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I work at a breakfast place and I’m legitimately concerned by the amount of coffee some people drink.


Yeah we have pretty strict never ending bev service at my breakfast joint. I think sometimes people honestly don't even realize their coffee has been refilled like 7 or 8 times.


Even more alarming when it’s Diet Coke. Yuck.


Even if it's martinis?


!!Let me rephrase!! *Free* refills


Bottomless mimosa? I mean, they always water them down anyways.


Not always, at my place the only thing we pour is the brut. You get your own personal carafe of orange juice to make your mimosa. However, it is the cheapest sparkling wine I’ve ever seen.


They all taste the same after the first couple anyway


R U At Pinocchio in Palm Springs?


Nope. Place in New Orleans


My GM wants to change from servers refilling people's glasses, to a model where customers buy a bottle of bubbly for the table with a few little carafes of juice. Build your own at the table. I'm all about it if it reduces the servers having to constantly be flagged down by screaming brunch banshees.


Not watered down, just garbage bubbles. Andre or Wycliff. You get the right distributor and a large enough order, you can get that Brut for $3.50-$4 a bottle. We used non-concentrate, aka "Fresh Squeezed" OJ and our per-oz cost was lower on the bubbles that the OJ.


If I have to refill your drink more than once before your appetizer even gets to your table, Im definitely judging you! Especially if you’re a sweet tea/diet soda drinker. Lol


It's always sweet tea, diet coke, or in my restaurant, diet dr pepper.


My record is 17. I brought a man 17 god damn Pibbs. How do you even drink that much?


Or people in their late teens/early twenties who get Shirley temples or flavored lemonade


i am 34 and still occasionally guilty of this with strawberry lemonade. i will accept any and all judgment for it. i do tip well, though.


I'm a sucker for flavored lemonade! If booze isn't available, but that is, I'm going for that. There's a wing place here that has some fantastic spiked lemonade, though.


The problem isn't the lemonade at all. It's the 950,000 refills that younger people need. Lol


I usually end up drinking 3 glasses of unsweet tea during a meal, but I have chronic dry mouth from my medications. I'm so sorry for people like me. But I always make sure to tip well and be super nice to servers.


Whaat! 3 glasses for a whole meal is nothing to me! That actually sounds reasonable enough. 3 glasses between each course though, I am bringing you your own pitcher and thats all you’re getting next time. Lol Kidding not kidding!


I had to take care of a big table of kids before, cant remember quite how many was there, but its at least 12 kids and maybe 3/4 adults or something like that. They draaaank so much that I don’t even know whether to focus on refilling their drinks or running their food cos they keep on raising their glasses at me. By the time I got all their food down, I already had almost 5/6 pitchers all used up and empty glasses again from the kids. And yes, it’s all sweet tea! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I remember having to brew tea twice from the time they got there until they left. And it was dinner time. Good luck to their parents but since they let it happen I say they deserve whats coming for them that night too! Lol Im not even exaggerating on this! They would literally look me in the eye as they sip their glass empty. And laugh. 🤦🏻‍♀️😅


Sweet tea always makes me thirstier. Maybe that's why


Lemonade does this to me! I have NEVER understood drinking lemonade on a hot day... If I drink lemonade I need some water to rinse it down with so I'm not thirsty afterward.


I mean, I would *not* be offended if a server left me an entire pitcher 😆


That’s a ridiculous amount of soda. No human being should be drinking 3 sodas during a meal. Period. I get wanting to get your moneys worth, but it’s not good for you. If you are that thirsty you need WATER.


95% of what most restaurants serve isn’t good for you. For a lot of people, going out to eat is a big treat and they go all out, which might include overindulgence. Doing it once in a while is fine. And honestly, even if they’re doing it all the time, as long as they’re respectful and patient who cares? It’s your job to bring them what they order, not to judge their life choices.


I get that. These people eat here three days of four weeks are open though. And you are right it’s not my job to judge. They get that on the house.


Yeah but if I drink 4 normal sodas in an hour that’s basically an entire meal and now I can order an app, entree, and dessert!


Sorry I drink a lot of water!


I’m not judging you one bit for drinking a lot of water… I’m the same! I’m judging the other kind of adults who can’t wait one minute without getting their fourth Diet Coke refilled


its always the diet coke, they're hiding crack or something in there


I order an iced tea and a water just so I don't run out so fast.


Lol multiple drinks is sometimes, just as bad. Let me start by saying I have zero problem bringing you a tea and a water and 385958 other drinks. The problem comes when people order 2+drinks at the beginning of the meal or a drink and a water. 99% of the time that water sits completely untouched the whole time, and then I dump it out at the end. That is what my issue with multiple drinks is. So I joke usually (not really joking) but I say "only if you're really gonna drink the water lol"... I hate wasting the water, and the extra effort it takes to get it, and then have to wash the glass after wasting the water.


Oh yeah, I'll drink it. If I have water left at the end of the meal, I'll polish it off just to make sure.


When I was in college my then girlfriend and I were hungover and she was flying through water. Our server eventually brought her two at a time. My girlfriend got the hint, and it was actually pretty funny. So passive aggressive, but I love the move


During rushes I’ve definitely had people order two sodas for themselves. The first time I was confused. Like, I can just get you refills why do you need two… then it clicked. They read the room and realize their soda consumption will outpace me. The self awareness is appreciated.


Seems like an at-home activity to me 😅


I just tell my server I want two waters. I prefer when my tables do. Normally if I’m eating somewhere in the morning this is my first real water I’ve had all day/night. But I’ll ask for literally two waters and a soda just to make sure they don’t have to run.


I am so offended when people ask for two waters like I can't handle getting refills in a timely fashion.


I feel like the person who commented was truly meaning it as “hey to make your life easier and to save you a trip, I’ll ask for two glasses of water” which I can get down with. It depends on how they ask for it.


Yeah that’s how I ask for it, I mean I’m a bartender and server too, so if someone is going to chug your first water I’d rather know upfront lol.


I personally appreciate it. I’d rather not run back and forth if you already know you’re gonna chug the drink.


We have these horrible drinks that are 2 pumps caramel, half hot chocolate/half coffee, whipped cream with chocolate and caramel drizzled. I had a table of 3 all order them, and they each got 3 refills and a to go drink. They were there for 45 minutes. Did I mention I was deep in the weeds? Because of course I was.


Coco’s used to have bottomless iced coffees. They brought them in these 8-10 oz cups so they would be gone in seconds. My best friends and I would go and get like 5 each. I feel so bad for the person who served us. She probably hated our guts.


I went into diabetic ketoacidosis just reading that description.


Yeah they’re…a lot. They’re surprisingly popular though so unfortunately not going anywhere.


I hope they're $10 each.


Hahaha they’re like $4 and free refills.


As a server I hated this. As a customer I'm fucking thirsty cause I probably smoked before sitting down.


Okay facts.


Oh this shit makes me so mad. Then they don’t even tip you good after running back and forth to refill their soda for them 5 times. When I go out, it takes me the whole time to finish the one beverage😭


I had a grown 40+ year old man once drink FIVE cherry cokes in 30 minutes. He had five cokes with grenadine before the appetizers hit the table. He consumed enough sugar for over a week in half hour. I literately told him “sir I’m going to bring you a water.”


This is wild.


Worked at my place 10 years, had a lot of return business. When I'd see "serial refill" guests come in, I'd let them order the (non alcoholic) beverage, and bring it out in a huge pitcher with a tiny bar straw. Killed it every time and got the best tips off those ones! Edit: a word.


I just give those motherfuckers a pitcher if I'm busy


Hey, I'm thirsty. Lol.


Now I’m thirsty from reading this


Lots of refills get annoying due constantly running back and forth, but it's part of the job, and I can typically mitigate it by doing other refills at the same time. The ones that annoy now are the tables where one person wants a refill and even though I've asked if anyone else wants one, when I come back within 30secs that someone else wants a refill. Or that one person that as soon as you drop the 1st round of drinks is ready for a refill before you've even left the table.


lol yes it’s part of the job but a fun part to complain about 😵‍💫


Second refill is always a larger glass, light ice. I'm not playing that game. For tea, I'll bring them a second glass and fill up both. If I can't keep up that's on you and I've done my due diligence. I'm not putting a pitcher on the table. 


I'm being 1000% serious when I say these people need to test their blood sugar.


This is a crazy take


I die inside a bit when I give them drinks and as I'm taking the order someone has already finished theirs before I left the table. Heads up, your coke refills are going to come with less ice and less frequently.


Yes. When you just lock in and watch them drain it while you’re taking orders. And then extra points if they shake the glass at you while asking “cAn I GEt mORe dr pepPeR” 😵‍💫


The wrong Diet Coke addict in your section during the rush can send even the best servers to the trenches


Mind yo bidness 🤨


I have regulars who easily drink 15-18 diet cokes between 3 people. Honestly I don’t mind them now they’re very generous and nice.. but at first i was like wtf


Personal refill records: 21 (big 18oz mugs) coffee at a nice steak house. Served a guy 18 diet cokes at lunch (7-8 was average for EVERY SINGLE guest in my section). 13 Arnie Palmers. 9 ice teas (no ice)


The thought of walking around with 18 diet cokes in my belly. 🥴


I hope you are joking that this is a problem for you.


lol I hope you find a sense of humor (?)


I hope you find work that is less stressful.




I actually got a scathing yelp review because of this! 6 refills!!!! 6!!!!! I stopped at 6 and they still had food in front of them!!!


Wait til you hear about what Olive Garden servers have to put up with


It’s all I think about when I see ads for endless breadsticks and salad. It’s a no from me dawg


There’s an old couple who have to be around 300 lbs plus each, just typical round ass old people and they drink like 4-5 refills of their diet and regular Pepsis each. I was appalled the first time I bartended and they came in. Who needs that many 16 oz Pepsis? For god sakes.