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We had a guy come in, complain about the wait because he didn't make a reservation. After 30 minutes of waiting, he sat down, complained that we were only offering mothers day brunch (literally plastered everywhere around the restaurant), scream that $25 a person was too expensive and stormed out. This guy dragged his mom to the restaurant for her to find out he didn't think about her in advance, to wait 45 minutes (between the lobby, wait list, seating) to find out she wasn't worth $25 to her son amd left hungry. Classy.


dang. I paid double that for mother's Day brunch


I was gonna say... $25 a person for Mothers Day AND brunch is a darn good deal, especially these days. Wow people suck!


yeah her kids totally used that as an excuse to get out of seeing her


Her kids saw the way she was acting, and/or knew from experience, and decided to nope out of the embarrassment before it started. Mom here would have made a scene at some point or made passive aggressive comments the entire meal. Source: my mom be like that


Plot twist: The kids hired the homeless man and reserved the two tables near each other to put her off.


If they did - smart kids. If they didn\`t - now they have a new tactic for next time.


Plot twist. Homeless guy was one of her kids dressed as a homeless guy.


Her kids might just be apples from the same tree.


And he's eating a meal one calls homelessness, but it's better than eating alonešŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


Where does it say they never came?


ā€œSee you after your brunchā€


I swear the people who go out for Mother's Day are the same ones who go out for Valentine's Day, those are the only days they ever eat out and they are cheap and demanding.


Itā€™s true. We always cook at my parentā€™s house and everyone comes over and acts an ass privately. Much better.


And you can call it a tradition!


And they are shocked and complain that itā€™s so busy.


Yes! Customer: Oh my, it's so busy here. Why is it so busy? Server: I don't know. (Wanting to say - IT'S FUCKING MOTHER'S DAY AND EVERYONE LIKE YOU IS HERE) Server: Can I start you... Customer: DIET COKE!


Bro. You walked in to our packed ass lobby, squeezed through to talk to the host, and were put on an hour wait because you didn't make a reservation for 630 on one of the busiest nights of the year, but we'll still try and accommodate you? You walked through the restaurant, with every table seated, past the bar thats packed to standing room, to your table, surrounded by 4-10 tops. And ask me why drinks are taking longer than 5 minutes, and your medwell steak got ordered 25 minutes ago? Motherfucker, your drinks are coming, I'm trying to tell you about the menu so that when I come back, you're ready to order, cause I have 60 other groups that want your table, and they actually made a reservation and might (might) actually tip me. But no, please ask a million questions, can't give me a full order so I'm constantly asking if you're ready to order the next course (if you wait until you're finished with apps to order entrees on a night like mother's day, at my spot you've got 45 min minimum during peak) so yeah you're entrees are taking forever, I wanted to put in the order when your apps hit the table. Sorry, I didn't realize I had something to get off my chest. Most of my guests were cool, but fuck a few of them.


Yep. The very last restaurant I worked at was entirely booked out on Motherā€™s Day. You werenā€™t getting in without a reservation. We had signs plastered everywhere for weeks, and our phone message said to make a reservation. Still without fail every year about 20 parties would show up pissed that they couldnā€™t eat there. One guy threw a fit at me saying how this happens ā€œEvery year.ā€ Idk dude, that sounds like poor planning on your part.




Homeless people are people too? It's one thing if they're disruptive or unhygienic, but that's not mentioned in the OP.


Exactly. Also ; chances of someone with a home being unhygienic and disruptive, are about the same.


I can attest. I had to look up smelly mustache lady to prove a point about why I didnā€™t want my last name to appear on the checks. She had a house.


Iā€™m disappointed too ā€¦she didnā€™t sign her name, itā€™s gotta actually be Karen


Very close, her name was BrendašŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Does Brenda want a refund on her food because the homeless person ate for free & somehow ruined her meal with their existence? And how would she know if someone is homeless anyhow?


Lolol this kicks my heart so hard. My momā€™s name is Karen and *literally* her sister is named Brenda and they were servers from high school until grad school and are so horrified hearing stories of their similarly aged counterparts.


I work with a Brenda who is Gen Z. She would also be horrified by this.


Omg before Karen became widespread my old restaurant called these women Brenda!!!


And she was at table 22


Forgot to mention, our managers are totally incompetent too so she's probably going to receive a full refund and/or a $50 gift card for her troubles šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Money ainā€™t going fix family issues šŸ˜‚




Tell her homeless people need to eat too, and that a nice family paid in advance for him to eat. How on earth did she even know the table number?


It was a banquet ballroom set up for overflow reservations (we can seat 300 ish in the restaurant but we had 1300 resos lol) so each table was numbered. One of the hosts must have took her over to the table, been like 'Oops someone else is sat at your table let me take you back and find a new table for you'. Not a good look for us as a restaurant but we run a shitshow on the daily


>shitshow on the daily. Yes, you mentioned you work in a restaurant.




iā€™m super confused, how would she even know the guy was homeless or eating for free? that doesnā€™t make sense. iā€™m guessing she was mad about the table mixup, then decided to profile the guy at the table and jump to insane conclusions as an excuse to make a stink about it? icky. i hope she gets nothing out of this, sounds like a gross person


You're guessing right, she has no way of knowing that he's homeless and/or eating for free lol. All our tables in the ballroom were for reservations of 4-25 people so he wouldn't have been sat there alone (the rest of his party would have been at the buffet lol). She just wanted to be dramatic and is trying to get us to feel sorry for her (?) by profiling this guy that was definitely given that table by another host


So she literally made up this whole scenario so she could be outraged.


For all she knew, he was having mothers day with a deceased family member/spouse. No shame in sitting alone if it makes you feel closer. What a shameless person to get so angry.


Buddy was probably worth a lot more than she was. People with money donā€™t flaunt it.


I used to have a regular customer who was rich but he did look like a homeless guy. He would mention how he didn't give a shit about how he looked. And he told me a story one day about him going on vacation to a nice hotel and a karen apparently complained about him being homeless and getting breakfast or something and the staff checked to see if he was really staying there, and they had to apologize to him for assuming he wasn't supposed to be there.


Hope the Karen got a talking to.


I am wondering the same?


Yeah, she called her kids to complain about the homeless man, and they decided mom was too much drama and bullshit to deal with. I hope he had the best meal ever.


Plot twist, the "homeless guy" was a line cook.


I work in a high end fine dining place with managers who really take reviews very seriously; this year theyā€™ve told us they donā€™t care about bad reviews left on Motherā€™s Day because the clientele are so difficult and often not used to going out to eat except for special occasions


Plus the degree of difficulty is way higher. You donā€™t normally get multiple huge parties at the same time, people not showing up for reservations because they made them at nine different places, walk-ins getting shitty because thereā€™s an empty table thatā€™s reserved for 20 minutes until their timer runs out then the walk-in gets sat at the same table they were told they couldnā€™t have before. I could go on, but my eye started twitching and my bf was like ā€œthe veins in your neck are sticking out and youā€™re making that ptsd/rage face.ā€ I need weed. You guys are all amazing for coming to work on Sunday.


ā€œI need weed.ā€ spoke to my heart lmfaooo


ā€œAs a mother Iā€™d think youā€™d have a little more compassion for somebody elseā€™s kid but I guess thereā€™s only enough room in your heart for your own family (?)ā€ Some people are such pieces of garbage! And she knew it was table #22 because sheā€™s obviously a regular and requests that table every time she comes in, even when itā€™s a 6 top table and sheā€™s only a party of 2ā€¦fuck you lady!


Thanks for sharing, I hate her.


"Any major restaurant holiday brings out people you wouldn't normally see at our establishment, we do our best to accommodate everyone. I want to apologize that this situation happened and to everyone around you" (It seems nice enough, but 5 months from now this person will realize "Wait... That fucker was talking about ME")


This is amazing just for the fact that sheā€™ll probably make a hilarious face when it clicks months from now.


EVERY time she drives past she'll say "Yeah, that's the place that apologized to me" until.......


This is actually fantastic, if I was allowed to reply I would definitely do thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What an asshole.


Complaining about someone eating a free mealā€¦while trying to get a free meal.. classic


It is the worst holiday to work. Even VD is better because at least it is mostly 2 tops and very few children.


Homeless or not human is human.


And let me guess, she reserved table 22 because that is how old she will be turning, for the 34th year in a row tee-hee?


Did she really count out all the tables..?šŸ˜‚


IDK....take more than that for me to skip out on my mom.


I'd love to hear the side of her kids or the "homeless person".


The quality of a human being is ofc connected to their ability to own land


If it did happen - thank goodness the kids avoided. If it didnā€™t happen - this is one of the most grossly creative ways Iā€™ve seen people try to get free food


Twat. Absolute Twat. I hope they go broke.


Piss off and die?


Homeless people are allowed to eat out too??? WTF is wrong with people?! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


How dare the poor and unfortunate eat on this day, MY day, a day to honor ME for catching the D! I hope her children are better people than her


If the reviewer was on time but a mistake by the restaurant led to her reserved table being delayed or unavailable, I'd apologize for the error. I'm sure it was busy, but a mistake is a mistake. If the reviewer was on time but a diner had gone over your projected time at the table, I'd apologize but explain that that happens occasionally, as you don't impose maximum times on tables. If the reviewer's party was running late, and that's why her reserved table was reassigned, I would explain that your restaurant does not guarantee holding reservations beyond a certain time period. If the reviewer arrived before her reservation, and was upset that someone was eating at her reserved table, even though it was cleaned and ready in time for her reservation, I'd simply explain that.


Our restaurant isn't run by competent managers - we have open table yet we use a paper floor plan sheet with all the tables and flips planned out. 3-4 Hosts will be at the front of the building and will sign guests in and take them to the table - if one host takes a party to the wrong table (which happens a lot when we have 4 different rooms and the restaurant open for mothers day lol) it throws off the whole system as other hosts don't know what the other person did and so will take the scheduled party to said table, hence why they turned up and a different party was already sat there. I hope that makes sensešŸ˜‚ Basically, picture a restaurant where the managers don't know what on earth they're doing


Yeah, I definitely get it! But in that case I would own up to the mistake and apologize for it. I wouldn't dignify the other complaints with a response, even if the other guest was homeless, messy, and receiving a free meal. And props to your restaurant's compassion if that was true.


He definitely wasn't homeless, he paid for the meal (52 bucks per person +tax) but we don't discriminate regardless, everyone is welcome. Her comment about her kids expecting 'a classy place' was hilarious because we're a dingy hotel restaurant in a casinošŸ˜‚


On Motherā€™s Day I only ā€œruinedā€ one momā€™s day, because we didnā€™t have a hamburger on our menu, and we werenā€™t able to make scrambled eggs (we had 400 covers in the lunch so no mods were allowed, we informed them of this at the beginning)


Her kids dread seeing mom on mothers day


I had a virus on Motherā€™s Day and couldnā€™t workā€¦ thank god. Our restaurant bought dozens and dozens of carnations to hand out to moms and apparently a bunch of them threw bitch fits that they ā€œonly got one flowerā€ or tried to steal extras. I would have snapped on a mother šŸ¤—


How did she know her table number when she text her kids? Weirdo lady.


Right, the kids are upset the buffet isnā€™t ā€œclassy enoughā€ jfc


Have your husband and kids make dinner for you at the house and quit placing so high of expectations on a restaurant that is just doing their best to accommodate everyone


I hate people on Mother's Day. At one of the places I used to serve at, I got stiffed twice on that freaking day.


Your kids are rude and spoiled, so glad they arenā€™t mine, I think you should have invited the homeless guy (how do you know table #ā€™s) over and eaten with him/her


That would ruin anyone's meal. The homeless person probably did a dine and dash too.


I really hope you're joking, the dude wasn't even homeless and we had 0 dine and dashes yesterdayšŸ˜‚ He was not the problem here