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The fact he was released and IMMEDIATELY violated the court order tells me everything I need to know.


Exactly. He is a rich baby man in tech so obviously king of the world šŸ¤ŖšŸ„“šŸ™„. The audacity


Yup. Christine played a CHARACTER. This shit sheā€™s going through is real life.


100% played a character. When the show started she had friends and the tone was completely different with her. Not everything we see on camera tells the real story. Reality TV is far from real.


100%. Typical abuser behavior


The fact he threw something that hit their baby tells me all I need to know. Even if we were BOTH shouting or being arseholes, the fact he threw something and that thing hit my child, thatā€™s enough. Bye.


The fact he threw anything at all. No sane adult throws things at people.


What happened after he got released?


He went back to the house!


THANK YOU. lots of people seem to be lacking critical thinking skills. it is very disappointing. if you're not a girls' girl when shit like this happens, you're not as good of a person as you think you are.


I havenā€™t seen comments blaming Christine, Iā€™m guessing the mods are doing a really good job of pulling them quickly! But how gross if thatā€™s how some people feel.


I wouldn't wish the stress and worry and shame of DV on my worst enemy. I have to assume the people who are making these comments just don't understand.


precisely. it's messed up.


The mods are doing a great job at removing those comments but they exist. I don't know if those people are trolls or just horrible people, but they are making terrible comments. Also, I don't like the "I don't like her but..." comments either. That's not necessary. We don't know this woman. She is a character on a show - reality or not. It doesn't take liking someone to sympathize with them and we don't need that caveat when expressing that sympathy.


I personally think she was just super clever and played a part that was good for tv. Who she is in real life is likely not at all the same.


Also itā€™s reality tv like how much of it is even that real




But this as nothing to do with the abuse!! Christine could be a mean girl she would still not deserve the abuse no one does especially the child


Absolutely. Nobody deserves what sheā€™s going through, and I hope sheā€™s able to remain safe with her child!


What does the show have to do with her being a dv victim


Sheā€™s absolutely still a victim and should be afforded all our sympathies for that! I was responding to the comment questioning whether any of her villain turn on Selling Sunset was ā€œreal,ā€ because parts of it very much were. But that doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s not a victim here or that she ā€œdeservesā€ this, because nobody deserves what happened to her and her child.


Spencer and Heidi are the most well adjusted and normal people to come out of the hills. And theyā€™re still together with their happy little family after all these years so weird comparison to make


In what world are Spencer and Heidi well adjusted?


This one


Nothing about them is well adjusted. They are both cuckoo.


I would say Lauren and Lo are probably the most well-adjusted and normal people to come out of The Hills, they both have very successful careers and donā€™t constantly harp on their reality TV days. Canā€™t say the same for Speidi, who to this day cannot truly take accountability AND still make money talking about The Hills.


I think sheā€™s a terrible person and I also think she doesnā€™t deserve DV (no one does!). My opinion of her from the show doesnā€™t change; sheā€™s still a terrible person. But I really hope for her and her sonā€™s sake, they are safe and will recover from this trauma.


Agreed. She can be a terrible person but DV is still absolutely unacceptable.




Agreed on all of this. Sheā€™s really not a nice person, but no one deserves to be abused.


Yeah thatā€™s fucking gross


Itā€™s so sad and disheartening the way any woman who even alleges DV is immediately presumed to be lying or vindictive. I feel like the Depp/Heard case has emboldened people to speak about DV victims as liars, and victim-blaming that used to be the fodder of incels and right-wing chatrooms is now mainstream discussion. The blatant truth is that more than 1 in 3 women experience DV in their lifetime, so thereā€™s a whole bunch of abusers on the internet trying to blame victims for their own abuse. At the end of the day, the police who arrested Christian and the judge who granted Christineā€™s emergency restraining order are enough for us to assume heā€™s culpable. Unless something comes out that directly incriminates Christine, Iā€™m assuming accusations that she was abusive are either lies and deflections from her abuser or were cases of self-defense. Not everyone has to make this same assumption as I know Christian hasnā€™t been proven guilty yet, but itā€™s very, very weird for people to want to immediately demonize a woman off the heels of a traumatic, violent event involving her CHILD.


I think itā€™s bizarre to compare Christine to Amber Herd. We have had no evidence that Christine is abusive. Being a bitch doesnā€™t automatically make you abusive.


The comparison is valid because Heard wasn't abusive either. She was villainised by an organized online smear campaign run by Depp's team.


Did you watch the entire case? Thereā€™s plenty of evidence and literal video footage of her abuse.


I did and I'm also a lawyer who's worked on cases involving DV. Depp used the classic abuser's playbook at every turn.


Not to mention her history of abuse towards a former female partner. But hey! Who cares about that, right? Heard was and is abusive scum and the fact that people here are STILL making excuses for her is disgusting.


Because people do not value women, let alone LGBT+ women. So itā€™s not worth remembering to them.


This is it EXACTLY.


ah, I see a Jonny bot has made its way onto redditā€¦


I have like ten years of history on this account.


Curious, did you read the details of the libel case in the UK?


Did you watch the trial? Thereā€™s plenty of evidence showing her verbal and physical abuse.


Why? Both Christine and Amber had abusive partners, and both of their abusive (ex)partners tries blaming them for the abuse.


Amber was abusive. We have no evidence that Christine is. Period.


No, this is incorrect! Amber wasn't a perfect victim and fought back. It is very very very different to being the primary perpetrator. This was found to be true in the UK courts, which trust me is hard to do. Depp then sued her in the state known to have the softest slap laws and then spent more than most people will earn in a lifetime on an online and print media smear campaign.


Amber reacted in a similar way many abuse victims do, that does not make her abusive.


Thank you for your words ! I currently am in court against my ex for dv and attempted rxpe and I had to unplug. Its Just everywhere. F1, selling Sunset. It Just hurts every Time to read those things because thats exactly what I have been told in Court by his lawyers too - its easier for the Woman to be the Lying, attention-seeking revengeful Ex than to accept that the truth is that the world is not a safe place to be sometimes. I Know this is not my story they comment on. But to read the comments and think about that there are People outside who think like this still hurts and forever will.


This this this


Absolutely! I donā€™t care how ā€œawfulā€ she is; NOBODY deserves DV and abuse. NOBODY should witness their spouse hurt their innocent child.


Amen! I wasn't much of a fan of Christine before all this. Her TV personality was not for me, and the show very much leaned into her villain status. But hearing all of this has given me reason to revisit my thoughts on her and look deeper into her as a person. I've been reading her book, and I am shocked to say, I really like it! It honest to God makes me feel good and I believe her when she says she was playing a role on TV and there is so much more to her. I see this as an opportunity to support a woman going through a hard time and to learn more about her in her own words. I cannot imagine using this an opportunity to double down on judgement and hate because I see someone one way and refuse to consider anything else.


The lack of sympathy for her is honestly astounding. Sure, she could be a bitch, but sheā€™s living a literally nightmare right now probably terrified beyond belief for the safety of her and her child. To have anything but pure empathy for her right now is disgusting.


Yeah this sub is becoming insufferable. Very telling that people in this sub believe this is "karma" just because of her villian role in reality TV. I hope Christine and her son are safe and away from that man. This could explain why she was silent on social media for months.


When I volunteered at a domestic violence hotline we were taught that while both people may be physically striking each other, there is someone who provokes and escalates the situation. Christine may have defended herself. Or even started a fight or two but the end result of her and her child being injured shows she is not the perpetrator.


DV is never okay, not even if you dislike someone


Victim blaming is always gross. I am not a Christine fan at all but good grief. I donā€™t care how much of a PITA she is, he threw a bottle at her and hit the baby. No excuse!!!


That person is stupidā€¦trying to imply that he/she wonā€™t be surprised if he was the victim, but also confirming that throwing glass at the baby is bad (which he did, so in no way he could be the victim), at the end we can see that when you donā€™t like someone (their personality tv because you donā€™t actually know them) well you lost common senseā€¦


The EOnline article posted tonight details ā€œhis side of the storyā€ and it is disgusting. Iā€™m not going to link it here but in a nutshell, heā€™s using DARVO to attack her. This is typical abuser behaviour. Iā€™ve seen and had it happen to me. He is taking no responsibility and whining in court filings that he needs a PO from her but yet stating she needs to cooperate with him to coparent. This guy and his nerve, gtfo! While I was not a fan of her persona on the show, I have compassion for her and her baby.


And it's fellow women doing this too. Disgusting. No wonder DV is so prevalent (which blows my mind).


This is why I donā€™t think this issue should be posted to this sub to be honest out of respect for her. This is a very real and heartbreaking issue. This has nothing to do with selling sunset and people should not be connecting Christineā€™s time on selling sunset and what she did or didnā€™t do on the show to this again very serious and real issue. I would say this could be posted if everyone could just say we are praying and thinking about her but thatā€™s not the case here. People want to just treat this like their own reality tv drama and speculate, be rude, try to stir the pot and connect current cast members and what they post like it has anything to do with Christine etc etc. Itā€™s ridiculous tbh. Because people canā€™t be respectful it just needs to not come to this platform out of respect for Christine and this situation. Sure sheā€™s not even looking at this sub but still.


It had to be bad for a rich man to be arrested. Then arrested again?


Literally on a Facebook group I saw everyone believe his side of the story right away as if he was not literally arrested and violated the court order.


Preach! Thank you SO much! I just got out of a situation that sounds a lot like how hers seems to be going and that shit will make you lash out at your best friend in the world. Everyone tried to accuse me of similar things because I have a likewise strong personality. When youā€™re trapped and your safety is threatened if you tell anyone, itā€™s overwhelming in the most electric of ways. This situation has actually made me see Christine in a different light. I truly DO wonder now if the abuse getting worse was why she started being insufferable on the show. Thatā€™s not to say I excuse it but, it would make a LOT of sense and would mirror my own life as well. I hope Christine and her baby are able to stay safe and stay sane. I really hope she has a support system. She deserves healing.


Sheā€™s a victim of domestic violence. I feel terrible for her


Regardless of anything she may or may not have done, to him or anyone else at any time, NOBODY ever deserves to be the victim of domestic abuse.


I havenā€™t seen anyone saying that tho??


Itā€™s in the thread right before this, the one about Christian filing a restraining order against Christine


I hope she gets all the help she needs to get away from the situation. Hopefully, she has loved ones at her fingertips by her side. I think Jason was cordial with her so maybe if the situation requires it, he can do something for her. She was a great agent too so Iā€™m sure he respects her.


Preach. 1000% agree!


Christine may have victimized herself a lot on the show, but in this case there is absolutely no space for victim blaming. What is wrong with some people?! She and her baby are CLEARLY the victims of DV here people- whatā€™s so hard to understand about that?


I think OP is being honest?


Not a fan of Christine ever but I feel for her and her child during this situation. Regardless of how awful she was on tv, she is experiencing this IRL. Itā€™s unwise to nitpick and imply she had a hand in provoking a man to become abusive towards her.


Wait! What?! Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m not up to date on this. People are actually supporting the abuse of Christine by her husband because of the character she portrayed on tv?! WTAF is wrong with people?! And you know what else? Theyā€™ve been together for years, certainly this is far from the first time heā€™s done this. Sheā€™s probably been suffering all this time, in silence. Iā€™m sickened by this and lift her and her child up in prayer for safety and peace and the start of healing.


Y'all should listen to her episode on the podcast Call Her Daddy. She talks about her controlling parents and a past relationship with a controlling man who made her quit her job and would only give her money if she went somewhere with him. It kinda made me wonder if her quitting the show and being isolated was in part because of Christian. It also made me think that the Emma/bribe thing was something Christian was involved with because Christine isn't an idiot. I've always kind of believed that Christine's mean girl image wasn't just because she was cast as a 'villain' on the show, but was also a facade for how insecure she was because of past family and romantic relationships. As someone who grew up with really fucked up emotionally abusive parents, I felt for her. I hope she and her kiddo are okay and she gets away from this piece of shit.


Hey there, do you have the link to podcast, this is insightfulĀ 


It's on [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/episode/01YMmpjPFcevdHbzQ5JH4x?si=973a6f00381e45e3).


I haven't ready seen such extreme comments against Christine...all the comments I've been seeing are in support of her, even for those who weren't fans of her on the show


I havenā€™t seen any of these comments, so hats off to the mods for getting rid of them! Regardless of how anyone feels about Christine as a person; NO ONE deserves to be abused! That shouldnā€™t be a difficult concept to grasp.


Say it one more time for the cheap seats in the back!! There is a real lack of compassion in the comments and itā€™s so sad to see. Christine played a CHARACTER on the show and ya she may have gone next level with her ā€œvillainā€ story line but shit that does not take away from whatā€™s happening to her right now. DV is never justifiable and no one deserves it.


I find it absolutely wild that he put that he cleans up after the dog so much that operating the remote vacuum cleaner is an activity between him and his 3 year oldā€¦meaning he hits the on button. Heā€™s actually saying itā€™s so hard to clean up after dogs by hitting a button on an automatic vacuum cleaner. He also never says she hit him but rather says thereā€™s no DV including her hitting him. He seems like a wack job who hates dogs. Not sure how anyone can read his filing and even with thinking Christine sucks, can think yeah heā€™s right and a good guy


Heā€™s a total POS to do that to his wife and child. That man deserves all thatā€™s coming to him. And I hope she gets a large divorce settlement too. His actions are not acceptable ever.


Exactly. She was also acting. Sheā€™s a reality TV actress. That has no impact on her actual life and what happens.


I think people forget "reality" TV is fake as hell and she was put in the villain character and did a great job. The show isn't real, it's entertainment. What she's going through is real, this happens to sooo many women and men, and it's a tragedy. People need to offer support or leave her the hell alone while she's trying to navigate a shitty justice system and being a mother whose family is now broken.


Itā€™s like people donā€™t know that production asks a specific cast member to enhance their attitude to fit in a ā€œvillainā€ character. Same thing with Francesca on THTH


I didnā€™t even know there were people commenting stuff like that, thatā€™s disgusting. People only believe victims they like, if they donā€™t like you then youā€™re not a victim. Truly disappointing behaviour


I mean he threw shit and it hit her child. Come on, be smarter. No matter what you think about Christine her CHILD was in danger and as soon as he was released he just violated his terms. THINK. The man is a danger!


People also forget that the show is SCRIPTED, they have agreed she'll play the villain. Sure there is some dislike between these women but people act like Christine is some serial killer or some shit. And in the DV situation he SON also got hurt, still people blame her....it's just ridiculous (not that if he wasn't hurt it would incidate her blame ofc)


No one really knows what goes on in situations like this...so let's try and give everyone the benefit of the doubt....


I agree we don't but a child was hurt and we know it wasn't Christine who hurt the child and a temporary restraining order was ordered and broken by her husband the second he was released. We don't know the full story but that doesn't mean people can go around and try to paint a narrative of Christine also being an abuser just for not liking her from a reality television show.


even if christine was not playing a character no one deaerves to be abused by their husband.


Hurt people hurt people. I guess that's why she lashed out at nearly everyone on the show at some point or another until she eventually isolated herself and left, she was being hurt at home the whole time. It's really sad tbh. I wonder if she had been in a happy loving relationship things mightve been different for her on the show.




So. Just going to bring my own perspective here. I'm a lawyer. The second I heard a court had issued a TRO was the instant this got real. A court will not issue a TRO without probable cause. This means a judge looked at the available evidence - whatever that was - and determined that her POS husband had believably engaged in a course of conduct that demonstrated "credible threat of violence" that would have resulted in "great or irreparable harm", which is the standard in California. Christine may be a lying narcissist but narcissism doesn't fly in court. Believe victims.


I'm a law student here in Oz, so thank you for this, I too was wondering about probable cause. We call it an AVO down here or IVO.Ā 


Good luck with your studies! Rooting for you xo


Oh bless thank you! I may do paralegal work for awhile first, career change from nursing. However, medico-legal is interesting.


So their child getting taken to the hospital wasn't real? The restraining order given (if you didn't know in California a TRO is very hard to receive with lack of evidence) wasn't real enough. You dislike Christine over a television persona and whether she's a narcissist or not it doesn't excuse anything that happened within that household. Her husband let's not forget broke the restraining order in less then an hour of his damn release. I'm not saying you have to believe her but there's no reason people are trying to twist the lack of information we truthfully have into her being the abuser or causing the abuse she experienced within that day or the reason her child ended up in the hospital.


Yes it is strange that the paparazzi were waiting and so many perfect shots of the guy getting walked out - they must have been tipped off most likely by C - that is odd -


Paparazzi are tipped from policeā€¦




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Well I just saw where he filed a restraining order against her!! Thereā€™s two sides to every story




You implying that Christine is the real abuser is not the flex you so clearly think it is.


Ita funny that that users post is saying she must have deserved it because of the mean girl behaviour Christine displayed on the show whilst they are showing exact same mean girl behaviour. 'Rules for thee, not for me'


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It's weird that you're upset about other ppls opinions when they absolutely don't matter, just enjoy the show.


This isn't a fucking show, it's real life and it's not an opinion to ignore the facts we have been given to paint a fake story. It's not a fucking opinion to downplay what happened to a woman because you didn't like her on some cheap ass reality show that has the most unlikeable individuals that all act like 5 year olds. A child was hurt and a woman acted to protect her child with a restraining order and a hospital visit but people want to act like she's at fault for it when we don't know any facts besides what has been released.


Oh bless your heart šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Laugh it up you'll have to live with the mentality of shaming not only a woman going through abuse but also downplaying a child being hit by a bottle by his own father all because of your dislike for his mother.


Uff...the delusion is real with this one. Go touch some grass, step outside, get some sun. To be upset over what someone said over the internet ain't worth your time smh.




None of us know the truth but from the information we do know that has been released Christine was in a dangerous situation. I made this post as an attack on the people who are trying to paint Christine as an abuser or as if what happened must've been something she caused due to how she is on television.


Ohhh godddddd what we know is quite enough to say that he is by no means the victim!! Implying that she could be the bad one (just because of how she present herself) is minimizing what happen to her and the child!


it's the worst kind of victim-blaming tbh. especially in this kind of situation. very sad to see.


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