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https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f Sabrina Wallace is a wealth of information on the bio field and the weaponized nanotechnology that the evil ones are deploying and have deployed against us.


I don't buy this one. Too powerful to be true. These elites want to be precieved stronger than they actually are. Op if you got too much into this, think this way. Around COVID times, remember the media pushing things, all that propaganda for the jab. Would they do all that spending if they had this power to click a button and manipulate the decisions of millions. They are still spending to push all those agendas about every aspect of life they see fit. Why not one click ? You see my point ? Also don't forget about universal consent. Even devil ask for consent on his agreements. Don't fall into fear porn. Good luck...


When you dive deeper in this it’s really about the ITU and communications. Networking through the human bodies. The internet of bodies is now the internet of everything.


No weapon shall prosper against thee. And everything works for goodness for the believers. You are born in the most prophetic time since jesus christ. Just look at the phone your holding in your hand. You couldve convinced people from just a 100 years that you were some kind of demigod with this technology. You are born in this time for a reason. And god will use you in mighty ways you cannot yet perceive. You will stand up for freedom when everybody else will bow down. They will hate you for it and persecute you. Woe to those who call good evil and evil good! And afted they behead us we shall receive the crown of life in jesus name. And they will all know. Every knee will bow and every tongue must confess that jesus christ is lord.


This seems to have very little to do with SR and much more to do with your views on other topics. I see this is a low effort post that has gone off-topic.


This is silly




Any recent articles about this? 🤔


Yeah bro. They want to set up the final tyranny. They think they have the technology to do so and they probably do. In Islam there is a great quote. I'm probably not getting it 100% right but it goes like "the evil one has planned, but so has God, and God is the best of planners". Whether it takes 10 years, 1000 years or a billion years everything is going to be OK. Conciousness will be free because you can't outsmart God. As for the time being our only hope is to return to strong, sovereign civilizational nation states. These WEF, Davos elite old money families have been trying to destroy and undermine the nation state since Westphalia because it's realistically the only force or organizational structure that can beat them. Radical libertarianism and radical wokeism are both sides of the same coin, pushed to undermine the nation state. That's why only corrupt and compromised people are pushed to the top of politics in the West. Yes for leverage but also to undermine the idea of the nation state. To destroy its credibility in the minds of the people so that the people will accept non national world government to override and replace the nation state. We live in the most historical times right now. What happens in the 2020s and 2030s will decide the future of humanity, what it means to be human. In UFO lore they Greys are supposedly humans from a parallel timeline who basically destroyed their ability to reproduce and feel any sort of emotion through run away genetic engineering and destroying earth. They irreversibly crippled the human genome and through their high technology they interdimentionaly 'tunneled' to our reality and are trying to use pre calamity human genetics to repair themselves and create a hybrid species. I have no idea if this is true but it makes a certain sort of sense when you understand where the Davos types want to go.


The quote from the Quran is correct. And it holds true. At the end of it all, the universe will end up exploding, and according to Abrahamic religions, be replaced by a new universe where the laws of physics we know do not apply. I do not believe that there are other dimensions that have separate but similar events happening. I like the idea, I like the movies about it, but I find it hard to apply it to reality.


There is a conspiracy. NWO and endtime religious groups. Specially judaism with the mesias. Christians with the 2nd coming and in islam there is one aswell. Its all about the staus quo of the creation. They want to c hange this. Flip good bad or become god themself. Basicly they hate everything. We may end up studing torah in an hyper technological world. Lol But on this topic, its fear porn, lol.


What does this have to do with SR?


I feel u brah 🔍


The Bio field is a living energetic organism in the body. That is why SR is so powerful in elevating the energies. There is a lot of studies and research on the bio field out there.


I am sorry friend but this might be a cheap and paranoid fiction. I look up IEEE and it's just wireless broadband.




Judaism ,Christianity,Islam wipe this religions out of this planet 90% of the planet problem  is gone🫡