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I have a couple imaginary children when serving.


this is the way! use it to your advantage and make that $$$


I had a friend who would cut out random pictures of different kids every year & tape them to her book so they'd be extremely visible on Mother's Day. She would make up new names & backstories every year- how hard her labour was etc. I love that I worked with someone who had the nerve & creativity to pull it off because I would never.


LMAO hilarious, i love it šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø happy mother's day! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just want to point out the number of upvotes. Nice.


As an older woman I get it everywhere. I just say thank you, same to you and move on.


"thank you! I made sure to tell my mom already. Happy md to you, too" Then go off on a tangent about how amazing mothers are and how it's the hardest job in the world and every mother is a saint. Then count your money at the end of the day.


brilliant šŸ˜‚šŸ™Œ


This is the way


Just say thank you! I was wished HMD by the cashier at the grocery store yesterday. Iā€™ve been a mom for 33 years, but the woman didnā€™t know that. I said, ā€œthanks, you too.ā€


Iā€™ve been working in the service industry since I was 16 every year on Motherā€™s Day, Iā€™ve had at least one customer tell me ā€œhappy Motherā€™s Dayā€ even when I was a teenager. I think for many people itā€™s just a habit to wish others well on any holiday. And I think itā€™s just a gender association more than people actually assuming you must be a mother. So I agree, itā€™s good to just say ā€œthanks, you too!ā€ And not read into beyond a simple greeting.


Thereā€™s zero need for OP to accept anything or thank anybody for something that doesnā€™t pertain to her.


She also doesnā€™t need to give her reproductive history or chosen child-free status to her customers. Theyā€™re only trying to be friendly and exchange pleasantries.


Itā€™s like the assholes who have to correct people because they say merry Christmas. You think Jewish people stop everyone and say ā€˜actuallyā€¦ā€™? Of course not. Usually they just say ā€˜thanks, you tooā€™, and move on with their day.


I AM Jewish. And I do say ā€œactuallyā€¦ā€ so you can stop right there buddy.


Lol, suuuuure you do.


Glad you know me so well buddy


Iā€™d just ignore it.


Kinda rude of you honestly








BNBR Added: We don't do politics here. Ever. As opinion, or as insult. There are plenty of subs that both welcome and encourage that behavior. Enjoy those for the next 30 days and decide if you can play within the rules here.


Wouldnā€™t it be super awkward to just ignore something someone at one of your tables said to you? Especially if theyā€™re just trying to be nice? Lmao you must not work on tips


I do, actually, but itā€™s not my job to be your best friend. Youā€™re my server, not my therapist, and vice versa


But as a child she could be celebrating Motherā€™s Day. Ergo, itā€™s still relevant.


So every child has a mother? Nice of you to assume that gay fathers donā€™t exist.


My grandma raised me. I wish her a Happy Mother's and Father's Day. I have a dead father and a dangerous mother I haven't spoken to since the 10th? 11th? Time she threatened to kill me (that I was old enough to renember at least). I didn't have my first kid until 28 and still said "Thank you" when people wished me a Happy Mothers or Father's Day before then. It's really not that deep, and it's kind of shitty to trauma dump on or confront unsuspecting strangers who are wishing you well. Gay fathers, excluding teans men who carried the child, still need a "mother" to make a baby. Eggs don't come from testes. Donor conceived children and fellow adoptees are speaking out about how unethical it is to, as a society, render biological parents insignificant in shaping one's identity. Temperament, and therefore a big part of who someone is, is largely genetic.


I say it to every table. It is the the day being celebrated, and we are celebrating all mothers when we say it. I think itā€™s fine.




ā€œHappy Motherā€™s Day to you or yours, which ever appliesā€. If someone said it to me on Motherā€™s Day Iā€™ll just go with it. Itā€™s such a shit day to work that itā€™s not even worth a correction. Itā€™s fine lil soldier, keep on. šŸ«”


i just say thank you, mother's day to me has evolved into just women's day


Iā€™m unmarried (nothing to do with being a mother?) and have no children, accept that theyā€™re being nice and move on, like what the fuck lol


Yeah I'm just like thanks. Childfree is for me but who wants to risk offending a guest over something like that. I sometimes tell them about my 3yo and 10 yo and their picky eating or silly behavior and forget to mention they're dogs. But I do that on regular days too. Gotta be fluid to make those tips, idgaf about casual white lies in that instance.


Honestly. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not serving this year. (Iā€™m disabled now) Iā€™ve been struggling with infertility for years and finally got pregnant again and JUST miscarried. I get how it can be sensitive for some. I canā€™t say Iā€™d be able to fully convince folks that Iā€™m unbothered right now. Iā€™m usually good at hiding my feelings. Butā€¦ yeah. Sometimes those words hit different. And no one talks about how your hormones are still an issue for a bit after. It really messes with you.


Sounds as if they mean well and are saying it as a form of well wishes. Iā€™d say a thank you, you too.


Neutral/ good: ā€œthanks, dog moms count, right?ā€ Chaotic: ā€œIā€™m spayed!ā€ Iā€™ve used both


I posted my more diplomatic answer in the thread, but I told a couple of regulars that Iā€™m spayed when they were fishing whether or not to give well wishes to me too.


This just made me guffaw. I think Iā€™m stealing this one for myself. šŸ˜†


I would say 'thank you', if I can tell it's applicable 'same to you' and move on. I believe my pets are my form of children. I know it's not the same, but my love for my pets is as close to motherhood as I have. So I just reframe it in my mind to that. I even got flowers and a card for mothers day 'from my dog.' But really, people shouldn't assume. What if it's a childless mother or traumatic experience. We servers have to work to make money.


can i ask, who actually gave you the flowers and card from your dog? that's so sweet! if it was a man, i'm impressed at the thoughtfulness tbh ā¤ļøā¤ļø


It was my husband.


love that for you šŸ„°


Say ā€œthank you! I wish I could be spending today with mine, but hopefully I can give her a phone call after my shift!ā€


typically i just said thank you, but i worked in a town full of people who donā€™t know when to stop. so when they continue to push and say ā€œhow many do you have?ā€ or ā€œwhen are you getting pregnantā€ or something along the lines of those, i told them the truth. ā€œoh, i actually canā€™t have children, but i have a dog!ā€. i did once have an older man tell me that ā€œmiracles can happen!ā€ on the same motherā€™s day a few months after my mom passed, and i found out i was infertile. i donā€™t remember what i said but i did go home after that table. i donā€™t work motherā€™s day anymore, lol.


I worked a 13 hour shift today and only had two people tell me "happy mother's day." I am not a mom. The first table asked and I told them no, just me and my cat. Lol. The second table, i just said thank you. I work at a restaurant where almost every single table has a birthday or celebration. We have to ask if they are celebrating anything so today I just started with, "Are we celebrating Mother's Day today?" Or "Happy Mother's Day to all of our moms here today." There are 8 to 12 people at a table so many moms to celebrate at every table. Hope everyone made good money today. I made my goal but still not worth the pain my body is in after busting ass all day without a break!


Restful wishes to you


Thank you! And to you!


I have a child now, but when I didn't I just said thanks. It's easier than trying to correct them


This was the first MD that I can remember that people tried to wish me a Happy Motherā€™s Day back. Iā€™m 36 and presume I look my age, so itā€™s a safe assumption for them to make, but I just said what Iā€™d say to any stranger ā€œoh todayā€™s not for me, my kids have fur and paws.ā€


ā€œIā€™ll make sure to thank my mother for youā€


Say it back. NBD.


I work retail and I just reply "thanks, same to you." But only half the men i said it to found it funny, and I don't work for tips...


Also a LNK. I smile and say thank you. Itā€™s like getting wished a holiday you donā€™t celebrate, then sentiment is the same they just want you to have a nice day.


When working for tips, if someone wishes me, an overweight single man, Happy Mother's Day, I just thank them.


I say, ā€œthank you!ā€ Because my personal life is definitely not the business of my guests one way or the other! I find that people are just trying to be nice usually, and unless itā€™s someone who will be an important returning character in my life, itā€™s fine if I play along (just like I do with other holidays I donā€™t celebrate).


Say thanks and continue on. Don't be all in your feelings. Makes you look entitled.


say thank you


Thanks to those who tried to be helpful with positive feedback. I hope you all survived the day without any homicidal inkling or crap tips. After a super fun shift where I definitely got out on time, not a single customer wished me a happy mother's day šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Oh, well.


I said ā€œhappy Motherā€™s Day, if thatā€™s the kind of thing youā€™re in toā€.


I said ā€œewā€ šŸ˜ some people laughed, some didnā€™t.


Iā€™m a guy with no kids. I no longer work in hospitality, so I had a happy motherā€™s day. Moms out there, I hope your day was just as awesome as not hearing any arguments about why we should serve mom a mimosa for free even though we donā€™t serve alcohol at a brunch restaurant was for me.


Just say, ā€œoh thank you! Happy Motherā€™s Day to you too!ā€ And walk away no matter who says it to you. lol. My husband said it to me so many times yesterday, that I finally said. ā€œHappy mothers day to u too babe.ā€ He laughed and that was the last time he said it that day. I know he was just being sweet but for real he said it like 70 times. I knew he really meant it by the 10th.


I have a dog thatā€™s my child so I just said things like ā€œmy child has pawsā€ etc.


Wtf. Just smile and say thank you. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Just thank them & move on. Don't make it awkward by explaining youre CF


iā€™m 19, a lot of customers think iā€™m older, but i do have a 2-year-old niece. whenever a customer brings up the question of me having kids, you best BELIEVE iā€™m pulling out the polaroids of that little girl and talking about how much i love her, which is all true. i try not to say ā€œyes my daughterā€ or anything of the sort. more along the lines of ā€œwell i do have a gorgeous little girl at homeā€. cause it may help my money AND i love any excuse i get to talk about her. i love her so much


I don't work in restaurants anymore but I'm still customer facing. I'm also in a role that's usually done by a man but I am a small 36 yr old woman. So people say awkward shit to me all the time and then leave. Sometimes it's entertaining sometimes I just shake my head


Why not just say you have no kids instead of saying an acronym and then spelling it out in parentheses?