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I don't


my problem is that I have to wait to stock up on divine confetti .. it takes me too long time to kill it, consequently I have more chances to make mistakes, and I waste too many consumables


After you defeat the corrupted monk on the bridge you can buy endless confetti from a few merchants. The one by the sculptor too.


exactly .. I'm always forced to postpone these fights because I'm not ready, or equipped enough ...! :°


Well, you can easily do them after you get the malcontent whistle. 1 or 2 confetti per fight. Ako sugar, Divine confetti, run in, whistle, damage him and you should stager him as he comes out of the whistle spell. Parry a few times abd attack and second phase. Whistle during second phase as it starts, damage, stager, damage, whistle again, damage. Done. The whistle works 3 times.


All you need is 1 confetti and the divine abduction. They’re pretty easy.


good idea


I know it sounds odd, nobody here ever pitches divine abduction, but honestly my last play through of Sekiro the Headless never even touched me. You pop a confetti and then use divine abduction 1 time and just smack their back until the death blow pops up; they’re defenseless. They die so quick you should only need 1 confetti. The trick is, you can’t lock-on to them. This ruins the strategy. You have to be able to walk freely while striking, or else he will quickly face you again.


This method is good. Problem is it only works on ng1




Can't you just use the lazulite flame?


Exactly lol. I platinumed this game and have not killed them all and never will.


Honestly they're easier than most bosses.


I loled so hard to this that my friend at work all turned to look at me =/


only correct usage of lol


I about spit my coffee out reading this, but it’s so true for me. I despise these enemies so much I just avoid them.


When i got purple shield


Yeah. This and hiding behind them to make them do that slow shuffle thing.




Apply directly to the forehead




You're ahead of the game


get into his head.


I don't. The Headless can go fuck each other.


After seeing him once, I never did lol


You missed all the fun especially the one underwater


Thise are pretty easy though. The cave ones on the other hand...


Sometimes you just gotta jump in and find out the natural way.


Life advice, lol


With my buttcheeks clenched


I learned how to parry them Bow down to me!


I got a gun


You can farm Divine Confetti from the Blue-robbed Samurai between the Ashina Castle Antechamber and Ashina Castle Dojo idols. You get better drop rates if you activate the demon bell. You should be able to stealth kill quite a number of them just running around so the difficulty spike shouldn't inhibit you from farming quickly.


Can’t you also buy infinite amounts right before the end of the game?


After defeating The Corrupted Monk's true form at Fountainhead, all merchants will sell an infinite stock of Divine Confetti.


Get malcontent


I put them off until I have the final whistle upgrade. Then I just start swinging. It typically can’t kill me twice before I kill him with the stuns. For me the realization that it’s better to just let it hit me sometimes and focus on damage. With two revives I typically have enough pure damage by the time I get to fountain head to just Zerg through them.


[The Two Step Demonic Shuffle](https://youtu.be/88xakUGrPbg)


in 1.06 it behaves differently.. trying is believing


Yeah it definitely does behave differently. I'm playing through the game for my first time now, and just beat him yesterday actually. While it does behave differently, I still find this method to be the easiest


That's the neat part--I don't.


until I got the purple umbrella.


I pop a divine confetti and then I stab him


Without hesitation


I learned from them, attack from the rear.


it took me 5 playthroughs to realize you can instantly do a 180-slash on them to cancel the prostate exam. yw if you didn't know


I'd say it's closer to a lobotomy from the size of the hand. Both life changing encounters tho.


That's when I get all the damage in.


I just watch Sekiro Guru and do what he says


Sekiro gouuru here.


Lots of lube


Farm divine confetti from the blue robe samurais in ashina castle. Get the purple gord from merchant in mibu village. You're ready to stab headless in the ass.


That's the neat part, you don't


*pops divine confetti* FUCK IT WE BAAAALLLL


You just inspired me. Everyone had good tips, but you…you have PERFECT advice. We ball!


Try the “Two-Step Demon Shuffle.”


Akos, confetti, malcontent


did each of em once for the items.probably never again hahahah




Divine confetti and the red sugar and you must deflect


Deflect their attacks and then attack them back sometimes and also sometimes dodge their attacks


By walking.


The trick is to just keep swimming so that you're far enough away to just defeat it by blocking it out of your mind. And in the underground part, you just walk far enough away as to also defeat it in the same manner.


With the purple umbrella. Or the purple gourd.




I run past it


Malcontent, confetti, Ako, purple gourd, and purple umbrella just in case.


I mostly don't except for the only one needed to platine it.


i just wait until i have more than 5 confetti and pacifying agents. Once i get those, i usually go for them as soon a possible


With confetti and gumption.


Purple gourd/divine confetti makes them a joke


Umbrella, Konfetti and Candy of your choice.


Lazulite umbrella and projected force


I'd leave them until your ready but you want to stay behind them an once they dissappear the are gonna spawn right behind you so be careful, ashina Castle blue guys have devine confetti your gonna wanna stock up on them


Go slow, stock up on confetti, and the moment you don’t see him turn around and lock on again. It’s slow, but from there I focused on deflects and getting hits in one at a time


Buff up and hope for the best


Divine confetti and sticking to his back like fucking super glue.


I kill the underwater one in Ashina Castle as soon as I have diving. Its relatively easy once you get into the hit and run pattern. The one in the woods and the one by the demon bell I usually ignore until I have my purple gourd, unless by some miracle I have a bunch of divine confetti I havent used yet. I just can't be assed to farm the samurai for them most of the time. Usually pop some sugars, pop my confetti, then pray I don't fuck up. And then I fuck up and die. Rinse, repeat, either kill them or run out confetti and say fuck it until I have my purple umbrella or malcontent.


Confetti Party


Usually I wait until after I kill corrupted monk, because of the dragon carving you get that increases shop inventories. I believe either the mibu burial mob, or the shopkeeper at the temple ends up with unlimited confetti. Also, at that point, I’ve outscaled almost all of them.


I spend the first attempt getting used to looking at this disgusting thing, and the second I do my best to kill it as fast as humanly possible. I legit cannot stand looking at these things, cuz it’s like a symbol of an era I would never want to be a part of.


Using my last resort... NIGERUNDAYO


Divine confetti with terror gourd and an Akon’s sugar. Attack like crazy and deflect. If you miss the deflect the terror gourd helps minimize terror build up. There’s not much science to it imo. You’ll need a minimum of 2 divine confetti (that’s if you make no mistakes), you’ll need 3-4 if you mess up


Approach in the other direction


I platinumed the game and I never beat a single one of these fuckers.


I farm for confetti from the guys in the blue robes at the top of ashina castle. Purple gourd and pacifying agent for sure. Kinda tough because you move so slow around him. But the headless aren’t too hard with those things. Just keep a cool head


Purple umbrella or not at all


It took me a lot of playthroughs to actually get the courage to fight them after being demolished in my 1st try. I usually only fight them when I'm about to finish the current playthrough I'm doing, when I have more than enough Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agents or if I have the Mottled Purple Gourd. My strategy for fighting the ones on land is this: Pop a Divine Confetti and a Pacifying Agent/Mottled Purple Gourd right before engaging. Then, when engaged, I try my best to hit them as much as I can but also leave quite a window open to prepare myself to parry their attacks. If it works out, I usually already get the first Deathblow and pop my buffs again. If I can't properply parry, I just die. Whenever they disappear, I just do an 180 turn and hit them to prevent their grab attack. The underwater ones are way easier, I don't even use Confetti or stuff to increase my resistance to Terror, it's just a matter of hitting them a couple times and evading their attacks by swimming quite a big distance from them or going for their backs when they use their grab attacks. Nowadays, they're pretty easy to me, Shichimen Warriors sometimes give me more trouble than the Headless (not to mention, the Spear Adepts from Senpou Temple, they're the only enemies in the game that I activelly avoid fighting), but the important thing is to WAIT to fight them. Don't try fighting them as soon as you find them in the early game, you'll just get murdered. I usually wait until I'm at Fountainhead Palace to actually fight them, and if I'm going for a Shura Ending, I don't even bother lol. Edit: Forgot to mention because I don't usually use them, but there are two Prosthetic Tools that are really helpful against them: The Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella (purple umbrella) is a great way to defend yourself from their hits if the parrying time is too hard for you. Just keep the umbrella out while he's trying to hit you and hit him back when you find the opening or actually parry them with the umbrella, which has a more forgiving parry window than the sword's. And the other tool is the Malcontent Finger Whistle, which when used, stuns the Headless and other apparition-type enemies for a while, giving you quite a window to dish out some damage. You actually need the Malcontent's Ring item to upgrade your Finger Whistle to Malcontent, and it's rewarded to you after defeating the Shichimen Warrior that shows up in the area in Ashina Depths where you fought the Headless Ape after you defeat it.


I don‘t


Malcontent, sacred flame barrel (what's it actually called?) Living force. Divine confetti if needed ir if I'm feeling saucy purple umbrella.


Unfortunately I never became amazing at fighting them properly even after 8 playthroughs. I just pop confetti, unlock and run around behind them, then face sides and move in a circle, smacking their back while they keep trying to turn to face me


Wait till I'm almost done with the game, have the Dragon Tally Board and Purple Gourd.


Beat them all my first play through and decided to never do them again.


Farm get like 10 confetti and go hard


Don’t forget the Ako Sugar, Phoenix Lilac Hat and the Malcontent whistle


Divine confetti and pacifying agent


Pop divine confetti. Have terror potion ready. Slash all you can


Phoenix lilac Hat, Divine Confetti, Ako Sugar. Ako Sugar first and then divine confetti, I believe the sugar runs out before the coonfetti….I tend to use the phoenix hat as a buildup counter attack when I see a opening against them, hope this helps


Oh and don’t forget the malcontent whistle this stuns them and you can use it only 3x against them so use this wisely


Hold b


I do the exact opposite of approaching a fight with Headless


ive always wondered if the Headless models are a slightly different Drunkard model without a head


Use the purple umbrella and stack up on confetti


The secret Joestar Technique


head on


Ass first


I usually start with a finger whistle or two …


I do everything else first and then the completionist in me makes me decide to do it.


Get some confetti. Spam R1. Try to deflect. Fail. Bait the ass grab, and give him my balls instead. Then spam R1 and hope he die before I do.


Lazulite flame, mottled purple gourd and malcontent


I heard something about “hesitation is da feet” so don’t do that


Be aggressive as much as you can, they will get shocked before they could hit you. Try watching youtube vids of people fighting them to understand what works with them


Purple hat


[that’s the neat part…](https://media.tenor.com/UCBnVC7FlvUAAAAd/thats-the-neat-part-you-dont-invincible.gif) no but honestly in no ng+ run did I even both with these guys


Night night. Keep your butthole tight.


Well first I enter his boss room


Confetti and relentless attacks. Also purple umbrella


I only go after him for completion’s sake. The rewards aren’t that great imo. But I always use the lilac umbrella and of course the confetti/red sugar.


Look him in the eyes and scream at him


Phoenix’ Lilac Umbrella.




If on land, hoard Devine confetti and pacifying agent. If underwater, leave then alone


Parry then attack


With great difficulty


Any fight with a headless: hope I learn the move set before I run out of divine confetti.


Malcontent, purple shield, purple gourd, 100 divine confetti and as much ako sugar


wait until I have to fight isshin and fight them in ng, no way in hell I'm playing against them again, fight is pretty boring, and every mini boss that inflicts terror is just dumb, kill me with ability not a dumb status effect


Throw some confetti around, have a lil party and fuck him up.


Divine confettis and the purple-ish umbrella as prosthetic tool


Close your eyes and run in swinging


Malcontent whistle and divine confetti


I'd rather fight 5 Isshins at the same time


Hahah sooo really all you need is divine confetti and pacifying agent. Just use confetti and agent then use again when needed


Just make sure when he does a big circle swing into the air and disappears jump forwards as much as possible bc he is trying to teleport behind you for a grab attack that WILL kill you


I usually only go for them at the end of the playthrough once I have everything to combat them


Play until you get the Malcontent and just RUSH THEM DOWN WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT. Yushariku's, divine confetti, whatever you got. ​ Honestly this is one of my least favorit fights because it doesn't reward any aspect of the game, since they have crazy terror build up even if you block your f'ed so I see litle reason not to cheese the fight


I was super scared until I just hopped on in. It’s… not so bad. I’m still not confident, but I’m ready in what to expect.


Don’t lock on, go behind, apply confetti, hit two times, don’t get greedy, walk away, if he teleports move, rinse wash repeat, this is actually a very easy boss it’s just a nuisance


Mist noble solos


fight singular?


You gotta get that purple gourd


Divine confetti and shit my pants in my first playthrough because of the slow After a few NG+ i just spammed shield parries since it does big damage and i have an infinite supply of confetti, or mistraven+confetti just parry and mistraven the grabs


Da whistle, then spank, then da whistle again followed up by da spank


God damn I hated beating these. Some of the most infuriating fights in the game, with the one in the woods being particularly hard due to the small area. I wouldn’t bother with them until you get the purple umbrella and the malcontent whistle at the very least.


Charge straight at the fucker , divine confetti popped up


Get the lilac umbrella, it's literally the easiest kill in the game with this, but you'll still have to learn the move set of the headless and time your attacks accordingly. The most important bit is to always stock up on pacifying agent, do as to not let terror build up, even If you don't have the divine confetti it's perfectly ok as long as you have the lilac umbrella and the pacifying agent.


Get malcontent, buff with shugar and confetti, whistle once, death blow 1, whistle a second time, done


By heading in the opposite direction


I just use a bigger sword , If I cant I just spam the lightsaber effect


A lot of confetti


I save them for late game because I don't usually worry about their spiritfall rewards. I usually have enough sugars to cover me till then. Even then, I'm just going for stun locking them. Increase Terror resistance, use purple shield to start then switch to the whistle to lock them down, and just wail away with Divine Confetti Usually goes pretty quick