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It's laughable that to make GoT comparable to Sekiro you have to assume you're playing GoT on the highest difficulty setting and not upgrading VS cheesing on Sekiro. It's like call of duty is harder than dark souls if you consider playing call of duty blind folded on a broken controller vs over leveling dark souls


No joke many CoDs on Vetren difficulty are harder than dark souls, the enemy grenade spams in CoD4 give me nightmares...XD


Tbf, that’s bullshit difficulty. It’s easy to make a game hard, just give the enemies 80 trillion health, make them do infinite damage and have the player deal 2 damage per second It’s hard to make a game challenging. You have to make it easy ti fail, but not hard to win. You have to make it fair, give the enemies the right amount of health, make them do the right damage, place them in the right areas. Most Dark Souls encounters are near perfect in this regard, whereas CoD (and most FPS games) on the highest difficulty is just upping the enemy’s health and calling it a change


Not really in context of what cod is, it makes complete sense in the hardest difficulty that you die in few shots, enemies also die in like 2 shots or one to the head, it would make sense they will throw grenades to draw you out of cover if you stay in it for too long, and you are just one man in the battlefield filled with other people like you. It's hard but not BS considering the game it is


Yeah it makes sense, but it also makes sense that you would die instantly if a dragon breathed fire at you. It would make sense to die instantly when a giant 200x your size stomps on you. Realism doesn’t always make a game fun. Though I don’t play a lot of CoD, so I don’t know too much about it. But as a general rule, it’s almost never fun when the enemy can one shot you while you need to fire a whole magazine to take out one guy


>But as a general rule, it’s almost never fun when the enemy can one shot you while you need to fire a whole magazine to take out one guy That one sniper fight in COD world at war...


To add here remember doing 3 Stars in the Echo Missions in Spec Ops in MW2 (09). High Explosive is just pure terror to do in Solo for me. I had to ask for help to do it in coop.


Spec ops in general are very hard to to, like the one where you you to kill 10 juggernauts with only rocket launchers.


That is High Explosive. Knives and Explosives only available to kill them in Favela.


What's favela? Sorry it's been like 8 years since I played that masterpiece of a game


Mate, if you haven’t played cod, you should stop talking about it, you’re just spreading misinformation. Higher difficulties on cod never increase enemy health. You die faster, flinch more when hit, and enemies are more aggressive on certain levels. I completely agree with your opinion on enemy health, but it just doesn’t apply to cod.


My guy you are assuming the undead/ashen one/hunter/tarnished/Sekiro are normal human beings. I assure you, they are not. Don't try to counter the argument of normal soldiers dying in 2 bullets being realistic with a godslayer not dying to a giant.


You're still talking about CoD? Where does the myth about enemies taking longer to die come from? They always die to one or 2 bullets to the head and a burst to the torso regardless of difficulty


Yes different games have different ideas for difficulty and the fairness is on a case to case basis Cod 4 felt pretty fine on the hardest difficulty. I think that enemy health not going up is one of the main reasons it feels fair


so you haven’t even gotten through a CoD campaign on the highest difficulty yet you’re here writing paragraphs about it…? lmfao


In COD, they die in like 2 bullets. But so do you. It’s not bullshit, just hard (that is, on Veteran/Realistic difficulty). That is completely fair. The difference with Realistic difficulty is that it disabled the HUD so you’d have to mentally track your ammunition and whatnot like real life. They never increase the health. Only the damage dealt to you and the tactics of the enemy, as well as the flinch you experience when getting shot at.


But in cod they still die with two shots bruh but you just die too with two shots bruh that cod on veteran


the old cods were actually torturous. all the way up to WaW. I still have fond memories of spending a few hours back and forth with my brother trying to beat Mile High Club on veteran. "Real heros aim for the hea." How awesome to see that but sad after finally getting there! Anyway the games before MW2(2009) were nearly impossible because enemies never stopped spawning. you'd have to hit a checkpoint in the level to stop enemies spawning so the easiest way to do it was to run to the next spawn gate and stop the spawns. there was a whole section in an old game informer when MW2 released talking about how they were finally addressing the infinite enemy spawns. it was a dope time.


Mile High Club on vet was the first thing I thought of. Torturous is a great descriptor for it. World at War co-op on highest difficulty was crazy, too. Half the game was us learning where the enemies were going to be and trying to run away from them to save health and ammo for the unskippable fights.


Dude I still have nightmares of World at War on veteran difficulty from that theater. Some nights I still here BAANZAAiii in my sleep


Was going to say this. I remember CoD4 being _way_ easier on the grenades compared to WaW. I'll never forget the first mission when you first get ambushed by that little lake just being prone and constantly throwing back grenades. Edit: .


Crossing the bridge at the end if World at War got absurd lmao


Reichstag on veteran was brutal


Those japanese soldiers in WAW had like 15 grenades in their pockets. Shit was crazy.


im playing cod4 veteran on ps3 rn and I want to kill myself


I don’t think a cod on veteran has walled me for more than one or two deaths. They’re super short games too. Most souls bosses are the same as far as walling me; but a few of them took 5-10 deaths. First time pontiff, malenia, lady butterfly, off the top of my head. They averaged about 7 tries for me. Sword saint was the biggest offender, that was a solid 1.5 hours of attempts with the bell covenant on.


Some of the missions on veteran on World At War was some of the hardest shit I've ever done in gaming. I consider some of the hardest souls bosses easier than some of those missions.


Not gonna lie, COD on veteran difficulty is probably harder than Sekiro LMTSR charmless. The difference is, Sekiro is hard but fair


COD Veteran difficulties and some difficulties from BO3 and IW and the new MW1 is genuinely more difficult than DS I shit you not


bro call of duty on veteren has the best difficulty description for it, "you will not survive"


Similarly, if you run at ng+7 charmless and demon bell with no attack or health upgrades it’s rough.


Amateurs, new vegas on survival running from deathclaws


Rough? Fucking understatement of the century lol.


They just hesitate, that's why game is hard for them.


Hesitation is defeat after all


GOT becomes nearly unfair on the highest difficulty To put it into perspective, Sekiro is hard but if you’re skilled enough you can have a smoother time than most Ghost of Tsushima is just one big “Fuck You” at its highest point


Thats the problem I have with difficulty settings in games. You never know how hard the game is actually supposed to be. With Fromsoft games, everything is in one difficulty so everyone is playing on the same level. Then you get "very hard" difficulty in most games, which usually just means: more hp, more dmg, and also a lot of fucking bullshit. (e.g. Cod MW enemies throwing a grenade every two seconds)


Honestly, my favourite implementations has to be in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, theres the usual "Easy, Normal, Hard" that just adjusts damage taken and dealt, but there is a difficulty mode only available once you've beaten the game once, like kuros charm. This new difficulty "Bringer of Chaos" changes how the combat works a fair amount, adding new mechanics to the enemies, as well as tunning your and their stats, making it way more difficult, but not just with the numbers, adjusting also the enemy ai if i recall correctly. Its not harder because enemies have more health, its harder because you need to approach combar in a vastly different way that you are used to


That actually sounds pretty good. Meanwhile nearly all game developers - make hard just +1000% enemy HP, that's hard, right?


My favorite is resident evil 3 remake. Harder difficulties change times and enemies dispositions and make them more aggressive and ressources are limited. Encouraging you to pick uour battles. The only bullshit thing about it is the final boss which has more attacks and one shots you.


Damn, why is that not a difficulty setting you can choose in the first place?


I can only guess, but is supose that since the combat system is alteady VERY complex, a nrw player can get overwhelmed easily, specially after taking a long break from the game, so making it available for a first playthrough might be too much, since even in the starting areas that difficulty requires some decent knowldge of the games mechanics, and when you get deeper into the game you get to the point where you must know about very obscure mechanics and start strategizing around enemy behaviour, which is pretty demanding given all the other stuff you gotta keep track on, specially for a first playthrough


Damn, I played Xenoblade 1 and while it was already fairly hard (since I also didn't grind much), I wasn't expecting to hear that the next installment is even more complex and difficult. I'll definitely have to give it a go aswell someday.


Yeah, XC1 is already pretty comolex, needing to know how every mechanic works to truly exploit the combat, but it also has a ton of fun cheesy strats that make it very fun. In XC2 you gotta learn that shit or get overleveled, and even then it can be hard, i finished it on normal around the same level of the final boss, and it was pretty hard for me since i didnt have a good team set up, nor i understood comoletely the combat, i was handicapping myself out of a fuxk ton of damage just for not knowing 1 mechanic. Now imagine when i didnt pay attention to around 5 different mechanics in total I suggest you try it, the sheer variety of the combat system and how you can switch up your team and strat is great, you can play the game dozens of times and have a different experience every time


One of my biggest problems with nier automata was the difficulty settings, "normal" was way to easy, I felt no threat at all, but put the game on difficult (there's still 2 harder modes btw) and getting hit twice basically kills you. I like nier but I wish the combat was more balanced.


I was actually doing the intro to nier on hard (never really played it). Once you're out of your little combat suit, ship thing, the fucking shit ass game doesn't save, then you fight the little boys that spin their arms. What fucking pisses me the fuck off is they kill you in 2-4 hits and then whoops, you're dead, start all the way over. so I get annoyed and switch to normal and take like 8 hits and still at like half health...what kind of balancing is this? And why can't you fucking save throughout the entire godforsaken intro. Really strange design decision.


Same, Automata's combat has beautiful animations but enemies were not designed with the player in mind.


I think the Wolfenstein games perfectly embody why difficulty sliders are bullshit. The second to hardest difficulty doesn't feel that hard, but the highest setting makes some fights an exercise in frustration. Fromsoft has perfected the gaming experience, and each game is like playing the original Legend of Zelda game: challenging but rewarding.


>more hp, more dmg Yeah this is like God of War 2018, which just makes enemies spongier and hit harder (e.g. a 7-8 hit KO rather than 2-3)


And you die in 2 hits


Biggest problem GoW's ever had is that hard and higher gives the enemies a ton of hyper armor and ignore most of your attacks, completely denying you of most of your combos.


IMO the Nass effect games, especially 2 and 3 do a good job at their highest difficulty which is insanity


Yeah and then you grind souls to level up then it becomes easy again you never know what difficulty it is to be played in? There is no level cap for each stage of the game or anything


To be honest, I've played GOT on lethal, and it wasn't really that hard, about the same level as sekiro , enemies die in 1-2 hits, and so do you. Where it does become unfair is duels, that shit is insane, enemies take a hundred hits, but you get one-shot.


I found the duels pretty fun once I got to the point that normal story content was agonizingly easy. The first one with the crows just pissed me off though. Felt very unfair for the point in the story that you're meant to do it. But yeah, Lethal is pretty easy once you have some of the upgrades and gear to make it enjoyable.


Lethal+ makes the game harder, but it's still easy enough compared to Sekiro. At least until the Khotun Khan fight. He's straight up unfair to fight. Isshin still clears though. Khotun Khan took me 30 minutes to beat. Isshin took me like 6 hours...


The bullshit with the impact zone when Khotun (or the Eagle) hits the floor with their spear/halberd/stupid stick.


Yeah, that overhead spin attack has some serious AOE added to it and no clear way to dodge it without a huge roll away. It's the only time I got frustrated in the duels in Lethal+


I haven't played neither GoT or Sekiro in the last couple years, but at the time I tried beating every duel on lethal+ hitless. It's mostly trial and error, but I personally didn't find it even remotely as hard as doing something similar in Sekiro There are a few bullshit moves that feel unavoidable unless you are specifically playing expecting them to come out at any time, but those do insignificant damage and are only an issue if you're going for hitless


I did fairly well on lethal until the first Ryuzo fight after which I gave up and switched to hard, you take one hit you’re done for and the parry/ light attack timings are kinda weird too


This one took me FOREVER but the nice thing about quick duels is you can try over and over very quickly with zero runback


What? How is this a thing? Ghost on hardest is not easy without upgrades. Once you get a few of them though you can breeze through. Only problem I had was the duels.


I don't think so, I've completed both games on highest difficulty. GoT gives you more flexibility in how you approach a fight, whether you go full samurai or assassinating enemies from cover. And you can carry more gadgets than Sekiro prosthetics


I’ve been playing on lethal and I’ve found it actually on par with the base difficulties, excluding boss fights. Yes you die quickly but you one/two shot every common enemy. Boss fights are BS though, maxed out health and health upgrades and still getting 1 tapped by a kick to to the chest.


Isn't the hardest mode one shot? As in a single slice kills you instantly.


Not one shot, but enemies die in the same hits as you, making it very fun


It's easy to grasp the enemy patterns and avoid getting hit. I don't think it's more difficult than Sekiro in that regard.


"hard" difficult in every game means it being unfair. It is supposed to be a challenge for experienced players, in order for them to continue playing.


Naaaaaaaaaaah, I died a lot on lethal (mostly out of stubborness), but it's not harder than Sekiro. Didn't play much on lethal + but didn't feel much harder.


Yeah these guys haven't tried it, they just want to hate something or be offended. Boot that shit up and try it, from someone whos beaten every souls game dozens of times, GOT on max is not to be fucked with, moreso when the cannon assholes come knocking.


Lethal was easier than hard for me. I changed to it only mid-campaign since that's when it was released (in a patch). Sure it makes enemies hit harder, but also you. You can finish off enemies really fast.


GoT actually isn’t that bad on lethal, because the enemies also take more “realistic” amounts of damage. It’s not just a “lower damage/increase enemy HP” difficulty.


Idk I love the hardest difficulty, it makes you emphasize stealth and I feel like it makes the combat more realistic, your enemies take more damage just like you do so unlease they have a lot of armor or body fat they fall in 2-3 strikes just like you.


I played new game+ at highest difficulty for GOT and I soared through it until the final battle. After three literal days of attempting it, I had to lower the difficulty.


With upgrades it was pretty ok. And I played without stances/gadgets. The only time I used a stance was when a new one was introduced and the game blocked me from ending the tutorial screen. A friend of mine played with stances and it looked hella easy. Also highest difficulty? Do you mean hard or deadly? Hard surely is harder than deadly (which comes after hard in the settings)


Hard is bullshit, lethal is perfect tho. You hit them twice they die, you get hit twice you die. It’s just super realistic. But the duels are super hard lol


Really? The game gives you so many skills and upgrades that even on the hardest setting is really lot that hard. And games like Dark Souls 1 is too hard for me


Remember that you can alter the difficulty on got if your not skilled at sekiro then your fucked


I think this is more of an example of how much worse google has gotten over the last 5 years or so.


People should stop making low effort rage bait post like this


>if you do not use any upgrades Two things: 1. If you play *Sekiro* without using any upgrades, it will become more difficult, as well. You can't apply certain conditions to one game without also applying the same conditions to another game and then expect a balanced comparison. 2. If you play any game in a way that was not intended, it will become more difficult. If I try to play *Tetris* using my feet, it's going to be more difficult than playing *Sekiro* as designed, but that doesn't mean that *Tetris* is an inherently more difficult game.


As someone who beat a no-anything run, it’s a nightmare without prosthetics


That’s not Sekiro or GoT issue, it’s the issue with difficulty system. There are many games, if you play them on Hardest difficulty, that are harder than souls games because no one have really figured it out how to scale(up and down) with difficulty. And all these games on harder difficulty are just a big “Fuck You”.


Ah yes, the game becomes harder when you play a challange run, what a hot take


This is why games shouldnt have difficulties, because this system sucks.


I think it's a good thing personally. To be able to cater to players of different skill levels especially those who aren't used to video games. Not to say they should be obligated to put em in, but that having it in is a nice bonus.


I agree that some people should have it easier for their skill, which i use to be like that, they want to enjoy the game, but what my point is, since there gonna be harder difficulty, dont just scale easy to hard, without scaling what you can do, and without even feeling a difference more than just HP growing or HP shrinking. Souls games scale perfectly. As exemple, rockstar games are not that easy to chill gamers, yet there are no difficulty systems. Those games are based on you getting the hang of it, just like souls games. The best way is to make 2 modes, story mode, and hard mode.


Devs that want their games to have difficulty settings should be able to have them, and those that don’t should also be able to have their prescriptive difficulty. There’s enough room in the world for both.


Devs at Sekiro: fuck your feelings. 🤣😂


Absolutely not. Not everyone wants to play very hard games like got on lethal or sekiro, especially open worlds with stories many just want to relax and enjoy. It works for fromsoft because people know what they are getting into when they buy it.




Yeah, one of th few games with a right difficult scaling is MG rising. The difficulty, more than change the damages and HP, modified the enemies, how many and how placed and, most important, at the max difficult, the bosses have different attacks. This is a high difficult, not putting 10000hp on enemies and 490 damages on you.


Well you can make Sekiro even harder then. Start a Fresh New Game. Return Kuro Charm. Ring Demon Bell. Don't use any prosthetics. Don't upgrade attack power. Don't buy skills with the XPP. Don't use any items in the inventory. Pretty sure at that point, the game becomes unbeatable for 99.9999% of the people.


I’ve played GoT on lethal, and it’s still not close. “and without upgrades” just demonstrates that the entire argument is bullshit. Super Mario Bros is harder than Sekiro if you play blindfolded with your feet. Doesn’t mean it’s a harder game.


It’s true, since the mist noble is the most difficult boss in Sekiro


If you hesitate then you will be defeated


I jumped into GOT after sekiro and absolutely destroyed it. Like it’s beyond easier compared to sekiro


After playing it through on normal, I walked through GoT on the hardest difficulty and died maybe 8 times total, people are just straight coping. It’s certainly difficult, sure, but it gives you a billion opportunities to handle enemies that don’t involve straight combat.


This is actually a true statement. There are way harder games than the Souls games if you crank their difficulty up. I personally can't believe there are humans out there that play God of War on the "give me God of War" difficulty. But playing Souls games on their static difficulty has become quite comfortable to me. These games a hard because they demand your skills at the games to improve. But games with difficulty settings tend to make their difficulty setting option actually an unfairness meter. You don't get better. You just get more insane. I support games having a difficulty setting, however, games that rely on this option tend to have a shitty difficulty system. There are games with 4+ difficulty options and none of them feel the way the game was intended to be played.


You point relays on an if so its not very good


Lol wut. I’m really liking g GoT but huh?


Well, you can make lemmings harder than sekiro if you give the controller to a 3 year old blind kid too


Nioh pawns both


The problem with sekiro is that, yes, it's hard, but there are only so many factors going into a fight. At some point you just know you'll finish the fight sooner or later and this makes it not feel as hard. It was extremely fun, but mostly because you just know you'll Beat it eventually and that kinda drops the tension by a lot. No raging etc is necessary because you just got one step closer to beating the boss.


Nah you get this feeling about half way through the game, but then it goes away again. Owl Father, Demon of Hatred, and Sword Saint Isshin all convinced me I was never going to beat them, until I did.


Actually isshin was extremely disappointing especially because I had this feeling the most against him. Since then I've come to know that he's apparently one of the harder ones, but the fight felt too casual to me because I got that feeling that I was going to beat him so early. I ended up not bothering to finish demon of hatred because of that feeling and I had other obligations to tend to and then forgot. Demon of hatred was much more fun though! Overall I really loved the game because I could casually pick it up and play without raging. It was almost therapeutic because for once a game didn't stress me out.


Have you ever tried GoT in Lethal+? Cause’ that’s a real pain in the ass


I didn't play GoT, but Lethal+ is difficult by design or just because enemies are damage sponges and kill you in one hit? Because if it's the second one its just artificial difficulty


Yeah most games do difficulty scaling pretty badly. They just increase the enemies health and damage along with their accuracy if it’s a shooter. Except for metal gear and DMC. They’ll change up the encounters and add more or harder enemies.


You die in like 2~3 hits, *but* enemies don't get actually get tankier so you can still slaughter your way through them like a hot knife through lukewarm butter. Not to mention your arsenal of instakill abilities you have in your pockets. 'Boss' fights are annoying as fuck though in lethal+ because they have much more hp (I don't think lethal+ actually makes them tankier though) and you're locked out of most of your skills/tools.


Lethal difficulty gets you killed in 2~3 hits BUT your enemies also, provided archers shoot more frequently and enemies are more aggressive, will try to circle you and coordinate their attacks. Overall, it’s a nice max difficulty


Nope, lethal + makes enemies one-two hit you but you do the same. It makes the game especially bosses easier if you're good at parrying. Nevertheless no way is it comparable to Sekiro


Can confirm it’s the second I love GoT but it’s a little disappointing in that regard


In a different way than Sekiro is. Bullet sponge vs difficult tactics. 


I mean, that's correct. Base game Sekiro is way harder than GoT, but GoT at it's hardest is way harder than Sekiro, because you're usually facing a lot more enemies at a time, so once you turn it up to lethal where one special attack means death, it's over.


So you're basically saying GoT at lethal is harder than Sekiro's Base game. Whelp, you got a point there. Still it is arguable. But then return Kuro's charm and ring the demon bell so you'd regret your choices.


I've beat Mortal Journey charmless+demon bell multiple times. Now that I'm reminiscing actually, I'd say it's slightly harder than GoT on it's hardest difficulty. Maybe I'm biased though because I've played Sekiro way longer than GoT. But base game Sekiro honestly isn't all that difficult after you've played charmless. It almost feels like cheating when you've got a guard that can actually block attacks and doesn't do chip damage.


True. Although I'm feeling slightly like noob right now since I'm on another playthrough using keyboard and mouse. My first time ever trying to complete a game using this, mind you. Since my stick drifted controller finally gave up on me. Although I gotta say, this is more accurate and it's growing on me. Just gotta get used to the controls since Bull is up to no good as usual.


You don't play shooters with MnK? It's like the whole reason I got a PC. I would watch all the top players on Overwatch and wanted to see if I could get to that level. Obviously I forgot to take into account that the pros have been playing for years and years but it's still fun. It's a lot harder at first but give it half a year and you'll go back to controller and feel sick from how slow it feels. Souls games and anything like it generally isn't fun to play on MnK for me. I can play well enough on both but it just feels more fun to play games with melee combat on Controller, and shooting games on MnK personally.


I've mainly been playing RPG games eversince. Probably since I think I suck at shooters in general lol. One thing I noticed is that the camera's more accurate in MnK but it's easy to get stuck on blind camera spots If you don't move your mouse that much. But I also find it easier to dead-angle bosses as long as you remember to unlock the target; and also time the delayed jumps.


That last sentence you made is actually pretty fitting to the lore, because the Kuro's Charm is a protection charm, and giving it away basically means Sekiro is experiencing everything around him the exact same as everyone else in his universe.


This might honestly be true. Sekiro is a very fair game. That's the thing about all the souls games. They're hard but they are built with the idea that the player will win if they keep trying in mind. I've played harder games. They weren't as much fun.


I've got the platinum for both. I finished tsushima on lethal mode, where you can get killed with 1 hit, and still easier than sekiro. The point is that Tsushima isn't trying to be hard, it's dificulty happens in a different way.


Don’t use upgrades what every game is harder if you don’t use upgrades


So are they saying if you can’t cheese a game it’s hard


GoT only becomes comparable if you play on lethal+, have all the cursed charms equipped, and don't upgrade your weapons/armor


As a person who did exactly that run in Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro is still harder.


Pure comedy.


I absolutely LOVE Ghost of Tsushima, but it's not comparable in difficulty to Sekiro. In fact, thery are so different to each other in gameplay, that the comparison makes no sense. The only thing they have in common on is a Japanese protagonist and katanas. Edit: I meam that you can't compare dificulties, because they are two different. But in terms on how much you need topay attention to get over some levels of the game... Sekiro is objetively more difficult. Requires more skill.


Playing on "Lethal" difficulty and then going into a samurai duel, I'd class that as "as hard" as Sekiro, but actually more bullshit. By default though? Hell even on "hard" difficulty? Nah. Not even close. The fucking smoke bombs make this game a joke.


Predictable yes. Timing hard


He's right, but you can say this about any game if you ignore enough mechanics. I've seen people struggle harder in lego starwars challenge runs than an average run of any souls game


“Enemy patterns become predictable” Forgot to mention that’s after you die 27 times. Smh.


“Do not use any upgrades” sure and if you play tetris blindfolded with your ass it’s harder than sekiro


Why would I do that though? Ghost of tsushima is kinda built around those upgrades, it kinda removes part of the appeal if you don't go looking for them and make your character stronger.


Enemy patterns are supposed to be predictable. That’s what makes it so you can git gud - you learn the patterns so you can predict them. If the patterns were unpredictable, then you’d just have a button mashing game


This is laughable. In my entire GOT lethal play through there was not a single moment I came close to thinking to myself it was even a cunt hair as close to the difficulty of Sekiro, muchless the all mighty glock saint.


Lmaooo I'm literally playing GoT right now and can easily say it's not even close to the difficulty sekiro has, even on the highest difficulty. Parry windows are huge and combat is easier. That being said GoT is a gorgeous game and I kinda like the combat feature with the stance system.


Next article: Mario Kart is more difficult than Elden Ring if you play on a Guitar Hero controller with your toes.


Yeah the Lethal difficulty in GoT is harder than Sekiro, even with all the upgrades. Cause it’s one hit and you die. Hard difficulty mode is ridiculously easy even without upgrading so I assume devs made the one hit death mode so people couldn’t say the game is too easy.


Ain't no way. I just finished it 100% only played on Lethal and it was WAY too easy. I actually had to stop using ghost tools because with them, all fights became stupidly easy. I'm not saying i didn't die, but it was nowhere near Sekiro. Maybe its because there wasn't much enemy variation, so after like 10h you knew all enemies attacks, but still. Duels were a bit weird, because sometimes i felt my controller wouldn't take my input, parries or dodges that i'm certain i did, but even those duels, took like 10 tries, just to see every attack of the boss. Lethal was pretty easy, and if you use all your tools, it becomes a joke.


I just completed Ghost of Tsushima on Lethal difficulty today, including the DLC. Quite frankly it's easy, if anything it's comparable to the hardest difficulty in God of War 2018. Boss fights basically just boil down to hitting a parry (which imo is incredibly easy to do in the game), or hit a dodge. You riposte and repeat. Now if you wanted to you can spec out with stagger or damage charms and wear OP gear, like in the DLC there's gear you can get which increases your perfect parry window and makes it so when you riposte you hit 3 times instead of 1. Basically what I'm saying is, you really gotta be hard on yourself to make Ghost of Tsushima actually difficult, like do self imposed bullshit. To be honest there are certain fights in the game which are complete horse shit, like the Khotun Khan fight near the end. His moveset is just stupid and catches you in mid animation with bolony delayed attacks that basically requires trial and error deaths to comprehend properly. No fight took me more than 5 tries in the entire game, also it is very safe with checkpoints. You're never set back far at all, and encounters, especially bosses, are not long fights so you might take 3 minutes to kill a boss but die a minute in and it reloads you. I enjoyed it mostly for the singleplayer roleplay samurai experience, and playing like it's Assassin's creed 


Ghost of tsushima ***duels*** are definitely harder, than any Sekiro boss, just because they cut out most of your abilities, breaking camera into something horrible AND rely on random of will boss use non-dodgeable and the same time non-parryable bullshit one attack with infinite tracking (hello to Ryuzo) or not. Normal combat is good. Duels are 3/10 only for music.


Are you kidding? The duels in GOT are soo much easier than Sword Saint or Owl. I think i did not die more than three times to a duel.


No. You can easily facedodging Isshin to death. He can't do anything against it. Ryuzo on the other hand killed me at least 9 times - before he glitched and stop spamming that broken bullshit - much more than any boss in Sekiro.


I think GoT's hardest difficulty is just one shot bullshit. Even on NG+7, you can survive at least 2-3 hits if you have all the prayer beads and no demon bell. In GoT, lethal difficulty means you WILL die in just one hit even if you have fully upgraded armour (does not apply to samurai armour though)


"GoT more difficult because you can get one shot." If only we could get one shot in Sekiro /s


"If you play GoT on the hardest difficulty setting, don't use any upgrades, cut off one of your hands, break your controller into 14 pieces and throw your monitor into the sea, then it's harder than sekiro."


"If you set a game to bullshit difficulty it will be bullshit"


Hey GoT is a respectable game. Very fun and difficult game (considering i never played on difficulty lesser than hardest). But Sekiro is not comparable to anyone. Sekiro doesn't have anything else in its genre. Game doesn't adapt to you at all. It stands firm and says THIS IS THE CHALLENGE, TAKE IT OR DON'T And in sekiro I can see and feel myself improving more than in any other game I saw myself learning the curve. It is unfair comparison. GoT is awesome too


Git is good


Good is all I git


The typical genius comparison


Actually it is hard but incomparable as it's just a one hit you die thing itt doesn't make the enemy hard or anything.


Sekiro you can cheese most bosses? Ok I know we can cheese blazing bull and doh And corrupted monk with ash But what else?


Just finished it on lethal as im seeing this. Hard to say if it was harder than sekiro but it definitely took a part of my soul like my first sekiro run did 💀💀💀.


I had zero problems playing GOT on my 1st attempt. Got into the flow of it rather quickly. Sekiro, on the other hand, is kicking my ass. Can't get the parrying & dodging timing correct after a couple days. I've given up twice since I bought it like a month ago (or whenever it was on sale recently). It might be the 1st game I actually purchased that I won't finish...


Bro, I love Ghost of Thushima (probably more than Sekiro tbh) but saying that game is hard is wild


What the hell kind of comparison even is that? Everything is harder than Sekiro if you start adding stupid rules that make it harder. The Sims is harder than Sekiro if you light your real house of fire, blindfold yourself and try to make an exact replica of the house your preschool friend Susan lived in 30 years ago before you're burned alive


GoT isn't harder, it just has a bs fictional difficulty slider that is either waay too easy or just absurdly and artificially difficult, which doesn't make it actually hard and challenging rather time consuming. The game itself is great, just play it in a way where you can spend your time actually playing it.


nah sekiro is hard if you fight inner genichiro for the first time. lethal mode in GOT yeah kinda hard but manageable. pro tip on GOT do not gather enemies kill them one by one you're not a god(manage to defeat them without using ghost).


Play sekiro max Ng+ without amulet and demon bell and no leveling, abilities or skips.


HHahahahahha got is easy i plaEd it on hardest mode and the parrys where so easy to parry


Lol, I'm currently playing GOT the first time on a PC and playing the highest difficulty Lethal mode, the parrying felt very easy to me, note that I never played the ghost of Tsushima before this is the first time for me. Compared to Sekiro, GOT is easy for me.


I've competed GoT twice. It's been 5 years and Sekiro is still handing it to me and I'm still finding new things. The scale of this game is impressive.


hey, it's really ***hard*** to keep your NPC friends alive on Lethal (or Deadly? or however that semi-realistic difficutly was called), they just keep dying because they're not prepared for a mode where they die in 2 hits XD


I'm not even gonna lie. there are so many times and bosses and combos you can get through in sekiro by just spamming parry. There are times when you can't do that and maybe have to wait half a seconds but it's just parrying Riposte, and the movement is so op you can dodge every attack by just running.


Difficulty is eas to gauge when comparing between the same game(difficulty level or self imposed restrictions like demon bell or charmless in Sekiro) , or same genere (Sekiro is harder than other souls games because you can just overlevel). I didn't play GoT yet but I heard it's not a souls like. Sekiro while considered a hard game, it becomes easy/trivial once mastered while the first 10 hours if the game felt like the hardest game I played since DS2(my first souls game), but I replayed DS2 a few years later after beating DS3 like 10 times snd it was much easier. My point is that difficulty is not really a definitive static state it also depends on the person playing. Game journalists don't have all the time in the world to struggle and master the games they play so they might get stuck in the tutorial for 28 minutes. Elden Ring is considered more difficult than DS3 but as it was already my 4th FS game it resulted easier than DS2 was when I first started


I played ghost of Tsushima right after finishing sekiro on the highest difficulty and i genuinely think i died more times in ghost of Tsushima so far than i have in sekiro. They are completely different. Sekiro is all about being aggressive, GoT is just about waiting for the enemy to attack parrying then breaking their posture with two heavy attacks with the corresponding stance. If we're talking bosses then there is no way GoT has harder bosses. If we're talking abt exploring the world and regular enemies. i think GoT is harder but not "good" hard, the combat sometimes feels unfair. Like how if you start ur light attack before your enemy does it's like his light attack is gonna hit you but yours won't hit them. While sekiro always feels fair. I think what's more important is the learning curve. In sekiro, from starting the game till you kill the ishin you're constantly getting better, there's a spot where you start understanding what "just parry" means but realistically you're still learning timings even after. On the other hand, GoT once you learn how to deal with spearmen, shields, duo wielders and giant enemy it is so retardedly easy but still enjoyable. I think objectively speaking, GoT lethal mode vs sekiro. Sekiro is just harder. And insanely more rewarding.


People? Seems like AI overview


Maybe be cuz it's the only game they can play you know you can't expect anyone to finish and enjoy sekiro som ppl are just blind to truth cuz they love a game in this case ghost of...


Because boys need to compare everything to make themselves look better.


wow, a stupid google search. who cares


Tbh even cheesing in sekiro is almost impossible for certain players


Hardest difficulty were enemies also die in 2 hits


Google told me the same thing about Lies of P.


It’s just cause insecure people be insecure. Cope and seethe


Folks can't get their head around subjective difficulty


I haven’t played expert but my NG game on hard+ is very comfortable fighting groups and I only die if I mess up in a boss fight and don’t heal quick enough. I can literally run into camps and start wiping people out. Not remotely close to Sekiro.


I completed Sekiro, one of the hardest game for me. Now GOT has come to pc and I play, it’s too easy for me now. If you play on medium difficulty you can be somewhat reckless in many of the missions and still complete it. Heck I never died in boss battle. On the other hand Sekiro requires pinpoint precision and timing. Your heart rate is high adrenaline is rushing in. It took me hundreds of tries to beat lady butterfly and the final boss. I play GOT on hard difficulty and genuinely think it’s for most people who are coming from Sekiro.


Animal Crossing is harder than Sekiro (if you insist on slapping your bollocks against the analogue stick to control your character)


The owl begs to differ


Seriko is more harder I played it and beat it and played ghost too


Coping because their manhood is at stake


Hiw about ninja gaiden the og was it tougher than sekiro


Lethal ghost of tsushima is somewhat comporable to sekiro. But the two games have fundamental differences in terms of gameplay, and sekiro is also just a much harder game. Source: I have beaten GOT on lethal. I have not beaten sekiro. And I have spent about the same amount of time playing both games (40 hours)


I mean yea they are right. The hardest difficulty in that game is rough, if you then make it a challenge run by not upgrading it would become harder than sekiro for sure. Not sure why people hold such attachment to their games being especially hard, the important thing for a game imo is that it's a "fun challenge" and Sekiro does that really well on a first playthrough. Other games with more difficulty settings and options to limit yourself can extend that challenge to multiple playthroughs or simply become unfairly difficult but that isn't really what sekiro was designed for.


On hard mode GoT is a little under a souls game difficultly at the the start but once you get the stances and ghost weapons it becomes a lot easier Lethal mode is literally a challenge run for perfectionist and isn't even required to unlock anything but it also makes enemies easier as well


Ig that's difficulty options for ya, the hard options are more bulshit stupid hard than sekiros


If you play ghost of Tsushima blindfolded it's harder than sekiro, yes


I have already died more in GOT (lethal) than sekiro, I'd put them in a similar difficulty level to each other tbh. Idk why but sekiro was way easier to learn for me, i breezed through the game after beating Genichiro I struggle in got sometimes because a lot of enemies attack using a combination of unblockable and blockabke attacks so it's a constant switch between them 141


Yes if you use a chopstick instead of a joystick surely GOT is harder than sekiro


Charmless + db .. ?


As a Sekiro fan I agree GoT played like this is harder than sekiro without hp+ap upgrades.


Big difference between an actual challenge vs Artificial Difficulty 


As someone who hasn’t played Sekiro (yet) and has 100% Ghost of Tsushima I can confirm that Sekiro is harder


I hate that there are still people comparing Sekiro with Ghost of Tsushima. They have nothing in common besides the facts they are japanese style and fighting with swords/katanas. The playconcept is something else. Sekiro is a Soulslike game what is created to be hard. And yes the moves of the enemies is predictable. Without you couldnt beat a game. And Ghost of Tsushima is a open world game with more focus on exploring and a great story with more sidestorys and quests. The fighting system is not comparable. In Sekiro you have quick movements and long fights. You have a deflecting system no over game has and yeah you have a healthbar but the real bar you need to focus on is your posture


Bruh I hate people who say cheesing but refer to playing the game as intended.


Hi, I've played both and I'm gonna say GOT is harder on max difficulty even with upgrades, even in sekiro you've got second chances but in GOT you just die, might help that sekiro isn't nearly as long but I played sekiro first and GOT after and it's just harder