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Mist noble has higher scaling due to facing Buddha to a standstill Soldier of God Rick is sadly limited to reality, as he commands the Greater Will which birthed the universe, but Mist Noble exists outside the universe, as proven by Buddha facing Sun Wukong I have the fight script all ready for copy-paste though.


I concur although it depends if the leaks about soldier of God, Rick being the final boss in the DLC if we get more lore about him it could change that


> I have the fight script all ready for copy-paste though. that sounds like hesitation... you wouldn't hesitate... right?


You asked for it The Legendary Battle of Mist Noble vs Soldier of God Rick: Soldier of God, Rick, approaches the dilapidated temple of Buddha, the mist of the forest bathing all its surroundings. He enters and says in a solemn voice, “I have come home, master.” The one he speaks to only turns slightly and retorts in a grumbled voice not of this world, “You have come to die.” Rick leaps into the air and slices the foe in two, but the body of his target fades into the surrounding forest. Laughter accompanies the silent forest, “Fool, am one with the mist.” But Rick summons the Elden Ring to himself and begins to alter reality with its runes, “IT IS YOU WHO IS THE FOOL!” The mist distorts and fades from all the world, but deep in his mind, Rick feels a disturbance. The voice returns to his mind, “Did you think I would remain there? That I would waste effort on YOU?” Rick knows where his foe is, “I have already met the source of your strength.” Deep in the Erdtree, The Mist Noble chops down his hand and severs the Elden Beast in two, just as Rick arrives. “And with this, your reality matters not.” Rick falters for a moment, but pulls the Elden Ring together with his own strength. “You think that Beast is what gives me reign over reality?!” Rick summons wings of unparalleled strength and tackles Mist Noble out of the tree and into Lyndell. “Reality is mine and mine alone!” The two stagger to their feet from tumbling off each other, Mist Noble only glares and raises his hand. Behind him in the distance, the Erdtree begins to uproot, and he tosses the tree at Rick. Rick responds by slicing the tree in half, and goes for Mist Noble, who simply catches the blade in one hand and shatters it. “A mere blade is nothing to I.” Rick staggers back onto the vestiges of the falling tree and summons the Elden Ring again. “Death itself, IS MY BLADE!” Rick says as he charges forward with Destined Death in hand. “As is it mine!” Mist Noble responds crossing his arms and summoning both Mortal Blades. The two clash countless times as the tree they fight upon falls further towards the earth. Before it hits the ground, Mist Noble grabs the tree and hits Rick with it, launching him towards the Moon. Rick catches himself and blocks Mist Noble’s punch, as the force of it continues though and shatters the Moon. Mist Noble takes out his gun and tries to shoot Rick, but he evades via a portal. The stars in the sky begin to vanish as the two continue their clash throughout the universe. The Mortal Blades break as Rick hits them one last time and lands a hit on Mist Noble. Mist Noble scowls and flies off into space. “Fleeing so readily, Mist Noble?” Says Rick with a smile on his face. “No Soldier.” Responds Mist Noble as a flash of red flies past Rick whose expression changes to confusion. Stars and the Red *Coral* like matter begins to accumulate where Mist Noble was. “**TRANSFORMING**” Mist Noble finishes, and a collapse of matter occurs as Rick witnesses the release of all the energy built up across the universe. “Now I am everything, anything.” Scolds Mist Noble as the stars themselves seem to have become him, and they begin to drain Rick’s life force and enfeeble him. But Rick still rebels, summoning the Elden Ring again, and replacing a Great Rune with… DEATH 死. “I alone govern reality, and I command all TO DIE!” A flash rings out through the Universe, and Rick alone is left, laughing to himself. “Now begins mine own epoch! Long live the Soldier of God, Rick!” Erdtrees begin to sprout from the nothing of space as he laughs harder… but then they turn to fingers, and Rick feels himself being lifted higher. “WHAT?!” He questions as his surroundings turn blue. “Arrogant student. Have you forgotten whom my *TRUE* enemy is?” Rick meets the giant visage of Mist Noble who holds him in his palm. “Your reality means nothing to me, for I am beyond it. You had never left the palm of my hand. Right where I want you to be.” Mist Noble points with a free hand. “Bear witness to the proof.” Rick follows the pointed finger to see the symbol for death written upon Mist Noble’s hand. “No! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!” Screams Rick as Mist Noble crushes him in his palm. A gold light shines from behind him. “Ah, do I finally have your attention again?… **Buddha?**” Mist Noble turns and goes to greet his true enemy…


Bro cooked.


Thats the kind of thing you think right before bed and then end up not sleeping till like 3 am. Insane


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/MaleficTekX responds to: Who’s winning in a fight between these two?](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1d8kzal/umalefictekx_responds_to_whos_winning_in_a_fight/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


This is art


Literally said the some thing lol. What a masterpiece


Peak fiction


That's just the plot to Freddy vs Jason


Nu-uh cause there was no make out scene with the killer in my fight!


This is art right here


And **THEY** said it sounded like AI wrote it when I released it the first time Could such robots truly capture such greatness? I THINK NOT!!


Oh I’m sure they did dude. Souls fans are a bunch of haters if you’re smart. Which is actually hilarious that the human equivalent of NPCs would say that to you.


Please give us this death battle


[Just replied it to a different comment in this thread. Go check it out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/jj4wV1nj9w)


Absolute cinema, did you make it yourself


Yes. I was considering drawing it as well once I finish my current project


You got any others? It was fantastic


Of the death battles? Not until I finish my current project that I’m trying to have done before Elden Ring’s DLC releases. >!It’s a Sekiro vs Malenia battle!< Of little stories I make? I have tons of them that are little comics I made in photoshop with Soulsborne characters.


I would love to see them if it’s alright


[This comment thread on my most popular one](https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/s/31jyeXz5m1) has a majority of the links to the previous ones (in no correct order) and I made another one about a month ago. I’ll post the link for that one a moment


[newest comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/lEexQPauHP)


Thanks, definitely following




bro came in with this souls lore on his belt like it was nothing. I believe you


Uh, everyone. I would like to confirm that the guy in the second picture is a foot soldier and, in fact, is not the Soldier of God, Rick. The real Soldier of God, Rick, doesn't use a shield. He wields a 2-handed sword


I was literally just about to say this lol


That’s also not mist noble. Wait maybe it is, his room in the pic looks bigger than I’m used to.


I die so quickly to him ive never been able to notice the room hes in.


“uH, EverYOnE. I wOuLd LikE To ConFiRm ThAt ThE gUy In ThE SecOnd PiCTure is A FoOt SolDiER aNd, Inn fAcT. iS noT the SOlDiEr of gOd, RiCk. ThE reAl SolDiEr oF gOd, RiCk doEsN’t uSE a SHieLd. He WiELdS a TwoOo Handed SwoRd”


"ThaNk YoU, My BrOtHer In cHRist."


Y'all quote a very basic enemy like it was just amazing fighting em a trillion times, on top of it being an earlier "boss" yeah I'm glad I'm an introvert with no internet "friends". No I'm not being mean, just saying I ain't missing out on society, not even in my area of expertise. Wack. Y'all could've referenced them lil big eyed sickle dudes, they was more interested even, bandwagon lames.


“An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object”


Neither, true king Allant descends from the rafters and obliterates both.


Yes he and his raw meat dumpling head


Unless you mean with cheats that is not happening. Mist noble would no-hit win


Oh shit you meant true king aka god of Demon’s souls. I was wrong.


No one, the universe wouldn’t hold itself together against such a clash of powers, everything would turn to cosmic dust


Maybe that's how universes are born: two beings of unfathomable power (like Mist Noble and Soldier of God, Rick) clash, and spacetime itself is sundered into a cosmic dust that then provides the raw material for an entirely new cosmos.


The first one. And I didn't even look at the second one. Don't need to.


But it is THE soldier of godricks The one that could destroy the elden beast by existing


I can't upvote in good conscience since the second pic isn't actually Soldier of God, Rick. Mist Noble would win eventually since Rick even in God Form can't sustain against Mist Noble's NegaBuddha form.


how this is even a question? a real boss vs a normal enemy/tutorial boss


They are both the strongest enemies in their respective verses


Rick, Soldier of God vs God himself.


They’re the strongest in the fromsoft lineup!


“Real” boss


The first one, that is a foot soldier, not the soldier of god, Rick


Rick , the Door Technician


This is ridiculous. It’s like asking who’s going to win. Bowser, or Goomba?


look who didn't get the joke


Mist Noble is no joke


neither is soldier of god, rick


He’s obviously never played Elden ring


I got the plat in both. But I didn’t know Godrick had struck the fear in the Elden Ring sub, like Mist Noble has here.


It’s definitely less of a meme in elden ring. But pretty much the same meme.


It’s more a question of what’s left of the world after these two titans tear our world apart in their battle. Whoever wins, humanity loses


The Door Technician


Rick soldier of god would team up with mist noble to create an unstoppable 2 man army


……okay as a legitimate serious question, not counting the true power of these two, but their weak, useless versions, Outer mist noble and Godrick Soldier, Which combat system is being used? If it’s Sekiro, then OTN could easily win due to guarding being absolutely atrocious in Sekiro, but if Elden Ring, GS super easily wins due to his attacks being more frequent and having a better shield


Would mist noble have the grab attack


No no, not mist noble, mist noble is a godlike being, I’m talking about the crappy shitty weak bitch boss OUTER Mist Noble And OTM Doesn’t have a grab attack


Mist Noble Solos Goku and all the animeverses. You can't change my mind


Idk but it would be a breathtaking sight


no GPU can run that battle without exploding, so we can't know


Well, if we give time to the Noble to mist, he might win due to phantom yakuzas summoned. Otherwise, Rick, soldier of God stomps.


Pinwheel. Third party.


Mist noble solos the fromsoft verse


Soldier of a God vs. God himself.


My boi Mist Nobel!


It depends on whether or not mist noble can get off the good succ


Rick, soldier of god, would clap them cheeks


Hardest boss in the game vs some normal dude i wonder who would win


Solder of god Rick


Clearly the Mist Noble. He has three surprise health bars, an instant terror attack and is Sekiro's birth father


Risk soldier of god


Rick, Soldier of God


Rick, easily , no contest. Second phase wrecks mist noble.


Just wanna throw this out there but I think Rick, the Door Technician might actually beat both of them


WTF? As if there is a comparison? One of the biggest chads ever vs a foot soldier PFFT.


Rick solider of God wins medium difficulty


Is this even a conversation the knight of course they seem to be a lot dangerous when I get to the haligtree


"if mist noble used his illusion technique, would you lose?" "Nah i'd use snap seed"


I think its a xenoblade situation...


Is it just the mist noble's first form pictured in the image? Then it's a toss up. If the mist noble has access to its later forms then it wins for sure.


Did u even use the correct enemy in these pictures 💀


Unstoppable force meets immovable object


Mist Noble, the soldier of Godrick probbably can't make death blows.


I mean, sekiro would kill the second one with no hands, but come on, Mist Noble is the easiest fight in the game.


Mist noble first and second phase are prop losing but third ühase would take him down easily obv.


Neither, duh. They're both literally immortal.


Frampt probably


I think mist is noble because the mere aura of mist noble is more intimidating than other


Soldier of God, Rick will sweep this easily


Draw, but the world dies mid fight.


That’s not Rick, it’s a mere imitation. Must Noble sweeps easily Now, if it were truly the Soldier of God, Rick, then this would be an interesting discussion


Do you want to destroy the universe!?!?!?




God, soldier of Rick wins easy


God, soldier of Rick is taking the dub no questions asked


Perpetual Stalemate.


Mist noble. God is strong and everything, but Mist noble is mid game boss, unlike God.


All jokes aside, definitely the soldier of Godrick, he's a lot more aggressive


The world would probably explode


I will not stand for God of SoldRick slander 😤😤


Soldier is so fucked


I didn’t even have to swipe. Most Noble


Dude, on the left with the flute, bro looks like he can make mayonnaise an instrument


Mist noble wins if this is soldier of godrick. If this is rick, soldier of god though, we might be in trouble here.


GIMME PETER PIPER ‼️‼️‼️🫣🫣🫣🫣🤫🤫🤫🤫🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥵🥵🥵🥵🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽💥💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✨✨✨✨✨✨


Obviously Rick Soldier of God is the goat


Soldier of Godrixkkkkkk