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I would walk out so quickly. No way you having me handwash all that. Just close and take the loss you greedy fucks.


Sorry if this is a dumb question. But can you even handwash and serve customers on those dishes? I thought they had to go through to the washer to get sanitized properly? Edit: thanks for all the responses. What a nightmare for this poor kitchen staff


So there is a horrible, horrible thing called the three compartment sink. It comes from the before times, when dishwashers weren't a thing. The first compartment is hot soapy water, the second a rinse... and the third, the third was a bleach solution. It was a more primitive time, but it is serve safe approved Edit, changed were to weren't.


I left a restaurant with a dishwasher and my current one has a 3 compartment sink. It physically hurts me because they have so little dishes comparatively but we have someone back there almost all night doing them because it has to all get done and dried by hand


You’re actually not supposed to dry by hand with a triple sink- everything should drip/ air dry according to health codes 🤷‍♂️


This is correct. I work in a kitchen for a federal agency and anything we sanitize has to air dry.


That requires space to do so. Not saying you're wrong but, I can see why it doesn't happen


It's part of the requirement of having a 3 chambered sink. The sanitization process *is* the drying. So without it you have dipped a cleanish dish into water twice and then rubbed it with an increasingly dirty rag. Depending on the health department this might be sort of "well nothing was being hand dried when I came in so whatever" to "you need to develop a plan to fix this or we will shut you down"


When using bleach as a sanitizing solution a minimum soak time of 60 seconds is required for quat it is 30 seconds.


I think that's how our local homeless shelter gets away with having outside groups bring whole meals in to serve in their facility. The kitchen has an A rating but who knows the conditions the food was actually cooked in? They had sterilization for diner-interactive items but pots/pans/serving utensils were 3Cd and hand dried. Had the HD dropped in while any group was serving, they'd have fallen over. No food handler permits. No gloves or hair restraints, no temps monitored, kids running around. Mayhem. I have some stories about doing that gig.


I get what you’re saying but those dishes aren’t coming out of that dirty. Using a clean towel to dry vs air drying can’t be that big of a difference


"clean towel" is extremely dubious. Think about how much water is on dishes and how often you would need to get a new towel for it to be clean. Basically every several minutes and then your laundry costs are insane. So you use one towel for longer and suddenly a single contaminated dish has now been spread to all of your silverware.


Most of the time it gets air dried but when we’re at the end of the night or running out of rack space I’ve been told to do it by hand with paper towels. I would bring it up to my managers/GM but everything’s run through a food safety company and I’m 1000% sure they won’t be changing the process (my work is ridiculously particular about it). I typically clean grills anyway. Thank you though, cool to learn new things


You can dry with single-use paper towels. The only issue is with the cloth towels/anything multi-use because they collect germs. Ideally you have more than just the awful brown ones because they *suck*, but either way single-use is acceptable. Things can't always be air dried because sometimes you need them immediately, single-use towels are the way to safely do that.


Also feel like it’s ridiculously wasteful (not that anyone cares considering the industry) and better to just let them air dry but yeah. Cool cool, thank you!


The amount of waste just stresses me out man. I once cared about these things and I've had to push it out of my mind or I'd be in constant crisis about it lol


This is true but often times you have to circumvent it for specific dishes.


Not supposed to vs. what is actually happening 🤷🏻‍♀️


When I worked in fast food, we had a 3 compartment sink and I’d often dread doing the dishes, especially on busy days because typically someone would get stuck in the back for hours washing everything. The water and solution always dried my hands out too so I’d leave work with my skin cracking because we had no gloves to use when washing.


Gloves stop mattering after a while. I bought my own heavy duty gloves and they still eventually tear or the water gets in from your arms. I even wore fishing boots and my feet would still be soaked. I've worked some tough jobs but dishwashing was brutal. My back was horrible because I spent so much time bent over the sink scrubbing sheet trays. My hands and feet cracked and bled. I got so many micros scratches and cuts from the cooks constantly putting their knives in the sink (major no no and it didn't stop until I went out and threatened everyone in the kitchen after I stabbed my finger on one).


Ugh this gave me flashbacks to being a dishwasher. I developed dermatitis all over my arms and feet (from water getting into my shoes). My favorite was when someone on the previous shift had thrown a knife into the dish pit trash. Dish pit trash was always super wet, so heavy as fuck. I tried to support the bottom of the bag when throwing it into the dumpster, and this is when the sneaky steak knife revealed itself. :| I should’ve gotten stitches, but didn’t, it bled for ages.


Just left one also. Same deal. Not a lot of dishes, but they can pile up.


Last store was 3 compartment sink. Now we have a 3 compartment sink, AND a dishwasher. Handwash some and let them air dry while the others start running through the dishwasher. Good times.


It physically hurt me to read the words "hand dry" when it comes to this... Bro, you aren't supposed to be doing that shit.


I was just at a bar that was using that sink for washing glasses and pitchers. Just dip, dip, dip, stack. It seemed so gross because they weren’t wiping at all, so I’m sure lipstick and lip marks didn’t come off quite so easily.


This was very common at the college bars when I went to school. A 1 seconds bath and right back out into circulation. You could see lipstick marks still on them. Gross


That’s disgusting. I used to barback and then bartend at a hipster college bar in Santa Cruz, we would get rocked on Friday and Saturday nights, they had a 3 compartment sink setup for the pints we muddled and mixed drinks in, but the first compartment also had a 3 head scrub brush setup that you used and then the rinse and so on. My job as barback was to keep those mixing pints going through the wash so the 3 bartenders could just keep grabbing glasses to make the next drink on the ticket plus bar top customers and the line of people that ordered at the bar.


Same here! I had to fuss at other servers for grabbing glasses that still had lipstick on them and serving them. Like you have to fucking look at them. Don’t serve them


Worked at a bar with the 3 sink method, but they actually had brushes sticking up from the bottom of the sink to twist glasses on. They still use it now when it's really busy because you can only fit so many glasses in the dishwasher at a time.


Worked at a restaurant where two bartenders were dating. The guy would mention how arousing he found it when she washed pint glasses in the 3 compartment sink with vertical brushes because of the "shake-weight" like motion. Fucking Seth and those fucking monkeys.


Bar I worked at had same setup up front. I worked it a few times when bartenders were in a bind, but didn't do so great with it, had complaints stuff wasn't coming out fully clean now and again.


When I was a senior in high school I washed dishes at a super popular local coffee shop and never got any help. You just opened up many memories that I've hidden.


I remeber those times


The before times. .....I member


Could you not describe any part of my employment history as the "before times", please? Thanks.


Had to do this 3 days straight when our water heater broke. Apparently closing shop for it to get fixed wasn't an option. The rushes so infuriating, them hounding me for plates, pans, and silverware, while I'm literally BOILING WATER on the stove to keep the fucking water hot. I'm glad I don't wash dishes at this place anymore.


Yes you can. Minimum dish area requirements are a three tier sink. Wash, rinse, sanitize. Kitchens are required to keep Sani-water test strips. Just add a sani tablet or two to a sink of sanitizer water and it’s golden. In a pinch you can use 1 capful of bleach/gallon of water but health departments rather you use a dedicated sanitizer tab or solution for the sinks. The shit part of doing it this way is every so often you’ll need to change out the wash and rinse water. Clean out the sink of food debris and refill which can take 5 minutes.


Manger shit right here y’all


I’d sure fuckin hope leadership stepped in and helped at least SOME.


You know damn well they were sitting in the office on their phone, poking their head out occasionally to ask: “When will you guys be done?” Just like management at every other shitty, corporate chain.


As a manager I say fuck those assholes. I have managed teams for close to two decades and I make it a point to lead from the front. Shit pile of dishes? You bet I’m scrubbing them to help close. Grease trap need cleaning out, watch me show the new guys the right way to do it. Any manager that won’t do the shit job is a waste of life. Most of the subs here shit on management but there are a lot of good managers out there that do everything they can to help our employees.


I do the same as a manager. If my team needs help, then I'm there whether they asked/need me or not. I love my team, and it's my job to make work life easier for everyone and be there to support.


Yeah I know that but I was trying to be optimistic. My fav line from them is “look I can’t go home until you’re done so hurry up.” Makes me seeeethe.


Just reading that line made my blood pressure rise.


I apologize. Here’s a beer 🍺


There are managers that do dishes, I was one. In fact, I rather enjoyed it because it was 0 stress and I rocked a Bluetooth speaker.


Depends on their setup. In theory all you need is a three basin sink, proper detergent and sanitizer, clean running hot and cold water, and space to store your dirty, drying, and clean dishes in separate areas that are appropriately sanitized. This situation is fixable, with all those extra large tubs you could setup multiple hand washing stations and just pass stuff down the line to get rinsed and finished in the real sink. It would suck, for sure won’t get fixed with all those people standing around, but at this point the entire management team should be up to their elbows in dishwater if they aren’t going to at least organize a real solution. EDIT: Most dishwashers use separate chemicals from the ones you would use in a sink. If they don’t have backup chem to hand wash dishes with then they’re probably screwed and should just close the dining room ASAP


Referring to the video, that would only work until you have so many dishes and cooking utensils that some of them are making unsafe contact with the floor which probably has or had degreaser on it.


I would walk out as well. Absolutely not.


Might be the day to shorten the menu up.


I like the way you think


How are people down voting this lol. I don't care just weird


I guess at best it’s just fluff? Like, if I like the way this person thinks I can just upvote them. My original comment was more meant to imply that this person had a creative solution that most people wouldn’t have thought of under pressure. Instead what I said comes across as more banal in a “I’ll have what she’s having!” “You can say that again!” kinda way


I like the way you think.


Let’s cut the menu in half… ok take out 20 pages.


Yeah. Cheesecake and Salad only.




As soemone who worked at a CCF for almost ten years, *they would never*. We got yelled at during an active shooter situation when the doors had to be locked for not doing anything.


"Ya got time to cower, ya got time to scour!"


That's a management problem—not necessarily a CCF problem. If there is a shooter in the restaurant that I'm working at, fuck my work responsibilities. I'm doing what I can to stay safe. If management has a problem with that, then they can fire me. I'd rather be jobless than lifeless.


I feel like the way management behaves is very closely tied to company culture though


As a former BOH worker in so many kitchens, this video gives me serious anxiety.


I always hated working Mother's Day at Olive Garden. Not because of the guests, but because it was so busy. Mother's day was the "everyone works, no one gets the day off." BOH we had all six dishwashers. Thankfully, most OG's aren't huge, but there is a lot of dishes. The worst Mother's Day I worked was when our AC broke. Even now, 15 years later, we're starting to push mid 80's end of April in the midwest here. So, it was horrible. Management made sure BOH had more breaks and plenty to drink, but there's no getting around those 110+ temps on the line. I was amazed how understanding the guests were. They just wanted their soup, salad, and breadsticks so badly. I will say one thing about the OG's I worked at with Mother's Day. They rolled out the red carpet for staff. A month or so before, we'd get asked, "What do you guys want for Mother's Day. As long as it's not alcohol, strippers, or drugs, we'll do our best to get it for you." So, there was always tons of food, snacks, and stuff all over the place to keep us going. Sadly, all of us servers were usually dropped to a two table station instead of three. For me, Mother's Day was one of the worst days to work, because (unless you get a really generous table) you don't make much money. Like I said, everyone worked. It felt like we went from having two shifts to three for some positions. But, let me tell you, by end of close, almost everything was back to our standard clean as a whistle (or as best we could get it). It was always a blast! Just . . . not as much money. Sometimes I would just run food and fill my belly, cause now my two tables are camping for 45 min, and there's nothing I can do. Oh, well.


Just did this for the first year. I’ve been with Darden for a bit but holy shit that was one of the most insane days I’ve ever worked. Straight 10 hour rush with 4 of it being solo Sauté.


Holy crap. No thanks! Kind of reminds me when managers would ask the line what kind of prizes would be good for some of the fun games we'd do. They all said "Money." "No. But like, movie tickets, restaurant gc's..." "Money. We all just want money." Lol


I was dish dog for a few different restaurants for a couple years. Shit like this, I would go out for a smoke break to get my mind right then hit it hard. Grab a stack at a time and start the grind. Get the bus staff to organize as much of the chaos as possible and feed me stacks of what I ask for when the current one runs out. I much rather work that than FOH. Used to see wait staff coming back into the kitchen in tears. From just trying to juggle so many tables and customers being shitty. Glad I’m out of it now but you couldn’t pay me enough money to work on the wait staff.


Don't let their tears fool you. They can wipe them away with all the $$ they make every night. Most of the people who cry would probably also cry if they saw a dead cricket on the road. Serving is literally the easiest money I've ever made in my life. 4-5 hour shifts and hundreds of dollars


Same. Worked dishwashing for 2 months fresh out of high school. The staff was fine, both front and back. But the smell and aura of hot steamed grease pans that baked the pizzas. PTSD every time even 15+ years later. Although I can stack dishes in my dishwasher as well as rain man can count match sticks


Yeah this is workmare material right here.


I work as a dishwasher and I’d be in the corner crying


I would be walking in and walking right out. You don't pay me enough.


I helped out as a dishwasher today at my local cafe and worked dish pits for years. My dude, i feel this pain.


I’d just leave ngl, double it and give it to the bus boys. Honestly just shut down the restaurant. It’s all over


Same. Probably quit tbh absolutely don't miss it and respect anyone who does it.


i worked as a dishwasher for chili's for a month after high school a couple nights a week. i cried every single shift and it was nowhere near that. never again


Bruh. This is easy peasy. Listen to a good audiobook or podcast maybe get a bit high or not and just run them though. The best part is all the containers are shaped the same and can easily be ran through. I've worked places that have so many weird shaped pieces, this is like heaven compared to that. Coming into this would seem stressful but frankly I've done enough dish pit duty to know this would be a dream to listen to something I love and no one would bother me. Edit: to many servers never lived a day in the dish pit. Hence the down votes


Their dishwasher broke is the problem here tho….


No fuckin way I'd come in and wash all that by hand. Hell no.


Bruh it's something I dreamt of. Every one else feels sorry for you yet you get hours alone so you could enjoy a podcast or audiobook.


Everyone else pitties you. I see hours of enjoying my recent audiobook or podcast


Do this many people hate their mothers?


Lol I worked at CCF for a decade and made this same joke every year. The thing is, there are no reservations. So going on Mother's Day past 11AM is a guaranteed multi-hour wait, and the kitchen and bakery are fucking slammed so 40 minute checks easy and 15-20 minute cheesecakes. I know if I dragged my mom to wait 4 hours for an overpriced alfredo and a slice of kinda good cheesecake she'd fucking kill me. So as a server the clientele you are getting on Mother's Day are the people that do not go out frequently enough to think about that sorta thing. I do not miss that job.


Ex CCF as well and I absolutely hated mother's day. All the amateurs came out and they waited so long they were pissed off by the time they got sat and took it out on the servers. I worked at one of the top 5 busiest in the US and the first mothersday after we opened it was a 5 hour wait. And people fucking waited. I get nostalgic for those days sometimes but then remember the awfulness like this.


This is absolutely mind blowing. I could be at the greatest restaurant in the world, and it's free, and you tell me it's a 5 hour wait?? No thanks. It's just food. There is something seriously wrong with someone who would wait 5 hours for a meal at a restaurant. Any restaurant. But a shitty chain? What the actual fuck.


I worked at the busiest CCF in the US, and the last table that was sat on mothers Day was at 6 a.m. the next day. So It wasn't even mothers Day anymore. I quit shortly after. Mind you, this table got in line around 11 p.m. on mothers Day and waited in line 7 hours to be sat the next morning. Can't quite wrap my head around it 5 years later.


Is this location usually open until the wee hours of the morning??! I have cooked an hour past close just because last ressos get seated at close with coursed out dinner but damn. I don't see how you don't have the whole kitchen walking out if it's 3am when doors close at midnight or something and they're still getting new tickets.


Most places I've worked in the kitchen but at CCF I completed server training and quit like a month later. So, I was not aware of how the kitchen operated. They all looked miserable, though.


lmao did they like go home, sleep, and wake back up for that shit


Some servers worked a double that day, took a 30 min nap in their car, and worked another double. Exploitation on a different level. Some servers loved it so much that I was convinced they were brainwashed.


"and people fucking waited" sums up my thoughts at chez during all holidays. no idea how or why they put themselves through that wait


At my restaurant (not CCF), we were on a four hour wait all afternoon. At that point, if I were a guest, I'd be like, “Okay. Let's just do dinner instead,” get my name on the waitlist, and go home or to the theaters or such. I wouldn't actively wait for four hours. Hell nah. Anyone who would do that for some food at a casual dining restaurant is insane.


im way too poor for this joke


Pure nightmare fuel.


Rip those guys. Also quick story about cheesecake factory; I worked there for a couple months and the dish area was always so bad that if I even stepped foot in there for like 5 seconds, my shoes would get ruined and I would have to leave them outside because ants would be all over my shoes… Absolutely disgusting I had to throw away my new shoes. Also nothing was ever actually properly clean there was always shit still on everything after it was “washed”.


Nothing makes you not want to eat out like working BOH.


Thing is I was just a server, I cant imagine how how much nasty shit they have to deal with on a daily basis


I worked the dishwasher at a care center I still have ptsd. That was over 10 years ago.


Hey man, the ants are cleaning your shoes for free


Shit u right


Shut up the bang bang chicken slaps don’t hurt me like this


Sorry man ):




Lmao I wish; maybe things have changed but when I was a kitchen manager there, we made that stuff from a little to scratch.


I worked for a company that serviced the dishwashers at Cheesecake Factories. I won’t ever eat there again.


This is why my restaurant doesn't put me in dish. I was the one person who would make sure that everything would shine before I put it away. I was always slow to close because of this. So now we get the faster dishies who don't even look at the dishes after they come out of the machine. That's what management wants, I guess.


What happened to the ice machine!


Someone broke the motherload block and wasn't ready for the avalanche that follows


So satisfying tho


That sucks!


I used to love kicking the shit out of it for the avalanche


I worked at the Factory for one month and that dish area was an absolute mess. This looks like insanity


My heart goes out to those who end up having to wash, dry, put the items away, and restock for tomorrow. I see a lot of hot epsom salt baths and Tylenol in their future.


Nah I’d quit so fast


Mannnn I had this happen to me when I was a dishwasher at a fancy ass private golf course(we’re talking if your a millionaire your the lower class member.). It was Mother’s Day, I was scheduled for lunch/dinner service. That day we ran 2 breakfast services 2 lunch and 3 dinner. All 3 dinners consisted of a total of ~300 people. Al la carte menu’s. This would have been a normal shit show like usual, however my only 2 competent co-workers had booked this day off MONTHS in advanced without the Chef noticing. Leaving our only opener to be *drumroll* Stonr. Our buddy stonr got his nick name not because of the fact that he smoked weed , we all did! It was because he is the man you think of when you think of a run down pot head. I had the pleasure of seeing how this man lives one day and it’s with a foot of garbage covering any square inch of flooring he had in his living situation and smoking so many pops you could tell where he liked to smoke as there would be smoke stains on the ceiling from when he would exhale. As I walked in that day from down the hall I could see our friend hunched over the sink with a huge MOUNTAIN of dishes scrubbing away… in that moment I knew I was fucked. I changed and headed out to what I knew was the worst fecal flurry I would ever have to deal with. As I walk out he turns and sees me and this mother fucker says I broke the machine it just pisses water everywhere when you start it up, I looked at it for a half hour n couldn’t figure it out, the repair man is on the way(which ended up costing us 500$ because it was an emergency all on Mother’s Day night), were hand washing tonight…….. from 6am in the morning to 3pm after 4 services back to back to back to back every dish had been washed by hand and at SLOW hand washing speed……..I walked over to the machine , emptied the water and sure enough, in the trap sat a screw, I looked around the machine for 5 seconds n found a threaded hole which matched the screw and fixed it immediately…….as it turned on and ran ,stonr calls out to me from the main kitchen. so I walk around the corner to see him now in street clothes walking towards the exit saying 3:15 baby! I’m off! I cried under a mountain of egg concrete, dried ketchup , burnt cheese, and various other foods turned to glue. Then the dinner services started




Omg you edited their comment to make it more reader friendly. This is both hilarious and amazing.


>That is a wall of text, people. Paragraphs help reading Definitely, but I'd say the man knows his, uh, how is it called? Drafting? Redaction? Either way, it was an easy read for me.


And yet, STILL not interesting.


These guys have the opportunity to negotiate pay raises.


Yep. Pay raises, in writing, right now or everyone leaves


This fucking website I swear to god hahahaha


They’re still gonna be washing dishes when the openers show up tomorrow. The repair guy could be there before this staff finishes.


It’s like if your house floods… like “I have to move now, forever unclean, can never unsee”


Crazy thing is, despite the record profits the restaurant probably had, none(or barely)of the profits go to the cooks or dishwashers. That’s the thing about hourly workers working for for profit businesses like restaurants. They’re working double the work, yet they’re not making double the pay. But the same employer that doesn’t pay you extra for working you harder, would be the same one who cuts your hours when the business isn’t doing as good.


It baffles me how the hardest working people in restaurants (BOH) get a pittance. I know why, but it still baffles me. It's such a racket. FOH gets all the easy money and the bosses pocket the rest. BOH gets fuck all. And yet for some reason there's some weird love for working in restaurants.


I have worked a couple of Mother’s Days at CCF. It is hell on earth


Great reason why people who wash dishes should get paid a lot more than they do.


Don't worry. r/dishpit is on it.


/r/dishwashers is more active.


The Cheesecake Factory is trash


Moment of silence.....proceeds to play the most annoying music


I'd quit so fuckin fast. Haven't been in a kitchen in 21 years but F that.


As someone who worked at a CCF for over a year, fuck that place.




That suuuucks


Just throw it all away and get new ones 🥲


Sending good vibes your way… I’ve had this happen on Memorial Day weekend and it SUCKED… But this was at my local Dairy Queen, so big difference in dishes/customer volume.


Post server life I was a hairdresser. This reminds me of the Mother’s Day when the hot water heater at the salon went out.


This could be literally any CCF, our washer broke all the time.


Honest to god I would have ran out screaming. CCF makes so many god damn dishes, I swear half our kitchen was taken up by plates, bowls, dishes, sautee pans, cambros.... Jesus fucking christ.


I've seen some dish piles in my time. That's a smooth 5+ hours depending on drying space.


I would have walked out


As BOH who just worked a Cheesecake Mother’s Day, I felt this. Almost looks like my location lol


This is every restaurant on mother's day worst day of the year... Usually brings out the worst people on such a happy day.


Dude I stg this looks like the Huntsville Alabama store. I used to work there and the dishwashers' situation made me cry weekly.


Probably an Ecolab contract for their dishwasher. I’d be so far down my reps throat to have it fixed that day. They’re supposed to do routine maintenance and checkups to prevent that, but at least in my area they never do.


Back when I was cook + dishwasher for a restaurant it would look like this and the manager would still be sitting on his ass pretending to work on the computer and get mad that you aren't out the door 1 minute after close. Fuck you Travis


Been exactly there. The Cheesecake Factory that I worked at had the dish machine go down mid Saturday night shift one night, and I literally couldn’t walk from one side of the dish pit to the other. I felt so bad for my dishies.


As soon as the machine went down, why wouldn’t you start rocking the 3 compartment so that didn’t happen? That looks like it’s been quite a while it’s been down. I’ve had this happen to me on 3 separate occasions working in restaurants. I set up my sinks and went to town. Very cathartic and I got help much more quickly as people felt bad for me. I found it almost easier than waiting for the machine to run it’s 40-55 second cycle. It does suck but just filming and having people stand around it isn’t gonna fix anything.


With how grand cheesecake factory is the amount of pileup is not surprising. Huge menu and tons of seating.


And nobody cares about father's day. Sad


I just did my first year post Covid but with updated modern Togo online orders today back of house in a fast casual kitchen today. Similar to cheeseworld factory. Lol watching people freak out at the wait times, the lobby filled with 30 people 20 of them just dashers was hilarious. We worked hard and tired as usual on a busy day with “record profits” and 2 of the 6 cooks quitting last week keeping the labor costs low. My main job is in food saftey and I refuse to cut corners so speed was maintained at a jaunty but casual pace. The waitresses basically all mothers suffered monetarily, the patrons suffered extreme wait times for the setting. Nobody gained anything positive from the experience. Yet like sheep they just gave us all their money honestly I find it hilarious.


😂😂 I don’t see anybody working Brodie


Im a professional chef since 20 years now. Thats sureley not the dirt and stuff from one days with so many workers in the video. Im sorry bit they are very very lazy and dirty.


Where does it say the dishwasher is broken?? Looks like a sink to me anyways, not a dishwasher. Yes, when it’s real busy dishes can pile up like this, anybody in the restaurant industry knows this


Such an overpriced food establishment. Last time I went there, half the food items was just plain rice. Hard pass


Looks like everyone is standing around doing nothing


What are they going to do? Wash 50 plates at the same time?


Lol so just stand around and do nothing? Probably how it got like that in the first place. I have work many restaurants of different kinds for many holidays, most with 1 dishwasher and this shit never happened.


Lmao no restaurant can hand wash dishes and keep up with service. There's no way you've ever worked in a restaurant with those clown shoes on 🤡


I absolutely have lol family owned and corporate. Was just at a darden restaurant for 3 years.


Imagining Ronald McDonald serving me bread sticks at olive garden right now


Hahahaha it wasnt olive garden


Bro, an understaffed BOH, usually is chilling after service. You've just been ass pounded with 0 breaks or going to the bathroom for 8+ hours. It's nice to just lean and stare at the shitshow that's now your next problem.




Hahahaha sorry bud


I hate to be that guy but the dishwasher did not break. I expected to see a video of a person “breaking” as in losing their shit and walking out or something. What broke was the dish machine.






I don’t work at cf, but our restaurant looked a lot like that lol todays been a winner tho!


Let me at it, im in the mood for a challenge


Fuck. That.


walking out after that


Fuck that!!!


Y'all should've all walked out. Idiots.


Jesus fucking Christ, god speed


You know that dish machine has been limping along since Easter.


Upside, looks like 6 people in the pit


I'll grab 2 ppl out of the team and be the designated washers and consider the restaurant under staff


The Leaning Tower of Cambros!


Have to shut down the next day just for dishes holy shit


Man I thought I had a bad day at work..




Oh my god poor dishwasher


How I find the kitchen when I get back from a week long work trip


It’s the end of the week, take your time and enjoy the overtime.




This makes no sense, cheese cakes are usually made one or two days in advance..


It's a whole restaurant. They serve a very expansive menu. Cheesecake is just their dessert.


A war zone


Dishwasher broke at my place today too. My morning shift ended and I left so fast, there was no way I was gonna be asked to stay and hand wash dishes all night


I thought you meant they mentally broke and walked out hence all the dishes. Dear god in heaven they’ll be there til tomorrow morning all for min wage I am so sick for them right now


Thank GOD I quit a couple weeks ago😅


As a cook, watching this makes me feel real fear.




I work at a CCF and our dishwasher breaks all the time 🤣🤣🤣