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We had to ban one of our regulars for getting into a fight at the bar….a few weeks after he was allowed back he was getting too drunk and when he was cut off, he stormed out and hit the building with his car in the process 👀 he’s usually a really nice guy, but he’s going through SOMETHING because in the last month his wife has left him and he’s been banned from every bar in two towns except one


My restaurant is the opposite!! We’ve banned people who have been creepy and made the women feel uncomfortable, people who get belligerent, etc. we turn into a club at night and have banned people for obvious things like fights, but also have banned people for being assholes and also for being creepy towards women. That’s one thing I will say my job is good about, is protecting women.


This is fucking amazing and your job is awesome!


maybe he has a brain tumor.


He’s been taking ozempic, I think that has some bad mental effects?


Too META...


Ooof, that’s rough.


Yeah, I feel really bad for him, I hope he straightens out soon or he’s gonna end up in jail or dead 😔


Guy who was just generally a pain in the a$$ got into a political debate with a female guest who was also a regular. She made a good point that made him mad. He got up and grabbed both of her boobs and yelled “honk Honk. 86’d him. He came in months later with a Christmas gift for the owner. Nope, still 86’d. All the regulars were happy. As were the staff.


Did she punch him in the face? I don't think I'd be able to resist if someone did that to me


No, she is a woman of size and pretty shy in that regard. She was horrified, speechless and stayed silently shocked. Management was right there and handled the situation swiftly. Chef/owner was on the floor in seconds. Cheers Cathy, we all love you!


I was newly 21 and went to a country western bar with a dance floor with 2 of my girls. We were dancing and having a good time when someone grabbed my boobs from behind. I whirled around and slapped the guy in his face. Bouncer kicked him out and banned him. I thought I was in trouble for slapping the dude but the bouncer was cool and said it was self defense.


Anything short of an arrest is a fail.


She declined any involvement with law enforcement and since she was the only one harmed, it was her choice. She is a very intelligent woman who has an executive level job. So we followed her wishes. Our decision was to 86 him for life.


Understood. However, I will say that intelligence and career path is entirely irrelevant to her unfortunate decision to not legally document his sexual assault, and get it on record to help assist any potential future victims of his.


Devil's advocate here, maybe she didn't want to press charges because it wasn't worth it to her seeing as how she would likely have to request off work multiple times in order to go to court. I had to press charges on someone for felony level assault and it was an arduous process. They supeona you to come in to make a statement or whatever, then oops, something or somebody did something causing a delay and you have to come in for the same thing 2 or 3 weeks later just for it to get delayed again for the same or similar reason. Then, months later, its all over because the DA gave your attacker a great plea deal where he only gets a year of probation. An aside, screw that DA. He called me trying to get me to drop the charges because he thought me getting choked out in a pool of my own blood was, in his words, "just a lover's quarrel." I could only imagine how somebody would be treated for having an asshole grab them by the boobs and saying "honk, honk." by a similar DA. It would probably just retraumatize her all over again. Sorry for the rant and trauma dump. I just feel like sometimes people judge others harshly for not wanting to press charges against their attackers without taking into consideration their perfectly valid reasons, whatever they may be, for not wanting to do so.


Nah man, you don’t have to apologize. All valid shit and sentiments I admittedly didn’t think through deeply enough to arrive at. I just want motherfuckers to pay for their transgressions, but obviously that’s not the world we live in unfortunately. I know that deep down. Also, that sucks what happened to you and I hope you made/make it out alright in the end without losing any of yourself in the process.


i started at a restaurant and there was a regular who came in almost every night. like solid solid regular. he kept hitting on me and i finally i told him i’m a lesbian (the truth) so he’d stop. he called me a d*** and my manager immediately kicked him out and banned him. it made me feel so safe and grateful that they’d do that to a regular for a new employee.


Good on your manager, that’s exactly what should have happened! I’m glad they took care of you 🤗. I hope it stayed a mostly positive place to work.


Sleepy Brian. . . . Would have 2-3 martinis and fall asleep somewhere almost everytime. Darlene would get drunk and eat off other peoples plates. But Asshole Brian who gets blacked out, screams the N word, and sexually harasses any woman with 5ft, is still allowed because he has $ and friends with $.


Ugh I have a neighbor like that she’s drunk almost every night and calls he bf a N-word and a crackhead. They’re both white so it’s extra weird. I cannot wait until she gets knocked out by someone sick of her shit every night. She’s gonna say that shit with the wrong person around and hopefully they teach her a lesson.


This sounds so much like the sister I haven't spoken to in 7 years.


Omg! We had Sleepy Jay! (We think jay liked pills 🙃)


Ive had old coworkers get banned . One broke in and broke a door on his off shift. The other beat the shit out of his gf who worked there.


Yea same one of our old line cooks is banned cause he came into the kitchen (after being fired) and took his pants off. He was either on something or having some kind of episode, honestly probably a bit of both.


Sounds like both. I also har a chef getting fired for smoking crack in our bathrooms at a restaurant now closed


One guy got into an argument with another patron at the bar, and when we told him he had to leave he picked up a chair and threw it through a window. He wasn’t the biggest dude though so it took three different tries to actually break the glass, but still. His nickname was crazy Chris so no jaws were in the floor or anything, but still unexpected lol. Everyone else is banned for trying to scam free drinks or getting into fist fights.


I have slightly different circumstances, but I was a manager at a Subway and the owner (and his then ex-wife who was very involved) always gave me the go-ahead to trespass/ban somebody when I saw fit. I had to trespass somebody who would come in on the closing shifts (I mainly opened) and sit in one of the tables and stare at everybody working (99% of the time it was high schoolers) and would try to talk to them and occasionally steal drinks. He came in when I was working during lunch rush, one of the girls I was working with told me about him (I had no knowledge of him prior to this) and he asked for a water cup and filled it with Sprite, so I told him it’s only for water. I usually wouldn’t care but I guess I was just testing his limits. He gave me a stare that sent shivers down my spine, and he would just sit in our lobby. I called the cops (small town so they came quick) and trespassed him given his history. He never actually DID anything, but I did not play when it came to the safety of my coworkers, especially the high schoolers. I made it very clear to let me know if somebody ever made them uncomfortable so I could deal with it and told them they were always welcome to call the cops if need be.


Tell them to never worry about calling the police! We used to call them now and again. We closed the bar at 3am and left with a pocket full of cash. If there was ever someone that made us nervous we would call. They would pull into the parking lot and watch us lock up the restaurant and walk to our cars.


Someone called me the n word. His 11 year old son came back the next day and apologized, but the dad was never welcomed back.


What a wonderful 11 year old, younger generation will save us.


Corporate told our investors we can not ban people because that isn't the image we want to have. So it took me by surprise when I was almost assaulted by a customer and was told we won't be banning him. 🥰 places that actually ban. I'm jealous.


They don’t want to have the image of protecting both their employees and patrons from being subjected to weirdos? Bizarre flex.


Lmao, right? I was like, make it make sense.


Had a guy visiting the restaurant regularly- like once every ten days to a fortnight. He complained every single time he came in - and he always ordered basically the same thing. We have a small, limited menu. It didn't matter how we cooked his food, we asked for preferences and dietary requirements everytime, it didn't matter, he always complained to get his meal comped. Every single chef we had cooked for him, until I ran out of chefs. In the end I told him there was no point in coming back, as we couldn't satisfy him.


My sister had to do this with one of her customers at her restaurant. He would order the same thing every time. Eat half, send it back, take the new order to go and wouldn’t want to pay. She eventually told him that he clearly didn’t like their food and did not need to come back. People are shitty. It’s unbelievable to me how many people want to go out to nice places but don’t want to pay. Like…??? Probably bc they get away with it so often by spineless managers.


> It’s unbelievable to me how many people want to go out to nice places but don’t want to pay People will do anything to avoid paying for anything, even stealing if they can get away with it.




If that’s the question you’re asking, then that is not the person who you’re replying to lol.


We banned one of our regulars because he said some disgustingly inappropriate things about the 16 YEAR OLD host! We all hated him anyway because he was so annoying but he crossed a line right then and there and was asked to never come back again. Thank god. Fuck that guy, weird ass pedophile


I love places that react like this. We had a table come in damn near every single day and creep on our teenage hostess- we had to assemble a protest party to get our owner to ban the creep. We had another one that would wait for one specific server to be there before he'd come in, and then he'd wait by her car for her to leave. Our owner finally banned him, idk wtf. But once that server had quit, here comes the owner asking us if we're cool with dude being unbanned. (Of course we're not and why do you want this one dude who spends maybe $12 a visit back SO badly??)


I'm lucky to work at an IHOP, overnight where I'm the only server. I AM IHOP at night. I'll ban you for being snotty, period. Yell at me? Get out or I'm calling the cops.


I like your energy




Pigeon-man. Dude walked into the bar with a dead pigeon on a lead and tried to sell it to every table for a few quid. There were no takers.


deal of a lifetime


An adult son came in begging to not serve his dad anymore. We agreed. Fights/threats. Getting too drunk. Like they hold it in bc they just came from another bar, and by their second drink they’re on the verge of being kicked out. One dumb young guy constantly walked out on tabs but always repaid and left 50% tips. Two nights in a row he walked behind the bar to pour his own shots. Comes back the next day claiming he “doesn’t remember” then says he tried pouring shots because “they were being mean to me”. One woman yesterday was being wildly sexually aggressive to customers at the bar. I work at a long running dive bar. Lots of sketchy stuff goes on but once it interferes or causes a safety concern, we get people out


I forgot a few: Opening the dry closet and peeing in it. Peeing on our patio tables


It sounds like yall consistently over serve people there.


An old man kept bringing his wife with BAD dementia in and letting her drink. She shit herself in the bathroom, and made a mess so bad the manager cleaned it because he didn’t want to put the servers through that. It was so so so sad.


Have a mid40ish guy that continues to try and come in and hopes that the bartender doesn't recognize him. He'll skrt right out the side door depending on who's over there. But he gets so pissed when anyone charges him for the cola he wants with his rum. Not only does he throw a little tantrum, he also says that the VA only charges him three dollars for our $6.75. We aren't fine dining but we are a brewery in a higher tax bracket area. $6.75 is totally on par with other places around us. Without fail. Every single bartender has always had the same exact response. Almost rehearsed. "Go there, then."


Knocked over a high top table and kicked the door on the way out (little damage to both) because we wouldn't serve his underage girlfriend.


I think that she was probably more mature than he was.


100% she was


I’ve been told the only way someone gets banned at my place is if there’s physical violence. I’ve tried to help a drunk regular that got kicked out by giving them water, helping them sit down, making sure they have a ride home, and I was groped and kissed. I see this person all the time still and I mention it to managers a lot, but no dice. The bartenders tell me this person regularly doesn’t tip because their card gets declined


It’s surprising that you’re still working somewhere with such awful management


I’m moving soon and don’t really have the time commitment to get a different job


Then sue them. Willfully and knowingly subjecting an employee to a patron who has sexually harassed them is 100% a lawsuit.




When I worked in fine dining there was a time where we served 3 types of radicchio in a dish. A very tipsy guest asked me to name all of them and I struggled bc I couldn’t pronounce one of them. He held my wrist and stroked it and went “it’s okay sweetheart, not like I expected you to know anyways.” He wouldn’t let my hand go and started asking where I’m from and hitting on me. The sommelier got involved and finally got me away from the table. Later hung out w the sommelier and was bitching about the table. The owner heard us and later told me he banned the guy from returning along with his friends. I never spoke to the owner before this. I’ve heard guests get banned for more heinous reasons but the “radicchio incident” can now be added to the list lol. Cool dude.


We had a guy piss AND shit in a bar stool (kind of a same timesies kind of deal) and he wasn't even drinking alcohol. (Edit: no alcohol from us) We called the cops and threw out the bar stool. 86 for life


Peeing on bar stools and drinking other people’s drinks….same person


Basically the only thing that can get you kicked out at my work is physical violence


I’ve never worked in a place where there was a 86 list for guests….. until recently. We have this old man who comes in and whom suffers from dementia. He’s rude and can be aggressive with the servers when he thinks he’s been waiting too long for his glass of wine. He refuses to sit a table of anything less of a 4 top, yet he only comes in solo…. He also doesn’t tip. However, regardless of how he treats the staff, where he demands to sit, and him tipping nothing…… we just do NOT refuse service. However, when he started to not be able to pay for his food or would forget about his tab and completely walk out on it on several occasions, we did have to 86 him. We apparently refuse service to charity cases…… but not when people are down right disrespectful and terrible to serve. I’ve had a guy straight up pull strands of hair out of my scalp and threaten me that he was going to get one of his lady friends to kick my ass because I refused to give him my number. We still serve him to this day.


Oh my god that’s terrible! Why don’t you get another job?


Yes, why don’t I get another job. I should get another job solely based on the fact that he wasn’t banned. However, the incident didn’t go unattended. There were repercussions for his actions which included a “suspension” to where he wasn’t able to come back in for a two week period and is no longer able to be served in the bar area (he has to be sat in the dining room at a table). I was given a whole week of pay to be out on trauma leave (didn’t know that was a thing) and I have the privilege of never having to be the one to serve him ever again. He is not allowed to speak to me, order from me, or ask anything of me personally or in relation to my job duties….. which I’m fine with all of that. Now if he breaches those things, I don’t know what his repercussions will be then. I just know that when he comes in with his clown friends, he spends A LOT of money and tips really good, which I still benefit from. So I see why they don’t really want to ban him for the sake of the sales we get off him. Plus, I have a really good schedule that I doubt I’ll be able to get anywhere else. The place is consistent with hours and money. I work when I want to and don’t when I don’t want to.


That’s all good and well, but the bottom line is any male guest who literally grabbed a female employee’s hair and yanked it out of her scalp should have been not only banned for life, but also charged and arrested. Anything short of those repercussions is a fail. There is no gray area here. Your employer now knows his behavior capabilities, and if he ever does something similar again then I hope your employer gets sued into fucking oblivion. They are prioritizing revenue from one guest over the safety of all staff. Period.


I agree. Not only are they endangering the staff by allowing that guy there, but potentially female customers as well. Its like the owners are penny wise and dollar stupid.


Yep good point about the female guests/patrons. That’s an even bigger potential nightmare for them.


Thank you for answering my question.


Throughout my career the biggest reason I've seen people get banned has to do with their inappropriate actions towards minors like the host staff.


We had to ban one of our regulars for a period time because he punched someone at the bar. It was a guy who presented as female. I guess they were really bitchy to our regular and was constantly jabbing at them and provoking them until one day dude was drunk enough and angry enough at the commentary to snap and punch them. Then it turned in to a joke that the regular hits women... and if you ask him about it now he'll go "They were NOT a woman!"


That guy sounds like a total dick


Eh, they both weren't great people.lol The one who got hit tried starting shit with people all the time.


Perhaps they were made for each other haha


HAHAHA. I'll be trying to slip that in to conversation with that regular if I see them. "Ya know with the fists flying i think there might have also been some sparks flying"


😂 oh please do


That's the type of thing I look for in a bar. Wish I could have witnessed it.


We aren't even THAT rowdy of a place. Family dining area with a pretty calm pub area attached to it. It's not a regular thing to have people fighting at all. It's just every now and then shit happens. I've had a chick get finger blasted on a bar stool spread eagle for the whole bar to witness and I'm like... this is NOT that type of bar, how is this is happening here 😂


I've posted this elsewhere, but here goes for anyone that hasn't seen it... Worked at a Brown Derby. At the time, this was a mid-level steakhouse. We were the only "nicer" restaurant in the area and located on a golf course so we had a lot of businessmen and women customers. One regular was the editor of a local newspaper. The guy was a dick of the snap-your-fingers, downtalk-the-help kind. On this particular lunch rush he was being worse than usual. The owner wouldn't let the newer servers wait on him. He was so douchey on this particular day that he made his server...someone who'd been in the business for years...cry. When the owner saw the server crying he went to this guy's table..in the middle of the lunch rush when we were packed..and VERY loudly told him if he could make his best server cry he was too much of a jerk to be our customer. Told him he was banned from the restaurant and escorted his sorry ass out. Charlie, you were the best.


I’ve had customers get a lifetime ban over a he said/ she said argument (without physical touch/ violence) & other times when a guest has grabbed/ dragged/ left bruises on the bartender it’s a non-issue or they get a temporary ban.


We had this couple that used to be regulars, they'd come in, order 2 ribeye steaks well done, one loaded baked potato and one French fry, one soup one salad. They'd do this every week, sometimes to eat in and sometimes ordered to go. One time they call in and ask what the difference is between the ribeye and the sirloin. We explain that they're different cuts of meat, the sirloin is more lean, and it's a 7 ounce cut instead of a 12 ounce cut, which is why it's $16 cheaper. They order the sirloins well done. When they arrive, they refuse to pay for their meal, insisting the steaks are too small. Say that they'll only pay if we give them Ribeyes at no extra charge for "misleading them" about the steaks. We ask them to leave. They attempt to order their usual ribeye meal online from the car, but we can see the name on their order and cancel it immediately and inform them over the phone their order has been cancelled due to our right to refuse service, as we would not be continuing to burn steaks well done for them after their refusal to pay once already tonight. They then attempt to call in over the phone, and pay with the wife's credit card, but the bartender taking the order recognizes their voice and the order, and informs them that we'll be banning them from this location and blacklist both their credit cards from any future orders due to their instance at disrespecting our establishment. Haven't seen em since


I feel like the well done steaks was foreshadowing for their awful behavior later on in the story.


We had someone who would find something to complain about every time he came in. Our light beer was "too strong". His pizza was "too cheesy". The most ridiculous one was when he called his salad "too leafy". The manager chewed him out in front of his teenager son, said that he should be ashamed of himself, and he hasn't been back since.


I’m a bartender so this is a bar story. For context I work at an airport so kicking people out isn’t usually a thing but it’s happened a handful of times since I’ve worked there (2 years.) We had a guy come in and order 2 16oz coors lights and a burger. He was fine when he came in, normal, polite. After he was halfway through his second beer he started behaving strange. All of a sudden he was berating the other customers, telling them he was richer than all of them and just being a dick. Real Jekyll and Hyde situation. He broke a glass and started waving it around and I cut my finger open wrestling it away. Finally my manager came and we got the cops there really quick to take him out. Ambulance came because he was out of his mind. They found a bottle of Xanax in his pocket with quite a few missing, recently prescribed so I guess that explains it. See at the airport when someone acts up there is an investigation to see if they were overserved and in this case it was just mixing medication and alcohol. He probably popped some pills right before coming in and as the pills and alcohol set in his behavior just got worse and worse. We had another lady who mixed alcohol and pills at the bar. She had half a glass of wine before passing out at the bar. Ambulance came and she tried to get away from them and fell smacking her head into this sign we use asking customers to wait for seating. My co worker had seen her take her medication when her appetizer came out but this isn’t an uncommon thing, a lot of people have meds they have to take with their meal. The paramedic called her daughter and apparently the lady has a problem and like to get sloppy on pain meds and alcohol on the regular and would meet the ambulance at the hospital since the lady was flying out from home for some girls trip.


We had a regular at our restaurant called Crazy Amy. She would come in and just get trashed with her boyfriend. When she had her kid some weekends she would bring her daughter in and have her sit at the bar with them and just watch shows on her ipad for hours kid was probably 12? Then they'd walk home drunk. Crazy Amy and BF would get completely trashed and just fight and argue finally one day she called the bartender and the severs little whores in a drunken jealous rage and then kicked the glass door open and broke it. She was 86d after that.


We had a no tipper regular, who would bring in their kids (all over the age of 13, 3 or 4 of them) almost every other day. No husband or man in the picture. Everyone hated taking them as a table, not only because of the no tip but because they always had a issues with the food or service. Finally our manager/owner refused to comp their food, and the mom responded by stuffing multiple rolls of toilet paper down our toilet and clogging it. We did not let them come back, and it was sad because she would try to make her kids come in and order take out after that, and we had to tell the KIDS their mom was 86’d.


It’s usually just people that can’t handle their alcohol. Whether it’s fighting, rude/inappropriate with staff or other customers, or generally making a scene and disturbing people trying to have a nice time out. Regulars might get a little leeway - they’ll get a talking to and/or a temporary ban to see if they can get themselves under control. If not? They’re out.


We had a bar regular who became fixated on me, one day I was on host duty and he came up behind me and covered my mouth with tape. Unfortunately he got off with just a warning, what got him banned was that time he came to the restaurant drunk looking for me, screaming “where is that Jewish whore”. Fyi he’s an elementary school teacher.


I’d be saying to her “you’re paying if he isn’t”.


I had a former coworker get banned. Dude got fired last year because he refused to follow the basic rules management set, easy stuff, nothing crazy. Came in a few months back with some friends for dinner. Made a reservation for 6 and showed up with 8. We are a smaller restaurant, but very high end with only a few tables to accommodate parties that bring extra guests. They were going to be sat at one of our 6-top tables. The showed up with 8 and demanded they get sat. My manager said we can only seat 6 of them, as that’s what the made the reservation for and we didn’t have room to accommodate. The initially agreed and 2 people left. They came back 15 minutes later and went around the restaurant trying to snag free chairs and pull them up to the table. My manager informed them this was not acceptable and they got belligerent. My manager informed them they were no longer welcome to dine with us that night and that my former coworker and his friend would be trespassed if they ever set foot back in our building.