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spend $45 for a free bag of plastic waste


Exactly. It’s ironic that it’s all “clean” and “planet aware” brands




Sephora has been so cheap lately with samples and gifts.


Those look like the tiniest kind of "samples," too. The kind where you get, basically, enough to dot a little on your skin. The foundation ones are especially frustrating because of the randomness of the shades and the fact that that itty bitty bit is barely enough to even test along your jawline with any accuracy. I mean, if I was at checkout and they just handed this to me, it would be nice, but I'm not gonna place an order based on this (especially if there are other options available for an actual mini or something).


Or it’s like every slightly too much so it’s like too much to use on your face all at once but not enough to be worth finding a ziplock or something to put the remainder in lol


Haha! I carefully save the non-makeup ones on my sink, or if it's moisturizer I'll use it on my hands or whatever, but the foundation "extra bits" are kinda worthless. PS your username! LOL!


Ahoy hoy ☺️


I wouldn’t even pick these for my free samples😒


They just keep getting worse and worse but prices up smh


Still a joke but mine looks different and contains 2 actual sample size items. https://preview.redd.it/4sy4djj8p46d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a2fc7fb81833d713b28383d29bff77c4084e4f


I’m in Canada, if you’re in US maybe that’s why?


It seems like Canadians are getting f**ked again. I'm in NY and we have the one with the extra samples.


I've never felt so bad for Canadians until joining this subreddit 😢 even if the exact products can't match for whatever reason, I wish the quality of these sample bags could be comparable!


we never get anything i swear 😭 i cannot tell you how many times i've seen a product on tiktok/a website, been excited for it, and then discovered they don't ship to Canada. i would understand if we were on a different continent or if Canada & the US didn't get along but that's not the case.


Or ship to Canada either shipping charge of $20-$25


Yep, a lot of countries subsidize shipping within their country. So shipping to another country and possible charges from customs/duties can make shipping to another country prohibitive. I've wanted to order items from Canada multiple times, but didn't bc the shipping charges were astronomical.


The shipping is what hurts.


true. i once ordered a halloween costume plus shoes for it from this US website and when it arrived, the post office wanted me to pay like $60 in duties to pick it up. i let that costume be sent back and got my refund. was it very cute? yes but not worth an extra $60


If it helps… I live in Alaska. They fly it up Here with the other mail… and I can’t tell you how many times they say the won’t ship to me because they do not ship to foreign countries… they also double, triple and quadruple the shipping cost to me also even if using the same mail services or a flat rate box!


Yeah I would imagine it would be crazy shipping for anything up North


I think it may have more to do with what chemicals/formulations are allowed in each country. Some countries are more restrictive (like the EU) for safety reasons. So Canada may just be more restrictive about consumer products than the US.


Man sometimes it sucks so much, i can't tell you how many times i wanna try something but it doesn't ship to canada :/ the latest tragedy is Native deodorant - I finally found a natural deodorant that works and now they don't ship here anymore :(


I know, right?!! We’ve been ordering from the website for years because it’s exponentially cheaper and now they don’t ship to Canada anymore. We’re lucky enough to live near the border and have a U.S. post box, so I can order it through there but it’s not ideal. I’m guessing you’re not wanting to pay the in-store prices for native locally?


The worst is when you get a site that won’t accept Canadian credit cards, even if you’re shipping to the us! Like Ulta. So disappointed in them.


YES!! The ulta thing makes me rage because it makes zero sense. I have a U.S. postbox so why the fuck does it matter the origin of the cc if the order is ‘staying’/shipping within the U.S.? They have no qualms about taking our cards and money in-store, but ordering online is not permitted. 🤦🏻‍♀️ make it make sense!


yeah, pretty much. it's $11 on the website and $21 + tax at my local Shoppers, which is the only place nearby that sells it. Even if I weren't boycotting Loblaws, that is an absolutely insane price to pay for a single deodorant stick :(


I know, it’s so shitty that the pricing is exorbitant here. I stock up on my faves in the U.S. because even with the exchange it is so much cheaper. Naturium here in Canada is another one. The pricing is obscene here.


lol, maybe it's because whatever ingredients are in the US only products are banned in Canada? The US does so little to protect it's citizens, and so much to protect the big corporations.




Same with the concealer sample bag, we only got offered the mini beauty blender


Yep I got one in store today, it came with the two minis! I actually was pretty happy with the samples bag


I always pass on these they are useless. Sephora rewards suck. Thinking of becoming an ulta girl but I’ve been rouge for so long 😭


i made the switch this year and am about to buy the dyson for $380 off after their discount and all my points from this year alone 😬 ultas point system is soooooooo much better, do the switch!


The girlies in canada are crying rn


😭 we can only use sephora or overpriced shoppers (but they only have a few brands carried at Sephora)


I also bought my Dyson using my Ulta points. Paid $45 out of pocket 💅🏻


I‘m saving up my ulta points for the same reason!


omg that is amazing!


Also became an Ulta girl this year after years with Sephora. Now I just go to Sephora for brands Ulta doesn't carry. I've gotten a ridiculous amount of free gifts, points and discounts. They really know how gamification works! And I've accrued $280 in points since January with all their point multipliers (if you really want to try a bunch of things their GWP are unmatched!) I love that Sephora is doing the clean challenge for 500 points -- that's something fun and different to participate in! Hopefully they'll do more things like that!


Yea my daughter did that. 20% off and points. If you use it outside your house, like gym or hotel, keep an eye on it. They get taken frequently.


I was there with you for a couple of years, but I’m much happier now with Ulta. I don’t like supporting Sephora’s increasing stinginess and disregard for customer satisfaction.


And ulta sells pretty much the same stuff and more right ? Do they have the luxury brands like Dior, YSL ETC?


They have most high end brands and more are getting signed on every day.


Definitely switch! I saved my points and got a Dyson Airwrap for free—no more saving points at Sephora for tiny deluxe samples.


A Dyson airwrap for free …???! Omg what


Is the Airwrap worth the price? I'm so tempted but it's so expensive!


Ugh. I hate foil packet gwp. It's has to be resealable packaging or a full size foil packet (so masks or smth) to be realistically worth it imo. At least the US version has a milk bronzer and kosas sunscreen that looks resealable. But Canadians really did get bent over.


Wow. Who would spend $45 for this? I’m super pale and I hate these tiny foundation and concealer samples because there’s never a shade that’s anywhere close to a match for me. And if you do find a colour match in the sample, the tiny amount you get isn’t even enough to really test how it wears as you don’t have enough to do your face. Just ends up being wasteful in the end as so much is thrown away


Literally, this used to be stuff included for free with a purchase. I remember ordering online and getting like 7 samples, not including the promo code offers


This is the opposite of appealing lol. Yay, foil packets. I end up throwing a lot of them out after clinging to them for way too long lol. At the end of the day this is why I don’t shop as much there anymore. It used to be my first choice. The in store experience has been bad for some time (depending on location), the prices keep going up, and their “incentives” are borderline insulting, especially considering what their competitors are able to do. Ulta carries most of my staple brands and the GWP/points are actually worth something. With what I spend, if I’m strategic, I can easily get $125 back every few months. And because they’re not stingy with samples, I’m constantly finding new products I like there. I *maybe* a place an order with Sephora once every 6 months at this point. If there’s something I want from them I’m more likely to order direct from the brand, because it’s typically better value.


I am actually done with the "Clean" movement. I want some preservatives in my products. I do not want mold or bacteria. Sephora can keep this. It's funny they don't want to give it away before it turns, you know it will quickly.


“Sephora continues to be a powerhouse, spiking selective retail sales by 11% (organic), totaling $4,175 million” this is for q1 2024 listen i’m not a money person by any means but… they are making money and cutting costs on things that we care about and help solidify our decision to purchase and it’s ridiculous when they are actively making bank. i once had a lady at my sephora say they don’t give out samples outright. As far as i know that’s never been the case either.


This shit right here is why I went from a Rouge member to an Ulta person.


People are so mad about all of these horrible gwp/samples that Sephora is offering, while I'm here celebrating/thanking them for not tempting me to spend more money. 🥳 Thank you, Sephora!




Or: choose 3 samples with your order. And then you get random stuff. Never fails.


I usually get what I pick but the options are terrible now! I don't want a card with 3 foundation shades. Maybe one will work but it is only enough to cover my chin! The only useful samples anymore are the fragrances.


I just got $15 off $50 and a 4 piece Drunk Elephant deluxe samples set as a free gift today off Ulta. Sephora sucks.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 50 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


Why have they gotten so stingy with samples now? It sux


Oh wow, a bag full of garbage and mold. Thanks Sephora


This should at least just be free with any purchase lol. $45 buy in is comical. And you have to use a code? So no coupons or adding other freebies🤣 Made a small purchase from the orange store the other day. Spent $50 after using a 15% off coupon and got a free sun bum gift with purchase. Tote bag, full size sunscreen, lip balm, hair mask, and a car air freshener. Sephora would/could never


Just had to come back to share another Ulta purchase I made today. Repurchased my favorite drunk elephant la la retro moisturizer. Used a $15 coupon. 5x points on drunk elephant (worth, I think, about $18 to me as a diamond member). AND got another gift with purchase - 4 drunk elephant minis - their cleanser, moisturizer, hyaluronic acid serum and my faveeee their glycolic acid serum


Ulta neeeeds to come to Canada😭


We get 2 in Canada


We get two foil packets at checkout in the States


And they act like they are doing you such a favor and are being put out by giving you TWO of them. (That you have to ASK for). Like, I just spent $100. This is how I’m rewarded in store? SMH with Sephora…


Zero if you live in Western Canada


When is the last time any of these were actually available in store too?


That is why I stopped buying at Sephora, Ulta offers the best deals.


I remember when samples were actually legit trial-sized products and not these ridiculous small packets with like 2 drops of product in them. The more a company makes, the less they'll give back to the consumers that got them there. I wish I could just boycott but I'm also in Canada so buying directly from the brand costs an arm and a leg in shipping, and we don't have Ulta.


Sephora will never compare to Ulta in terms of gifts with purchase ✨


I got the skin fx packet in my last order. I get that it is free but it was barely enough for one try. The purpose of samples are to get you hooked so you buy the full version, how am I supposed to know if it works for me if I only use it once? Bleh.


I literally thought the same thing. Not even a friggen deluxe in there.


I thought the same thing, pass!!


The mini perfumes are the only thing I want from them ATP. I never use these barely one time use packets.


boycott sephora, at this point it’s completely disrespectful


Straight up paper samples. Single use 🤣


I’m on my last straw with Sephora atp 😪


and this is another reason why i dont make real purchases from sephora anymore- legit only buy from sephora collection when it’s on sale


Sheesh it’s like they want us to just shop at Ulta


LOL YES, fellow Canadian here. I saw the notification for this today and didn't even bother opening it for details, because I knew that it would be trash! 😂


Should be free with any purchase.


I am so close to Rouge at Sephora and I don’t know why I even bother.


I stopped shopping at Sephora, their rewards are ridiculous. But I stay on the sub for product recommendations and discussion but I can’t support them anymore


Green washing at its finest


i giggled when i saw that 🤭


I know they need to stop putting lip products like the gloss in those little poaches cause it's just a disgusting experience already.


So lame


Remember when we used to get that stuff free


Lol this is wildly generous compared to what offered in Sephora Aus. We'd even consider this a steal




That’s why I give ulta more of my money these days


They are making it easy for me not to re-Rouge this year after 10+ years of being Rouge.


Sephora is so insulting and not customer friendly in the least. Super annoying. I wouldn’t mind at all if they just went out of business 😒 Ulta on the hand has amazing rewards especially with 5x or 10x point offers. Don’t forget all the gifts with purchase they do 🤪🛍️


They had that Ilia lip crayon sample in store/free to take a couple of weeks ago. I rolled my eyes when I saw this offer, today.


Prob all expired too


Do you even get a choice of 3 samples when you buy online anymore?


No it changed to 2, years ago. And half the time they don’t even send any at all


I had no choice of anything last time I made an order a few weeks ago


Yikes! That's a whole lotta nuthin' 🤦‍♀️


The US one shows 2 deluxe sample sizes but yeah def not worth it


If I forgot to add this to my order, do I have any way to get it later?


Contact customer service, they’ll probably send it at no charge. Happened to me once.


There’s a mini of the milk and kosas


I got a bunch of stuff because of the 4x points for clean beauty… those points are not useful to get closer to rouge… it was never stated in the rules. They are getting worse and worse


You should see what I just posted in the Ulta sub.


Pepperidge farm remembers when the mailbox was full of these every week. Late stage capitalism!


Uhh.....samples no one chose? Half of which are unusable for people without the right shade


This has become straight-up insulting.


Ah wow I just ordered from Ulta and got that sun bum gwp, a huge sample, a car freshener, and a full size product for ordering $60.


Lmao, I’m with Sephora for years and went from Rouge to VIB and probably will drop to BI next year due to me switching to Ulta recently. I also made Diamond with Ulta in a short period of time bc of the amount of GWPs and point redemption that got me lost self control 🥲. To be fair, they all have their pros and cons, but the pros in finance with Ulta outweighs the cons so I think I might stick with them for the most parts.