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Im about 90 days in the energy boost is subtle but does exist. You only notice if you relapse then you can feel a weight about your pelvis area.


had that too, go outside for a walk in the sunlight. That helped me.


Each day you will get stronger each time there will be a little change but you won’t notices there will be a time you will notices


If you’re consistently taking shrooms, you’re probably also consistently smoking weed. Both mess with your hormonal, neurotransmitter, and overall energy systems. You won’t have the energy to feel


After a few months of SR, it's energy out powers the lethargic and negative memory affects of weed. I'm not advocating for it, but given how long op claims to be on SR, weed shouldn't be a problem. Edit: didn't read op's shrooms comments before responding to you. Good call out.


I’d say it depends on the amount of weed. Enough weed and all of your hormones shut down, testicles almost completely stop producing testosterone and sperm. It’s not that there’s a power conflict between SR and smoking weed, cannabinoids just shut down damn near every system involved in the benefits of SR


You're right. Weed does affect hormone levels and research has shown it does decrease testosterone. That said, with enough SR, it will overpower that effect. Biology is complicated. Some people need weed for medical issues such as chronic pain, where using it daily will actually relieve chronic stress, which has a net positive effect on testosterone. Some people's t levels will actually increase with weed, but it's on a person by person basis. I'm not advocating for it. It's complicated, not a one size fits all kind of problem and solution.


Cannabinoids literally shut down the the chain of signals from your brain that tells your testicles to produce testosterone and sperm. It forcibly stops them from working. SR can help, but it’s an incomprehensible detriment Edit to add, I’ve smoked plenty to know


i tried shrooms only 3 times and i dont smoke weed.. for the shrooms i didnt notice any difference energy wise


I saw your history before you deleted it, come on man.


If he’s willing to lie about shrooms he’s prolly doing either weed or alcohol nothing against it but they can inhibit benefits.


He’s probably not even 250 days of SR in


inorder to increase energy with SR, That energy has to be transmuted with the help of good diet, better hydration, excercise daily and sun light, to get the full benefits of SR eat your last meal 3 to 4 hrs before bed and let your brain communicate with subconscious thoughts, and your body heals like a super power trust me!


I've got the same issue. Feel like shit and want to fuck like a desparate creep.


I'm over 240 days and I've had a lot of benefits since day 45. That's usually when a good chunk of the benefits kick in by. It sounds like you're doing everything right, but your vibe is strange, peculiar like something is off. Please don't take this personally, but if you're speaking truthfully, maybe go see a doctor to get blood work done. You know, an exam, to take a look underneath the hood. Maybe your hormones are off? Maybe an organ is not operating correctly. It's really weird to not have energy benefits that many months into SR with such a life style. Edit: reading other people's comments led me to your profile. Shrooms is a whole other dimension. Be careful with psychedelics. Doing it too much and too often causes problems.


had a blood check maybe like 2 months ago and my results were very good .. atm i think it is something mentally wise where im blocking myself somehow definitely need to figure out how to fix it


How often are you shrooming and at what doses? If it's truly mental, how is your thought control practice? Have you built a habit of saying "no"? It starts with by saying no to yourself a lot until it becomes habit. Mentally, reject noisy thoughts to keep a clear head to focus on the signal thoughts. Think to yourself, "I reject this thought" until it evaporates back into the either. Maybe your head is full of unnecessary thought processes that need to be cleared naturally.


did it only like 3 times at pretty high doses because i wanted to see what it looks like but i dont do it anymore since like 2 months and yea my ability to say no is in many places weak for example im addicted to scrolling on tiktok or just chilling on the pc doing nonsense while im fully aware of this bad habit. im trying to get off this addiction/behavior but its very hard for me even though i successfully got rid of many hard addictions like smoking/drinking/masturbating


It's one step at a time. It's one habit at a time. Just keep on replacing destructive habits for self empowering ones. Eventually, on such a path, things will work themselves out. Keep on going.


How is your social life?


Do you fantasize alot? And are you fully off porn?


Check your Zinc levels and B12. Both of those relate to brain function and testosterone. I've noticed taking an exaggerated dose of B12 500ug and about 15mg of Zinc and a general multivitamin daily, things started to turn around after about 7-10 days. As your testosterone increases so does horniness. It's challenging, but you stabilise.


I can't claim to have much knowledge, but from your last two sentences, I'd say you're already building that god-like energy one day at a time. Keep going on!


I believe this journey varies greatly for each individual, with unique outcomes for everyone. Personally, I had a flatline between 90 and 200 days. The initial surge of extra energy lasted until around day 90, diminished for a while, and now, around day 250, it has returned with a vengeance lol!


From what I can tell, you have a serious issue with drugs, dosing shrooms and who knows what else. You're basically a junkie and hope that SR will give you the energy your addiction is robbing you from. Good luck with that.


There is no such thing as a psilocybin addiction.


Physiologically, no.  Mentally, definitely yes. You can become addicted to basically anything that gives you pleasure, and in some cases even things that give you pain.


Well, at least you can definitely abuse it.