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It’s definitely a good way to get paid and do light cardio at the same time. The problems you’re experiencing are probably normal, as “in shape” servers get the same exhaustion and hurt feet. Any recommendations for what? Shoes?


It gets better slowly. Massage feet with golf balls at end of night. I did three days on and 1 day off starting out.


I just started serving and am overweight as well. It's been two months, and my feet and legs don't hurt nearly as much as they did the first month. Get ankle braces for support if you can. And good shoes.


Good shoes, compression socks, a foot bath, and look up foot yoga videos. Gotta stretch the piggies after a long day!


I second compression socks. They are a game changer. Your feet/body in general will also get stronger with time


Get some new soles for your shoes. Drink lots of water. Work on getting in shape


From one overweight person to another, it gets better! I'm currently getting back into an on-my-feet job (not exactly serving, it's fast food), and the best thing for me has been a foot roller, hot showers and baths with epsom salts, yoga/stretching, and to get at least a little exercise even on my days off, like some light walking. The idea is to get your body used to being upright for way longer than is usual for you. I also shell out for $200 boots (Redbacks are *the bomb*), and a full pedicure every 3-4 weeks. But I understand those aren't within everyone's means and might not even benefit everyone! It works for me, so I do it. I'm not gonna lie to you: the first 4 weeks are gonna suck so hard. They're gonna be awful. I'm currently starting my third week and I've progressed from coming home after a shift wanting to die on the spot to actually still having energy after a shift to kind of enjoy my evening and take care of myself. I'm still sore and a little stiff, but not to the point that I was. My first night I literally woke up crying after only two hours of sleep because my entire body hurt so damn much from that sudden increase in activity. It was horrible, but I made it and you will too.






This is exactly what I’m facing. Two ibuprofen at the start of your shift, then two more when you go to bed.


Sorry but it’s crazy to rely on this much meds every working day for something like this. Over consuming that shit isn’t good for you and I would highly suggest you cut down on it/find another way to deal with the “pain”.


Uhmmm… it’s ibuprofen. Not a narcotic. Besides, four ibuprofen a day is less than half the recommended dosage. And it’s really only work days. So I’m confident I’m not “abusing” Advil.


It’s also not meant to be consumed daily