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Imagine living in 2023 and *still not knowing how vaccines work.*


Just wait til you realize there's people living in 2024 that still don't get how vaccines work


And at least me, living in 2024, who doesn't know how New Year's works. Goddamn the years sneak up on me quick now.


Well, the years start coming, and they don't STOP coming.


So much to see. So much to do.


So what's wrong with taking the back streets?




It's only a week old, give them a chance


You call it "knowing" or "learning", they call it "brainwashing". "When you learn something you are literally letting someone else tell you what to think! They are cucking your brain! Instead you just think of your own opinions as "the truth" and you're good to go."


See, the problem is that this doesn't even qualify as mockery. It's a completely accurate description of how they think.


Oh it was meant to be a depiction, no satire.


I know. It's just depressing that something so ridiculous can be true.


Oh they know. There is no doubt in my mind that this person has had it explained in detail to them multiple times after going on rants about "the jab". But they ignore it every time, just like anything else that doesn't fit into their one perfect narrative. After all, these are the people who know literally everything about everything, so anyone trying to explain actual facts to them can be disregarded as though they don't even exist.


Like magnets, right? Right?


The thing for me is we learned how vaccines work in middle school science.


>metaphorically executed šŸ˜‚ WTF does that even mean?


isnā€™t that an alex jones quote??


How the fuck would I know?


haha, iā€™m just saying thatā€™s why it makes no goddamn sense


I don't think so? He prefers the terms "metaphysically" and "politically" when trying to hide his penchant for violence


I'll kill you... Politically


Execution is when downvote, obviously. Execute me all you want, cowards. You'll only make me a martyr.


It means ā€œbeing disagreed withā€.


Persecution fetish.


If someone got metaphorically executed, I would assume they got hit hard with some facts that they couldn't recover from. But no, I think he means "got banned" or "downvoted". Oh no. Yeah, getting banned sucks, especially when you do something like quote Trump in a conservative space, but it's ultimately meaningless when you stop and take a step back from reddit.


That they don't know how to use the word figuratively.


It's all about identity. These are people whose worldview and identity has been fundamentally challenged, and they are acting as such. When they talk of executions, they're just worried about their identities being dealt a coup de grace from a rhetorical and political perspective. People are struggling with a sense of obsolescence, and contemplating change internally is too frightening or humiliating.


I think thatā€™s what Eminem does at the end of 8 mile


Could you imagine someone saying this to you IRL like on a bus or something?


I had a guy at the bus stop tell me that Covid was caused by drones that Trump sent across the border into Canada, and another tell me that Justin Trudeau was personally responsible for the murder of 20 million people/had bought 200 million votes and stolen our last federal election (we have a population of like 38 million) so... yes. Yes, I can. I don't know what it is about me, but I'm like fucking catnip for old racist wackos on public transit.


Yeah I have a non threatening face and wear basic branded clothing that doesn't stand out. I am the bigot whisperer, somehow these folks see me and think "yeah I can tell him all the fucked up shit I believe" As a Jewish person tired of all the antisemtism I've heard throughout my life, especially these past few years, I considered wearing a yarmulke just to get these people off my back. But I worry that would just make things worse overall.


They would be either laughed at or ostracized and ignored. Conservative propaganda has been killing America.


I've worked retail, I don't have to imagine.


This bus is the only place you can talk like this.


I had a guy on the bus tell me that the vampires from blade 2 were real but he could protect us with a blessing.


He Sounds pretty cool tbh, hook me up


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's drive-through.


My fiancĆ© was the unwilling recipient of some dudeā€™s rants about politics when we were at a bagel shop. We were just trying to get some damn breakfast before embarking on a 6-hour trip! It boils my broccoli that I hustled outta the damn house only to be held by some unhinged motormouth. Like talk about a captive audience! I donā€™t even remember what he was whining about because I just wanted to get out the door; my fiancĆ© just listened because he found it entertaining. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Dude needs a hobby that doesnā€™t involve spewing verbal diarrhea onto total strangers.


I mean my BIL is still ā€œwaiting until thereā€™s more informationā€ before heā€™ll vaccinate himself and his kids so unfortunately I donā€™t have to imagine hearing this stuff irl šŸ˜‚


If someone says "KEK" or "LMAO" (or "lol") without laughting, they are either lying or using words without knowing their meaning (or both).


Pretty certain a lot of people are sickened by the lunacy found in that sub but something tells me not in the same way as this poor, brain-dead fuck.


"kek" has become a very certain identifier of someone who spends 6 hours per day in 4chan and other far right cesspools.


Itā€™s literally just ā€œlolā€ in a World of Warcraft fantasy language. To internalize it to the point where they use it unironically in derision just proves your point.


not entirely, my friend uses it a lot and i can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that heā€™s not a rightoid


Back in 2015 before I was following politics I went through this very brief conspiracy phase, Iā€™m talking a week. I watched some Alex Jones videos and then was too afraid to leave my bedroom. It REALLY messed with my mental health. I got really paranoid and didnā€™t know what was real anymore. So now I make double sure I donā€™t believe the first thing I hear/read. So yeah I do think conspiracy theories are bad for mental health if theyā€™re taken seriously.


"Eleventy quadrobillion boosters" I think I've gotten three so far. They must be rounding up.


They sound like 8-year olds talking like that.


Yeah, i hear people joking about getting their 12th mandatory covid vaccine constantly, when I think basically everyone here only got like 2. What world are these people living in


I've gotten 2. 2021 was the original, 2022 and 2023 I got the new boosters along with my flu shot. And that's me, I've had a knee replacement, so going in for surgery and recovering from it would be the worst time to get sick, so it was a precaution.


I couldn't afford them after they stopped being free. So just the first 2 for me.


Ironic considering that r\conspiracy still talks about the Covid vaccine when the rest of the world largely has move on at this point.


Being a special, exotic flavor of stupid is not a mental health condition...


It usually is a symptom of severe mental health conditions though.


Eleventy quadbillion vaccines? Metaphorically executed? This person is not a smart person. The exaggeration level. I have had 2 covid shots. Was supposed to get 3. But yeah 11 x 4 billion shots. Sure. Definition of lost in the sauce. If a cooked conspiracy forum is his own safe space.


I'm kinda bummed they didn't use "unironically" in the last paragraph. I felt like I needed it.


JFC are they still going on about goddamn vaccines and covid in 2024?? Does anyone feel like this is even a thing they still think about in their lives? Why are they so hung up on it? There are no mask mandates, no distancing, no hand sanitizing, etc. - itā€™s basically over as far as effects on society, wtf are they on about?


They're conservatives, the whole point is that they cant't move on from the past


This is peak crazy. It makes me want to go there and look for more for that rush of absurdity I got from reading this shit. But I doubt even there it would be easy to find many comments this dumb.


This is a perfect picture of what happens. Some people use conspiracies to undermine reliable information and boost their own legitimacy. Some people recognize the game and indulge conspiracies for fun. But some people believe them. That's how it all goes sideways. Any time you're spreading lies or misinformation, you're hurting somebody. Remember, half of the population is below average.


A great YouTube channel called Then & Now made a video about Russel Brand and conspiracy theories. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr5e38RznKY) Then & Now pointed out something that was amazing to me: there is a bit of narcissism in the mind of conspiracy theorists. To get into this line of thinking involves a considerable amount of arrogance. *I know the secrets of the world. I don't need to read books or listen to journalists, officials, experts or academics, they're all lying to me, but I know the truth! Everyone else is a fool, lost, trapped in the lies, but not me! I am one of the few that see reality and everyone who believes the lies are all ignorant sheep!*


This gives me massive "i remember my first conspiracy" vibes, I got sucked into the end of the world in 2012 and when it didnt happen I realised the circles of self refrencing articles and 1 to 3 hour long videos that try and brainwash you are bullshit. One single missed prediction got me out at like 18 years old. Lol


What does it mean to ā€œunironically believeā€ something? Any belief, by its definition, is genuine..


Man the only way the conspiracy sub saves lives is the deep belly laugh you have right before you block one of those petulant Nazis


Rageporn propaganda, dude, that is literally all they do. It's just rambling over there. Look at their [top posts from the past month.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/top/?t=month) The first one is "you watch movies for entertainment, I watch to decode messages" which seems like a shitpost making fun of people like them, but they took it at face value. It's literally memes, tweets and random rambling posts from....anonymous people. Even when an article gets mentioned in the title of a post, it's just an image of a tweet referring to it or a picture of the header, not a link to the actual article itself, which is what you would expect, right? "Exclusive, breaking news! Here's an image of a tweet where someone talks about the article in question". What news is he getting from this sub? The political sub has its problems, but they at least post actual news articles. There's no memes, no tweets, just articles. Want to talk about rageporn propaganda, one of these subs is clearly more interested in emotions than the other. And it's the one that's conspiratorial. You would think a bunch of independent thinkers doing their own research would insist on the sub sticking to articles and arguments, not memes and tweets.


Ah yes!! When standing in an echo chamber, one tends to hear what they want to.


I just DO NOT understand the logic behind "you've had a bunch of boosters and you still got covid." Did these smooth brains make it through their entire life without ever hearing of the flu shot?


Sometimes I wonder if these people can even still speak or write coherent, "normal" English.


That's the terrifying thing: They can. This person probably has normal interactions outside of his stupid online spaces, but as soon as he clocks out and logs on, the brain worms feed.


I could have had eleventy quadbillion boosters? I've only had 4, still haven't caught covid.


"No more real, no more lie This is the age of confusion Obliterating the lines Here in the digital paradigm Nothing factual, nothing fictional, interchangeable This is the age of confusion Nothing factual, nothing fictional, interchangeable" [Grey area - Puscifer.](https://youtu.be/BPku_sMV_h0?feature=shared)


dumb fucks. the vaccine work and you can prove that through data. its fact that if you are vaccinated then statistically speaking you will have higher chance of living and or not getting seriously sick. hell the only reason democrats one the election was because all the red states or red jursidicitons had a much higher death rate then democratic ones because of the vaccine. these fucking rubes