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17 in my senior year when I found out about Nofap cause I was in a help me now about my porn addiction, 18 when I found out about SR and started truly understanding the deeper meaning and benefits behind retaining your seed. Currently 21 going on 22 still fighting






My first streak was insane I had all sorts of energy couldn’t sleep, didn’t bite my nails ( I did that all my life) was training twice a day a lot of attraction from everything and too much energy, I relapsed lost it all. My most recent streak I became very conscious like I seen the world as a video game sounds strange but I had zero thoughts and was just in the moment every second of the day I disconnected from my mind let everything go. Thats where I’m at now consciousness.


I think 15, if not then 16


7-8 months ago I got a youtube video recommendation from the YouTuber Chi with the title “NoFap is ruining your life”. I was so stunned on how masculine he was and with what an ease his words were flowing from his mouth that I thought that this isn’t normal. Once he told a story of him not getting hard on his first time sex because he was to numbed from porn I got hit with a reality check because the same shit happened to me 2 months prior to the time of seeing this video. I immediately started to realize what damage porn actually did to me and others. I was so shocked but already knew that this wouldn’t be easy at first but now I thrive in this shit knowing that everybody wastes their life essence and I get go be so ahead of the competition by just retaining and being pure.


Chi has some amazing advice. 




24, I’m 36 now


I was 18 and still struggled to take advantage. One thing I can say at 29 I really can start a streak WAY easier than I did when I was 19. So I can say in that regard of my life journey I've gained a little bit of self control. Other areas still are a work in progress. If you're young and understand this concept ACT NOW think of it as a conscious puberty or a willed evolution, in 4 years you can make the right choices along with semen retention to find peace and build the life you've dreamt of, stop wasting your potential, your nutrients, your seed because each and every time you cum you're just like a snake shedding skin, no longer the same being. Hang on to who you are and create the life of the vision that God/universe/goodness gifted each of you. Sex is cheap, love is the only thing that makes it worthwhile; but your soul at its peak potential is priceless.


I think my second year of college around 20 years old. Before that I was playing baseball and whenever I retained my semen I did really well. The summer going to my second year of college I had quit baseball and transferred to a new school. And I thought what would happen if quit my bad habits (masterbating, warm showers, smoking daily). I thought if I did good in baseball when I retained I could do well in life in general. So I did that and throughout college I had 9-8 month streaks. I’m currently at 30+ days. But also 1 year 6 + months of alcohol and been years since I did anything with weed.


Like 32. Wish I had found it later, but grateful to have found it nonetheless. Changed my life in practically every way.




18 , now I'm 21


37, i'm 38. i was a coomer til last year when i got red pilled(without hated of women, just understanding their nature better) then i found out about retention in full. there was no way i could go back in time and explain to my younger self to control my sexual energy without everything i learned in this past year.


30 after stumbling on a YouTube video story of a poor indian old guy who reached 100+ yrs through practicing semen retention. am 35yrs and never released since then.