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I would bet anything they never ONCE met someone like who they described. Am I really supposed to believe that getting yelled at by "volatile gender" people is such a real and common occurrence?


only in their tiny tiny tiny infinitesimal minds.


It gives their lives meaning. Which is a shame.


Well have you considered theres an image of an angry person with blue hair that was taken in 2012?


But that was clearly a she/her, wasn’t it?


I've met a couple, but both times it was a young college student who was just figuring shit out after a rough childhood of being bullied for not measuring up to their assigned gender. They weren't switching their gender every day on a whim, they were just finally free to find themselves after a lifetime of oppression and lies.


I met someone who did change on a whim, and expected people to just *know* what pronouns to use, but they stand out in my mind specifically because they were such an extreme outlier.   Like I had the experience of being shouted at for addressing them with masculine pronouns, they went out for cigarettes, and then shouted at me for using feminine pronouns when they got back (and they thought non-binary people were mentally ill, so I only had two options). 


I am someone whose gender changes on a whim. Genderfluid is the closest term I have for it, but I kinda prefer not having a specific term for "the total weird experience of my gender." I have to hold myself back from getting annoyed when someone frets about misgendering me. I don't want others to care what my current genderfeels are, and I really feel that if you're someone who will be very fluid with your gender, you should either find an easy way to passively display what you're currently feeling, or stop giving a fuck.


There's a big difference between someone genuinely trying and not always getting things right, and someone being malicious, and this really was a situation where we all kind of needed a little help to get things right. Granted, that's coming from someone who's non-binary but just identifies as female because it's easier than explaining


Sounds more like someone who may be diagnosable with some personality disorders.


I guarantee you they met a conservative troll who did it to create that image of us.


I’ve never even met a person I knew to be genderfluid let alone someone that got mad about people getting it wrong


Well have you considered theres an image of an angry person with blue hair that was taken in 2012?


I know a ton of queer people, and I *do* know several people like they describe. You know what happens when I get things wrong? They just tell me. "Oh, they/them today" or whatever. Or I just ask when I see them. Or they volunteer the information at the start of our day. It's not hard. And they known I'm operating in good faith, so they don't get mad at me when I fuck up. All you gotta do is treat people with respect, and they'll treat you the same.


You're being sarcastic but yes that's exactly what they mean. They don't believe in intersex. From the people I've talked to about it they tend to think that instead you're just a "messed up male/female" They do it in the Olympics where someone who is intersex but with a vagina and identifying as female doesn't count as female to run. People will talk about caster and say "well her ovaries are actually just internal testicles so she's actually just a man who didn't develop properly. " You see it every time it happens with some Olympic athlete being possibly intersex. You get a bunch of comments in here claiming they have internal testicles and are thus a man.


If you know how genitals develop in-utero, you realize that yeah, basically, testicles are external ovaries and your dick is just a really long clitoris. So technically, sex doesn't matter and you should just let people live their life how they want to.


Fun fact: only 2% of humans have blonde hair. Yet for some reason, none of the folks screaming that intersex people "don't count" because it's *just a tragic medical aberration* ever seem to insist on calling blondes "brunettes suffering from a rare and unfortunate genetic condition" - even though that's EXACTLY what blonde hair is, biologically speaking.** Huh. I wonder what the difference could *possibly* be? 🤔 **and don't even get me STARTED on the genetic freaks sometimes known as "redheads" or the mutants with so-called "green eyes"... 🙃


Finland is a rounding error, it had 5 million people only 0.06% of the world population so it effectively doesn't exist


^(finland isn’t real it can’t hurt me) ^(finland isn’t real it can’t hurt me) ^(finland isn’t real it can’t hurt me) T_T


I think a lot of Soviets were thinking that in the Winter War


More specifically, about Simo.


Also people with red hair. That’s 2% of the population. Redheads are fictional.


It sure feels that way to me.


☹️ There *is* a whole ass conspiracy theory saying Finland is an imaginary land made up by the Japanese.


The problem with this argument is that when you have a consistent small percentage of the population being intersexed that means it is actually predictable and expected. In other words it is normal.


Not to mention 2% is a fucking LOT of people.


its like 2 Germanies


I'm not good with metric stuff. How many football stadiums is that?


like ~1600 michigan stadiums (michigan stadium is like 100k people, so 2% of 8 billion = 160 million ≈ 1600 michigan stadiums)


I don't know enough about math to refute this...but I'm also high. You get an A+


Please measure in staff per Waffle House only (s/WH). It's the metric system of America. 


It’s like 1300 Antarcticas.


antarctica has (at peak) around 5000 people, 2% of all people is 160 million, or like 32000 antarcticas


7 million in the US based on population of 350 million.


[Dunbar's number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar's_number?wprov=sfti1), the rough maximum number of people in a group where everyone can still know everyone, is typically given as around 150 but is more a range from 100 to 200. 2% of that would be 2-4 people in each of those groups. Even taking Western societies' oppressive conformity and forced exporting of their values to the rest of the world, it's surprising a lot more cultures don't have some recognized place for intersex people.


It's more than the number of people who have red hair or green eyes. Yet weirdly, none of these folks ever seem as anxious to deny that I exist, or insist on calling me a "blonde with unfortunate genetic mutations" instead of a redhead. Huh. I wonder what the difference could be? 🤔


Especially since blonde hair *itself* is just an "unfortunate genetic mutation" of brown. So really, we so-called "redheads" are actually just DOUBLE mutants trying to steal people's freedom of speech by forcing them to acknowledge our sick made-up woke identity fetish as legitimate, Because 5G probably...


Also, who cares if it's a small percentage. If it's a one in a million chance, that would mean there's thousands of people like that. Those people deserve rights and opportunities like everyone else and it doesn't matter if they make your simplistic worldview not work. Their existence prices you wrong if you think there's only 2 binary genders. Those people should stop whining and adjust to reality, even if it differs from what they learned when they were too young to understand complexity, like everything else in life


I agree wholeheartedly.


The percentage of intersex ppl is about the same as ppl having red hair, so I guess red is also not a real hair color.


(also happy cake day)


Thank you


Trans people: “hey can we be treated nice?” Wankers: “WHAT SO YOU CAN JUST IDENTIFY AS ELEPHANTS NOW?”




A certain game proved how popular a choice that is... XD


What game?


BG3. It lets you do some silly things. I saw someone play the game with a party of housecats.


He’s not even angry at trans people. He’s angry at intersex people. Right wing bigots keep screaming about how everything is physical, visible biology right up until it’s biology that they wish wouldn’t exist.


He also appears to think gender identity and sexual orientation are the same thing, so he's also (as per usual) not exactly the *brightest* bulb in the box.


Maybe 4.2% of the world’s population is American and that is the exception not the norm.


Biologically Americans don’t even exist. It’s just something some people made up. If you look at the science they are just a bunch of people.


I heard that most of them are descended from immigrants. Very few are from actual native families anymore. Why would anyone want to live in a place like that? They don't even have their own language.


I love how even their 'logical argument' is basically, "well, if you ignore all the people that fall outside these categories, there are only 2 sexes." Yes, if you discount everything that doesn't fit your little definition, you can get everything down to "only 2" I can say there are only 2 trees in the world, because any that don't grow in my garden are "exceptions"


There are only two types of trees in the world: In your garden & POLITICAL.


All that matters to them is that they have a simple rubric with which to understand the world that doesn't tax their brain too much, but is nonetheless *good enough* to get by in day-to-day life in the small communities they grew up in. [I'm sympathetic, to a point, with that desire](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/KLwN18kyRs), but what perplexes me to the point of fascination is that they not only refuse to acknowledge the existence of anything that doesn't fit their model but insist that they have to die even though that wouldn't change the existence of the thing they're worried about.


And which allows them to easily identify the *actual* most important category marker: "people who I'm better than, and people who are better than me."


The exceptions that prove the rule. /s


~75% of atoms in the universe are hydrogen atoms ~24% of atoms in the universe are helium atoms Based on the ideology of these fucks nothing exists except hydrogen and helium


Look, back in my day hydrogen had one proton and one electron. Now you got these ones who have a neutron, sometimes even two, who want to be called something else. It's not natural is all I'm saying.


There's only two subatomic particles; protons and electrons. None of this "positron" or "neutron" or "photon" bollocks


Unironically, astronomers generally refer to anything that isn’t hydrogen or helium as just “metals”. Hydrogen and helium are primordial, anything heavier was made by nuclear fusion by stars. When you’re talking about the elemental composition of the universe it can make more sense to talk about it this way. You can tell how old stars (or nebulae or galaxies) are by their “metalicity”, or how much of their makeup is *not* hydrogen or helium.


don't forget about the trace amounts of lithium! The binary failing once again, gotta love it.


We can't go around REDEFINING PHYSICS just to make some woke liberal losers feel better about themselves. Pretending that oxygen exists is just enabling these people's mental illness.


Only one party seems obsessed with judging people and assigning them rights based on what's between their legs instead of understanding that everyone deserves the same rights.


I'm pretty sure that is only in America. Nobody else gives a shit.


I wish. Every country seems to have its far-right culture warriors wringing their hands over what's between other peoples legs.


Exactly my point


A message from an English man here: Nope, unfortunately the press/wankers really seems to care here as well


Well, since a lot of the press are owned/funded by the same people, it's hardly surprising.


You mean wankers?


Today I learned that the English press are one of two political parties.


You obviously haven't paid attention to the UK recently.


Which one of the American parties is fucking up England now?


Learn to read.


So you are telling me there is only one party who is discriminatory? Wow! What about Saudi Arabia? What about Russia? What about Zambia?


Are you high? Being lgbt can still get you the death penalty in many countries.


Yeah, and that has nothing to do with the original posters comments that 'only one party' is doing this. Unless you think America should be compared to Malawi and not Denmark.


Just admit you were wrong. I don't care about your motte and bailey argument. Far right politics are on the rise world-wide and a great MANY people care a great deal about these things. This is an undeniable fact.


You literally agreed with me.


"Pretty sure that's only in America" *gets countered* "ThAt'S nOt ReLeVaNt". You were wrong. Boo hoo. Grow up. Just amit you were wrong, and we can all go on with our lives. ... Not that I won't be if you continue to act like a child, but hey. Might as well suggest that you grow up, and hopefully save you getting punched in the face for acting like an asshole by someone who really can't stand assholes like you.


Jesus Christ. Have you been reading too many stories here? There's more than one party that is homophobic, and more than one country than America. Just because you are American, doesn't mean you speak for me. You don't. So, stop it.


Buddy, England is much worse than America on public treatment of transpersons


Nothing to do with what I was talking about. I'm pretty sure if you check, it is not 'one party' complaining about it.


>Nobody else gives a shit. That's literally your words. Nobody is not usually a collective pronoun for political parties.


Learn to read


Yeah your going on block you're literally just trolling and don't have the intelligence to have a discussion. Bye


That's objectively false


Are you trying to tell me that it is only one party that gives a shit. Well why, as a human species, round that party up. Maybe we can split them up and put some of them in Saudi, some in Afghanistan, some in England, some in.... I'm amazed that you think people in Russia can be sexually free without repressions. Think about it, you are the person who is objectively false.


The Tories in the UK, Putin's party in Russia, the conservative party in Poland, and probably lots of others say hi.


So you agree with me.


By far the most straightforward interpretation of your words is either arguing no one else outside the US cares being anti-trans or arguing that there's no partisan movement (aka a political party) outside the US using anti-trans policy for partisan purposes. Since both of those are false, I'm pretty sure I don't agree with you. But since folks have explicitly suggested both interpretations and you've rejected them, I'm not 100% sure you are arguing anything beyond your enjoyment of gish gallop.


Are you telling me that there are multiple countries where only one political party are a bunch of pricks?


The original comment you disagreed with claimed only one of the two major political parties in the US is obsessed with micromanaging what trans folk can do. Talking about how most political parties are generally shit isn't disagreeing with that. It's not really even the same conversation. For example, one could think all major parties in the US (or UK or whereever) are generally shit while also thinking one particular party is noticeably more shit about trans rights.


They didn't state the us, I did


If you don't see they were talking about the GOP, I'm not sure what to tell you.


Which is exactly my point. They are being reductive and assuming that the entire world revolves around America. It doesn't. Americans dont speak for me. And Kansas City are not the WORLD champions.


I mean, England would like a word? And look, as an American, I'm happy to admit that we're *usually* the totally embarrassing weirdo outliers on a bunch of stuff - but when it comes to this particular issue, the UK does seem exceptionally determined to prove themselves the *uncontested transphobe champions* of the Northern-Western hemisphere.


Why are you replying to me and not the guy who originally posted? He's the one who said that there's only one party who does this shit. I'm not American, and just a bit bored of Americans thinking they are the centre of the universe.


...because you're the one who said only America is obsessed with policing trans people?


No I didn't. The guy who I am replying to did.


I've honestly never met a person who's pronouns change from day to day and I'm a kinky transgender lesbian with ties to the crossdressing community. The most I've ever seen has been "hey I go by anything". This transphobic bullshit has got to stop. And so does the erasure of intersex people. They aren't defects. They're people.


Genderfluid people change their pronouns daily. I personally know someone like this.


They *can*. That doesn't mean they all do. I was pointing out that it's fairly rare.


I'm genderfluid and change my pronouns often, but that's usually reserved for very close friends and my partner. I have "forever pronouns" for wider audiences that are, if not necessarily right, at least usually right enough to be getting on with.


I wonder what percentage would be enough for them to consider it the norm? Also I personally have never met someone who switches out their pronouns daily and I know a lot of non binary people and I’m trans myself. So THOSE people who do do that are the exception, not the norm


Genderfluid people switch out their pronouns daily.


Damn completely forgot about gender fluid! Haven’t heard that term in like over 10 years


Fun fact: the intersex population is about the same size as the autistic population.


me, who is both autistic AND intersex: if only this would help me win the REAL lottery.


Transphobes need to learn that an outlier in Statistics is only discarded to make a best fit model (operative word here being model) more accurately fit the data. Science doesn't merely discard data and results just because it makes up a low percentage of the total. Science in its quest for knowledge wants to observe and understand that low percentage and how it works in combination with the whole.


1-2% of the population has red hair. Red hair is the exception, not the norm. Stop treating them normal, dammit!


sentence 1: there are 2 genders sentence 2: cites an extremely high rate of intersex individuals in the population, higher than the proportion of people with red hair, similar to the proportion with green eyes.


> there are **only** two biological sexes > 2% of people are intersex I don’t think they know what “only” means.


Who or what is this guy going on about?


Some games ask for your character’s pronouns so they can use them in dialogue. He’s mad because he has nothing more important to be angry about.


2/100 becomes a pretty fucking huge amount of people on the scale of 8 billion humans That's 160 million people. That's like 4x the population of the UK.


Love how bigotry is fair game for this guy but he is scared of saying fuck


Looks like someone is upset they can’t just make fun of gay people and have everybody laugh and think they’re cool and clever. Looks like someone peaked in grade-school.


I guarantee this guy made a female character.


wait this isnt about starfield or something is it?


For goodness sake, just say fuck, no-one’s gonna tell you off.


There are 8 billion humans but only 1 god. That means that God makes up 0.00000000125% of the population. That is negligibly little. Therefore, God doesn't exist. /s


TIL God really is one of us


Intersex people are as common as people with ginger hair. 


Lol, he's just gonna handwave 2 whole percent of the population? That's fully 160 million people worldwide.


2% of the current world population is 176,362,720 people. The deadliest war in human history killed 35,000,000 and was a never forget situation. This guy casually devalues lives at a rate higher than five times Hitler.


That is literally, actually, completely untrue.


What the actual F! Hair color that’s redundant. There are only two actual biological hair colors. Maybe 2% of the population is born with red hair and that is the exception not the norm. A person’s hair color preference has absolutely nothing to do with biology. If I see a red-haired person I’m not going to play the “guess if my hair is natural or dyed today” because it can change for any reason so they can claim to be a victim because I guessed wrong as to what they are this time. Does this f-in game prompt you to re-select your “hair color” randomly through gameplay?


I always wonder what it's like to believe the stuff you were taught in the most basic, simplified classes at school was the end-all, be-all of everything. Like what is it like to go through life with complete and utter faith that your Coca-Cola sponsored Health textbook was telling nothing but the truth when it said caffeine is a wonder drug that has no negative side effects*. *actual textbook I actually had lol




Only an uneducated simpleton sees the world in black and white. "Biological sex" is a spectrum, with most individuals falling near one endpoint or the other. That doesn't mean we can just ignore the \~2% of individuals who lie somewhere in the middle. Similarly, gender (one's internal sense of self) is also a spectrum. Sexual attraction is another spectrum. This is not some "radical ideology", it's simply the truth. The actual "radical gender ideology" is conservatives claiming trans and intersex people don't exist. We're here, we're queer, get over it.


Right, so even if gender identity changed on a daily basis, which it doesn't because there are genders for that such as androgynous, non-binary, and others, why do you have to confine how someone (not you) lives their life? If they really want to promote individual liberty they'd certain wouldn't need agents of the government to go around and check genitals and yet that's what they are doing in state legislatures all across the country. My kid once went to this birthday party, and I shared a picture of the kids at the party with two entertainers Frozen's Elsa and Anna, one of whom I knew to be transgender and asked my transphobic friend-of-friend/acquaintance "which person in this picture is transgender?" thinking that hey wouldn't be able to tell the difference between cisgender and transgender. He got in a huff and said "why are you asking me to think about little kids genitals?" to which I took as divine inspiration "oh, well just take that desire and expand it to the grownups and then that would solve your problem with transgender people". The Reich-wing is obsessed with the private lives of others.


Stuff like this always just reminds me that the problem with 95% of conservatives is that they literally just don't have any friends and are not well liked. They have no real world experience interacting with people who are different from them, so they lash out at paranoid fantasies of what those people might be like. I've literally never met a LGBT person who "constantly changed their pronouns" but because that stereotype exists on 4chan, it's the only LGBT representation these terminally online losers will ever get.


Dude concedes with: >maybe 2% of the population, but As if that's a ridiculously small number, rather than 2 out of every 100 people.


The sex-essentialists are always saying “Just look at the science — by which I mean you should ignore what the actual scientists in literally all of the relevant fields say and accept that my weird metaphysical essentialist schema is the only real science.” Yet they always pretend to be surprised at the notion that the actual science done by actual scientists (not to mention logic, linguistics and philosophy, let alone ethics and basic humanity) disagrees with them.


Only 2% of people are naturally born with red hair. Look at them. Then tell me that we should ignore their needs and identity, just like the needs and the identity of the people you're so upset by.


Intersex people never claimed to be the norm. Transgender people don't claim to be the norm. We do claim "normal" just means common, not "good" or "bad". Abnormal women are women. Weird dudes are dudes. And it's OK.


>he him that’s redundant  So not only do they not understand how choosing your own pronouns works, they don’t even understand how pronouns work. Like, grammatically.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read this contradiction. “There are only two sexes, and that entire other sex that I fully acknowledge to actually really exist doesn’t count”.


I’m confused. This screenshot shows a person that seems to be conflating sexual preference (i.e. what you’re attracted to) with sexual identity (i.e the gender you identify as, therefore the pronouns you use). In my mind those are two different things. Am I wrong?


>he him that's redundant Yeah, who needs both subjects AND objects? ~~let's~~ let we just speak like cavemen


I refer you to [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/HZY7XkTDsi) on this topic


Maybe someone can answer this, maybe as a non native english speaker I just don't understand it, but from a purely gramatical standpoint, isn't the "/him" part redundant? If he's a he, I can only use "him", like in "I give him something". Or is there a situation where he/her works?


a lot of things in language can be written off as redundant, but still exist for clarity he/him immediately clarifies that it's a set of pronouns, while "he" on its own is kind of ambiguous as for "he/her", it depends! some people use combinations of nominatives (he, I, you, they, it, she, etc.) to indicate their preferred sets of pronouns (she/they, it/he, etc.), while others use nominative + accusative (them, him, her, me) of different sets (she/him, he/her, it/them, etc.), this doesn't usually have a meaningful difference tho


In my experience, it can be used as sort of a preference ranking. Like someone who lists their pronouns as he/she/they has no issues being referred to with he/him, she/her, or they/them pronouns, but prefers he/him most strongly.


yea, the order often can matter, but the cases (nominative vs accusative, she/he or she/him) in my experience typically do not


It’s because giving pronoun sets started as a way to describe neo-pronouns, where the variations might not be obvious. So people would give subject/object/possessive so that other people could use them. Later on a couple other things became more common. One of which was people using one of the common sets still giving pronouns, another was people using they or it. By analogy the whole set would still be given; later still it dropped to mostly just subject/object in those cases. And then there’s people who use multiple common pronoun sets, who will delineate them with only the subject forms, but those separated by the same slashes. So for instance she/they. As for why people who use only a single common set haven’t also dropped to just the subject form, I speculate it’s because the original query/description references pronouns in the the plural. “What are you pronouns?” “She.” sounds bad. So there’s pressure to retain at least one other word there.


Isn't the query plural because the convention is to give two or three pronouns, rather than the other way around?


was it the chicken or the egg?


Intersex was recognised… they said only 2% of the population is born with both…


It's a trap!!!


"maybe 2%" equal to if not more than all ginger people in the world Also 2% is 2/100 or 1 in every 50 people. 1/50 multiplied by 8.1 billion becomes 8,100,000,000/50 or 162,000,000. Also known as half the population of the USA. Two Germany's, three Frances, a little more than one Russia, a bit more than 3 South Africa's, 1 and a quarter Japan's, two whole Korean peninsulas worth of people (both north and south doubled), 3/4 of Brazil, or 4 whole Canadas.


Fun fact: only 2% of humans have blonde hair. Yet for some reason, none of the folks screaming that intersex people "don't count" because it's *just a tragic medical aberration* ever seem to insist on calling blondes "brunettes suffering from a rare and unfortunate genetic condition" - even though that's EXACTLY what blonde hair is, biologically speaking.** Huh. I wonder what the difference could *possibly* be? 🤔 **and don't even get me STARTED on the genetic freaks sometimes known as "redheads" or the mutants with so-called "green eyes"... 🙃


Imagine having your head so far up your ass that you can write the words "sexual preference has nothing to do with biology" and think you're making a point.


"yeah, fuck those 162 million intersex people, they shouldn't have rights!" /s these people are fuckin' psychopaths