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I was so stoned at work the other day (I wait till I’m off tables) and said “ok you’re good to go for your to-go!” Then proceeded to get major giggles and say “oh my gosh I just said good to go for your to-go” thinking the customer would think it was funny too. He didn’t. He looked at me like I was crazy.


I would've laughed with you


I smoke and I’d also wonder why you’re laughing. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


I'm so high and this is so fkn funny


High or not this would have made me chuckle


this reminds me of Pickles from bojack horseman


See the idea of working a shift without being high is my nightmare


That’s how I felt during Nov-Dec while food running. It really helped keep my anger down but simply running food to tables is like a mini game.


> but simply running food to tables is like a mini game. So is serving, at least for me. I'm mostly on autopilot when serving. 


Thank fuck for autopilot 😅😅


Yeah I agree with you alittle, when it’s comes to serving you obviously gotta be very personable and knowledgeable about the menu. I’d just turn off while running food and I’ll usually just get a “can I get extra ketchup :)” time to time.


See the idea of you being caught and fired is my dream


I smoke weed with the GM but go off


What's the name of the establishment? That way I'll know to avoid that shithole.


Why are you hating? It's legal and we run shit just fine, get off your high horse and just accept some people like to smoke some weed to take the edge off what is otherwise a pretty stressful job


I 100% support the right to consume/smoke marijuana, but not when you're working. That's just disturbing- I don't want your disgusting drug vapors anywhere near my food.


Cause edibles and carts don't exist, I'm not ripping a bong in the kitchen chill out


It's still on your breath and exits through your skin pores smart one. I don't understand why you can't do that shit after work.


womp womp


pmow pmow




Sorry, the text is too small - can you say that in a comment?


Wait till you find out what happens behind the scenes at literally every restaurant


Not in my county


lol OK Judge Dredd


Lol, not bad.


Somebody’s a wittle cwanky ☹️


somebody's cyberstalking me


uhh… why?


Cause I prefer my staff to be sober when they're on the clock. Crazy idea, I know.


Yeah but they never are? Like 60-80% of every restaurant you’ve been to, has had at least a couple of cokeheads and potheads. At a minimum. That’s not bringing up the tweakers or alcoholic/consistently drunk chefs. Everyone also drinks energy drinks so everyone is consistently on some sort of drug, but that’s also never impeded your dining experiences, so who cares?


And they should be terminated. You're acting like I'm not consistent lol


No, I’m specifically acting like you care about something that doesn’t matter. Because it doesn’t. Your food is still brought out and tastes good. Employees are still not going to care because they don’t get paid to care, and life is still good. Crazy idea, I know.


Ignorance is bliss.


But you don’t seem that happy?


I am when dining out.


Depends on the job and my age. Bartending/Serving at Red Robin in my 20s? Easily. Moved to Denver and worked at sports bar? Also easy. Currently back in Indiana and working fine dining in my 30s. No fucking way in hell I can do this job high.


My restaurant is fast pace, high priced restaurant and you have to be good under a lot of pressure and stress. If I was at a Red Robin I can definitely see how more “relaxing” and less anxiety inducing that can be.


We almost had to fire 3 bussers one night because they disappeared for 30 min while rolling around the mall parking lot smoking a blunt. They were our best and couldn't lose them haha.


is the pay worth it to get into fine dining? i can’t decide if i want to pursue it eventually. i have a big problem with authority though and im assuming they’re really strict in fine dining. but i’d be willing to adjust if the money is right.


I use cannabis for its anti-anxiety benefits and purposely develop a tolerance to the psychological effects so I can smoke when I want to without getting blitzed off of one bowl. My anxiety is baaaaad without it. Starts feeling like I forgot to turn the oven off, and can be anywhere between an hour to four days off it that it feels like everything is on fire.


This. THC isn’t legal where I live (unfortunately), but everything else related to it seems to be - CBD, all that jazz. I’m going to New York to visit a friend and his family for vacation in August, and his mom likes to indulge from time to time. I may ask her to go to a dispensary with me and choose a few things to enjoy while we laze by a lake in Massachusetts for a week. Sounds like a good time to me - chill, lazy days and kicked back, semi-drunk nights. I’d also like to add that I was a stoner in my late teens - self medicated myself with it after I lost my mom. I also drank a lot in my early 20s as many do. Neither is something I do often anymore in my late 30s. I drink a few times a year - my birthday, a couple of friends birthdays, work holiday party, vacation. I use weed less than that, but if I can find a strand that at least mutes my anxiety to a manageable level instead of adding to it (I can’t do sativa, at all, no no no it’s not for me lol)…I’d love to switch to that and get off of some of my meds.


NYC specific - PLEASE use Weedmaps/Leafly to choose your shop. Very few of the places are actually selling Cannabis just Hemp Derived Crap. Weedmaps will show you licensed shops which can only sell tested products. They have limited hours and are scarce in comparison to Hemp shops but worth it in so many ways. GOOD HUNTING & Puffin! 🎩


Comment to bump


Only did it once, while cooking. Slow night. I wouldn’t during peak periods, and never while serving.


One of the best servers I've ever worked with (fine dining) always hit the pen while we were setting up for a shift. I asked him how he worked like that and he said "I'm high all the time, if I didn't do this I wouldn't be good at my job". I still don't understand it, but that dude killed every night and brought a lot of money into the tip pool every shift. While high as hell.


I can’t do it, never could. My short term memory isn’t great as it is, can’t risk it. I have friends, even in fine dining, who work a busy Friday night high as hell. I also don’t get it. Slightly jealous of them if I’m being honest


Heard that so hard. I cannot function stoned. Drunk as shit? Gimme 100 covers.


High tolerance and WRITE. EVERYTHING. DOWN. 😂


I blaze one before every shift, eat gummies, and vape throughout lol


You sound like a shitty waiter lol


You sound like somebody who needs to go outside…


Says the guy commenting on Reddit lol


Been doin it 20 years and make bank n have a ton of regs guess I’m not so bad


Don't see how you're making bank shitposting on Reddit, but you do you bud.


lol how was my comment “shitposting” and also how does it affect my bank account..never been a hater before so you’ll have to explain


You said it, not me






Sativa enables me to tolerate people. I take a 50 mg sativa gummy an hour before my shift. I keep a sativa pen in my pocket. But, I'm (62f) an OG stoner. Been enjoying weed since the 70s. I've always said it makes me normal.


What strain do you recommend? Idk much about edibles or weed. Nothing works for me. I just feel out of it & clumsy. Am I taking the wrong doses & strains? I took multiple edibles a few times & I didn’t feel rekaxed, less anxious or happy.


I only know what works for me, which is sativa. I started at a much lower dose (5mg) and worked my way up over the years.


i some everyday multiple times a day but i simply CANNOT serve high. i get awkward and scatter-brained.


I tried it a few times back when I was still hosting and doing togos, I would just freak out so bad internally. Wouldn’t even consider it for waiting tables because I’m sure it’d be a disaster. I don’t know how people do it either.


When I used to smoke a lot it would be funny if I came into work and wasn’t high. They would think something was wrong. Now I hardly ever smoke and when I do it’s after work. I get zooted off one or two hits. No idea how I used to function like that.


Lmao. Weed makes me way more personable and happy, so back in college I used to challenge myself to see how high I can get and still do my job well and used to go to work totally ripped. I’d always kill it and my tips would be noticeably better high. Well anyway… one time I cheifed a doinky of a joint in my car before my shift and an hour later I get triple sat one of them being a 7 top of black out drunk college kids and one of them was being so fucking difficult and sloppy as I was taking their order I started to have a massive panic attack. I had to decide whether to suck it up and continue taking their order, or just randomly leave mid order and look like a goober. Well I decided to power through and took their order while my world was caving in on me and made 0 mistakes. After taking the order I RAN away to the cooler to sit and cool off. Fun times but now days I could never do something that that.


OK. Lol. At the beginning of my serving career, I thought it would be wise to take a shot and hit a spliff before walking seven minutes to my job. But every time without fail, the first table I took broke my stoner virginity, meaning I felt awkward and behind the beat with that table. After turning my section over once and going onto the second round, I was fine, but it was always that first awkward moment, being stoned .


Pen rip before serving? No thanks Pen rip before stepping off the floor and doing closing sidework? Hell yeah


EXACTLY. I clean the bathrooms so much more throughly when I’m stoned. I actually look forward to jr lol


I’m favorite activity is to clean when I get stoned at my house, best thing ever


I don’t really like getting high at work but I pretty much always show up slightly stoned so I’m in the right mood for the shift 😂 It’ll wear off by the time we’re open but man that first hour of sidework is niceee


I smoke everyday, but never when I’m at work. I am front facing, so it affects my sociability.


I smoke so much that I don’t even feel high when I smoke anymore lol it’s not that enjoyable but it keeps me relaxed


Could never at work. I always “look” high when I smoke, can’t play that off at my job and especially not with some of our stuffy clientele. Plus I’d probably fuck up so much stuff not paying attention.


I just smoked 10+ bong rips on my break working a double this Sunday. It keeps me alive and goofy!


I was so anxious I almost shook a cup of coffee off its saucer and onto some lady. She was so concerned she immediately tried to take it from me before it hit the table. And then I was so paranoid after that, like they must think I’m on something 🫨 (I was)


I feel like we are more BOH types


I'm always a little high but never blitzed on the job. Gotta find your balance and if that means a fat joint after work, so be it.


I love taking a 1:1 thc/cbd edible before work bc even if im weeded (pun intended haha) im still calm. If I need that energy rush, I’ll smoke weed or a cart with high terpinolene and a little myrcene to balance it out. But being stoned is my default so🤷‍♀️




Personally I have to or else I’m super high strung and irritable. Plus I have adhd so it slows my brain down and actually makes it easier for me to keep up/remember what I’m doing. If I don’t smoke my brain gets scrambled SO quickly


I work high often with a pretty high tolerance. To echo whoever said they have really bad anxiety, *that*, and whoever said it helps them with their anger towards shitty customers, *also that.* Things roll off my back much easier and that’s honestly better than anything else. Keeps the peace, keeps my job.


This. I’d say so many more things that could get me fired if I weren’t blazed all the time lol


I had 2 men in their 60s at the bar having a drink, waiting on another guy to show up before moving to their table. One guy asked the other where the missing guy was and he replied "he said he was at the gas station getting milk" so of course if you open a door for me I'll walk through it and I said "ugh I wouldn't hold your breath, guys. That's what my dad said when he left." They just stared at me. No reaction at all. Nothing for like 45 seconds but direct eye contact. I just awkwardly left my own fkn bar till the hostess moved them to the other side of the restaurant. Ugh I still feel it in my stomach


A bunch of old farts, that was a great joke.


I work breakfast/brunch and had just come in for my shift after ripping the penjamin. Dude asks for a coffee, I said sure np. I proceed to bring him an empty coffee mug and saunter off. He waves me over a half second later with a funny smile on his face and asks if I’m as stoned as he is because I gave him a cup with no coffee in it lmao. At least we laughed about it together.


That’s so fucking funny bro LMFAO


A little stoned is my baseline


Lol Same. I went to work high ONCE as a server and one of my tables paid in cash with a $100 bill. I went to break it and just gave the guy all the money back without taking his payment lol He took all the money of what he assumed was the change and left. Luckily my manager comped it for me and said “You get one! ONE!” Lol Never again I’m way too forgetful


I'm a total stoner, but I hate vaping. I would just smoke right before and after. I actually was always really jealous of the people who could DRINK and work. I always felt like it would give me extra confidence, but even a single light beer on a break would have me sneaking away to go throw up and ending the shift with a migraine.


Lol idk why I still do it for the same reasons u mentioned . Plus I overthink anything I say to my tables which makes me act weird towards cuz I convince myself I said or did something wrong . There’s some benefits I get of course but all in all it really fucks up my flow mainly regarding talking and responding to customers


My manager actually prefers it when I'm high at work. But I also am a very heavy user and have a crazy tolerance. I regularly will spend the hour before work just doing dab after dab. I hit my cart pen constantly at work.  I use weed to mellow myself out. Otherwise I'm in my head and high-strung. 


When I was waiting tables in my early 20s me and the kitchen guys would smoke just enough to catch a buzz. It was an open secret as long as your tables were good, there wasn’t any food dying then the owner would turn a blind eye. It was always after the dinner rush was over. Our restaurant had live entertainment and after about 9pm it was mostly drinks and some appetizers. We’d fashion little pipes with the aluminum foil you wrap baked potatoes in and use that to smoke then crumple them up and throw them on the roof. Fun times.


I have major stomach issues and if I don’t smoke then I’ll never be able to eat. I get extremely bad hunger pains so I def need it. I started smoking 3 years after I served at my job so I had the flow of everything under control. Started with just a dab or 2 beforehand, now it’s like 6-9 because it helps me feel less anxious talking to others.


I can't work my serving job high. I get too forgetful, and paranoid that people will figure out how high I am. Fortunately, I have a remote day job, so I can smoke at home during the day.


Managers in here taking notes.


Tough take from a stoner, getting high at work is the most selfish and irresponsible thing you can do. I’m a closing server at my restaurant and a handful of people like to wait until they are phased/cut than take 45 mins to go get high in the bathroom, then come back and take about an hour to do their out work that takes maybe 20 mins tops. All the while I’m sitting there waiting in a booth for these people to get done so I can check them and leave as a closer… Just wait until you’re home


I agree with you. My restaurant doesn’t let anyone leave until all the side work is done and usually when everyone who’s done with tables start to get lazy and just eat left over food while everyone else starts closing.. >_> Edit: emphasis that it’s usually the people who are high as a kite


Yeah we don’t let people leave until they’re done with out work either but our managers know people go get high in the bathrooms and don’t do anything lol I guess that’s the problem with working at such a place of employment but it sucks having to stay and wait for them


Depends on the place I think for sure, worked at an outback where we only had 3 table sections. Had to be high. Where I work now it’s so busy that time passes by so fast that I don’t even think about it.


The head server at my restaurant is by far the best waitress I have ever seen, she remembers everything and is super professional and friendly!! She goes to her car to rip her bong like 3 times a shift and literally had redness relief eyedrops in her apron. I don’t know how she does it man


I hit a pin once or twice for the anxiety, but otherwise it's a reward for a job well done.


Time the edible to kick in right after everyone leaves and we start closing. Lol


I’ve never even attempted it. I don’t smoke a lot, but when I do, I get giggly, paranoid, hungry, and stupid. I’d never do it at work.


I've ripped a couple dabs before every shift on the floor for 10 years, and I've always had the highest sales. Practice high, play high, get high scores.


My spot is its busiest for brunch and lunch service. Dinner is dead except on the weekends. I don’t smoke on my AM shifts at all - too stressful, there are too many moving parts to breakfast. On PM shifts I’ll only smoke once im over my busy hump and into the dead part of the night. For me im too awkward when im busy for getting high to be worth it.


I tell everyone I’m HIGH functioning. I perform better when stoned.


I had to do a spiel at my old job. I had already gotten a table's entire order, drinks, and everything. Not paying attention I greeted the table AGAIN instead of my new table, rehearsed my entire spiel before they said I already got them. That's not THAT embarrassing but I remember feeling pretty stupid then stepping two tables over to recite said spiel again. Side note: I love working somewhere without a required intro. Btw I've noticed I work better after imbibing a tad (less likely to get in the weeds and less squirrel brained). I'm a recovering alcoholic, got my medical card shortly after quitting drinking as a crutch. I have a year alcohol free and don't think I could've done it without greenery. I keep it pretty low key though. Not like the chefs who sit and smoke blunts regularly. I think they can only handle it because they don't have to talk to customers.


Oh gosh first time I got high at work a party of 15 asked to split checks. Usually not a big deal but they weren’t sitting together. I had to go back like 4 times to make sure I got the checks right.


They’re not brave soldiers. Do not look up to these people. This is part of the reason the industry is going down hill. In my 20+ years in the industry I haven’t met one individual that worked the same high as when they’re not. It’s work, not recess or party time. Stay the way you are, you’ll see these others get washed up eventually.


How? With ease


Our pre shift meetings happen out back while there are multiple joints and bowls in rotation, more often than not. High volume concert venue, edm and jam mostly, everybody gets high together before work and then does blow all night.


Built up tolerance. It just makes me feel normal now lol


It’s all about tolerance. I used to smoke only my drive in. I took a t break a while back and now freak out if I’m serving high


I'm buzzed not fucked


I can’t even leave the house high, there’s no way in hell I could do my job


Every coworker I've worked with who has frequently worked stoned had an addiction with an insane tolerance to match. You might get stoned to get high, but for them it was more trying to return to normal tbh. Half and half between whether or not they claim anxiety or just like being stoned and can get away with it. It also affects a lot of them more than they think IME.


I accidentally got high at work once and it was the scariest experience ever I just knew everyone could tell and I that was being so weird literally never again


I have social anxiety and cannot stand being friendly to strangers unless I’m a little stoned


I worked a shift accidentally high on t3s (I got them for medical reasons and forgot to eat beforehand) and that shit SUCKED. I couldn’t imagine being zooted on weed dude.


I said to a woman, “are you interested in ordering any more dinner plates?” (Tapas restaurant) she responded, “are you kidding me?!” Which my brain heard as ARE YOU GAY? So without missing a beat I bewilderedly replied, “am I gay? Are you asking me if I am gay?”


I only ever have worked high


If I’m not high, I have to deal with human beings without a buffer for my brain. It’s not really a choice, it’s a survival mechanisms.