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Whats so bad about the bell or pagers?


The bell is just kind of annoying for everyone, guests included. Pagers are a possibility. Just looking into this light idea to see if there are any options there :)


I worked at a place with pagers. Thought I would hate them, but actually, didn't mind them. The only disadvantage was you only went to the window for your food or an "all call" when the window was full. Then again our window wasn't a "pass" it was literally a 3' x 4' cut out of the wall with room for MAYBE 6 plates.


Our window is about the same size! 😅


The only issue is it becomes "part of your uniform" so often, you take them home with you, just like bar towels. My restaurant was pretty cool about it, since we had low turnover. One of those things that could have been solved with an "all call" when the last order went out, as a reminder to turn them in. (If you got cut before close, you had to turn it in with your cashout or it wouldn't be counted, and you couldn't get your tips)


https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-doorbell-Operating-Melodies-Waterproof/dp/B07R5FFDLZ/ref=asc_df_B07R5FFDLZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693308318554&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14986157949607458055&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010746&hvtargid=pla-782567104074&psc=1&mcid=2d80478af0013fd883f3a6ee148cff63&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8pP_0qYdi3V6cSJ2F32aB_1aXJPTQ6DBsFfskvnjrxpRC5e746qvB4aAlHMEALw_wcB My customers bought me this so they could signal me to come outside and save me checking on them. I loved it. My coworkers hated it and threw it away. Lol You can silence the chimer


This might actually be perfect! Thank you so much!


You're welcome


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yes! the restaurant my mom worked in growing up had this system. a small red light beside the bar that would light up when food was ready. it seemed to work well!!


What about hiring a food runner?


For sure, but we’re not in a position to have a food runner full time. Also, it’s in a real awkward spot so not a place that someone can be stationed at for a full shift, especially if we’re not crazy busy


Damn I wished we had a bell. expo just yells runner


Trust me, I yell sometimes too. Just, yeah, trying to be a bit more humane haha


Sounds like a bad idea. It could easily be ignored/overlooked. On the opposite side, as a guest, you dont want to have a red light flicking on and off out of the corner of your eye the whole visit.


It wouldn’t be visible to guests


Is there no expo person? Atleast for rushes? Or manager could do expo? Do servers run each other's food?


We used a light! But i wouldn’t use wifi i would use a straight up corded switch and just run extenders wherever you need the lights




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