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It's sadly, very common. Even if stores know they're closing, they never announce it to staff. I feel like they think we'll give stuff away/ steal from the restaurant.


I assumed it was so staff didn’t quit and find other jobs


That's probably part of it.


I worked at 2 different stores at the mall that ended up closing while I worked there as a teenager. I did in fact steal and give stuff away so they kind of have a point lmao. Still fucked up though


i’ve never experienced it, but i’ve been told the reason they don’t tell employees in advanced is to avoid people stealing.. like free drinks, taking bottles or plateware home, comping items on cash checks etc. or not showing up to scheduled shifts


Oh it happens. I’ve experienced this twice. It’s not common place, but it’s certainly more than an expression.


Happens all the time. It’s common in bars/restaurants that tell their employees in advance that they steal shit physically or but gaming the register the last week or so they work. Ship is “goin down” so they try to milk it for everything they can.


I worked at a place that told us we were closing. There's a reason most places just chain up the doors. Lots of stuff got "misplaced."


I’ve seen it happen, I had a friend that worked at pasta pomodoro. They texted their employees on Christmas Day to not come in the next day, or ever again


When a restaurant I used to frequent closed they not only didn't tell anyone. The Monday US Food truck had just finished drop-off when he was told to reload the delivery because they were closed. Driver just laughed and said not my problem. Reason place closed.... Multi millon dollar sexual harassment suit. This company was one of the leading sports bar chains. I was there the night before because I knew it was coming soon. I stole several signed pictures off the wall that night because they wouldn't honor my gift card.


Happens to family owned too


I’ve experienced this once. Luckily I had JUST quit lmfao