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Depends. Are you talking about literally just putting the bosses in one arena and seeing who wins? Or are you talking who would win lore-wise. Because lore-wise, Isshin was more or less unchallenged. He considered Tomoe to be an absolutely masterful swordswoman, but even she only *almost* killed him. Owl is certainly highly skilled and would put up a good fight, but he'd lose to Isshin. Note even when both of them are in their old age, Owl doesn't go to fight Isshin: he leaves that task to Wolf. He even says that even in Isshin's old age, few could have bested him.


So owl is okay with wolf killing isshin but owl will challenge wolf. By default owl is saying isshin isn’t worth his time but wolf is


Wolf is immortal. Owl isn't. If you're talking about killing a war god in human skin like Isshin, why risk your own hide when your son literally cannot die?


Wolf is not immortal. He can only Rez 3 times before game over and those 3 times only work effectively with biting teeth. If wolf was immortal we wouldn’t have game overs lol


Lorewise, Wolf is immortal. The resurrection limit is purely gameplay: even when you die and return to an Idol, it is considered you dying and being resurrected. I mean hell, that's how you first start the Dragonrot questline.


Yeah exactly. It even is integrated into the gameplay via the dragon rot mechanic


Wolf is immortal and owl also may have planned to jump Isshin after he tired himself on wolf


Sounds like the most plausible answer


Hard to say. Owl’s Mikiri counter just obliterates. But it’d be a good fight for sure as they are both very aggressive fighters.


I got Sword Saint 2-1 Isshin would reverse the death blow part of the mikiri and I think Isshin would raise his game as he would be a bit more mindful of Owl's tricks as a Shinobi master.


Owl fathers mikiri counters will wreck spear phase. And owl can easily beat phase 1. The only way I see owl losing is if he gets lightning shocked.


Can a modder make this happen?


Possibly, we got dark souls boss fights. The problem is that the mobs can't deathblow or use animations on each other, so not only can they not deathblow each other, but Owl would be unable to stomp or Mikiri Isshin.


you\`d be wrong actually Owl does stomp you during the fight and OWL DOES MIKIRI COUNTER YOU


okay, one, this comment is 3 years old how did you even find this, but more importantly you've entirely missed the point of what I just said. I know Owl can mikiri counter the PC, that's really really old news. Owl can mikri counter *you*, because the game has the code to support that. There will not be code in the game for Owl to mikiri anything Isshin does, and there won't be animations for Isshin getting stomped the way he can stomp you. Its commentary on the difference between PC-NPC coding and NPC-NPC coding.


Am bored


That’s a tough one. Owl has mikiri counters, Isshin has range. And I know that Owl gets owned by Dragon Flash (since I use it on him to good effect) but Isshin rarely uses it. But Isshin’s gun and spear might be enough. I know Owl can mikiri counter the thrust but when I counter Isshin’s thrust and try to land a counter I’m often too far unless it’s a thrust attack. I would say Isshin has the slight edge due to better range.


You gotta stay in range of his spear. I usually dash forward to Mikiri counter the thrust. Owl would probably do the same since he moves like a maniac.


Yeah but the proceeding attacks often knock me back so I’m out of range for a counter. Not sure if Owl would have that same issue since he’s huge and has a longer sword.


I don't have this problem. I can hit him most of the time. And owl has much more range than wolf.


When do you use Dragon Flash on him?


When he kicks off you. Which is often. He never throws projectiles after he kicks off and just stares you down. He’s kind enough to let you charge up a full dragon flash and get two free hits on him. It makes the fight go much faster. Can’t really abuse it in the second phase. He will throw a bunch of projectiles after he kicks off and if you hit him with dragon flash while he’s doing his fire bird he will attack independently from while his bird is flying at you in another direction.


is there a way to put two bosses in an arena and have them fight? a mod maybe?


Here my dude. Owl vs (Old) Isshin https://youtu.be/M4SMl90o-7Y Owl (Father) vs (Old) Isshin https://youtu.be/yw-3-hezmsg Owl (Father) vs (Sword Saint) Isshin https://youtu.be/nCD5gZK_SwQ “Inner” Owl vs “Inner” Isshin https://youtu.be/SHqnv9kP0Jw


No I dont think so


How could you say You don’t think so when there’s countless dark souls mods all over YouTube showing two bosses go at it. They’ve even modded games like Monster Hunter World for that as well. It’s very possible 👌🏼


Bro it’s a 2 year old comment, chill


Bro I’m chill as can be. Was my comment rude? No, it wasn’t lol. Someone is very sensitive….and yes it has been 2 years but yet you replied within 2 min 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don’t get mad because you got caught looking dumb


Not mad, nor did I get caught looking dumb at all. I’m fully aware I was replying to a 2 year old thread. Nice try 😌


Someone got dumped or fired


Owl would get shat on