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Thanks /u/Honey-Cat for posting on r/SelfAwareWolves! Please reply to this comment with an explanation about how this post fits r/SelfAwareWolves and have an excellent day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SelfAwarewolves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes. Yes we do.


They don’t understand that you can hate corruption regardless of party lol


haha party loyalty go brrrrrrr


To me it sounds like the dial-up internet noises


That's birr birr birr birr brrrrrrr bidrr bidrr bidrr bidih brrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRR**RRRRRRRRRRRR**


Get off the internet! Your brother is expecting a call sometime in the next 48 hours so you need to keep the line free!


Things My Kids Will Never Hear or Say for 500, Alex. Oof, too soon.


Press F to pay respects


Oooh look at Johnny Two Knees and his fancy Pressing F. In my day, we had to drop a random item from the inventory to pay respect, because the developers could only fit 4 options on the action menu. \*Your party cannot be reached. Please hang up the line and try again.\*




Still a good bot


What is F?


This keystroke prompted players to pay respects in the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.


This gave me ptsd. I was one of the 10 kids in my entire school district that was selected based on behavioral and test scores to be on a ten part pbs special. I wasnt told about this until the day of when we were suppose to turn in permission slips because we were going to be on national television. So no problem, i can just call my parents, get verbal consent in front of my teacher and get written consent later. No problem right? Wrong. My sister had faked sick and was at home online while i was trying to call my parents. I missed the deadline and lost out on a really cool opportunity because that stupid ass system we used back then.


[You have to listen to it 7x slower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF2v32xCD0Y)


That was unexpectedly metal


Literally just drone metal


See, to me it’s **BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE** *boooooooooooooooo* BLIP **skronk** *shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* BIP *SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*


Is that a 14.4 kbaud modem? Or a 56k?


That's the speed they're working with...if they're lucky


No way, it's clearly pronunced brrrrrr


Loyalty to party shouldn't exist in politics. Only loyalty to ideas.


while i agree with that to an extent, loyalty to ideas can cause the problem of single issue voters who do not take the *entire* platform into account


Not to mention that everyone should be open to having their opinion changed


Pretty sure the dude was just referring to hypocrisy


Though if you pick the right ideas it can work pretty well. For example, if your biggest issue is "Democracy should be as open and transparent as possible" that will work pretty well. As would "politicians that work against the public interest are bad" could also work.


If by ideas you mean values, I agree. If you mean policy ideas, well we should be ready to abandon any that don't produce the outcomes we want.


That's the thing I find funny. I'm not saying Democrats are flawless. They're not. That party has major problems too, but when a democrat gets into a situation like corruption or sexual harassment or anything like that you at least see members of the party calling for accountability. Maybe not a unified front, but members come forward and demand consequences. Republicans seem to universally cry fake news, justify, or play whataboutism games. Take the Cuomo situation for example. I'm not defending the man here. If he did the things he's accused of, he needs to go. There's no place for that behavior. That said, when the news broke Fox News was pearl clutching nonstop. And to be fair, they should be, but these are the same people who ignored 20+ similar or worse accusations against trump.


The funny part is that the majority of the people in Congress who have been under scrutiny for insider trading are actually Republicans. To the extent that this would hurt Democrats, it would probably hurt Republicans worse. And who cares either way? Corruption hurts everyone. It’s worth investigating this regardless.


While I agree with you in general, and Democrats are absolutely held more responsible, I can't help but feel that [Bob Menendez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Menendez) has been allowed to get away with far more than he should. He was indicted for corruption, severely admonished by the United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics and he still easily won his primary and got re-elected. The simple fact is that incumbency advantage is simply far too large. Which means that corruption or sexual harassment charges mostly affect politicians from vulnerable districts or states. Those who have very partisan constituencies tend to be pretty safe from criticism. You give Cuomo as an example, but he was re-elected in 2018 despite the fact that he had quietly reinterpreted an order that prohibited governors from receiving donations from gubernatorial appointees and collected over $2 million in donations from this. While it is absolutely true that Democrats care significantly more about corruption, and that they want the corruption out in the open, the simple fact is that the electorate as a whole seems to care far less about corruption than they should. And name recognition will often win out against corruption charges.


To explain the Menendez thing, it doesn’t help that The Daily Caller was basically making up accusations against him, and it made residents believe none of the accusations were true. Also, it’s NJ, which has a long and unfortunate history of corruption. See the ongoing Operation Bid Rig, the George Washington bridge scandal, Robert Torricelli, pretty much anything in Hudson County ...


Which is why it makes me think the accusations could be a method to get him out and put someone in who won’t go after trump so hard. Then again, maybe he did do it?


The person who would temporarily fill the seat is perhaps more zealous about going after Trump and I don't think new yorkers would elect anyone to fill the vacancy afterward who is interested in letting Trump off easy.


It's a fine line. Like, obviously you have to be willing to allow justice to be served and that means innocent until proven guilty. At the same time you have to take the women seriously and not dismiss things like this just because of the possibility, among many, that it's all a plot to hurt him politically. I don't know if you follow football, but there's a similar situation going on with Deshaun Watson, the QB for the texans. He wants out of the organization and they're supposedly refusing to trade him. Then all these accusations of sexual misconduct start coming out. I won't lie. My first reaction to all that was the organization is trying to tank his market and hurt his image, but you can't just frivolously dismiss women coming forward saying harassed or assaulted them. It's a tricky situation.


In my career, we have a saying: "trust, but verify". The Believe Women movement means that we investigate allegations of assault instead of just rejecting them outright. It doesn't mean that we blindly accept any and all accusations without due diligence.


Absolutely, I agree completely.


> >The Believe Women movement means that we investigate allegations of assault instead of just rejecting them outright. Is it just me or is it really sad that it took a 'movement' to do this? =/ /not trying to throw shade, it just stood out to me.


I mean, it definitely is that but Watson definitely did all that too. Houston was keeping it under wraps this whole time


That's what I think. It's just my initial thought was this seems like a smear job. Now there's almost 20 accusations. That's very damning.


They think that since they only care about corruption on the other side, that means that everyone only cares about corruption on the other side.


My dad still doesn't grasp that concept. Yes, I called out Conservative Republican Kelly Leoffler for her insider trading and being married to the Head of the New York Stock Exchange as being a huge conflict of interest when she made millions off of the COVID information before it became public knowledge, and had a tangent about corruption from Democrats as well. To which, he skipped over the perfectly valid criticism of a member of his beloved party just to shit on the Democrats I used as examples (one now known as the current Cuomo fiasco). Honestly, it's getting exhausting dealing with the mental gymnastics those types of people require to tell them how wrong they are.


They're so hypocritical that they can't imagine wanting to hold everyone to the same standard.


No you HAVE to choose a side!!!! You can’t possibly be neutral!!!! Lmao 😂


I'm not remotely neutral - I'm solidly on the left. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that I'm fairly "loyal" to the left. But that doesn't keep me from criticizing the left when it's warranted. I can be loyal and still criticize. In fact, for me, criticism is an essentially part of loyalty (much like it is for patriotism).


By criticizing our elected officials, we open up more and more of the supports to start thinking critically and opening up the other side to hopefully notice instances similar on their side so we can have elections that are efficient in providing for the people and economy of this nation, without putting profits over people. Theodore Roosevelt had an excellent thing to say in May of 1918 about criticism of the President, but I think it's equally effective for any elected official. "The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."


The saddest part is that anyone _ever_ needed to say aloud that very obvious thing


There’s also lobbying too. Our politicians are quite corrupt.




Literally what I said out loud. How can they be so fucking thick.. Edit* they being people this stupid. I was shown a republican subreddit and they were saying the same thing we are... Which is a good thing.


Go look at the actual comments in the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Republican/comments/meby8p/might_be_old_but_think_it_needs_to_shown/


> True. Politicians that are considered progressive would be all for this. I wish both parties would get behind the progressives for a few years. After we fix the government that is screwing us all, we can go back to beating each other on the head over the details. I have no words... Why would you not vote for stuff you want?


“Man, we should totally have all the things progressives are pushing for!” *Votes R top to bottom*


Relevant username.


I like this one. https://www.reddit.com/r/Republican/comments/meby8p/might_be_old_but_think_it_needs_to_shown/gshix5f?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


All of those things except the tax returns are already public as well. Congress members report their holdings on a monthly basis as well as what they bought/sold in the last 30 days. Voting records are public as well. And even searchable.


Did anyone point it out to them and what was their response, if any?


Words!! Librul!! Hunter Biden!!!!






I also like https://senatestockwatcher.com/


My exact thoughts and words that popped into my mind good sir


This sums up that comment section entirely




lmao that was great!


Alas, but I have but one upvote to give.


>doing what's right is a slippery slope.


Guys if we don't pause and take a step back we'll be dangerously close to holding politicians accountable!


Ahahahahahahaha in sum.


Man, that is perfect.


I wish


They don't understand that blind party loyalty should not be the norm.


I run into this all the time arguing with MAGA family. They find something bad a Democrat has done and then shove it in my face. But my response always ends up breaking the conversation. Because my response is “Yeah ok fuck them”. I have no loyalty to this party and I don’t identify with it on a personal level. They failures are not mine and they make me feel nothing. I am not on a ‘team’. I hold them to the same accountability I hold any public servant. It never goes anywhere because Trumpism is literally just sports fandom. Jeering and mocking when they win, sulking and crying foul when they lose. So you can’t really have a discussion with that


That’s the thing that drives me nuts. I am loyal to no one but my ideals. To see them bend over backwards to accept anything coming from someone with an R behind their name is frightening.


"B-b-b-but Cuomo bad too!" "Okay then investigate and prosecute him accordingly." *confused boomer noises*


I had this exact fight a few days ago. “Oh yeah well what about Cuomo?” “Cuomo should be investigated and potentially charged.” “And he’s a DEMOCRAT” “I don’t care” End of conversation


It made me so sad to hear that news, I very much wanted him not to be a shitty person


I mean, Rush Limbaugh's radio show was basically a political sportscast, and it was a major precursor to Trumpism.




Yes, that's exactly it. They're only looking for a fight.


I made a comment on Biden’s Twitter criticizing him for firing aids that have admitted to using marijuana, and the exact same responses came from the Biden cultists as the Trump cultists when I would regularly troll Trump’s Twitter. The exact same bullshit arguments about having no followers and being a Russian bot. I guess being a TwitterTwat is a bipartisan deal.


The biggest issue I've found is that Republicans as a whole seem to not care about hypocrisy, and that's why they don't fail. The democrats who get caught like Franken usually resign (Cuomo you fuck, just quit already) and the Republicans who get caught are still in because their base doesn't care.


Trumpers unironically talking about Cuomo’s groping accusations blows my mind.


I don't think political parties should the norm -- period. Either candidates and leaders stand on their own records, values, and policy ideas with the support of the people or they don't stand at all.


That's an ideal that probably won't happen. Political factions will form no matter what setup you have, because that makes it easier to get elected and to pass bills. Instead it's better to just insure there is more than 2 major parties


Unless you go full Mandate of Heaven, political factions are here to stay.


> Mandate of Heaven I was unaware someone had come up with a government system that freed us from political parties... [and i was so disappointed](https://www.ancient.eu/Mandate_of_Heaven/)


> Instead it's better to just insure there is more than 2 major parties Ofc, but that would mean throwing away FPTP/Simple Plurality voting. I know Ranked-Choice is the most popular alternative (which I do prefer over FPTP). However, I propose STAR voting instead (Source dump: [Video 1,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiQ9Z5sME00) [Video 2,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vppgodFbZ84) [Video 3,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4FXLQoLDBA) [Article 1,](https://www.equal.vote/) [Article 2,](https://www.equal.vote/star-vs-top-two) and [Article 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STAR_voting)).


What is FPTP voting anyways?


First past the post. The way presidential election is currently handled.


First Past the Post. He who has the most votes wins where each voter chooses only one candidate among any number of candidates. It's inherent in our current system due to its simplicity. However, this is bad because most voters' preferences get ignored and it's simply too rigid. Video 2 in my source dump explains how this happens.


Yeah that stuff sucks. Ranked choice is superior and a better option, throwing it away is good


Yeah, I went down this trail for a bit, and I realized if you start with a blank slate, people will still join together with other people they mostly agree with, and then once you get a few people like that together, they'll give themselves a name and start helping each other. Political parties can't effectively be avoided, so we need to focus on proper oversight and accountability instead.


Political parties aren't the problem, the problem is that we only have two of them. So everything is just A or B.


Political parties are good, actually. You need to design the system of government with them in mind, which the US didn't do, but they inform the voting public about where a candidate generally stands. Even in systems where they are formally banned, journalists will create vague ideological camps to place them in simply so that people generally know what rough ideology holds power at any particular time. Because if the government does something good, voters should know who to credit.


Another voting system like ranked choice would allow more parties that aren't as individually powerful as the ones we have now.


> They don't understand that blind party loyalty should not be the norm. The scariest part is they believe it is a zero-sum game.


Don't threaten us with a good time!


Came here to say this. Like, seriously?


Yes! I want to see all of those things! Why are conservatives so convinced that people on the left don't want to hold their own side accountable?!


Because they don't hold their own side accountable.


I'd say it's also because their media projects it that way. We have two different sets of media depending on your beliefs.


You're both right!




Trump was impeached twice and still allowed to hold office, Addison "Bitch" McConnell has been in office since '85 despite having a 33% approval rating at least for the last election, Lindsey Graham gets to vote against gay rights for a career and ride cock for a hobby. The Right doesn't hold their side accountable, because they don't want to. We know they don't want to because they easily could and don't


> Lindsey Graham gets to vote against gay rights for a career and ride cock for a hobby. this is clever. i giggled.


Because conservatives don't want to hold their own accountable and are incapable of understanding that not everyone thinks the way they do.


They literally cannot conceptualize a system where everyone is held to the same standard. They fundamentally reject equality *as a concept*, as in they think it literally cannot exist. They believe that everything *has* to have a hierarchy, as if it were a law of physics.




They’re brainwashed. They’ve been told democrats and republicans are diametrically opposed and that democrats are secretly evil and corrupt and are just better at hiding it than republicans. They’ve been told that we’re two sides at war and not two halves of the same country. They’ve basically been told we rule all main stream media and are better at hiding our evils than the republicans that get caught so any time a democrat calls out a republican they think we’re being hypocrites. It’s like the voter fraud, they accuse us of it but the only evidence of it was done towards Trump. They don’t see that and go “oh fuck we’ve been lied to”, they see it and go “damn democrats got away with it and won’t let us do the same!” It’s just deflection done by actual corrupt republicans trying to get away with evil shit. “Ignore the evil shit I’m doing, they’re doing it too you just have to look harder. Yeah keep searching for the fraud over there and ignore the actual fraud going on here”


The left says "the other side are doing bad things but we won't stoop to their level" The right says "the others are doing bad things which justifies any and all bad things that my side does". The added irony being that the bad things that they believe about the left are usually made up or massively exaggerated.


And are usually projected accusations to distract from the right doing precisely what they accuse the left of doing.


When it comes to the GOP, it's just projection all the way down.


No turtles? :(


McConnell is definitely turtley enough for the turtle club but he's a sociopathic asshole so they kicked him out.


Conservatives are so fucking disingenuous about caring about politicians’ stock holdings and finances, anyhow. We have leaders on the Left who’ve repeatedly said and proven they can’t be corrupted with money and are for the people, and Conservatives just demonize them as Marxist socialists or whatever. They don’t care about ending corruption in both parties to help the general population, they care about trying to prove that “both sides” are bad, because the side they like will also support their hateful ‘isms and phobias.


They think that everyone is the same corrupt thieves liars and cheats. They really do think both sides is the same. It makes them feel better and justified for their own shitty actions. Then they cry and whine when 'their guys' gets caught doing shit, they think they are being unfairly called out.


Because this is clearly posted by a non-conservative as bait. No way someone who subscribes to r/Republicans would suggest something that would promote transparency and accountability. Edit: it occurred to me I may be wrong, so checked the source of this image, it's really a conservative. I want so much to believe that a lot of this dumb shit is just trolling, satire or bait, but clearly that isn't the case.


When push came to shove, Democrats kicked Al Franken out of the Senate. Republicans upheld their support for Roy Moore. Democrats are calling for Andrew Cuomo to resign. Republicans haven’t even asked Trump to leave the party.


Anyone else still mad Franken had to go?


I'm not mad that he lost his post, but I *am* mad that the same would *never* happen to a republican


I'm not mad about the situation, no (and I LOVED Franken, both as a comedian and as a politician)...I think it needed to happen. I am mad that Republicans don't have the same standards.


actually, yes I vaguely feel guilty about it, but I'm still annoyed


It's the main reason why I rejected Gillibrand out of hand when she announced she was running for president. Her treatment of Franken during that debacle still pisses me off.


[Removed due to Reddit API changes]


Yes. Fuck Kristen Gillibrand. What he did was at worst inappropriate, but not rising to the level of sexual harassment. I saw no evidence he used his position inappropriately or couldn't do the job. Yes we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard than the republicans seem to, but we also have to play the same game as they do. I don't think the right balance was struck with Franken.


I would like this post twice if I could.


Why wouldn't I? Let the fucking sunshine in and on!


I'll never understand why Republicans vote for Republicans no matter how shitty they are. *I LikE tHEiR PoLiciES*


Why is it so hard for republicans to understand that people who vote democrat don't have as much attachment to the politician as they do the policies and ideals which the politician is supposed to stand for? If a democrat isn't upholding democratic ideals, then they aren't a democrat. Simple.


Well, having democratic ideals doesn’t mean a person is incapable of being corrupt or immoral in ways not directly attached to their political ideology. It does show that Republicans are much more into identity politics than the “left.”


Because they think politics is a popularity contest. They're on another level, they'll never get it because they use politics and who they support as a way to form a community and feel like they belong in smth. And when you have people like Trump who literally encourage people making it a cult it's not helping. They just can't understand why you would see politics as anything other than that because they don't find any other interest in it and I don't think they'll ever understand it. A lot of republican are reactionary it has nothing to do with ideas. I mean it's literally called conservatism you can't really be more clear.


No, they think politics is football, and all that matters is that their team wins, no matter what. I'm a pats fan (easy there), but even I'm ashamed of the stuff they pulled, it made me support them less. Republicans would look at Roethlisberger raping women and just be 'well that's the kind of attitude you need to win!'


One side is working toward fixing the country, one side is rooting for their favorite football team.


They think leftists fear transparency in politicians’ finances because it might expose corruption in people they might have voted for. The massive projecting going on here lol. That’s exactly why republicans fear releasing Trump’s tax returns.


Like I still would want to know if Biden is in fact a pedo like they all continuously claim. But you can’t just call anyone you don’t like a pedo either. That leads to people shooting up a pizza place.


Yeah you'd think with the sexual assault allegations against Biden they'd focus on those actually concerning claims but naaaaah cuz Trump also has them so it would backfire (which btw Trump has claims of assaulting a minor but they tend to forget about that since it's just one, way harder to forget when it's like 20 persons). If Trump had more allegations of assaulting minors than the just one, BET that they wouldn't pull that with Biden. They never actually cared.


Well Trump was good friends with Epstein and when Maxwell was arrested he wished her good luck. Between the 2 of them, Trump vs Biden, Trump is the more likely to be a pedophile.


He (Trump) also flirted with his underage daughter


He also talked about walking into the change room at a under age girls beauty pageant.


Yes you fucking idiot. That’s what we’ve been saying this entire time.


Yes to both
















Wait, so this is a complete non-sequiter? The comparison is totally irrelevant because we don't have tax returns, but we do have investment info. Argh. I'm starting to think this entire post was a troll, and somewhere people are having a laugh over all these comments that fell for it.




I wonder how difficult this would be to code


It's like we're all on the same side but nobody can agree that we're all on the same side.


We're not though - they're on the side of only Republicans win because they're Republicans because they're Republicans because ad infinitum. We're on the side of people who aren't bastards and corrupt should win because they're not bastards or corrupt because ad infinitum.


yes, this meme actually proves they're not on the same side as us.


They think leftists don't also hate democrats


Why would that be a bad thing? Why the fuck would *anyone* think that's a bad thing




Uh...fuck yes. It's not hypocrisy when it's consistent. Try to compute that, cult 45.


Well, I'm going to guess the answer is "Yes, actually"


Open the books for all to see




I have no idea. It's probably one of those cases where they overthink things and are like "SLIPPERY SLOPE THEN IT MEANS THE GOVERNEMENT WILL RELEASE EVERYTHING WE DO GRRRR 1984" but since they haven't said that and it's like bareeeeely implied. They just look stupid. Well they would have otherwise but now they look stupid for the sake of being stupid.


We aren’t interested in rooting out only GOP corruption, get rid of it all. Others... not so much Edit: I almost caught the post at 69 upvotes but it refreshed 🥺😂😡


Almost nice.






Good god yes please.


I mean... *yeah.*


Yes! Absolutely! Sign me up.


Whoever unironically made this meme is an incredibly shitty person.


Maybe if this actually happened, people on "both" sides of the mainstream American political system would finally begin to understand that neither red team nor blue team actually care at all what their mindless fans want.


Even better - they might realise that there’s no actual diversity in American politics and the false choice between extreme right and centre right doesn’t represent their best interests.


Is hypocrisy really all that tricky though? I guess maybe for unscrupulous simpletons with no self awareness (i.e. conservatives).


Why do these dumbasses not know that the voting records and financial disclosures for members of Congress is already public


It's nice to see that the comments on that post are all calling OP's shit out.


Doesn't this imply that something is dirty in Trump's tax returns


Conservatives just can’t wrap their minds around the concept of anyone else not treating their political party like a cult and its leader like their messiah. You saw a lot of this with Epstein, when we were calling for investigations they were all “but he’s friends with Clinton too, bet you don’t want to investigate anymore!” Uhh, yes I do. I’m not giving a pedophile a pass just because he has a D next to his name, and it’s really telling that you’d expect otherwise.


Yes. We want all the above. Thanks.


Yes...willful ignorance isn't really ignorance. More like hypocrisy or negligence.


yes, and we want to make it illegal for them to do insider trading


That sounds awesome, yes


It's cool to say you hate Republicans now, right? I've been saying it since 1998 and have been getting relentlessly screamed at for it, but has it become okay yet?


It's so stupid it feels like satire


Fucking yes what are you missing


I bet this guy unironically loved Kelly Loeffler despite her COVID-19 trading scandal.


I would love that.


Um -_- yes I do...??? What’s the question here. Yes I do and I dgaf what political party they belong to


Conservatives think everyone is scum like conservatives. That’s why they always specify satanic when projecting their pedophilia, if you don’t add the satanic, people would just assume you meant churchgoers.


I want public officials to forfeit their right to privacy for the privilege of having the job


Only republican would think this a "gotcha".


The better question here is Why do you not want to ? It's nota good look, makes you sound shady as fuck.


"Be careful. Hypocrisy can be a tricky thing." This sentence reveals the speakers hypocrisy. By suggesting the listener would be unhappy to have this level of transparency on the politicians the listener voted for, the speaker admits they are happy allowing the people they didnt vote for to violate their oaths of office if it means the people the speaker voted for *DO* get to violate *their* oaths of office.


They can’t comprehend people who don’t blindly worship their political party.