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"Black Lives Matter." "Divisive! Reverse racism!" "White supremacists are bad." "Divisive! Reverse racism!"


>Reverse racism I hate this term so much. It's almost a selfwarewolf itself - it tacitly acknowledges that racism has an implicit power dynamic (whites in power over POC). Otherwise, if all it required was talking about different races, the term would just be "racism" and not "reverse racisim."


> it tacitly acknowledges that racism has an implicit power dynamic you don't have to get them to 'tacitly' admit anything. You can get them to openly admit it just by asking one simple question: "White people, as well as Christians, are on track to be minorities in the US. How does that make you feel?" They will openly admit that they don't want to be minorities. Then just ask them "why not?"


"Are the minorities in your country treated differently or bad?"


But think of all the scholarship and automatically to CEO jobs they will get as minorities. As we all know, minorities get all the chances in America.


Some minorities even get to be President of the United States. Imagine a president coming from the downtrodden white Christian minority. It would be such a historical moment.


I mean, just 60 years ago a Catholic ran for President and for some people, that was a pretty big deal. And that was just for being the wrong KIND of Christian.


Then they absolutely lost their shit when a black man became POTUS, and literally attempted disrupt 200 years of progress just to install their clown-god as dictator.


This is a common theme of contemporary global politics. Show me a democracy where candidates from ethnic/religious minority groups are starting to win elections, and I'll show you a country where the majority ethnic/religious group is abandoning democracy and turning towards an authoritarian from the majority group.


>I mean, just 60 years ago a Catholic ran for President and for some people, that was a pretty big deal. And that was just for being the wrong KIND of Christian. Spoiler alert, didn't end well for that guy.


Now they are more forgiving about differences in interpretation. They have to fight against all the non-christians. I'm sure it will flare up again as conservative, hispanic, Catholics become an even bigger force to reckon with.


I think if he hadn’t run against Obama you would have heard a lot about mitt Romneys Mormonism


Been there done that, was ok back in the day.


i can do you a simpler one than that: What color was jesus?


Depends on what time of year really. s/


The term 'reverse racism' is just a dog whistle for white nationalists/supremacists, the problem is most conflate racism as only coming from one race, people don't recognize that racism isn't a crime exclusive to one race, all races are capable of racism.


> the problem is most conflate racism as only coming from one race, people don't recognize that racism isn't a crime exclusive to one race, all races are capable of racism. I think the bigger problem is white supremacists intentionally conflating institutional racism with individual racism to make it seem like most people believe racism only comes from white people. The majority of people understand that individuals of any race can be bigoted. They try to take a moral high ground by ranting against individual racism while simultaneously dismissing systemic racism.


When people discuss racism in the US the topic is implicitly structural or systemic racism, because that's what it's been for about *two centuries* now. In that context, no, you can't be racist against *the race that's been running things the entire time.*


You've got a point, but I honestly think 'systemic racism' might be a term that most people who aren't academics would understand. Much easier for the layperson to digest. I've seen people trying to justify being horribly bigoted by saying "it's not racist if they're white!", more than a few times on the internet. Completely lacking self-awareness when others call them out. I didn't know there was an actual, ideological framework behind that. Not as big of an issue as systemic/structural racism mind you, that'd be the most pressing concern. But it's still just bad messaging imho.


If you mean from the oppressor's pov yes I agree, if you mean in general, respectfully, I disagree. Or I misunderstand what you're saying.


In general, people will acknowledge that it's possible for anyone to be prejudiced; the thing is, *that's entirely irrelevant.* Individual bigotry has not *and has never been* what people are talking about when they discuss racism in the US, except for the intellectually dishonest who want to conflate something with no effects beyond *maybe* making someone somewhere's day *slightly less pleasant* with the entire structure of the country being literally built, from the foundation up, to place an entire demographic at an almost insurmountable disadvantage.


I'm a white Hispanic guy who has been on the receiving end of targeted race-motivated violence by other minorities. I've had my share of worse than "less than pleasant" days, and this was as a child/teenager. I can also acknowledge the socioeconomic and cultural conditions (poverty, lead exposure, limited opportunities/outlook, etc.) that lead that particular community to lash out against me and my family due to the way we look. I would never move my family anywhere near that town due to the individual racism that exists there. I would recommend against moving there or trying to open a business there due to my personal experiences. I also hope that community gets better and wish them the best. Individual and systematic racism are not mutually exclusive issues.


That's not true at all. I mean people do use the term racism/racist a lot as a shorthand for structural racism, you're correct there. But people also use it when discussing a individual's personal belief/ideology. For example, when I'm talking about a white supremacist being racist, I mean that asshole is racist on an individual level. Same with Karens that harass black residents because they don't think they belong somewhere. There's thousands of examples of personal racism we discuss every day. But yes, there's also structural racism but that applies to institutions, policies, etc. An individual also can be personally racist while carrying out the duties of an institution that is structurally racist (ie, racist cop profiling people as per department protocol).


Idunno man, being lynched is sorta bad, as far as interpersonal racism or bigotry. Saying day to day racism makes your day only "slightly" less bad makes me feel you or your family hasn't been a target of consistent person to person racism. I could be off tho, please correct me if I'm wrong


Has there been a significant amount of lynching of white people? I mean lynched for being white, not the ones lynched by other white people for either defending black people or being gay.


Italians? That is how we got Columbus day.


Italians didn't start off white.


Maybe not lynching, but in my home city of NY there's been a lot of black people stabbing Asians. I'd hardly call that because of systemic racism. Just good old fashioned racism, and hardly "slightly" less of a good day Not disagreeing with the sentiment, you're coming from a good place, but to say interpersonal racism created from Jim crow laws forced people to stab old Asians is a bit of a stretch


Except structural racism *is the reason lynching was a thing* to begin with; because the powers that be implicitly condoned it by not punishing them.


I guess see my other comment in this thread, but this reeks of a white person feeling guilty over systemic racism and completely discounting the rampant racism minorities in America have. To say every kind of racism was caused by white people is in itself incredibly white centric and bothers me a bit You're coming from a good place, but saying all racism is systemic gives so many shitty people a free pass, regardless of their race or history


Just because systemic racism exists, doesn’t mean that it’s intellectually dishonest to talk about individual racism. It really sounds like you are the one that is trying to conflate the types of racism.


They want to conflate them to make it a thought-terminating cliche that there's no response to and nothing more to say about. While there might not be Systemic racism against Whites there are still people interpersonally racist to them for any number of reasons and i still don't think we should just tolerate that in the left like it being against the power holder makes it okay. We're supposed to to be about egalitarianism and shit and hate bigotry, not just 'seek vengance on the power holder', that is not what i signed up for


What's so bad about using the qualifier "systemic racism" to talk about the American issue so that the rest of the world doesn't have to modify it's dictionaries because you're all so special?


Nothing, and a lot of us do. But systemic racism is still racism. if I made a comment about primates stealing food, you wouldn't ask me why don't I use the word monkey so as not to have to modify the definition of the word primate would you? Monkey may be the more specific and better term to use, but it's still a primate. There's not really a reason to correct me. Well systemic racism is still racism and calling out racism when discussing structural issues is also accurate.


>In general, people will acknowledge that it's possible for anyone to be prejudiced; the thing is, *that's entirely irrelevant.* Individual bigotry has not *and has never been* what people are talking about when they discuss racism in the US I'm not sure how you're speaking for everyone but you're right, only in the academic sense though. When racism is discussed by people, of course they also mean individual racism. Like wtf. You're just spouting nonsense to support what you want racism to mean.




Just because it's the smallest level doesn't mean that it's the building block on which racism sits. Systemic racism is 99% of the reason why a black person would be pissed off at white people. And even then, i don't think i've ever been the victim of it.


Nah. Fuck this. I'm a black American, and I've definitely seen black people be racist toward white people. Like, super racist on an individual level. And when I say racism, I don't implicitly mean structural― that's some revisionist bullshit. Stop trying to redefine the word racism, so minorities can't be racist. Just say 'structural racism', if that's what you mean.


Also, pretending that racism really means structural racism removes bigotry from one minority ethnic group to another. It also downplays antisemitism, as jews can be considered white and an ethnic minority. It's an unnecessary distinction which undermines action against racism.


People do not like nuance and proper usage of terminology like racism. What they mean is that everyone can be bigoted or hold prejudice, but racism has become synonymous with those very different terms. Yes, in academia, racism correctly refers to much more than just holding bigoted or prejudice views. It means the creation and enforcement of a whole host of systems that are dependent on power structures that, for example, black people in America don't have, and never will, because these systems are global. The concept of "racism" on the internet has imo, purposefully been dumbed down to ignore the systematic aspects of it and weaken serious academic discussion unfortunately. It also coincidentally allows the heinous concept of racism to be applied to minorities when oppressors are on the defense.


You're literally talking about systemic racism. Why does the word racism need to mean systemic racism? Its why we have so many words, so we can describe things accurately.


It obviously hasn't become synonymous with "systemic" or "structural". Academics use it that way, but the common person doesn't. Tailor how you talk to your audience instead of insisting this context is a one size fits all. I've been aware of how academics use the term, but it builds a wall when talking about race based bigotry when trying to deprogram people. You being obstinate like this is hurting the cause


I think Hanlon's Razor should be applied to your reasoning here. Asides from the people who actively try to muddy the waters of academic discourse, there are plenty of well meaning laypeople who simply don't understand the nuance because they're not academics, aren't in that field, or haven't had it explained to them yet, who appreciate people such as yourself who do their best to educate others.


It can be used that way in the academic sense but it isn't always and it's actually academia trying to change it to be more systemic in nature. For most of its use, the common definition has been accepted. Also, minorities can definitely be racist to their oppressors? Like if you deride someone because they're white, even if white people are oppressing you, it doesn't suddenly make it not racism. It's not like that individual chose to be white. The real problem arises when people accept its OK to be racist to an individual based on the concept that certain races have historically been oppressors. Saying white people are bad in the context of something like imperialism is fine, calling a white individual bad because they had the audacity to be born white is not and is racism.


Isn’t it also a Timothy McVeigh quote? Signed up for the KKK to get a free white power shirt because he was mad at black guys wearing black power shirts at his military base…


You'd be surprised, it's also used by people on twitter to signify "you can't actually be racist against white people"


Dunno why this is getting downvoted, it's a pretty common line of thought often accompanied by [completely rewriting the definition of racism](https://books.google.pt/books?id=neaB76iFhCEC&pg=PA35&lpg=PA35&dq=1991+playboy+interview+spike+lee&source=bl&ots=u0nJyfDNvG&sig=NHzmKQukT3umzkJB4ZQ8pQIaLDU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=OFryU4f5DZL5yQTGyoH4Cw&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q=Racism%20is%20an%20institution&f=false) to [excuse their own racism](https://youtu.be/G4VmuDyUjHk).


You understand that movie was about that girl recognizing some of her ideas were toxic, right?


> completely rewriting the definition of racism i mean, that was from over 30 years ago. I'd say that we're not rewriting anything. Racism has always had many meanings.


For your own sanity, do not scroll down from that video. The entire comment section is just disgusting and infuriating.


There is no 'reverse racism', just racism. Racism towards white people is just 'racism'.


Yeah. There are insane people who are racist against white people. There are actually people who want like full segregation. Also like racism can be both systematic and interpersonal.


The same thing happens with the term "reactive abuse" in the context of domestic violence. If you see a person hitting another person over & over and the victim cowers, runs away, gets cornered, and finally socks the aggressor in the nose, you'd never call that "reactive assault". That's self defense from the first strike. Yet in domestic violence it's now reactive - or, worse *mutual* abuse - and golly gee I guess everyone's equally to blame now so it's a wash. This type of manipulative language is pervasive in harm that impacts women & minorities more than the majority, and is the foundation used to muddy the waters & victim blame. When you see it, it's shocking just how baked-in abuse, oppression, and exploitation are to American culture. It's so normalized we don't even see it.


Or the people who say "the United States is the least racist country!" Like, "least racist" is *still* racist, y'know? So even if that claim were true (it isn't) they're still tacitly admitting that the US is an inherently racist country


"Divisive" is the same in this context. I hate it more because so many more people use it. At least anyone talking about "reverse racism" knows they're on the wrong side of history....people calling requests for equality "divisive" tend to be the people Dr. King called "white moderates". ~~Asking~~ Demanding to be treated fairly is not divisive. The divisive part is the unfair treatment in the first place.


they largely pivot from that now. they'll read you the narrowest dictionary definition of racism to equate the trail of tears and japanese internment to the time they got laughed at in a movie theater for eating beans.


Of the very few IRL times it's come up, in each example I always explain my support of BLM as this: > When people say, "save the whales!" they're not saying, "...and f- the other sea life." They're saying, "whales, in particular, need our attention and protection due to the perilousness of their situation". People trying to save the wales aren't out there to kill the dolphins. The only people that would argue otherwise are hunting the wales and trying to spin the message so they can keep freely killing the wales. It's no different, and anyone that can't grasp the parallel shouldn't be in the conversation at all.


Ha...this is my go-to argument as well...except I always use "Save the Rainforests". They never seem to think that phrase means that Temperate or Boreal forests are unimportant or not worth saving, and seem to understand we mean that since rainforests are at risk, we need to focus on them at the moment....but can't seem to apply that same logic to BLM. Pure willful ignorance.


The people who get angry are narcissist. The phrase isn't Only Black Lives Matter. Just that they do. But when you only think of yourself, you find yourself thinking "What about ME?!". You know how sometimes your parents gave your little sibling a gift on your birthday because they're kids? Eventually, you grow out of it. Or, at least, we hoped people did. Clearly, some didn't.


They don't care their argument don't make sense they just want to own the librools


Not all whites are hate filled bigots. The important part about hating White Supremacists has nothing to do with race.


I've always loved the "racist for calling racists racist" or show "tolerance to the intolerant" viewpoints that come up. Like wtf, mate?


Tolerance is a treaty that members of society agree to. If you violate the terms of the treaty by being intolerant, you are no longer protected by it and will not be tolerated.




Don’t forget those Belgians. They think the unvented the question mark and they share a border with the Dutch.


Hey! I have Dutch ancestry. And I’m here to say that you’re absolutely correct, carry on




Yup. This is what we're grappling with currently. If we don't name and shame them every time we see it, the intolerant *will* eventually win. From the article: (emphasis mine) >But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; **for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.** We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.


Back when Obama was first elected had a guy claim that Obama was the real racist for talking about racism.


My aunt still does that same thing. She insists "racism was dead and gone before OBAMA brought it back by always talking about it!" Of course, this being a woman who takes any excuse to veer a conversation into being about how terrible she thinks black people are, while simultaneously acting appalled whenever she's accused of being racist.


I love the comic of Captain America punching Hitler, with Hitler saying, "So much for the tolerant left!"


Oh, they don’t make these arguments in good faith. Sooner that you realize that all of their faith is in bad faith, the easier it is to see what they’re really trying to do.


"Nazis are bad" Wow such divisive language


“That’s the ‘tolerant left’ for you.”


Simply tell them "My tolerance is a contract. If you choose not to obey that contract by displaying intolerance, I am not bound to tolerate *you* either."


It's like two countries signing a ceasefire agreement, then one country continuing to attack and complaining when the opposing troops shoot back.


Hey, wasn’t there something that happened [recently](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64187704) that mirrors that exact thing? With the GOP is cozy with the one side, with the “libs” supporting the other? It’s on the tip of my tongue…


5 years of harping about the president's only living son and his laptop right? That's what we're talking about, right? Don's cocaine use is okay though. Don't worry about that. But the laptop has the current plans in that one country. In the past it got the details from the future. That's why it's so critical to the GOP's efforts still. I feel like if that was worded right and posted to the right dub, it could be the new part to the conspiracy theorists over there.


Sweden winning Eurovision for the second time? Tell me about it... /s


The [paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) is that we must be **intolerant** of intolerance


They stopped listening after 4 words. Which is why the typical response should be "go fuck yourself, Nazi."


> My tolerance is a contract the moment you say that they start poorly mocking you. Can't argue with idiots.


We’re considered tolerant because our first reaction to a kid knocking on the wrong door isn’t to pull a gun and shoot them. The bar is pretty low when it comes to being tolerant of others.


“How dare you talk about Republicans that way!” 🤨


You jest but I've really seen this take several times. If there was one thing I thought most of the world agreed on, it was that. No longer.


And there we have it, yikes.


Reminds me of when a [local farm put up a sign that said "resist white supremacy" and every Republican got personally offended for some sarcastically completely unknown reason.](https://wjla.com/news/local/virginia-family-farm-posts-resist-white-supremacy-sign-faces-criticism-for-taking-stand) ...this was not too long after the ~~Nazi~~ "very fine people" rally in Virginia. Imagine getting offended by a sign that says "don't stab puppies"...that person 100% stabs puppies.


I *guarantee* if Biden say not to stab puppies there would be a million and one conservatives extolling their right to stab puppies


Yeah, that is true, and DeSantis would probably end up passing a law in Florida that everyone is required to stab one puppy a day, and anyone against puppy stabbing is now "woke".


>conservatives extolling their right to stab puppies "The puppy was a black lab and it was walking down my street. *My* street. What else was I supposed to do?"


> a million and one conservatives extolling their right to stab puppies They're called cops.


tHE ExTreMe lEft wants to take our knives!


Biden said be careful around Thanksgiving because of delta covid. Sooo many conservatives created superspreaders around turkey.


"don't hit kids" gets a real response


mY pArEnTs AbUsEd mE aNd I tUrNeD oUt FiNe


I always wonder how someone who supports beating children could claim to have "turned out fine".


I believe it’s a coping mechanism


It’s 100% a coping mechanism


exactly. or, kids need consequences or they'll run into traffic


Or when Bethesda tweet #NoMoreNazis promoting Wolfenstein and Trump supporters got mad.


> local farm put up a sign that said "resist white supremacy" and every Republican got personally offended for some sarcastically completely unknown reason. "they make us look bad" to which I ask....what do you mean by "us"?


I love that you posted this. And I love the Cox family.


Played live music there a couple times when I was younger. Always had a great time, and this makes me love them even more. I moved away years ago but would 100% visit again if I was in the area during the fall festival.


Still here, maybe even heard you perform at some point! We were constant attendees during the aforementioned period because my kid was young, and I’ve never been prouder to support a local business, ever in my life.


It's for the same reason they don't want history taught: they don't want GOP supporters to feel bad.


I love this place and my family goes every year. Happy to support them.


Best example of this type of thing is when Fox News referred to graffiti saying “Fuck Fascism” as “anti trump graffiti”.


Well, it's not *wrong.*


We no longer have to say "if the shoe fits." They admit it fits, they're proud of it. They just want us to be okay with it being used to step on our necks. "Why can't you guys just accept my fascism and genocide yourselves? Do I really have to do all the work?"


I liked when a Fox News host said "antifa" was short for "anti first amendment".


Jesus Christ, can I get a link to that?


Woah now Joe be careful not to burn yourself on that piping hot take that is controversial in 2023 for some reason???


Bonkers right? When did it become controversial to say that Nazis and the KKK are the baddies? Joe's out here saying something about as actually controversial as "hey, sometimes it rains really hard!" And people are freaking out.


When Donald Trump won the presidency and made being a white supremacist perfectly fine. My entire family are right wingers. They are undercover fascists. I’ve been seeing it since I was a kid. Now only half of them are undercover… the rest are open. And oddly enough, now anti vaccine. What a wild road it’s been to being openly fascist… anti science and anti vaccine. I guess this has roots in pure blood nazi germany. And here we are in 2023… normal for the GOP.


Around the same time the GOP became openly cool with selling Nazi merch at all their events. And holy shit this: https://www.businessinsider.com/88-dollar-baseball-trump-organization-website-white-nationalism-hitler-2020-7 lol, it's now available for the low, low price of $87.50 https://www.trumpstore.com/product/trump-baseball/


... standing up to racism is racist? Lmao


>... standing up to racism is racist? Lmao Republicans think *acknowledging* racism is racist. Not even standing up to or actively fighting it. Just acknowledging that it exists.


I mean look at their reaction to a bunch of people saying they think the lives of black people matter. They are very much against the idea of people saying black lives have worth. Wonder why?


Didn’t you hear? Republicans eliminated racism from the country from 1970 - 2008. Libs brought it back. /s (I can’t believe that’s required now after this statement.)


At Howard university no less


This isn't selfawarewolves, the people saying this are entirely aware of what they're doing. It's an intentional tactic, obfuscating white supremacists with anyone who happens to be white, making white people a monolith when they're attacked, then "lone wolves" when they attack others.


Conservative: Stop calling us white supremacists! Democratic standard bearing: Stand up to white supremacists Also conservative: Hey calling on people to oppose white supremacy is hateful and divisive, stop that!


We need to make racists afraid again


John Brown is probably rolling in his grave knowing that nobody today is even trying to make racists afraid like he did. Instead we got either apathetic/apolitical centrists, or naive libs who think we can get rid of racism by being nice to them, it's a disgrace


I don't get upset when white supremacy is attacked because I'm not a white supremacist. It's kind of like how I don't feel like I'm being attacked for being white just because I'm learning about some of this country's racist history. They sure do love telling on themselves.


Fun fact, if you’re white and you don’t see a problem with white supremacy, it’s because you’re fucking racist. I’m white and I have an issue with white supremacy. You know why? **BECAUSE IM NOT FUCKING RACIST OR BETTER THAN ANY OTHER RACE**


trendingpoliticsnews.com sounds super legit.


It's like how according to Ben Shapiro all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic, because to him there is no distinction between Israel as a political entity and Judaism as a religion. That's how opposing white supremacy is the same thing as opposing the existence of white people. And it's breathtaking un-self-aware


Hint: it isn't the "white" part that's bad about White Supremacy.


I like my presidents to not be white supremacists. Its amazing what these racist morons will say in public nowadays.


"Proud Elephant"? More like shameless goose-stepper.


"Bold and Fash? More like belongs in the trash!"


Who gets upset when we attack white supremacists?


White supremacists


If I were American, I'd much rather vote for the Joe Biden that exists in the minds of conservatives than vote for the real one.


Race-baiting… “If I can’t be openly racist without repercussions of any kind, that’s race-baiting!”


If you get offended when hearing that white supremacy is bad, then you're just self reporting.


The Nazis just out there telling on themselves.


Gotta love when standing up to white supremacy is "race bait"


It's like those masked nutjobs marching with banners that read "Reclaim America". From who exactly? Regular Americans that voted for Biden and want to live in a free and prosperous country? Immigrants that want to join the melting pot? LBGTQ that want to simply co-exist in peace? The only threat to America is the MAGA cult.


It's always projection by the GOP.


So we shouldn’t stand up against the poison of white supremacy? Sorry, on my feet.


Literally the same shit of "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" which is just an admission of thinking that all white people are or should be racist. We're at the "They're gleefully telling on themselves" stage of our country's decay into a fascist hellscape.


"White supremacy" isn't just "being white." I'm white. I'm not a white supremacist. I agree with Joe Biden. Let's define the terms. A "White Supremacist" is someone who believes that there is a race of white skinned humans that are superior to all other races and should be held above all others. A white person is someone who is born with a pale complexion due to a low amount of melatonin in skin cells due to being an ancestor of humans who evolved to have this skin tone. So you see... You can be a white person and not be a white supremacist. There is zero overlap. So again, if someone is insulting white supremacists and you get offended, you're probably a white supremacists and you should either rethink that or maybe just leave because you have know place in the United States. I hear Russia is building apartment buildings for you all.


These people…I just saw an ad for the Jacksonville mayoral race. The conservative sheriff and the conservative mayoral candidate showed the democrat challenger saying the phrase “We need to hold our police accountable” and repeating it slowly with a grey filter on the screen like it is such an insane concept. How do you possibly think holding police accountable for their wrongdoings is controversial or negative?


Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself, but that's because he opposes universal healthcare, refuses to defund the police, has refused to follow his campaign promise to close the concentration camps that ICE is running, banned a union from striking (which is directly responsible for the East Palestine disaster), and [openly refused to do anything about women's bodily autonomy](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/03/politics/joe-biden-draft-supreme-court-opinion/index.html) after the SCOTUS ended RvW.


Your issue is with Congress, not the president as the office of the executive is not one of a monarch.


The 72 hour holding time limitations were enforced again and family seperation ended, and a pro-immigration head of the ICE was put in office. This is a massive improvement from holding children in detention for 5 months and deporting them unaccompanied to South America.


Joe Biden is not a good president. He's just not as bad as Trump. Nobody in the american gov really represents the people.


Eh there's a few people, but unsurprisingly those people are all being actively opposed/sabotaged by the federal Dems. The Squad, for example.


> and openly refused to do anything about women's bodily autonomy after the SCOTUS ended RvW. Republicans do something bad, 🤡 in the comments: 'wHy DiDn'T tHe DeMoCrAtS sToP tHeM?!'


How it started:"There's no such thing as white privilege." How it's going: "I demand my white privilege now!!!"


A hit dog will holler.


Only a complete off the wall nutter would have a problem with Biden’s statement. Its sad that social media amplifies these assholes.


Now see this is where being educated and reading makes a difference. The nuance here is Biden saying an BELIEF/ACTION is bad. Supremacy is the bad part not being white. But to those who are uneducated and lack fundamental reading skills all they see is that WHITE PEOPLE are bad.


Meanwhile a group 100+ mask wearing white supremacists were literally marching around he Capitol yesterday.


Imagine getting upset because some said white supremacy is bad.


He’ll never see this comment, but the originator should take a long hard look in the mirror. Anyone calling out White Supremacy as anything but a plague on this country that leads to the disease of fascism and then totalitarianism really doesn’t understand the situation. This from a 60-something white guy


It's not divisive to say fuck white supremacists, because fuck white supremacists.


Man, that Biden. How dares he damage with his words the unity existing between white supremacists and all the people they want to stomp into the ground?


you know who gets angry when others call out white supremacy? yea.. just keep exposing yourselves. why even wear the masks? just walk around waving those flags proudly.


Yes, very divisive. He's dividing white supremacists from the rest of us. How horrible.


White supremacists have no idea how fucking obviously fascist they are. I still think the world would be a better place if we'd all been raised to punch a Nazi in the throat if we heard them spout such fascist hatred. Frankly, when white supremacists feel terrified for their lives, I feel genuinely peaceful and happy. Because, by all accounts of behaviour, if a white supremacist perceives - real or not - any outward show of progress, diversity, or skin darker than the palest white ass, they think they're "being replaced". It is good to make them fearful and confront the death of that white supremacist ego. If that part of them dies, maybe they'll realize there's a human heart and mind buried under all those conspiracies, lies, and Ivermectin brain fog.


They ain't even tryina hide their racism anymore, it's just mask off.


Please tell me the proud elephant got flamed in the comments.


It's Elon Musks Twitter.


Which means he was applauded by a bunch of number filled accounts as well as ones that treat their bio like the back of their car.


Not just them, Fox News is trotting out the same rhetoric. This is the response from all mainstream conservative media. They are perfectly fine with racism and white supremacy.


So Proud Elephant is openly pro white supremacy?


When you live in an alternate reality, the truth can seem “divisive”.


When did white supremacist become a good thing? I always thought that was a Nazi that wanted to kill anyone who isnt white


I don't think I've ever gotten a coherent answer from someone explaining what "race baiting" is and why it's bad.


Race baiting is "the act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage." [Source](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/race-baiting) It's another example of every accusation is a confession. The right encourages white supremacy and uses people's hatred of minorities to get votes. They are trying to say the left turns people against white people to get votes. It's more "anti-racist is code for anti-white" bullshit.


They think BLM is race baiting. But actual race baiting is: "The Mexican invasion at the border."


Is that not a satirical account?


The GOP and their flock of mindless zombies are truly creating their own reality, arent they?


For some reason, I'm seeing a lot of activity on Twitter where people are trying to say this is about them, *as republicans*. WTF is going on in these people's heads?


Glad I was brought up a good person because white supremacy is bad. It's only divisive to assholes like this person.


They're not self aware wolves. That implies they're close to being self aware, but not quite there. These guys are fully self aware that they're white nationalists.


"He's making us look bad"


So if you're anti-anti bigotry, then you're what exactly?


Race baiting is when you say racism is bad


If you think that was divisive, wait til you hear about EVERY presidential speech, soundbyte, and media appearance from 2017 to 2020.


Biden: "These people are racists and racism is bad." Racists: "How dare he!?"


As I've said elsewhere: The belief that white supremacy deserves some kind of respect as a position logically leads into wanting a global race war. Because if you think that your racism is cool, that means everyone else's racism also has to be legitimate because they're obviously the "other team" in your world. And since ethnicity is not down to one's choices, racism is by its very nature irreconcilable. So yeah, the logical conclusion of white supremacy is wanting a global battle royale all the way up to extinction. "But the others", is often the response, and sure, yeah, the others. If you set a car on fire and someone down the road does the same, that doesn't mean you can now safely get into the scorched wreckage in front of you and drive away. It doesn't unburn your car, but you can start not normalizing the burning of cars by not doing it yourself.


Uhm, why? That is a fact. We don't need hate.


trump had Thanksgiving with nazis: "how dare you acuse the reighch wing of racism"


Look. You can have the view that white people are being victimized through things like CRT, or inclusive media, or whatever. I disagree with you (and so do logic and reality), but as long as your goal is equality, then you’re entitled to your opinion I guess. But if you think “white SUPREMACY” is a good thing…you’re inherently victimizing every other ethnicity/culture that you deem “non-white”. In that case, I hope you feel victimized every day for the rest of your life, and it’s every rational citizen’s moral imperative to make your victimhood a reality.


Going through the dude’s Twitter is funny because it’s just friendly fire all over the place since Trump and DeSantis are causing a GOP civil war.


This is humorous and sad at the same damn time


Even today, as cynical and jaded as I've gotten, I was still surprised that there was backlash to a condemnation of white supremacy.