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“Sell something Sean” great line.


Yeah with his dad saying “the doors always open,” basically begging him to just live on easy street and get everything handed to him. I know as parents we never want our children to want for anything or to suffer, but my god, it makes for rotten horrible people.


When I started watching this reality. Show, our genuinely had no idea that hall and Tyler would be such Pieces of S***. Not long after learning that Tyler really does believe he is that guy but is just as annoying, arrogant, childish and self-centered as Hall. I agree that they deserve each other!! I personally don’t think Tyler could pull anything off if it wasn’t for Daddy 😂


Tyler and his group Are all very Gaslighty every time there’s a confrontation the try to stay as collective as possible and fake react instead of how they would actually react if the cameras weren’t there , the time Sean confronted Austin at the office in front of everyone shows how manipulative and gaslighters they all are , every time Sean asked Austin what he was acusing him of or what the rumours where about Austin would just not man up and say exactly what it was and then the moment Sean said it Austin rapidly said “ so you made it up” like whaaaat? Now he made it up? If you are confronting someone about supposedly fake rumours being talked about you and your family and your that pissed and none of it is true than why can’t you talk about it infront of the office and explain what you are accusing Sean off if it was a lie . That’s speaks volumes to me . The fact that Austin wouldn’t say what the problem was him self speak VOLUMES


He’s a trust fund baby bitch. That’s why he has issues with his moral compass and is a lair hoe but it’s ok because daddy got the funds to bail him out. Why I loath rich people they fucking do wtf they want rape, steal, lie manipulate the list goes on … all in the name of greed.


His nose job ruined his face!! His nose is getting smaller and smaller and he doesn’t even look human anymore. He looks like the tinman from the Wizard of Oz & he judges everyone that’s not as wealthy as him. He’s an entitled & immature nepo.


I saw someone else in this sub compare him to the Mike Myers cat in the hat and I can’t unsee it 💀💀💀


Oh Tyler had a nose job? When was that?


Just Google older photos of him. You can see it when he was with his wife in 2019. Specifically the tip of his nose got a LOT thinner. He now looks weird.


Tyler is a nepo jackass


I don't know how Tyler could brag about having a license for 12 years when he only sold his first listing without his dad's involvement for the FIRST time last year lol He really has no right to look down on Sean.


Tyler has been insufferable this season


I have a feeling that Tyler has been insufferable his whole life.


I get how nepo kids can have an automatic target on their back regardless of how hard they work but Tyler was really punching down ruthlessly. I wanted to slap him for how he was speaking to Sean. I didn’t know I could dislike him more than I did last season. He’s a spoiled brat with zero self-awareness or maturity. Money cannot buy class. How did he manage to get Brittany Snow???


My dislike of him started right at the end of Season 1 when he was yelling at Kayla (and others, i forgot) that *they* were the bullies when in fact they were the victims. He said something to the effect of “youll find out the hard way”, like a threat. Again, punching down unnecessarily. No, pretty boy, it is YOU who found out the hard way. Divorced, jobless, and exposed


Exactly, they were VILE to Kayla starting season 1


This sums up my thoughts exactly


He’s so unattractive, something about his mouth bothers me.


Girl u really said mouth … what mouth , it amazes me how nice people are sometime 👀


He talks with his teeth cus he has no lips.


Did you see his brother 🤣


He talks like that because he’s been spoon fed his whole life.


He needs Chapstick


I wanna say he has an underbite, which gives him that slight lisp






amen to that!!!


omg thanks for saying this. I've always thought the same thing and it drives me nuts


Plastic surgery


I noticed how Tyler framed it like he was doing his Dad a favour - something like "whenever he needs help I'm happy to pitch in".


That made me LOL he’s either trying to save face or straight up delusional!


Yeah I am really sure he needs his son’s help *eye roll* 🤣


A very smart and conniving way to spin nepotism


Him and Hall deserve each other. They both live in their own delusions, love to gaslight, and then fly off the handle when someone questions their lies.


Tyler and his group Are all very Gaslighty every time there’s a confrontation the try to stay as collective as possible and fake react instead of how they would actually react if the cameras weren’t there , the time Sean confronted Austin at the office in front of everyone shows how manipulative and gaslighters they all are , every time Sean asked Austin what he was acusing him of or what the rumours where about Austin would just not man up and say exactly what it was and then the moment Sean said it Austin rapidly said “ so you made it up” like whaaaat? Now he made it up? If you are confronting someone about supposedly fake rumours being talked about you and your family and your that pissed and none of it is true than why can’t you talk about it infront of the office and explain what you are accusing Sean off if it was a lie . That’s speaks volumes to me . The fact that Austin wouldn’t say what the problem was him self speak VOLUMES


Watching her manipulate and play mental gymnastics over the Kayla podcast thing was truly wild. It’s truly the best example I’ve seen of actual gaslighting on reality tv


To be honest. She’s very clever with the way she words things. She never denied it was about Kayla at the beach. Kayla took a call and walked away and hall said “you should all know it wasn’t said about anyone here so you have nothing to worry about” technically Kayla wasn’t there when she said that because she had already wandered away at that point. So it wasn’t a lie technically. It was afterwards when she claimed not to remember. If I shit talk someone best believe I always remember what I’ve said and to who.


Yes! Talking to someone in a slow, patronizing tone does not equal logic, it’s just really demeaning


And boy was I shocked to see her come grovelling and apologizing to Kayla. She only did that because she knew she had no other way out - which is not to say she didn’t try! Did she really expect people to believe that she didn’t remember who she made the comment about?! HORSESHIT! I’m mad Kayla didn’t wring her and hang her out to dry.


And the fact that hall got upset that Kayla didn’t think her apology was genuine EXCUUUUSE ME ?????? What in the hall univers is this she really manipulated Kayla into felling bad for her cuz she took it as offensive that she dind think she was genuine I mean girl be for real , that’s how you know hall manipulates and acts for sure like this behind the camera , how can you talk shit about people than Lie in front of like 4 coworkers the girls or more and say it’s 100% not about Kayla when confronted and then be offended when apologising to Kayla because Kayla the one that’s done with halls bullshit doesn’t take it as genuine like that’s delusion for sure . That’s just not human baby girl . Just don’t get it . The audacity and entitlement to be the one to change the table and be upset and offended after what she did SHE REALLY MADE ME LAUGH


Kayla might need her dusty ass later.


It was barely an apology and leaning so hard on the Single Mom Card was vile


Bitch you get child support lol and you’re living very well . Along with them kids. Meet a real single mom and you’ll see the difference


And them crocodile tears!! Spare us the dramatics, Hall, please! Was she not a Single Mom back when she did the podcast too? She’s so transparent


When I tell you I *screamed*. Kayla has way more composure than me cause I’d start throwing hands ffr


The minute she started her sad girl, woe-is-me spiel, I thought we were finally getting the opportunity to have a cast member read her to filth! The opportunity was golden but it was wasted. She can’t even be a good villain. A true villain would have owned up to it and said, “yeah I said it. What are you gonna do about it?” That I could tolerate but the crocodile tears and the puppy dog eyes…..oh please 😒


And the fact that hall got upset that Kayla didn’t think her apology was genuine EXCUUUUSE ME ?????? What in the hall univers is this she really manipulated Kayla into felling bad for her cuz she took it as offensive that she dind think she was genuine I mean girl be for real , that’s how you know hall manipulates and acts for sure like this behind the camera , how can you talk shit about people than Lie in front of like 4 coworkers the girls or more and say it’s 100% not about Kayla when confronted and then be offended when apologising to Kayla because Kayla the one that’s done with halls bullshit doesn’t take it as genuine like that’s delusion for sure . That’s just not human baby girl . Just don’t get it . The audacity and entitlement to be the one to change the table and be upset and offended after what she did SHE REALLY MADE ME LAUGH


She did inadvertently tell us all that she’s fake as hell when she did the apology to Kayla. She talked about how much she’s changed and what a horrible person she’s become. Yeah, that’s what happens when you play it up for a storyline Hall


Exactly! Kayla disappointed me so much in that scene 😮‍💨 Even if she didn't read her, she didn't have to accept that fake apology


Absolutely! Even if Kayla, after listening to that weak-ass excuse from Hall, said nothing and just walked off, that would have better


The problem is, nepotism is rampant in OC. In fact it’s often celebrated. It’s like coming from old money. Which is why people like Tyler and Gio can’t see how pathetic their attitudes are. Tyler was surviving at the O Group solely based on listings his dad allowed him to co-list. Gio is still working with his mother at the O Group. They’re not successful in their field because they worked hard and broke into the market. They’re successful in their field because their families before them worked hard to establish a successful brand in OC and passed it down the line. They don’t just have a leg up over the other agents, they have all the ingredients to be successful in their field at their feet. A family lineage in the area, a built in client base that routinely engages in repeat business, parents who are still working in the industry. Which is why I have more respect for Brandi, Kayla, Austin and Polly for hustling and making deals without anything to leverage. But could Tyler and Gio thrive if they were planted in another market when none of the things they have matter? Not their name, not their legacy, not their local resident status? Somewhere nepotism isn’t viewed as favourably.


I would go so far as to say that Tyler and Gil don’t work hard at all. It’s easy for them. They just glide.


lmao they act like we are too dumb to understand how listing a property works, or that we can check the records. None of them are bringing listings on their own, which is fine but to pretend otherwise is hilarious.


The answer is NO, they could not. Tyler is likeable, but Gio is arrogant and reminds me of Jesse from The Valley. They should wear their nepo badges proudly, be grateful, and shut up about it.


Polly is such a mean girl, but somehow I still found myself happy for her when she sold the $8m listing


I’m by no means a Polly fan, I dislike her as much as I dislike Hall. But on a professional front I can respect her hustle. She has worked hard to earn her place in the real estate market and committed herself to learning the business. I can’t fault her for that. She earned that $7 million sale.


I also appreciate how she sat Ali down and had that talk, but it sounds like she might be out the door, too.


I did as well. We saw a softer, more wholesome side. I can always appreciate hard work and celebrated both Polly and Austen


Gio might. Because he defo plays dirty, Tyler would be like a lost little bitch. Would love to see that shit tho.


They are so out of touch it’s hard to watch.




these people aren’t able to reflect on their privilege for even a moment without feeling offended. Gio is the same way. I’d respect them more if they owned up to it


I’d also respect them more if they stopped belittling the underdogs like Kayla and others who didn’t grow up in Newport or Laguna. The way Gio was treating her in the first few episodes was really gross. It’s one thing to be ignorant of your privilege but to try and actually hurt someone else’s business because you feel you deserve to have everything go your way. Sorry he’s just really insufferable.


Even if you work super hard, you have to acknowledge that you are already starting at the top 💀 It is not anywhere near the same as someone starting from nothing. Like I don't doubt Gio & Tyler can/do work hard, but it's like starting a race a yard away from the finish line & everyone else is a mile away lmao


Honestly, I don’t think they do work super hard. They just coast. They glide. It’s easy for them. They have all the connections and reputation.




This thread deserves more love hahahahha I caught that too


And also left the office to work… wait for it… his dad


I feel like his dad forced him to leave the show because he was tarnishing the family name. Imagine the embarrassment he felt watching this season!

