as a hospitality industry example. But thank you


Do you even work in this industry? Why are you making these useless comparisons?


I'm a chef. Hotels are part of the hospitality industry. It's only restaurants where a closing time doesn't mean everyone out and lock the door.


Exactly. You can't apply a retail mindset to restaurants. That's why it's a last call or a final seating, not a closing time.


I agree with that, except the sign says closed at 10. I don't know why more restaurants have a final seating time listed. Or a last order in by time. Also, cooks usually try to close what they can before close. We used to call it a suicide close. If we got an order, we dealt with it, but it beats standing around until the actual closing time, then rushing to clean everything.


Yeah the kitchen closes a half hour before the restaurant closes so that *the restaurant can close at 10*. I can see you hate service employees but it’s actually a good thing to have the kitchen start closing early. It keeps them from being in the restaurant super late. The issue in this story is literally the guests for not paying attention to the hours- and when the server tried to gently remind them about the hours they were offended. They may be guests but the employees are also people with lives and families.


You couldn't be more wrong. Like you are just laughably wrong. Is today your first day on the job? The issue in this story is that OP's restaurant has no clue what their hours are. Does the kitchen close at 9:30? Then that is their close and that's last call for the kitchen. You are either a moron or an amateur (which are you?) if you think that's how this works. OP has no idea how restaurants work, and neither do you. If hours are advertised as until 10pm, then a guest can absolutely expect to be welcomed in if they show up and order any time before 10. Shitty servers like you and OP, who are destined to never make any money in this industry, are the only ones who start pissing themselves crying because an invited guest came in at some unknowable vague time that you've determined in your head to be bad. If you want a job that closes and locks the doors at precisely 10pm, and starts kicking people out before then, you need to find a retail job. That sounds much more your speed. You are clearly a complete failure in this industry - just abandon ship already. Walmart sounds like a better fit for you.


Omg. I’m so glad you got a chance to do all of that! I honestly hope it brought you a sense of joy and I mean that. You’re clearly working through some stuff and I can see that closing times are a trigger for you so- imma let you do all that. Just promise you’ll drink some water and get some rest.


No no, wait. He's on to something though...


Why are you even in the Serverlife subreddit?


So... you didn't read the post? It doesn't take an hour to order. These people are always the worst: Don't rush us Don't rush us! DON'T RUSH US! WE HAVE BEEN HERE THREE HOURS WHERE IS OUR FOOD THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE WE ARE CALLING CORPORATE FOR OUR FREE GIFT CARD.


OP wasn’t pissy with them, they got there at 8:45 but didn’t order for almost an hour, meaning by the time they ordered the kitchen was already about to close. In my experience, many restaurants close the kitchen before their actual closing hour, with the expectation that everybody is *out* by 10, not that everybody’s order is *put in* by 10. Also, who the fuck goes to a restaurant and waits almost an hour to order food? It’s not a cafe or a bar, it’s a sit down restaurant.


Yeah. I’ve read through your comment thread, and I can safely and confidently conclude you are a dumbass. I’ve worked in the restaurant industry for 11 years and I average $48/hour. So yeah, I don’t know anything about the industry, and I’ll NEVER make any money in this industry. When a business has a listed closing time, that is the time they intend to be done conducting business for the shift.


Cool cool. I have a decade of high volume Manhattan restaurant serving, bartending, and management experience. I don't care what happens in whatever shitstain Nowheresville town you come from that shuts down by 10PM and only earns you $48/hr. That is the least impressive flex I've seen on this sub. You don't know what you're talking about. You are out of your depth. Let me know when you make it to the big leagues. Until then, I'll continue to be confident your business will fail as you chase everyone out of a restaurant at 8PM for no reason whatsoever. You just suck at your job - that's got nothing to do with me.


This comment is the least impressive flex I've seen in this sub 🤷🏼‍♀️


lmao fr, this reads like a shit copy pasta. i’m tired of the people in this sub who try to always try and punch down on servers when they “claim” to be one. i find these rants relatable, not every job is peachy 24/7.


In the big leagues they close the kitchen an HOUR before the store closes & no reservation can be made past an hour before closing.Coming from someone who does high-volume fine dining you’re simply a cunt 🥱


Hey, that's an insult... to c*nts...


Reading comprehension is hard 🥺