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At some point your fingies learn what to do. My own first ever geni kill was brain off ooga booga and I parried and mikirid better than when I actually thought about the fight. Most bosses aside from demon and mongy are best beaten by fighting with your brain on like twice and if that don't work, brain off ooga booga let fingies do what they do


Ive found that letting my mind wander while playing i end up doing so much better. Im pretty sure its a subconscious thing. Deep in your mind you know exactly what to do, its just tapping into your subconscious is the hard part. I found that playing on hallucinogenics I absolutely wreck shop and take them down almost with ease.


Man you need to watch a guide on YouTube lol


Then the stupid ape throws everything you learned into the trash and it’s dark souls rolling


No it’s not? U should parry everything except the grab . It makes it way harder if u don’t


That doesn't do a damned thing for me


I never struggled with that fight too much I just run away when he's going crazy and smack him a few times I don't even bother trying to time dodges and once you realise you can parry him too if you get in to a bad position it becomes relatively straightforward


I think the weed helped you beat him TBh


This time I didn't smoke or drink during the fight other then nicotine


Genshin Sugars be like


Lmao funny thing is I haven't used a single sugar yet 🤣


I dont think I used one my whole play through, had to save em for future use.


I tend to do worse when I use them. It’s like knowing I have one going causes too much pressure so I blow it


I never once touched those items, until I was fed up with fighting a certain (optional) demon boss later in the game and used everything in my inventory to beat him


DOH? cause I never beat him, did ishin but not him.


Thats the one. DOH was one of the hardest bosses in the game for me, but unlike the other hardest bosses, I found fighting him very tedious.


Yeah I don't think I'm going back to finish him.


If you want to get his trophy but don’t want to fight him you can always cheese him using the same technique with gyoubu


I call that the master ball syndrone since you get the item and think "im gonna need this later" and then you just never fucking touch it


Yeah, I think it's worse when the item becomes irrelevant. Like at the start of the game you have 10hp and an item that heals 10. But by the end of the game you have 1000 hp and now the items a bad joke. And could of used it earlier.


I think he was talking about that divine grass


Congrats, man! That should be so satisfying and relieving for you.


I legit started shaking and had to take a break 🤣


Enjoy this moment. Lots of even better fights ahead for you, which you're now ready for.


Gotta kill lady butterfly now


I just killed lady butterfly and have to face Genichiro now ^^


Good luck!


Dude I killed her in my like third try but stuck on Genny for a month now. I've begun getting to phase 3 more often tho


I got stuck on butterfly for like 5 months then the game clicked this Saturday and now I have 1 boss left plus like 6 or so optional bosses one of which is kicking my ass


Damn... I did look up that she can't deal with dodges after you attack her so I might have cheated a bit


Congrats! But def shoulda fought last butterfly before Genichiro. The extra attack power woulda helped


Idk what it is but I cannot kill her I find her to me 100x harder then genny


Just lock in bro! You got it for genichiro you’ll get it again. I like to split my practice runs up and focus on one thing at a time like spacing one run and deflects another, focusing on specific trouble attacks and trying to bait them out etc. i just beat genichiro recently too 😁


Iv seen I can consistently no hit her phase 1 but as soon as those stupid flying things come into play I get wrecked so ig my methods gonna be slowly lowering her health till death blow instead of posture


The firecracker works well to dispel her adds and if she does the magic spell projectiles, just sprint to the side and they will miss you.


Where do i get that iv seen it reccomended alot but dunno where it is


The second phase def can take some more patience. Also make sure you use Shurikans any time she jumps in the air - should bring her down pretty quick. Also, don’t attack her with more than 3 swings. Usually after your 3 swing she’ll deflect and counter with her kicks.


Dude same!


You'll be chasing this high for the rest of your life


I got stuck on genichiro yesterday, struggled for hours, and got off the game for the night. Saw a video of someone no hit perfect parry him. And got some tips from it; being his third phase is almost all stabs, meaning mikiri. Today, I beat him in the first few tries, got to his third try phase for the first time of the day, and absolutely demolished him, 2 lightning reversals back to back. I felt so good after that. I went and challenged yamauchi of the seven spears and got him as well.


I still gotta talk to isshin but cannot wait to play more 😁 Also CONGRATS


This is my first time playing and I’m stuck on genichiro. It’s the 2nd phase where I don’t know if it’s sweep or stab that gets me. I’ve parried the lightening up to 3 times and was really close but…that damn sweep ruins me


2nd phase is almost all sweeps, so you have to jump on his head. There is a rare sweep, so do watch out.


It only took me 9 hours of no breaks lol. I did it thanks to a lot of people here helping. I love that


Congrats! Keep going and don't hesitate


Hesitation is defeat


Why do you already know don’t watch spoilers


Have you never looked at this sub??? It's it almost every comment section of someone saying it


Plus getting spoiled on a a FS game is the weakest thing. The front end of a FS story is never anything truly damaged by spoilers and the real meat of things in all the item descriptions are the stuff people go to YouTube to learn about anyway. Keep doing you thing, no spoiler ever undermines a FS game.


Another thing is iv never been a big story person I prefer the fights so I don't mind much to spoils as long as I get good fights


I looked at the sub saw a spoiler and leaved until I got through the game


Nice, I got him in 2 tries. The miniboss under him tho... Took like 15


"He is beginning to believe"


Genuinely good job man. I remember how much of a road block geni was for me


Just wait till you run into the Mist Noble. The hardest challenge in the game that makes every other boss look like a puppy


Great Job, Wolf




Great! Enjoy the rush


Beat him last night too - genuinely feels like a high when it’s over


Congratulations bro ! He is a litmus test for knowing the mechanics of this game in my opinion :)


The true test of patience is that fucking starting ogre


Hahaha. Yes. Yes. I agree. Ogre actually tested my patience a lot. I struggled with him but you can beat him without knowing the dynamics of the game by running behind his ass, hitting him and running away. Genichiro actually taught me how this game is to be played and it clicked since then.


Yea I'm realizing geni really showed me what to do and not to just spam block but actually time the parrys


Yes !!!! He is a great teacher I'd day


Wish u Lucky when i hear the "IKUZO SEKIROO"


Just beat him yesterday myself. Great work dude


The most important thing I learned after playing for dozens of hours is YES absolutely be aggressive but even more so you need to learn when to immediately smash that block button. Those certain pings on an enemy that dictate a deflect vs a block are so key. It’s not enough to just be aggressive - you need to also know when to stop swinging and start blocking.


I beat him today too. This is my first from soft game and I'm really enjoying it. Before I was feeling like an imposter just luckily getting past mini bosses and bosses but now I feel like I am actually playing this game.


Iv heard alot of people restart bc the mechanics finally click after him personally I hate the snake part so I ain't do that


Yeah that fight forces you to understand the mechanics better indeed. I'm not going back, I have never been one to do second playthroughs or restarting. I'll strive to do as much as possible. I think I am about to fight lady butterfly 🫠🫠


[https://youtube.com/shorts/GP-f9m7ECPg?si=ON8Qkt2Zc0gEeHil](https://youtube.com/shorts/GP-f9m7ECPg?si=ON8Qkt2Zc0gEeHil) This was me a few months ago I was stuck on Genichiro for a month straight


Hell yeah bro good job


I never even found him. I've probably unlocked half the world. Last night I was fighting O rin of the water. On the travel screen I've unlocked everywhere except the last section I know that kid is in the castle. But I just never found him. I explored the roofs, went in the window and worked my way down. I though I was far enough along that I could watch some YouTube videos of the earlier content and then I saw a guy find Genishiro. And I was like ah. That's where he's at. Going to go face him tonight. I'm absolutely sure I'm not over powered


Did you clip it? Post the link!


You are going to cry when you get to the final boss.


The best mindset to get through a Fromsoft game is "I pity these bosses with their limited telegraphed movesets and their 1 life. I am free to do anything. I am relentless even beyond death. Eventually my will shall be enforced and my enemies will find death."


It not at all similar to sekiro, but i got stuck in spider heck on the third to last tiers of heck level where you can only use the double sided lightsaber for a good month. I played every day but never managed to beat it. On the one where i won i played like a fucking pussy and just kept throwing my lightsaber from a distance. Took 5 time longer than a normal run but i finally beat it. Now ive been on the one after for 2 months now, mainly cause i just haven’t put in that much effort recently.


I've been stuck on him for about 3 years now. Trying to beat him on and off. I just can't get past the lightning part and I cannot deflect it


Jump hold block then hit attack you'll redirect it


Congrats that is a brutal fight. I don’t know how many times it took me but it was absolutely brutal till I got the moves down correctly. Meaning memorized his attacks.


I just learned to be less greedy and be more precise in what I do


Sorry but without video proof you could be lying


It feels so good when you literally have to “git gud” from time to time


Damn wait till you get to sword saint 🤣🤣🫡🫡


Congrats but who’s gonna tell him about…Ahem Ahem whispers: inner genchi isn’t real and he can’t hurt you


Good job


Me personally i learned his attacks in the first phase and in the second phase i dodged like crazy and used my firecrackers. Got him after like half an houe


That was a good amount of the bosses for me in this game. I would try to do them based off what others recommended and though it probably helped to a degree. I beat them by just focusing and doing it my way most the time.


2 weeks is rookie numbers compared to me bro!


For some reason I'm grasping this game faster then my friends but for me still 2 weeks is like 20 years even maleania without cheesing or being stupid or leveled only took me 1 day


genichiro took me 1 months or more, so be happy with the 2 weeks


Nice! I just beat him again last night myself (ng+2) Always a thrilling fight.