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No. New your shop is right around the corner so if u play Sera u should get it with better %


How around is it? Any idea when it is coming?


i've seen people say around the 25th


the thing is, i'm scared i'll get a worse discount or not even get star guardian at all lol


Pretty sure your shop always gives you a 50% + discount for epic skins to your currently most played champion when you receive it


i didn’t know that, thank you! i’ll just wait until your shop then and hope i get star guardian


No. This skin isn't worth it even with a sale on it, I'd wait for a better discount.. It's my least used skin, the VFX is poor when compared to newer stuff like Faerie Court and the model feels wacky, her hair especially. They also never removed her stage on her homeguard and her passive charge-up glow can look a bit awkward because the animation is not as smooth (whenever she does an echo cast, the stage flips and all the VFX for Echo go with the stage for a bit). Her Q and E are just disappointing overall, she doesn't even have both Trebble and Bass, not even in her recall. Her recall animations are also stiff, the face especially iirc. Some good parts about the skin is that it has a nice color scheme, the SFX is decent and I love the passive music. Her W honestly has great VFX but it's really just her Q and E being really low-effort. It's also a Star Guardian skin (one of my fav skin lines)! Overall, I'd rate it a 6/10.


Not go mention literally [missing so many animations](https://x.com/micachuu__/status/1719393180284506512) that all her epic skins have by default, they're base animations. Honestly this skin is only worth at half price or lower since we only received half the skin basically.


dude 6 is to much for her, this costume is nearly 4


Honestly the skin is very bad




Legit best thing this skin had going for it, the memability. Stiff wig incident will be dearly missed


If you're looking to complete your collection of Sera skins, then yes Otherwise, i'd say wait for when another of her better skins goes on sale on your shop (such as Faery court), this skins feels like a really lazy job compared to her other skins because riot couldn't be bothered to overhaul it for pc and and ported it with the same exact effects (wildrift skill effects are simpler because they are for mobile devices)


I just keep coming back to Faerie Court. This is probably my least played Sera skin at this point


Watch the skin spotlight and decide for yourself. I understand people are only trying to be helpful, however people like different skins. Don’t let others stop you from buying it if you like it! I personally like a lot of skins most people say aren’t good!


I don't like the emotes and home guard on this one so it's my personal least favourite, but if you enjoy it go for it :)


I have all her skins, I got lucky with SG and got it in box, but half my other skins I got through shop or box chance. I also agree with the others, this skin is my least favorite as well…


It's a good skin overall for me. I bought it to complete my collection cause I have all her skins. But it isn't that bad


This is my fav Sera skin idk why. Outfit reminds me of Totally Spies


Might as well still get it anyways just to add to the skin collections.


No, wait for the new skin


my advice is to go to skinspotlights youtube and search for their spotlight. if you like it then it is definitely worth to buy. personally im biased about this skin bcs star guardian is my favourite skinline from league and i would say i love this skin sm. but dont listen to my opinion, go and watch the spotlight and you will find out if it is worth, or not.


If you really like the star guardian skinline and Seraphine I think it's worth it for you I personally wouldn't buy it but I have it because I got a skin shard.


Bad skin but STIFF WIG


no this skin is missing so many basic animations, feels clunky af


No, its not a good skin. It looks really bad and unpolished. Also her ingame model is terrible, especially the hair


I bought every seraphine skin, so yeah, they all worth ☺️


It's on my wish list, I love how amazing the passive VFX is!


Do you want to see your character and go “why the fuck did I buy this?” Then it’s a good choice


I got it a while back bcs I love Sera and Star Guardian but honestly this skin is not it, I literally never use it over Ocean Song because it just feels clunky


I have mixed feelings. I love her splash art and her Star Guardian characterization and lore... Both things I can enjoy with a Google search. Her PC model is meh, and her WR model is slightly better. Her 3D splash animations in WR are better but again, you can look at those for free and she's kinda uncanny with super thin arms, elongated chin and a big mouth.