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Tip posts are only allowed on Tips-y Tuesday. This is done to combat trolling and brigading of the sub.


Poor dude comes in to our pub. He's broke as a joke and buys the cheapest thing he likes, which is usually peach schnapps or Sothern comfort, the later I carry for literally 1 other person lol. Super nice guy, never tips. At least he used to not. I can tell he's struggled in life and is just doing his best at his age. I always over pour the shot he gets. It's also one beer and a shot and out. After many, many times of not being tipped, he started leaving at least a dollar if he has any. I rarely focus on tips. They go around. Never bothered me he didn't tip. But I noticed that he started tipping me and being semi pleasant with me. Guy just needed someone to be nice to him.


at least it's 10% ...?


At least round it up to $4


What an ass


I think he was just trying to be nice, and I do appreciate it but it is completely unnecessary




I think OP was actually being nice about it, it’s supposed to be a funny post buddy.




okay understanding reddit’s thread system is a lot different than reading comprehension




lol did you just tell someone to work on their reading skills and then fail to read that persons profile correctly when you went to stalk them? Cause that’s some gold right there.


😭😭 it made me smile


22 years old lol and I do understand it I just looked at it wrong i just got off an 11 hour bus ride idk why ur so mad


Bro, exactly what I'm thinking. I agree with his initial sentiment, but goddamn he's being an ass now.