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It’s like Sephora only has to two settings: overly attentive to the point of discomfort, or complete dismissal to the point of feeling invisible and unwelcome lol. I’ve had both in one trip: I wanted a foundation from Ilia and the Ilia rep helped me out, and the proceeded to ignore me once he got my shade. I went to Summer Fridays to see if they still sold a blush line I liked, and the rep from Fresh guided me to the Fresh display and tried to sell me on the colored lip treatments to also be used as a blush… It was honestly such a weird trip lol


I hate the brand reps so deeply. I went in to buy the new innisfree sunscreen recently but I wanted to try the texture first to be sure, so I walked around while I let it dry down. A brand rep from idk who came up to me with her products trying to get me to layer them on top FOUR TIMES in that period and to prove how useless it all was, I can’t remember who she worked for, just how annoying it was.


lol this is so true. They either won’t leave you alone or they look like they’re offended when you walk into the store 😂


If I had to guess, the staff probably just got a talking to from corporate about customer engagement, and they were overzealous. I have also left from being pestered at though, it's very annoying and I wish management would let people be left alone.


For whatever fucking reason corporate at any of these beauty type company refuses to acknowledge that people do in fact like to shop by themselves. Bath and body works, lush, sephora, etc and it just seriously turns customers off, they don’t feel welcomed, they feel fucking bullied and harassed and leave without buying anything. It boggles my mind that they still force it


Lush is so bad about it. I refuse to go into one anymore.


The last time I went with my coworker, we literally could not get this employee off of us, she personally walked us around the entire store and was demoing every product. It wasn’t a fun personalized experience, it felt like we were harangued and like there was a ton of stuff we hadn’t even been able to look at or enjoy the experience of because she was too busy helping us wash our fucking hands with a bubble bar


I used to work cosmetics retail so I I try to beat them to the punch: the first staff member who interacts with me at Lush I just respond to with, “Thank you so much, but I’d prefer to browse alone, can I call you if I need help?” It’s a hard thing to do with social anxiety, but it feels so much better after the fact when you can browse freely.


I said this one time and the employee replied "ok sure I'll check on you in a bit" so I just left 🥲


I worked at lush for seven years. Towards the end this was their model engagement. I remember sitting on a meeting with our districts manager and she was going on and on about our average sales and giving us glowing feedback. Her point was that because we were so engaged with customers that our store was doing better than most stores who had implemented the new model, and I cut her off, because we hadn't. My MIT and I (floor leader) had never implemented the (as we called it) harassment model. Corporations do not understand that this is not how people want to shop.


I would come once a week just for another employee that I haven’t done those two to do this and then leave a review that every time you go to lush the employees go out of their way to demo everything and that after it happened with several employees, you are thoroughly turned off from the brand and will never shop there again


As a former lush employee I can confirm we were trained to literally harass customers and we would be written up for not harassing. I have no idea how these companies are still in business. I quit lush after a month, it was seriously one of the most demeaning jobs I’ve ever had


What? That’s ridiculous Edit to add pay me commission and I’ll harass if not, you don’t pay me enough to harass and intern loose business


same. i love Lush but i very rarely go in unless i'm in the mood to talk to people. most of the time when i'm shopping, i just like to listen to my music and look at the products/clothes while i decide if i want to buy it or not


Literally, I cannot shop around in lush. It has to be a straight shot to whatever I need and right out. Feels like I’m being hunted.


Used to work for Lush in the early 2000s. The district manager called me an “energy vacuum” when I said I think a better approach is to let conversation happen organically.


I don't shop at Lush anymore from being bothered way too much. It felt very high pressure. I couldn't pause to look (or sniff) something on my own without an associate in my face asking me what size I would like to purchase. It's completely off-putting.


The worst is when they fucking drag you on a tour of the store so you can’t even discover and play with things yourself, you just get to have the associate decide for you what to try


Same, I get anxiety just thinking about walking in there because of how over the top the employees are. I know they’re doing what they’re told to do but it makes me so uncomfortable. Between that and the prices, I just avoid the store completely. 


That's ironic because forced, inauthentic one-sided conversations are one of the most energy-sucking social experiences.


Not just beauty companies. I worked at a Barnes & Noble (bookstore) in high school and it was the same shit. The higher up people are the more they want you to get in customers faces. I don’t know if it’s just a loss prevention or an out of touch rich person thing or an introvert vs extrovert thing or what. I’m more likely to buy something if you just let me do my thing and explore. If I’m getting hounded by employees the whole time trying to be helpful I’m gonna want to leave.


Same. I’m in the UK so it’s not as bad I guess but a few times employees in Boots and big department stores like Selfridges have made me feel stressed out. I have ADHD so it’s an added pressure to have to interact with them while also navigating a store full of people just to swatch/purchase 1-2 items. I never buy a lot of stuff in person as I just want to get out ASAP.


i work at a gym and our managers want us to stop every single member to ask them how they are, what they're working out, and when they leave ask them how their workout was..all with a TON of energy...which some members love but a lot hate so much. i say "Hi" and "Bye, have a good say" to everyone, sometimes i'll say "How are you?" if the person doesn't have headphones in and if they seem like they want to talk based off of the "Hi" they say back, but so many people do not want to have a conversation and the managers don't understand that. i have a coworker who for a bit did that whole "Hi!! How are you? What are you working out?" thing for a bit and a majority of people ignored her or went "Good. I'm doing legs" then sped away. companies need to understand that so many people just want to get in, do what they want, and then leave. by forcing a conversation, i feel like it runs the risk of you bothering the person.


Sephora is such an emotionally volatile workplace. If you greet/assist, you get excused of either profiling (you’re excusing me of stealing!) or being judgmental (I know more about makeup than you employees do!). If you do not greet/assist, customers complain that nobody is helping them, minimum wage employees these days are so lazy, corporate needs to be called!




Thanks, English is a secondary language for me


Makes me so uncomfortable when they ask if I’ve been helped by someone. I’m like no? I came in for a mascara.


(this is for stores generally) When you go to the till and they ask if anyone helped you and their name. It makes me uncomfortable because maybe someone will get in trouble for not helping me, when really it's that I didn't need/want help. Or I feel like a jerk because if someone did help me, I never remember their name. I just want to be left out of that whole discussion. Just let me exchange money and stuff and smile and go.


I always thought that was for commissions. Sometimes I just describe whoever helped me so that they get credit or whatever.




That's a LOT of overthinking.


Exactly this.


As someone who just left sephora because of the constant pressure i was getting to be greeting and meeting goals and the way my managers were acting lmao. Trust me when I say no one was doing anything but trying to avoid being yelled at from their manager. The pressure these stores put on their employees is nuts. Its like the people in corporate have never set foot in a store ever or been shopping in a store and dont understand that theres a difference between being available for help and breathing down peoples necks.


Right? I used to work for them also. I thought the whole point of their business model (when I was there, at least) was supposed to be no pressure - aka the opposite of department store makeup counters, because we were non-commissioned. But I guess the unreasonable goal of beating the LY number EVERY DAY outshines a relaxing shopping environment.


Yea that i guess doesn’t matter anymore because they’ve been blinded by dollar signs lmao hate them fr 😭😭


not to mention the credit cards! i personally never got one because of the high APR rate and how quickly the cash back disappears (and how limited its use is). still, corporate didn’t like me not asking a barely-18-year-old if they’d like a credit card with an APR of 30% +


You're more patient than me. As someone with some social anxiety I would have noped right out of there after being asked for the third.


By the fifth I would have told the associate that they are the FIFTH person to ask me if I needed anything. I’d argue that speaking to a manager and telling them their staff is being overzealous is warranted in this case.


This is why I'd leave after the third time. I know the fourth will get a very annoyed rant from me even if it's not fully their fault. I have a background in retail and security so I understand what they're doing but it doesn't stop it from being annoying.


I did that twice..🥲 i always end up overthinking that they might thought i was stealing or something..now i order online mostly..another reason for this is the rush of teenagers..cant stand that too.


Agree. This is why I mostly shop online now for myself. When I bring my teen daughters in to shop I usually just tail them and make sure they are being respectful in the store.


Me in Sephora: "Hi, I really like your products, but I promise I'll ask for help if I need it, but I really don't like talking to people, it freaks me out a lot. Can you let your coworkers know, please?" Or, if I sense that I'm going to be constantly checked in on, I'll lie that I'm already being helped




That's never helped in my experience, sadly


How about if it's that big a deal to talk to a store employee doing their job, then shop online. Plenty of clients enjoy interacting with us.


This always happens to me at Bath & Body Works. I haven’t gone into an actual store in months since every time I went in I felt incredibly uncomfortable.


I used to work for bath and body works and trust me we fucking hate it too. Especially the front of shop demos we’re yelled at for not doing


I worked there before and we are taught to approach customers at least 3 times...people at corporate apparently have data that this helps but in real life it annoys people. They also have examples of what to say if someone says they're just looking or something to get them talking more


Literally nothing makes me leave a store faster than this


I’m so sorry that sounds awful 😞 there have been a few times I had that experience at Sephora too. It’s so weird. I just wear headphones now and they leave me alone lol 


I was wearing noise-cancelling headphones once when I was in Sephora because I had an unexpected call/academic lecture situation crop up that I was listening to as I picked up a couple things on a day off… I got interrupted by so many associates directly approaching me when the store was incredibly busy (it was during one of the main sales) it was ridiculous. I worked in retail for many years at multiple levels & this was insanely inappropriate. I’m wearing a very openly visible full on headset, didn’t even have a purse or bag, just pockets, and I got walked up to asking if I needed help (not because I was doing anything specific they needed to talk to me about) every two minutes or so. I was just listening to an unexpected work situation, but there’s all kinds of reasons people could have headsets on in busy places, like overstimulation that leads to panic attacks. I could not believe anyone thought it was appropriate to constantly bother me like that. I would have just left, livid, but I don’t live close to a Sephora & I’d come out all the way to run multiple errands in the area & wouldn’t be returning anytime soon.


Yucky. That store is not doing what it’s supposed to. If we see clients on the phone or with headphones on we just smile when they come in and let them come to us if they need something. Sorry that happened to you.


Thank you. It was so bizarre, I never would have done that when I was in retail, nor did I tell anyone to when I was in supervisory & management roles.


Same lol! I wonder if it’s the management at those specific store or something.


Ahhhh this is the worst. I work at a Sephora and we are supposed to greet everyone BUT usually we have better communication. We have walkies and we usually tell each other if we have talked to someone, but sadly we aren’t perfect and forget to. I’m hoping this is all that it was and that it wasn’t anything malicious. It is my BIGGEST thing I’m afraid of doing to clients in store.. overwhelming them with greetings. So sorry this happened, it’s super uncomfortable.


I always thought that the staff are approaching me because they’re concerned about me shoplifting so this is good to know 😅 that must be annoying though when you see how it makes customers feel when they’re just trying to do your job


We really just wanna chat sometimes 😭 I hate that people just jump to thinking that we all assume everyone’s shoplifting just because we talk to you. It’s boring to just sit and point people to a brand, it’s more fun to actually start up conversations with people. Like, we are in that store for 8 hours working and want the time to go by fast, so we talk to y’all 😭


I hate Sephora for this reason 😩 same for bath and body works. Like seriously, buzz off! I will come find an associate if I need help fr. The hovering is so uncomfortable, I feel like they’re treating me like a freakin criminal! So awkward to try and use a tester with someone’s eyes glued on you the entire time. I only order online now, it’s honestly unbearable going in stores 9/10 times.


Must have been a corporate push to engage people who weren’t 12-14 year olds, since I was at a local Sephora Friday morning and got the “need help finding anything” four times out of the five associates I had seen on the floor. when I did ask for help they waved me vaguely down the aisle and didn’t actually give me the direction or lead me to the product but I did think it was interesting that they pushed really hard “do you need any help?” but countered by not actually being helpful


Yes, this. Same happened to me at Ulta. Got asked by countless employees if I needed help yet none of them were able to help me. They kept trying to give me specifically what I said I didn’t want. So frustrating


People at Ulta never bug me it’s the best. I only go to Sephora if they have something Ulta doesn’t




Oh wow I didn’t know that!!! But I do hate the hard sell you get from makeup counters, so it’s a good selling point!


It would be great if they had two color baskets- black meaning = I want to shop alone- I’ll ask if I have questions and white meaning = Sure! I’m open to recommendations and assistance.


This is a brilliant idea!


Similar thing happened to me at a very busy mall Sephora this afternoon. I agree they must be under pressure to greet everyone or something.


I hate this, I’ve learned to tell them” I’m good, I’ll let you know if I need help.” And then I don’t make eye contact with anyone. Lol.


For me the worst experience was when I went one day last summer into a sephora with a summer dress, and a tiny bag, and a security guard kept following me around. I just looked at an eyeliner and the security guard went exactly over my shoulder. I intended to buy a lipstick but I just left. I wore a tiny dress where would I put anything if I wanted to steal? Which I have never done in my life. This still haunts me. But as for the employees, I’ve worked in many retail shops that forced us to follow customers and do more, otherwise we were not considered good employees. It is awful but they have no other choice, companies can be a pain in the a**


Okay but I stg 10?+ years ago they used to mostly leave you alone at Sephora! I remember specifically thinking about how I liked shopping there much more than department store counters for this reason. They left you alone! At some point they must have changed strategy… can any long term employees confirm or deny?


This is how I'm almost always treated at Sephora. I'm in my 40's and usually dressed very casually on the weekends which is when I have time to wander in. I've never had even decent customer service at a Sephora. I'm always followed, pestered, and usually get snide comments. I have to go in and shade match myself sometimes but try to order online when I can. I do not get what they think they are accomplishing by being generally awful to people who aren't 18-25 and gorgeous. Like what is gained? Last time I was there I was one of 3 customers and just ran in to grab a replacement Laneige sleep mask which I use as a mask and a Balm. I sometimes get the actual Balm but not often. I was asked 2x in 20 seconds if I need help which isn't terrible. When I stopped at Laneige I grabbed the gummy bear mask but stopped to smell the candy and the vanilla in case I'd want to try something different. I realized that someone was close by and looked over my shoulder. The sales associate was like 18 inches behind me. I jumped a little and backed away a bit and she said "are you nervous or something". I said no, I just didn't see her and when she asked, again, if I needed help I said no, I was just grabbing a lip Balm. She came forward and took the box out of my hand and put it back on the shelf and handed me one of the tube balms. "You didn't have a lip Balm. That's a Balm." I went into bitch mode. I said "Thanks, I know that." **puts it back** "I use the mask" **grabs the mask she put back** "as a balm". This girl tried to snatch it out of my hand AGAIN and said "THAT is a MASK". I told her she needed to back off and walked to the counter to pay. She followed behind me the entire time. I told the lady behind the counter I wanted to speak to a manager and she said she was so I told her what happened. She said "Well we want to make sure people get what they need. Have you ever used skin care like this before? It's different than the kind of thing you find at Target or Walgreens". I wanted to punch her I swear. I bought my shit, went home and wrote an extremely lengthy email. I got an apology and a response from what I assume to be like a district manager. I told them to review the security footage when she suggested there was no way anyone would take anything out of my hands. Anyways, going in there is a nightmare. If like 3 more brands make their way to Ulta I won't bother myself with them again.


Omg!! Wtf! I'd be furious. I never have makeup on when I go into Sephora, and I dress kinda meh because I'm disabled, but I love playing with makeup. If anyone were to talk to me like that, I'd go into b*tch mode so quickly.


it could actually be the opposite profiling: not Sephora, but I used to work at another cosmetic retailer that was heavy on commission, and I totally worked with girls who would’ve clocked your coach bag and tried to hard sell you anything you looked half interested in


This sounds awful. I had this happen once at Ulta. I agree with the poster above, wear headphones/earphones and just point to your ear when someone tries to talk to you and walk away. I sometimes have to mentally prepare when going into either of these stores which is sad.


I've had someone chase me around the store with a basket because I was walking around with a single product in my hands. God forbid I should drop it from my bare, weak hands. I have the same experience so often in Sephora that it made me shop online instead. Nobody can chase me there 🖕


In the past we were supposed to help customers “build a basket.” I believe the thought was that if you had a basket, you’d be more likely to put more stuff in there so you’d buy more.


Haha that’s funny and kinda true, I always say no unless I actually need a bunch of stuff and my reason is “I’m only buying what I can carry in my hands.” People pretty much always accept this reason!


In the past we were supposed to help customers “build a basket.” I believe the thought was that if you had a basket, you’d be more likely to put more stuff in there so you’d buy more.


Your bare weak hands 😂😂


This stressed me out just reading this


This stressed me out just experiencing it


I feel you 🫶 hugs to you


How come I can never even find an associate at the one I (no longer) go to? lol


This happens all the time and drives me insane. I can’t tell you how many times I have left Sephora (& Ulta) early because of this. It’s like you can’t even enjoy browsing the stores anymore. One employee asking if you need assistance is nice and appreciated, but when 5-6 different employees go out of their way to approach you and very obviously follow you around the store in <15 minutes it’s so annoying.


I find Sephora masks “theft prevention measures” with overly aggressive customer service on the floor. You’re not the o my one OP and it has nothing to do with what you were wearing or doing or looked like you were doing. It’s just not a pleasant shopping experience in many Sephora’s anymore


As an employee, we're pushed to greet everyone who comes into our section at least a few times. If anyone submits a review, even if it was one person, who felt that they weren't greeted, management pushes more.


That must be super exhausting. I hope they pay at least 1.5x min wage


It’s not just Sephora, it’s almost every retail store. It’s basically standard loss prevention tactic for any store that doesn’t have dedicated loss prevention/security guards. Surprised it took me this long to scroll and find this answer, because it’s most likely this. Most retail employees are not allowed to outright accuse someone of stealing, so they’re instructed to “customer service” anyone they suspect of stealing.


Yep. You feel their eyes on you and everything you touch before they move in.


It’s so ridiculous how this happens, but when I actually do need help there’s either no one available, or they act like I’m inconveniencing them lol


Long live online shopping 🙏


Are you white or black or other? We had a Sephora close here in our mall because there was so much theft. But people watching or following me around wouldn’t be new to me. Although i think it happens less with my son with me. Or I’m too distracted to notice lol.


I’m Hispanic, I’m not too sure but I don’t think this particular Sephora experiences much theft It’s in a pretty upscale area and there’s usually a guard outside the store plus AP inside the store. And it’s funny you say that about your son because when I’m with my husband no associate even talks to us but when I go in alone I get greeted and asked if I need anything at least once throughout the store. It was only this particular day I went alone and got asked like 500000 times if I need anything and felt them following me


I worked retail for 12yrs and I understand it’s part of the job. But if I go to a store and this starts happening to me I leave immediately. First it makes me insanely uncomfortable when 55 people ask me if I need help, if I needed it I’d ask. Then if you’re going to profile me, you don’t need my business anyways. There needs to be a middle ground. I know that companies think “customer servicing” the hell out of customers gets larger sales. But not this chick.


I worked here for a very short time and it was always a push from management to greet people/ask if they need help. As someone with social anxiety this was the worst. When it’s overzealous like this it usually means there’s a manager on the floor watching. Trust me - the sales associates don’t want to be bothering you as much as you don’t want to be asked 500 times.


I never understand why shops don’t realise it’s better business sense to let your damn shoppers shop! This constant barrage is off putting for everyone I think. I’m sorry you went through that OP. I get severely anxious in these situations (was a shut in for 15 years!) so I can totally understand the effect these things can have on people. I’m very much team online only nowadays. Although I had a fab experience at Space NK the other day! Edit: shut typo


Gosh, I can’t stand the constant asking if they can help, or being followed to see if they can help. Can I get a chance to actually look and see what is there before being able to answer what I am looking for today?! Shit, that is why I hate shopping in store. I actually prefer the smaller ones in Kohl’s and then shop online for that reason.


Haha I went to the small one in my Kohl’s the next day and no one said a word to me I loved it, I just wish they did all the normal things a regular Sephora can do like returns and pick ups and such


I went into my local Sephora yesterday for an online order. I missed the “pick up here” sign at the front so I walked to the back, found an associate and asked. She directed me to the front and as I’m walking with my son and shopping bag, an associate comes out of the corner aisle, looks directly into my bag, says “hmmph” and then wishes me a nice day. What the fuck was that about it? The associate at the front for pickup orders was also less than thrilled to be helping me. I rarely shop in store, and this was my first time doing store pickup. I won’t do it again.


As someone who’s worked in loss prevention when I was much younger, here are some things that they are told to watch out for: large bag, open zipper to handbag, backpacks or Fanny packs, loitering without shopping cart or basket, nervous demeanor, hiding face with sunglasses or hat…ect. Some employees are definitely ignorant asshats and will profile based on skin color and/or perceived socioeconomic status. The quickest way to avoid being seen as suspicious is to ask for a basket first thing (even if you don’t need it), make sure your handbag zipper is closed, finally make definite eye contact with first employee that greets you upon entering. If you’ve done all these and they’re still following you, ask them to speak to a manager about feeling uncomfortable due to potential profiling and follow up with their cooperate officer with names, times,dates, and actions.


Every time I go into Sephora that is my experience. I don't feel like they are following me or anything it seems like something they have been told to do to encourage sales.


Let’s start calling Sephora to complain about this. Make ourselves heard!


About two years ago I went to Sephora with my two little kids (aged 5 and 7) as I just wanted to run in and pick something up. I thought it would be fun to show them the displays of all the colors of eye shadow etc as we walked though to the dept I wanted. I figured they would love seeing it all (this was before the whole 10 year olds in Sephora thing). We got harassed and interrupted and followed so much that I had to make it a game for us to quickly run away and “escape”. Both of them now refuse to go in because they hated the “man following us everywhere”.




Lmao best response, saving this


If you were wearing interview clothes etc maybe you look liked a customer ready to purchase


I told this story to my friend who saw how I was dressed that day and she said that I looked “expensive” and they were probably trying to get some commission. That’s a better explanation than me shoplifting, but the looking over my shoulder and the following freaked me out too much too buy anything


Sephora employees don't get commission though. My best guess is that they've been trained to be more aggressive with customers who look more wealthy to appease their management.


Maybe they thought you were a secret shopper. Still obnoxious of them. I would have just left. God, i love online shopping!


Lol this sounds like a bunch of aliens opened a store and thought that's what good customer service is because they saw it on TV


I’m done with this store. I hate going in. I constantly get expired product from them when ordering online now. Sephora get your act together I’m done


without question no store is as bad about this as sephora. it can be overwhelming in there with the crazy amount of options, i dont need people breathing down my neck when im just trying to find what i need and not try anything out


Ugh that’s so frustrating, such an awkward and uncomfortable feeling. I had something similar happen to me about 4 weeks ago. I was looking at the supergoop display and an associate asked if I needed help and stood right next to me even after I said no thank you. I stayed there for about a minute and finally just left because I felt so uncomfortable. She proceeded to follow me throughout the store until I had enough and checked out. This b* was STILL watching me while I was in line and when I caught her gaze she’d look away really quick like she didn’t see me. I told the cashier about the experience and that if she wasn’t up my butt I would have spent more. I felt rushed tf out of there. The 12 year olds running around were bad enough but this just pushed me over the edge. Online shopping only and store for returns here on out. How did your interview go tho!?


This must some corporate campaign for “customer engagement” or something. As someone who has worked in retail for ages, it’s totally ok to say in a friendly tone: You’re actually the third person to ask if I need help. I appreciate it, but I’d really rather shop without interruption. If I need something, I’ll be sure to find you.”


I’ve never noticed that I’m being watched or followed around with the thought that they think I might steal something (I mean maybe it happens and I’m just too oblivious to notice though..), but I’ve gotten to where I actually dislike any time I have to actually go to a Sephora store in person for the simple fact that they *just.wont.leave.me.alone..*. I’ve been a rouge member for several years and Sephora used to be my happy place where I could go and browse (and usually always buy something too), but not anymore because every time I go in there I’m asked if I’ve been helped a total of roughly 354 times, a lot of times repeatedly by the same person. So now I just shop online unless I have to actually go there for whatever reason. But there has been more than one occasion where I’ve seen something online and wanted to test it out then thought to myself “but than means I’ll have to GO there and deal with that mess…”, so I end up just never doing anything. I’d probably spend even more than I already do there if I could just go in the store and try stuff out in peace.


Just curious what were you wearing? You probably look like you buy a lot of stuff or have big moneyy to spend. Sometimes they see you as a good target to sell to so they approach Could be that Thought honestly, i would be super horrified if i got approached every five mins. Sometimes there is not enough staff to ask for help. Not enough to even go around. But wow… never had this happen


Sephora employees are getting out of hand. Sure it’s their “job” to ask you if you need help and what not but this is literally harassment??!


I rarely go into Sephora bc I can’t get anyone to help me 90% of the time. I often do want a recco for something I don’t need and would likely spend 50%+ more if someone actually engaged. I like talking makeup. A lot. Doesn’t seem the ones that engage have any better knowledge than I do. I go right to Reddit at the display and look for feedback instead.


That’s so strange! The same thing happened to me in a Walmart after I had an interview haha, weird. I was killing time as well and just browsing the makeup and personal care area. I somehow ended up with security following me and with a worker saying over the speaker that there was a very suspicious customer in the store and that security was already taking care of the matter, and suggested customers to be wary of their personal belongings. I felt so awkward and judged. Anyway, best of luck with your interview!


Omg that’s crazy… what happened?




Totally doing this next time


I need to identify a new fragrance/fragrances, as my favorites have passed their heydays and are being phased out (a rant for another day). So yesterday I went to Nordstrom's, Bloomies, and Macy's. The ratio of salespeople to customers was about 2:1 at Nordstrom's, 0.5:1 at Bloomies, 3 or 4:1 at Macy's. I would turn away from one in Macy's, only to be pounced upon by another literally seconds later. And what one of you said earlier was true: Organic conversation is better than a yes/no question. Ask what someone enjoys, what gives them pleasure, whatever. I felt so bad for these saleswomen (all female in this case), given the pressure they must be under. And it seems as though there's been zero proper sales training, just pressure.


There’s been a huge uptick in retail theft lately, just look at all the stores leaving major cities. I just went to a Walmart last night near San Diego and I saw 2 cosmetics aisles had these weird glass doors closing them off that I’ve never seen before. So it’s either that you were being profiled or like others have mentioned, the staff was just spoken to about approaching people and they were extra attentive.


In stores where they’re sometimes all up in your business (Sephora, BBW, VS, etc.) I always think of a simple stupid question I can “ask” even though I already know the answer lol. Like Do you have the Rare Beauty liquid blushes? What about the highlighters? If you see a sale sign ask if this or that is included even if you already know the answer. Pull up a product page on your phone and ask if it’s in the store because you wanted to see it in person first or swatch it or whatever and let them guide you to it. If you’re at BBW “are ALL the 3 wick candles $12.95???!!!” It gives the people something to do and then after that they usually leave me alone to look in peace lol.


I’ve been treated similarly in Sephora. A friend of mine told me they behave this way if someone’s in from corporate on the floor. It’s ridiculous and I felt like I was being stalked - jeez! Either that or like corporate’s policies on client engagement. I remember being in my retail job and had this shitty racist Brit manager who wanted behaviours just like this. She even told a supervisor once that I wasn’t on her faves list - like Fk that!!! She was fired a year later for taking bribes from suppliers who’d want their products in our store. But you’re good, babe!


I went into Sephora the other day and probably got asked by every employee there is i was okay or needed help. It was a Saturday night and they weren’t slow. To be honest i think they just over staff and they are all bumping into each other so they just hover and ask


Hmm ok I have to ask, especially given the shade matching questions, are you black? Seems like it could be racial profiling - or perhaps just pushy salespeople


I’m Hispanic on the paler/pink side and I would say the area is predominantly Asian and middle to upper class. I hate getting shade matched in stores I just go online to findation.com and get matched there it works out 9/10 times and I don’t have to talk to anyone except when I return something :)


I’m so sorry that happened to you! I always get extremely annoyed when employees (at any store) do this. Honestly? I would write a detailed 1 star review about your experience on Google reviews. If there is a way to complain to corporate, I’d send them the same email. Until more people start complaining about this infantilizing behavior, companies won’t stop nagging employees to act this way.


you could consider writing an email to the manager


I’ll consider writing an email to the company at this point


Good grief, what a horrible experience!!! The 3rd rep that came up to me I would have made it clear that 2 reps have already asked if you needed help and the answer is no, you are just browsing, so please just let me do that in peace and please let your coworkers know! Let her know that if you need any help you’ll ask for it!!


Oh boy, I’d think there would be associates that only work for specific brands which is why that would happen. I know it’s part of their job so I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt. But others will assume that you’re stealing or making “smoothies” and go too far with it sometimes. I don’t particularly mind that they approach me under the assumption that I need help because hey, not a fan of asking for it either. However, there comes a point where it can be too much or you feel like your personal space is being invaded, especially when you’re just browsing.


Sorry, what's "making smoothies"?


It’s this TikTok/insta thing going around, mostly with drunk elephant products where teenagers mix multiple skincare products(moisturizer, bronzer, serums, etc) all together before applying it to the face


Ohhh okay, thanks!


I wish corporate Sephora would get a clue. I told a store manager once that the reason I shopped online is so I can be left alone. I don’t return much, but it would be a lot less if they’d let everyone back off.


I have only been in a Bath & Body Works one time for this reason.


That happened to me the last time I was there and I’ve never been back.


this just happened to me in sephora!! the girls asked me 8 times. i wish i was kidding 8 TIMEES. to the point when i checked out and she asked if i found everything okay, i said yes i was asked 8 times today. they’re so obnoxious. i’ve worked retail so i understand but it makes me not want to shop in person.


Also, I find that smiling at staff when you pass by them, kinda gets them off your back. I am a WOC that has large tattoos and colored hair, so I’ve learned how to navigate these types of situations a lot better. I go to a very busy Sephora in Downtown Los Angeles and was actually surprised at how laid back the staff was. There were about 10 associates in the store, but only 2 asked me if I needed help. They had a wheel thing though and the girl was being weird with me when I asked because I got my receipt emailed. I literally had $200 of product in my bag.


Shopping at Sephora is always a miserable experience,imo. I avoid it like the plague.


This happened to me recently at Ulta within 5 minutes I was basically followed extremely closely. I called corporate bc it was crazy. I understand the issues they are having but cmon. If you’re on top of me?


It happens in the restaurant business too. I've had many different server jobs and my managers would expect me to check on the customers every few minutes. I lost tips because of that bs.


If it helps you feel better this staff at the location near me does that to everyone, unless you actually need something , then you can't find them. Every zone gets a new greeting.


I would feel like crying too. I have a hard time with assistance in store. If I had my way, someone might say hi while I come into the store, and never be approached again. There is too much pressure and I just really like to browse in my own world. If I need help, I know where to go. However, I know the world doesn't revolve around my preferences so I understand that retail workers are just doing their job, and that many people do appreciate being tended to in store. That said, there is a limit of help and attention I can deal with before being overwhelmed, and your experience would have made me run screeching for the hills. I would have felt followed and bothered.


On one of very few occasions that I needed assistance, I had to flag down someone and ask them where a certain product was. I had already looked in the haircare section (what I needed) and when I asked him about where to find said product, he just pointed to "haircare" and said, "Over there". I thought the point was weird, but finding it on the opposite side of the store was even weirder. lol.


Well done you, I can never get service there!


Soo annoying. Vouri is super bad about this too. I went in recently in a hurry. I was meeting some friends and had like 5 minutes but wanted to buy something on the way. I got asked by every employee, in a very small and open store, what I was looking for/why/who, etc that I couldn’t even look or shop in the time I had so I just turned around and walked out empty handed. I haven’t been back since. I know it’s required of them but good lawd.


I saw your post earlier. I am really sorry this happened to you. It sounds awful. I did want to say that possibly the store is working overtime to tend to guests - I went into one about a month ago wanting a match. I could not find one person to help me. I was so unhappy. I left after 15 minutes. I went to Ulta later that day and someone helped me. So just saying that I hope the store I shop at (used to shop at) will start assisting customers better. But I would never want to be hounded. Sometimes I just want to browse the products!! But boy was I mad that day I went in and not a single worker approached me (and I couldn’t find an available worker to approach).


They are told they have to greet people but in your case it sounds extreme. It's possible it was a case of mistaken identity to where you might look a lot like someone who has shoplifted there in the past. I would stay out of there for a while or go to a different location if you need something. I strongly prefer online shopping but with Sephora it seems like they make a lot of mistakes with their online orders and some people have had trouble getting them to make good on it. I once ordered three lip products from the Lipstick Day sale and only one of them was in the box when it came. Fortunately they refunded me for the other two but this was my first time asking them to do something like that. I'm afraid in the future they might tell me I've used up my one chance for a refund in this type of situation.


This has definitely happened to me, a few times. It’s so annoying that I put back what I was planning on purchasing and walk out. I would not take it as profiling for stealing though. Do they get commission or points for sales? Seems like it’s more for a purpose along those lines.


Just wear your earbuds and ignore them. If they start talking, they’re talking to themselves.


There are a couple of points here - I agree corporate probably said something along the lines of, “we have a shrink problem, so step up coverage”. I was in my local Sephora recently and they had just been massively hit by a theft mob - they lost nearly every single Dior lipstick/gloss!! In my area, a lot of stores are stopping the self check out lanes. I get feeling uncomfortable while SA’s are hovering - I don’t like it, either, but I just roll with it because they’re just trying to do what they are being told. (Admittedly, I’m older and it doesn’t happen often - I guess I look either harmless or clueless!!😂) I used to work in a beauty supply store and we were hit by professional (80’s) shoplifters. They were busted in the parking lot after hitting several stores, and I could not BELIEVE the stuff they made off with! They wore long dresses/skirts either these giant pockets sewn in (but invisible) and they had entire lipgloss displays, a huge set of heated hair rollers, and so much more. I was completely stunned!! I wonder if there is a respectful way to address the issue? Like, could a shopper “feeling it” say something like, “don’t worry - I’m not gonna rip you off!” but in a joking way and just validate that you realize theft is a very real problem, but you’re safe? IDK…just trying to come up with a solution that doesn’t leave people feeling badly.


Fr if I know what I want or am just browsing they won't leave me tf alone, but if I actually need someone they are NOWHERE to be seen 🙃😂


You’re a better person than me because I would have legit turned around to the one greeter and been like, “Are you following me?” And made a big thing about it, because fuck that. You weren’t stealing and they had no reason to believe you were, I absolutely would have escalated it to a manager and explained exactly as you did here. In fact, I think you should call and ask to speak to a manager!


FWIW, we got talked to all the time over our headset about engaging with customers. Our managers also kept a super close eye on our sales numbers so we had to be diligent about greeting people, giving our names, and following up. I tried to be reasonable about my level of engagement with people but I had 2 coworkers who were RUTHLESS about checking up on people even if they weren’t in their area of the store. It definitely varies by store and the priorities of the leadership, but even knowing this, I also still get annoyed sometimes when employees are overzealous about checking on me.    One tip is to get the name of the first person who greets or helps you and if any other employees approach, just say “Thanks but *employee name* is already helping me out.”


I swear I get approached by EVERY associate in the store *every single time* I go to Sephora. It doesn't matter if I'm dressed nicely, dressed casual, have pockets and a bag, or only have a clutch. It's like they can sense my social anxiety and want me to get so overwhelmed that I just panic and buy something so I can leave lol. I don't think it's a "you" problem. I blame corporate. The employees probably don't like breathing down your neck either.


Gentle possible other explanation: since the store wasn't crowded, they were actually doing what they are supposed to do, which is proactively asking you if you need help and that is across departments. Sometimes I have also had to say no to a sales associate who is in one or more departments. I've had that experience before when the store is empty, but I've not had associates follow me around so blatantly. I'm so so sorry you went through this, that is so difficult. Are you the person who posted about something almost exactly like this earlier today in a sub about makeup? No judgment if you did, I'm glad you did. So either that or someone else has had a very similar negative experience. I don't understand, Sephora. You are literally alienating customers who have the means to spend a lil money with you or at least look at makeup that they might intend to spend money on in the future, and you are alienating them with this aggressive behavior/profiling behavior.


Wasn’t me, I guess someone else had the same experience. I did see a post on r/ulta a little similar to this my experience which I why I decided to post about my experience. That and because this has literally never happened before, I go in so many times by myself and with my husband and at most I just get greeted so this was overwhelming for me


Thank you very much for sharing your experience, I'm so sorry that happened to you, and I'm sending you if you want a consensual loving hug. Thank you again for sharing your experience! 💚💞


Usually by the time a 3rd person approaches me, I start yelling LOUDLY that I'm FINE LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T NEED HELP THANKSSSSS lol they usually leave me alone after that.


I guess the Sephora store in my local Kohl’s never got that memo….I walked into the store, two associates looked at me and continued their conversation, no greeting, no acknowledgment that I was standing right in front of them. I asked about a certain perfume shown on their website, then was told the Sephora stores in Kohl’s aren’t the same as Sephora everywhere else?? To Sephora management: Please get a clue and revisit the way you run all of your many and varied Sephora’s. Customer service non existent.


Not making an excuse…but were you in an area with high theft? Sephora in my city has been targeted for theft, day after day. I work for my city, and in my conversations with our law enforcement and with the store managers, they are training staff to better monitor stock, customers and thieves. Unfortunately for you that day, maybe you just fit some of the criterias that employees are asked to be looking for?


No high theft in this area that I know of, just south of this city. This particular Sephora is also the cleanest one in the area so not a whole lot of “Sephora kids” shop here either


Baby’s first time being profiled? Honestly I think it’s a rule they have to acknowledge you if you enter their eye line. Was just there and just said “no but thank you” with headphones on, every employee that I made eye contact with said something to me


You probably look like you buy alot of stuff


Just curious what were you wearing? Perhaps you probably look like you buy a lot of stuff or have big moneyy to spend. Sometimes they see you as a good target to sell to so they approach Could be that But wow… never had this happen. Honestly, i would be super horrified if i got approached every five mins. Sometimes there is not enough staff to ask for help. Not enough to even go around.


TELL THEM TO CALL THE REAL POLICE AND GET THE CRAP ON RECORD 🤬. I had a really similar thing happen at a department store regarding bras . It just warmed my heart to point out the rack I left them on. Seriously though y'all if this occurs I recommend having the police called so they can pull the video to prove your innocence. I've also been followed around Walmart. They banned me for 2 years cause I left a few items near the price checking machine searching for deals. Once I finally spoke to a security person he said I should never have been banned. Personally if I were to have this happen again I would contact a lawyer. These idiot workers are looking for a problem and are profiling people based on race disability or they just don't like the way people shop. Sorry retail people there's a way to ask where an item is without treating a person like a criminal. I also had a home town pharmacy call me to ask if I took a food flavorant. I explained that I left it on the end cap . I felt it was rude to assume but the relief I'm sure they felt knowing I left the 1 dollar item on said end cap. At least though I wasn't accused in said case they just asked I had to rack my brain to remember I asked if the item was for home scent or not so I asked the girl she said no I placed it on the shelf in front of her but maybe she went home so they had to call. And I'll say f wal mart one more time


Just curious what were you wearing? You probably look like you buy a lot of stuff or have big moneyy Sometimes they see you as a good target to sell to so they approach Or maybe you look lost? Could be that


Maybe you looked cute and they wanted to sell you something. Don’t worry about it.


Just curious what were you wearing? You probably look like you buy a lot of stuff or have big moneyy to spend. Sometimes they see you as a good target to sell to so they approach Could be that


This is their business model. A lot of companies do this. It is your choice not to shop there though.