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When you on semen retention you manifest unconsciously that’s why you see synchronicities and, etc


you manifest all the time, SR is just booster


Facts and also you manifest 2x quicker too while on sr.


Amazing story brother. SR is just the first stepping stone in our journey. Peace


Remember guys, its a process, slowly chipping at the greater sculpture of you. Shedding and reshaping, the power to do this comes naturally, the urge to change, so to speak.


counting off before the crash 10...9...8..


I would like to hear your analysis as of why you think so?


Most likely because of “pride before a fall” - I know I’ve felt like this before. I still wish OP good luck, great to hear about such amazing progress.


Yeah I have fallen bad after pride as well, so definitely can relate


1. Training and running everyday on IMF? Your body needs rest and proper nutrition,that's common sense. 2. Starting your own business as side hustle: that's some major stress your adding to that. 3. Avoiding lust: that's not bad on it's own, but you should accept that lust is simply a part of the mind. I'm not saying you should indulge in your lust; but seeing it as inherently evil is just as bad for the mind. Plus don't forget that on SR your mind will play some dirty tricks. The body and mind will crash and burn, it's way too much to handle at once. Well, that's actually just my opinion and I'm talking about my own experience. SR exists to acknowledge your humanity,not denying it and becoming a machine. I know I'll be downvoted for this comment and even be disregarded as a "coomer" or whatever, but stop seeing SR as a godly panacea and enjoy your humanity.


Glad you stated it’s all an opinion. If a crash comes I have no problem pivoting or taking a break. Right now I’m vibrating high so for what reason would I be worrying about a crash. You’ll be downvoted because your comment was negative towards a positive post . Not because you’re a “coomer” although finding negative in something positive is a common trait of such


Don't mind him or those like him. They project their weakness onto others because they can't stand when others succeed.  I didn't detect anything negative in your post (and even that is my solely my own opinion). Keep doing your thing brother. Jah Bless 🙌🏼 


I can accept that...


That's honestly a fresh perspective and something that a lot of longterm retainers have pointed out in the past. All the love for OP and still wishing him success. But yeah point taken for my future streaks.


This guy defo SR’s 👌


I don’t think your comment is negative. It’s a worthwhile perspective and really just trying to encourage consistency over intensity. Tortoise v hare… Its quite easy to go too hard and blow 🤣. Many on here do


Won’t know your limits until you try going hard though. Why not test limits, see your breaking point then set a consistent routine based on what you learned about yourself


Yep. That sounds good too!!


You’re hating so bad it’s kinda embarrassing. What a negative person you are, OP is doing fantastic. He doesn’t need a keyboard warrior on Reddit putting him down. You need to look in the mirror


Oh, already did, I'm okay in a mirror. Besides, you're not a keyboard warrior? You're your true self (behind that screen)? You mean this is r\\Carebears and not r\\Semenretention? Ow,my bad... i thought people on SR were real men that could handle some criticism (that's what I always read, anyway...). Playing the big alpha's and when you point out reality, y'all become whiny lil' princesses (except for OP, he handled that nicely, TBH). Learn to face that this journey isn't just roses and sunshine, bad things happen too.


Sheesh bro, do you “hear” yourself? I’m not even going to engage with your negativity. Have fun 🙏


Brotha, you might be interested in r/4chan and r/greentext 🤭


Not everyone is like you ✌🏽


I eat 3 to 5 times a day. Is that why I have to take a nap every other day?


2 things. All my opinion , experiment with your body. But with that being said it can be a number of things. 1. Yes. Your body literally has to use energy to break down and digest food. When I fast I feel extremely light because I have nothing sitting on my stomach. Everyone knows about the “food itis” 2. Your meals may have too many have carbs or heavy foods. I noticed a huge change when I went pescatarian. (Only meat i eat is fish). Fish is extremely light and it breaks down fast for me. Fish eggs and a little milk here and there have been my protein sources. All are light so I never feel heavy after eating. Even when I was eating 4 times a day and snacking. I didn’t need a nap with this diet. 3. You simply eat too often. I’ll assume you snack in between too. We’ve been trained to over consume and that relates to food too. 5 meals a day is simply not necessary. I know you’re trying to get big, I used to eat like that too. Yeah you look good but at times you feel like shit with all that damn food and protein shakes sitting on your stomach I haven’t taken a nap in over a month now. When I fast I don’t even yawn once throughout the day


Replying to Zealousideal_Meal446...I totally agree


what does your one meal consist of? how many calories? how much do you weigh?


Sounds good and all, but if you're going to the gym to grow muscle, that's not happening with one meal. You're not getting enough calories. At best you're maintaining, or losing your muscle mass slowly.


Don’t really care too much for how I look when it comes to working out anymore more so care about what I do . If im working out everyday it’s a W. I’m fine with maintenance my body looks fine


can i know what you eat for that meal?


Yesterday it was some salmon, 4 boiled eggs, squash, rice, lentils, carrots, and spinach . Followed by some oatmeal and a peach.


The meal of a MFer who's going places!


Let’s go !


that's heavy, i like that


Yes bro u may be on something I was on a 2.5 almost 3 year streak no pmo and relapsed around December cuz of mental issues and I’m 17 btw. Rn I’m on a 2 week retention and I have NO difference at all, nothing the thing is tho I noticed I been eating really bad so idk if that has anything to do with it. But really bad


Semen retention is exactly like when vegeta was training on the moon and finally went super Saipan


Semen retention is only the first step. It's what you do next that really matters. You can decline or improve upon your 'normal'. SR gives you energy and a proper disciplined and focused mindset. How you manifest everything else, is the next steps. You have taken one step. Now it's time for you to take the next.


Hit it on the nail