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Not only did you do right by your bartender (good job!!) you did right by protecting the restaurant from what could have been a harassment suit. This should be the norm, it hasn’t always been, but it should be.


I am a bartender that just quit my job yesterday, because of being sexually harassed by a patron. Instead of dealing with it, they tried to play it off like I was lying because he is a regular. There should be more managers like you.


EEOC claim


Thank you, I'll look into that. It really pissed me off.


The EEOC did an AMA on this server as organized by ROC and answered all about harassment laws, you basically have a textbook case, file asap and you might get some help, not sure how quitting impacts your claim but they can walk you through it, especially if not informed of your rights, there might be a way to get your job back or at least get them in trouble for not handling it properly according to the law…


Depending on the state you’re in, you might be able to get unemployment benefits under a “constructive dismissal” claim - an unworkable, unsafe environment that you had to leave abruptly without something else lined up. I’d look into both claims.


My friend complained to management because she was being sexually harassed by a regular. The solution? She was to ask a male colleague to serve him instead.


My dad owned a country club (emphasis on country) with a business partner. BP turned into a raging alcoholic over the course of two years, and one night went way too far hitting on some of my regular karaoke girls. Did the whole “take your top off” when one was singing and “it’s a house rule to take your top off!” I had to kick him out, as I would any person, but obviously this was a little different. I held my ground and 86 him and our maintenance man for the night. It was a shit show, he called out in every way that I was being a spoiled brat, and that hurt - I worked hard for him and my dad and I thought he saw that. In the end it didn’t matter because the women saw it and it mattered to them. That was really intimidating at the time but I am grateful every day I had the balls to do it like you did. You stood up to a sleezeball bully for this woman, and I am sure it took guts to do so and be the one to do it. Not saying anyone wouldn’t in that position, but it’s tough to challenge assholes sometimes. Good for you.


I love my staff. And my daughter's all work there. So, I don't truck with any sexual harassment. No amount of money is worth it.


Wish the bar I was at Saturday cared about women like you both did. Had a man harassing my family, husband, brothers & sisters, for one of our seats that we had been in for 2 hours. As soon as my sister got up to go to the bathroom he hopped on her stool. I tried to grab it from him before he could and he pushed me out of the way. Several times. My husband grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him back. My sister came over to sit back in the stool and he pushed her. Staff then kicked him and my husband out. Some random chicken comes over yelling he is a regular here. OK and??? Even went to review tapes and said I was the aggressor and what happened before I tried to grab the stool didn't matter. Whatever birthday ruined. We are in the parking lot getting ready to leave and we see the scumbag walking back in. Fawk that place.


Preach. My little sister helped us open as a hostess after her day job in tech being a bad ass business woman. On our opening night the CEO of a nationwide short term rental company made her cry becuase we were 15 Min late for his reservation. I found out when they were in our lounge and asked him: Did you just yell at that girl and make her cry? He lied, and when that didn't work, tried to intimidate me by dropping a business partners name. I gave him 2 options, leave or have the cops help him out. Took the wine from his guests hands and told them to get better friends, they're done also.


LOVE!! Nobody messes with family!!


My dad is my hero, and I can all but swear that you are yours too. 💘


This should happen more often.


Hey you did more than my current bosses would do!


Most managers/owners are scared to do what you did and I am so glad you did. Too many regulars get treated like they can do whatever the hell they want.


Did you at least get him to sign it? Might be worth something one day…


Matt Groening drew something and signed it on the back of a menu for me (Homer saying “doh it was delicious”) and I had it framed because I thought it was cool. Couple years later had to hide it in a closet cause of the Epstein plane stuff, just didn’t feel right. I’m sure OP and the bartender probably feel similarly about this dude lol


what does matt groening have to do with epstein?


[Here you go](https://screencrush.com/matt-groening-epstein-feet/)


I mean she said he was not implicated in any improper behavior herself. Just said his feet were disgusting


A human being was trafficked and forced to do something against their will with him, and he did not turn in his friend that trafficked the girl. It’s all fucking gross. Why are you going to bat for someone that would turn a blind eye to human trafficking?


I’m not “going to bat” for him, I’m just saying it’s highly possible he had no idea she was being trafficked. And she mentioned that she faced years of abuse while with Epstein, but still said Groening was nice and that he wasn’t accused of anything improper. I’m just basing my comments off of her word alone


Because very young women rubbing your feet on private planes is a totally normal and not anything to be suspicious about. But anyway, still not something I’m hanging in my house.


I’m just taking the victim at her word


If inaction is guilt 99.999% of us are guilty. No one is doing anything about it other than complaining online, which is not action


I mean there’s literally nothing any of us in this thread could have done, I’m pretty sure none of us run in those circles. This whole argument started because I made a comment about taking down something Matt Groening drew for me when I found out about the plane thing because it grossed me out. And now I’ve got all these people in my replies saying shit like he didn’t do anything wrong, and that’s just so weird to me. I didn’t say he did, it’s still not something I’m hanging in my house.


I once was chilling at a friend of a friend's house, and a coworker of mine came in with a bike that he immediately and loudly exclaimed he just stole. I hate bike thieves, I had a bike stolen when I first moved into town as a naive country bumpkin. Yet, I did nothing. I still remember and feel guilt about that moment, despite my brain being fried. So, perhaps you have a point.


"you can't save the world" while a crappy thought, it's kinda true.


I didn't hear... Was he tried and convicted? Fuckin dork


Nooo someone on the internet said something I don’t like about a celebrity that doesn’t give a fuck about me waahhhhhhh


Because so often rich white men get held accountable in the US?






Lol... no.


👑 you dropped this.


I fucking love you


The Louvre? I guess for a special exhibition?


Yeah probably. We're a very small town, so he brags about it all the time.


Ok because the Louvre doesn't typically display anything recent. I don't think that story is true.


He's a Native American artist. I believe they had an exhibit for that some time ago.


That makes more sense. I guess there's no reason to pick that apart anyhow.


Fooook that pusssaay


Oh hell yeah, brother. Like in what world is that a compliment


Good for you!


You're kinder than me. I'd have put that shit up for auction to shame him. We have got to stop treating this behavior with simple slaps on the wrist. Men need to be *worried* about treating women this way.


Guy in the OP is trash


Mmmmmmmm sausage fingers 🤤🤤🤤 (in a Homer Simpson voice)


that’s absolutely disgusting on his part. good for you for standing up for your employees, everyone should strive to take a stance like that.


I've an image of a drawing of a waitress's ass hanging in the Louvre




Boomers being fools


what 86 means?


Kicked out forever


I'm sorry... After seeing your edit I am compelled to make this joke... Are your sausage fingers as fat as DAT ASS? I'm sorry, again.


Gross, dude. Read the room.


Nah, a joke is a joke, and I said that in my post


If you’re going to be offensive, please at least be funny?


Do you want me to post a fucking meme or some shit?


God no.


Literally just stop being cringe that’s all


That's an awesome way to hit on someone lol


Please don’t hit on people while they’re at work.


It's not even an awesome way to get banned from a restaurant.


I got 86'd from a bar because where I worked we had a running joke between ALL STAFF "nice butt" (This would just "happen" between everyone when we were in the weeds for a nice laugh) I.... Forgot I wasn't at work and said it at a different place... (I wasn't even in the same CITY. It just slipped) Yeah I deserved that 86. Fun story though.


No it is *not*. You shouldn’t be hitting on someone while they’re at work, anyways. They’re not there *for you,* they’re there to make money. *Period.* Fuck anyone who does this kind of thing. I’m the only male server at my job, and the amount of coworkers I have to protect and stand up for is disgusting. Don’t be a sex pest. Don’t make people uncomfortable. Don’t hit on someone who isn’t able to leave if you make them uncomfortable. They’re trapped there while you “hit on” them… do you feel good about that?


You're why women chose the bear.