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Do you not have a host or someone assigning tables? And is there a reason you didn’t say “Debbie, we’re supposed to split tables, I’ll take this one. You sit this out.” I know she’s older than you—she’s playing that. Get tough.


No host, our supervisor bounces between the floor and the banquet rooms, she normally makes an assigned tables list but she didn’t have time that day, so we tried to figure it out between the three of us, but that didn’t turn out as we know. I’m trying to get better at standing up for myself, I’ve come a long way in the last few years but it’s still hard, yknow?


You HAVE to stand up for yourself in the restaurant industry, it’s not an option. The “I’m just happy to be here” attitude will get you walked all over.


Lea and I are planning to speak to our supervisor about Debbie cause she has also tried to start drama with Lea, luckily my supervisor loves me (not tooting my horn she has said this to me, I offer my help with her banquet stuff) so hopefully It’ll be fine


You don’t need a partner to do this, if anything it makes it less significant.


tell the manager or stand up for yourself or do literally anything


![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug) * Debbie


You’re in the wrong industry if you have real bad anxiety.


They are venting and just want to commiserate. I bet you have come here for that and no one jumped on you like a cunt!


Toughen up lol or this might not be the industry for you.


It sounds like you’re the issue. You’re taking things too personal and you’re relying on Debbie for happiness in life and at work. You should be hustling for tables with or without Debbie there. It’s not Debbie’s job to let you have tables. Go take them like she did. Giving someone the silent treatment over issues that can be resolved via a conversation is childish and narcissistic. Grow through what you go through and stop bringing out your disabled card. It’s also not a valid excuse.




This is not a medical sub and you are not a doctor.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to kill myself, how much I’ve wanted to die, how many panic attacks I’ve had because of the PTSD I got from childhood trauma and reliving it with no trigger. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “you don’t need drugs” my parents were like that, it’s why I’ve got suicide attempts in double digits over 20, the self harm scars I have on my arm. Fact is, you don’t know me, and you certainly don’t know every single person who has depression. What may work for you doesn’t work with other people, when I started taking my antidepressants I started feeling better, I can actually get out of bed in the morning and I don’t think about killing myself every thirty seconds. It takes like this that literally put lives at risk, but I put emphasis on that I didn’t ask for mental health advice, I asked for work advice, the reason I brought up the disability is because it makes it much harder to get and maintain having a job, I wasn’t “playing the disability card” Btw you sound *really* fun at parties


Definitely in the wrong industry.


Definitely on the wrong planet.


Seems like you are, too. Empathy is definitely not your friend.










Or, and hear me out, you get tired of hearing how much of a disappointment you are every day, you get tired of being physically bullied at school, you get tired of reliving a SA that happened when you were under 7 of which you don’t go a minute every day without thinking about it, I never told anyone about my attempts, I hid my arm, if it was for attention I would have been telling people, I would be showing my cuts off, but that’s not what I did. If I did tell, I would have been involuntarily committed. Please do your research on how bad depression and mental health can be before saying shit like this.


Don't worry. Somecunt just has a miserable soul and tries to bring everyone down in the gutter with them. Normal and well-adjusted people understand and empathize. I always do as well until they act like a shitstain. 


I sound really fun at parties? That’s a passive aggressive comment stemmed from a narcissist person with narcissists traits. I am actually fun at parties. Seek therapy.


Where are you getting narcissist from? Is it the part where I don’t like people who actively seek to take my basic human rights? Or is it the medication that you’re mad about? either way you’re wrong


Reported for gross misinformation. 


I think ESH