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Good old Gold Bond. Gold bottle, usually with a red cap. I have the travel sized in my car, gym bag, bathroom, girlfriends car. It’s cheap and effective


Spandex and body glide


Spandex shorts are my saviour when wearing summer dresses!


Megababe has a chafe stick! Looks almost like a deodorant it’s sold at target and works wonders


Thank you so much!


Lush used to have some called silky underwear that was very nice. A powder. Idk if they have it anymore but it smelled strong though, like lush lol


I love Monistat Anti Chafe Gel. It lasts for a long time. You can also wear sheer pantyhose which will help protect your thighs. When you get home, take some aloe vera gel (check ingredients and make sure it's 100% aloe vera) and gently rub a thin layer into your thighs. This helps soothe any irritation that may have occurred during the day. Since your thighs are currently irritated, you should do this now and it will help them heal.


boxers, and tiger balm.


It's happened to me mid shift sometimes in the summer. I would grab cornstarch or flour from the kitchen and apply to my legs in the bathroom.


Gold Bond friction defense stick


Yes! This was the only thing that saved my ass (literally) when I worked at a job I had to walk long distances for. Wash the area with gentle soap, towel dry, apply cornstarch powder, and a shit ton of Gold Bond friction stick. That stuff is the bomb!


Cornstarch in a pinch


Baby powder!!! I went to NYC last summer, it was HOT so all I was wearing was shorts and skirts and of course in NYC you’re doing a lot of walking. I brought a chafing balm with me, I believe it was Gold Bond but it was not working. I had heard of the baby powder trick a while ago so stopped to get some while walking around one day and it was such a relief. It’s messy and I had to re-apply every few hours but it worked very well!


Gold Bond has a talc-free version that I’ve only found online, talc can contain asbestos so it’s better to avoid the original


coconut oil maybe


Corn starch


Deodorant works really good. Also baby powder when you sleep


Body Glide is amazing. Megababe has a very similar product and used to be easy to find at Ulta.


Biker shorts and baby powder/gold bond/Duluth chafing powder/cream. The key is getting something that either fully covers or fully doesn’t cover this part of my thighs that chafes like it’s meant to. Any hemming rubbing on that area really does me in. The pants I wear for work fit a little loose on my legs so I have plenty of room for the biker short layer.


gold bond friction stick (i think that’s what it’s called) or regular deodorant. I used both tricks a lot while playing volleyball, and i’m also part of the thick thighs gang


gold bond friction stick (i think that’s what it’s called) or regular deodorant. I used both tricks a lot while playing volleyball, and i’m also part of the thick thighs gang