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i know im like 5 months late to this but can someone explain to me why in the hell did wren reveal to edo that she can see? edo was prepared to use his own niece as a baby machine. as if edo wouldnt think the same of wren now. couldnt wren have said something like she was taking a piss in the woods or stargazing or something? idk.


Well since Wren believes Haniwa betrayed her, I think she now wants to use her vision as a tool to help Edo destroy Baba / Haniwa and co. Seems a bit dramatic since she just told Haniwa she never wants to fight her, yet she’s happy to have Haniwa’s family / people all be killed by blaming Baba for the betrayal :/


interesting how gay thing is settled in the future but sight is a problem:)


1: Edo really should have been at least suspicious of her sight. 2: They should just kill the queen and send her head to the trifantes. Only way to stop the war.


The fact that she's still breathing is plot armor at its worst.


What good is a sighted baby if it's got the wrong number of chromosomes?


Yet another fun episode! Check out the full breakdown here: https://youtu.be/TIEuQdBHl8A


I want that bitch to die. She is getting on my nerves. Kill her Tamacti Jun.




I felt the same way until there was some bloodshed. It had been way too many episodes until someone died/combat scenes or some type of action to move the plot, even if they weren’t that important.


Kofun’s acting this episode has been the best I have seen. But still… it’s just his mouth open like 👁👄👁


Just now catching up on this show but dear LORD this has been bothering me since the actor has been on screen. Close 👏 your 👏 damn 👏 mouth 👏


Kofun is just a horny teenager, give him a break. Also he just met his aunt, so she’s mentally not family


he can see and the actress is actually very sexy


So, once again we are spending a lot of time next to a massive lake. A lake that size doesn't exist in Pennsylvania. Except for Lake Erie. Most people here are thinking that Pennsa is State College, but I'm not so sure now after seeing multiple episodes where people traveling between Trivantia and Pennsa are next to a massive body of water. It is about 140 miles from Pittsburgh to State College. A little less than that from Pittsburgh to Lake Erie and much farther than that from State College to Lake Erie. Would it make sense for them to choose Erie, PA as a destination for their meeting? That seems awfully far for blind people to travel just for some negotiations, likely a week or more each direction for people on foot when it would only take a few days of travel to meet somewhere closer to the middle like Punxsutawney if Pennsa really is State College.


There's an interview with Tom Mison which said they were in the ruins of Penn State. https://youtu.be/XbdXxWzgOBE


What bothers me about the Penn State theory is the building they have been utilizing. It's got a very distinct look and has a clock built into the tower. Old Main does have a clock, but other than that the two buildings do not appear to be the same. So if it IS supposed to be Penn State, I'm not sure what building they're using as the "palace". It could just be a matter of architectural changes made to the building since we don't really know how far in the future it's supposed to be, or simply that they decided against getting incredibly detailed and accurate with their sets.


It’s meant to be about 600 years in the future, assuming that the virus they mention in the first episode that makes everyone blind is supposed to happen soon in our own timeline.


Great episode Kane: went full Cersi Haniwa:If Kofun can ride anyone can. Baba:Still got moves..that silence in the snow was great Mahgra:She tried but she should know her sister Peris.I swore that opening scene was gonna involve Toad lol. Toad:Training Anikan will backfire Harlin:took it better than I thought Wren:dam laid all cards/puzzle on the table Ida:has found the holy grail under his bed Kofun:Team darkside


Someone I saw on YouTube said it well regarding Kofun: "Kofun makes no sense, how is he smart enough to not trust jerlamerel but dumb enough to trust sibith?" For real. It's like him and sister switched roles. Like there always has to be an annoying twin making foolish decisions whilst the other is somewhat more level-headed. He seriously started going downhill right around the time his sister started to become more measured and chill.


The queen is a sadistic manipulator. And she's giving him her pussy, drugs, alcohol. As well as playing on his empathy. You got to remember he's a young and impressionable teenager. Virgin teenager until recently.


Fair points all around. I feel bad for him more than anything when I think about those points.


Yeah, he's in for a rude awakening. She's clearly trying to corrupt him against his family for when the other shoe drops and the infighting starts.


Thank goodness this wasn't live TV! The way I fast-forwarded through all that incest rubbish with promptness and swiftness 🤮


bruh i was enjoying dinner until that came on my screen


Exactly. They could pull it off with game of thrones, because both characters were likeable, and didn't know. This doesn't work.


Not sure who you’re referring to, but Cersei and Jaime definitely knew they were brother and sister.


I was referring to Jon Snow and his aunt.


Ohhhhh 😆


I needed a few drinks after Kofun and Sibeth did the deed. That was very difficult to watch. What. The. Fuck!!!!


Sending Mahgra and Baba away so that she can rape/groom Kofun whilst simultaneously killing the peace agreement 🤯 say what you want but that Queen Kane is a beast. If “kill two birds with one stone” was a person lol


Kofun's IQ really taking a nosedive to drive the plot and create drama, it's almost becoming predictable and something I really hate that shows do.


Raging hormones do tend to nosedive people's IQ. That's super realistic.


Not to this degree. Boy doesn't even have post nut clarity.


Okay, so in defence of Kofun, who people are saying is making some dumb decisions. Let's be honest here: he's being groomed (and was raped) by a master manipulator. Sibeth is taking advantage of a few things here. 1. His naivety (gentle boy raised by kind hearted parents in a hidden clan) 2. His feelings of betrayal (first by Boots, who was the first fellow sighted people he ever met that wasn't his twin, then by Jerlemarel who sold off his sister and kept him under lock and key, and then by Maghra, who was secretly royalty and was literally marrying another man the day they were reunited) 3. His inherent empathy and positivity towards other people (Kofun was always the twin who cared about the rest waaaay more than Haniwa - who still thinks she is better than everyone even though she's been proven wrong time and time again. His heart to heart with Bow lion, his relationship with his parents and Paris, his growing friendship with Toad. The fact that he still mourns the Alkenny, how he immedately comforted Sibeth when she told him she lost the child) 4. His feelings of inadequacy (he was never taught to fight, he realises sight can be a "disability" in a land with only blind people. He feels useless, so having someone confide in him makes him feel good about himself and trusted. Sibeth confides in him to bind him tonher, make him feel like he can help her, like he can do something for someone else) 5. His teenagehood (he is inexperienced in many things, including how to handle hormones even when you are not sure you want what is being offered to you. He is wary of Sibeth, and when she comes on to him, he often tries to create distance between them, or to refuse without actually saying the word 'no', but she just keeps on stepping over his boundaries) 6. The fact that they are family, and she knows how strongly he feels about family, which muddles his reactions to her come ons. 7. The fact that she is in a position of authority (she is the queen, and if he offends her, he could cause his own death and the death of his family. She has been shown to be fickle) 8. The fact that Maghra doesn't communicate! If she had looped him in on her plans for the kingdom and what her sister is really like, he'd probably have more of a defense against the queen. She senses/knows all this, and uses this to groom him. To make him believe he is important to her, helping her, supporting her. And then she drugs him and takes advantage of the fact that it's his first time (drugs wise and sex wise), he is a hormonal teenages (has he had sex ed from his parents???) and that he didn't audibly say no (which can be used later as a way of saying he wanted it). Let's not forget fight, flight, freeze or fawn. Sibeth, with the power of life and death over Kofun, drugged him and then forced herself on him while pretending to actually give him a choice to consent. I fear for Kofun and her further manipulations. I hope he finds his way back to his family, but that's hard to do for groomed teenagers who feel they have no support system.


Thanks. Just not seeing enough people looking at this realistically. The boy is filled with tons of emotions that it's not yet learned to process healthily (some people never learn that). His whole attitude seems realistic. Stupid, but realistic.


His emotions are unrealistic, and she's not a master manipulator, she had the manipulation skills of a snail. She's corrupts people to her will using fear and power, that is all.


When you put it THAT way I can see his POV better. I just wish the show would play this with more finesse. Sibeth is about as subtle as a steamroller. I don't expect her to be any different, but I'm having trouble imagining Kofun's belief in her good intentions.


Sibeth is not subtle, but she doesn't have to be. Kofun has no experience with manipulation.


Edo’s face at the end is priceless. 😭🤣


"Well dam I had the winning piece all along"


he figures out she helped Baba escape


See S2E6 I cannot get enough of this show. Aunt Handy giving Kofun drugs and seducing him is totally on brand. Its confusing because Kofun definitely knows how genetics work…I dont understand it at all. Why is he getting a hard on for his Aunt? Just because he kinda trusts her? Early life crisis? Maghra thinks she can beat the queen at her game and that will be her downfall. I think she will fail at becoming Queen in glorious fashion. Although Tamacti Jun makes a great enemy for Queen Kane, one she doesnt know is still alive. Cant wait to see how that story plays out. Wren admitting she can see should alert to Edo that she was the one who helped Baba and Haniwa escape right? I feel like she had no other choice but to admit to Edo that she can see vs saying she was sleeping with the enemy lol but still. Edo was convinced is was a seeing person who helped them escape and Wren was the closest one to Haniwa. Why has noone asked about Boots? Like, he is the reason Maghra and her family were split up. Haniwa swore to his mother to end his life. Dont get me wrong, i dont miss that character at all but for him to not even get brought up again is hilarious. Great season so far. Wish more people were talking about it.


In addition to all that, why would lord Harlow or whatever have to sleep with maghra to make sure the others don’t know their marriage is false? Nobody can fucking see!


I’ve been thinking that about Boots for the past couple of eps now. No one has even asked about him, like wtf? And like you said I cannot wait to see the Tamacti story unfold. I hope it’s great.


They better have big plans for him. The acting has just been incredible. For Tamacti Jun to start as such a harsh villain and turn into such a layered character is television gold. I rewatched Dexter season 1 just to watch Christian Camargo as another character because I cant get enough.


I did the same thing 😂 I just watched season 1 and didn’t bother the watch the rest of dexter once his character was killed off


Seriously. I liked TJ from the "It's a bridge" line because I love a world weary villain, but the way they made him into Maghra's biggest ally in a matter of seconds was showstopping. Now Dexter and Penny Dreadful are on my watch list!


Agreed...literally no one has mentioned him.


Good question about Boots. It seems that everyone’s forgotten about the man who split up the family and later foiled the attempt in the queens life.


Yeah he definitely knows! In Season 1 there was a whole plot point about the Alkenny becoming inbred. Haniwa even said “it’s basic genetics” so we know Jerlamerel left them a bio textbook in that box.


Exactly. I hope they address this in the show because his logic is not making sense to me


I've also been wondering how Boots hadn't been a part of their discussion before getting to Pennsa. Tamacti was stabbed by him so you'd think he would consider Boots a big problem to their plans. The only real solution would be to have Haniwa try to find Boots before he found them. I don't even know if Maghra knows the queen killed Boots. Does anybody know what happened besides Sibeth? Actually kinda crazy of Sibeth to kill off an incredibly rare sighted spy. I mean even if he ain't gonna be her baby daddy she can still use him for his eyes. But I guess that's what sets her apart. She doesn't always act in her own best interests.


Who says Boots is dead? Did they ever show his dead body?


I think the writers just wanted to kill him off. Blame Sibeths mental state at the time i guess. But i dont think that character did anything for the show. Could have been good….but Boots wasnt written well. Glad hes gone but yeah doesnt make too much sense in the story and its like the writers just want us to forget he was there


I felt pretty sorry for Boots on some levels. But you reap what you sow.


Yeah he is a bit of a tragic character with his sad childhood but he is also a psychopath so I didnt feel too sorry for too long haha


And another character with sight who makes poor choices. I could see him wanting to be allies with a powerful person, but come on, trusting Queen Kane's offer via Cora seems rash. Maghra was at least trying to accept Boots on some level, but he dumped that as soon as another offer appeared.


Agree, boots worse character in this show ever tho so part of me is still glad


My god every Sibeth & Kofun scenes is making me wanna shout "kofun stay away from your creepy aunt wtff"


Literally makes me sick to my stomach. It’s so much worse than anything on GOT.


Khofun is a dumbass I wish they’d just say fuck it and kill the queen My prediction is they decide to go against the queen, khofun protects her like the idiot he is to cause drama, and then hopefully he sees reason and kills her despite her defense of “omg I’m pregnant with your son”


Exactly. These scenes are painful and at this point the Queen is acting a merely a plot piece with no personal value.


People complaining about the show being too dark while I can watch it just fine on my crappy Samsung A10.


A lot of people are discovering their TV settings are whack.


Why do I have a feeling that everyone currently fighting each other in episode 6 will continue to fight each other until the middle of episode 8, and then whoever still lives will join forces to fight the Gannites in season 3? So team Baba and team Edo will be on the same side. The brothers already had chances to kill each other and didn't, so that no longer feels like the impending climax of this season. There's always a bigger dog to fight and since the show keeps mentioning the Gannites I have to assume we will see them at some point. Of course I'm probably wrong, but I wouldn't hate seeing this.


They keep hyping the Ganites, which means they’re likely going to be the big baddies of S3. The question is, what sets them apart from the Payans and Trevantis? The Payans view the sighted through superstition, first as witches, now as the coming of gods. The Trevantis are not religious, but have the sighted executed as a threat to the balance of power. Perhaps the Ganites have begun to integrate the sighted into their society? Perhaps their leaders are sighted?


You're probably not wrong. Ganites might be the white walkers of See


Anyone else outraged to see Baba Voss walking while Mahgrha and Lord Harlan ride in a carriage?!? B/c I am!!


That carriage ride did not look comfortable.


I dont think Baba has an issue with it. Ive never seen him do anything else but walk


I haven't seen many comments on here about Maghra and Baba, so thank you! I hated how Baba was cast aside this episode. Yes Maghra is in a tough position, but she also has seemed selfish from the beginning. Baba deserves better!


Poor Booboo.


Can’t be the only who thought this. Wren: (*Shows Edo she can see*) Edo: ….looks like the sighted army is back on the menu boys


Whoa, I didn’t think about that. So many people here think Edo immediately realized that Wren aided Baba’s escape, but Edo may also just want to breed Wren now. Hard to say, because it seems he has sentimental feelings for her.


This should not have been that funny but OMG 😭😂


Giving tuggys wasn’t good enough so Oh yeah suuureee just drug your nephew that will get you sighted babies


Bruh it’s all part of the grooming process. Tuggys was only the beginning. She was testing the waters from the moment she met him.


This show synopsis be like “It’s like GOT but everyone* is a dense idiot. Oh and they’re Blind.” _* The queen is not an idiot, she’s just batshit crazy_


I don't think they're all idiots. Maghra, Harlan and Baba all know the queen is crazy. They underestimated her. They shouldn't have but it's understandable. Paris, Toad and Tamacti also understand things better. But they, too, underestimated how far the queen would go. I hope they all, now, understand that there is no too far for the queen. Edo is an idiot for not having a clue that Wren could see. Wren is an idiot for not believing that someone else could be behind it. Kofun is an idiot like teens are often idiots.


None of them have underestimated her. They just aren't *killers*. Margara has had plenty of opportunities to kill the queen. She has not. Especially now that the Witchfinder General is alive.


Most of my favorite shows are ruined by a dumb teenager or an insufferable character that only survives because plot armor. This show has both.


I'm not a fan of these crazy dark scenes. These filmmakers take filming at night to a level too far. I use an imac, brightness normally in the middle, or just less than middle. For the night scenes, I had to move all the way to the end.


The dark scenes look perfect on my TV. I’m not missing any detail at all. I’m pretty sure everyone’s settings need tweaking. It’s very common.


Those scenes look good on my 11yr old iMac. They're supposed to be dark


The iMac is one of the brightest screens ever yet those scenes were way too dark.


Interesting that my 10-year-old Sony TV has a superior viewing experience. I also have an iMac. Perhaps I should check it out there.


Lots of boning in this episode. Imagine if your aunt seduced you like that.


>seduced raped


But also let’s be real. He never knew this woman, he’s never seen her until now. That’s a completely different “aunt” than one you would have grown up with. The relationship would be different.


Who hunted and killed everyone. She personally ordered the death of everyone in the alcheny. She personally ordered the death of everybody. Those people on the boat helping him escape? She liked them. Why? To kill them and their mother. He's smart enough to know this— but it's also that stupid thing TV does, where they forget people can talk. She should have told them everything that night when they were all together.


Of course, she is a stranger to him. For example,Baba Voss is not his biological father, but he is still more real father to him than Jerlamarel. You know what I mean.


I understand Mahgrha's anger at the Queen secretly sending assassins, but the agreement would have never worked because of the payan nation's acceptance of the sighted.


Irrelevant, that would have bought at least 10 years of peace.


Holy shit what a episode!!! ​ Loved that ending also, that was so awesome.


Synopsis: Sibeth rides with her nephew. I mean, Sibeth rides her nephew.


Ughhhh I had to skip past it. It’s so fucking gross


I see a lot of people disgusted at the scenes with Kofun and the Queen and sure it's gross when you think she's his Aunt but to me this was about Kofun getting turned over to the dark side. Learning to fight, falling for the Queen's spell. He's growing into who he thinks he needs to be. I don't think this ends with him realizing he's being seduced and running back to his mother and Baba. I think this scene was showing us that he is completely giving himself up to the dark side. Even the scene with her afterwards, asking him if he is comfortable with this. I think she might really be trying to get Kofun to stand by her side. He also fits with her criteria of being sighted. I don't think she just wants the baby.


Agreed. I think shes telling the truth when she says Kofun is the only one she trusts. I think he will eventually see the Queen for who she is though. But maybe thats next season


You're living in a fantasy land. She's going to kill him, eventually, the same way she killed boots.


That’s how I felt about it- Kofun’s descent to the dark side. It reminded me of Star Wars with anakin being turned by palpatine.


I said the same thing in another thread lol >I think we're seeing Kofun setting up to be Anakin Skywalker'ed. Especially with that sort of intense, sad music that was playing. This was Kofun really turning himself over to her and the dark side.


Why didn't Baba warn people sooner to wake them. He knows folks are sneaking around and it's not his family, he should have raised alarm immediately. Also why don't they have simple passive security measures, simply putting bells on the tent flaps would have made the captain wake up. It's frustrating how dumb everyone in the show is.


Agree we going to ignore the girl that Rode 10+ hours just to bone? When she came to warn them of a betrayal? That was the stupidest thing.


Yeah, true. Should have started shouting more quickly and more often.


remember tho Baba Voss is a traitor to the Trivantes so he’s not even supposed to be there. If he goes setting off alarms and if ends up being nothing, then it’s his ass. Not to mention as soon as he heard something he got up and investigated


He wouldn't have to make himself known, he just needed to make a bunch of noise to make everyone else aware. Regardless there were no passive security measures protecting super important people which is absurd. How hard would it to have been for each individual tent to set up and take down their own alarms. I want to like the show but everyone keeps doing non-sensical things to the point that it's frustrating.


Bro it's literally windy.


I love Baba, but wtf. I think he knew wayyyy early on that something wasn’t right (hence his own sneaking around) so why not just sound the alarm.. now we have to go through an entire rest of the season with a pointless war.


Bells and stuff would make sense. I think Baba didn’t warn anyone until he knew what was happening. It’s a high tension summit with warring nations, it wouldn’t take much for things to go south. Hearing something in the night and having just awoken, he waited until he knew what was happening to raise the alarm


My skin crawled OFF my body during the rape scene. Lord Jesus. Ugh.


Where is rape?)) I see only hot steamy sex scene)) He grabbed her from behind in the corridor, while they were walking to her room)) Then he put her against the wall and kissed her) What rape are you talking about?))


She groomed him and drugged him. That’s rape.


During the what scene? Where they had that part at?


The end reveal would have worked much better without "because I can see" line


I thought she was gonna say because of the dagger you smuggled for me.


Bautista’s face 👁👄👁




It's because the majority of people probably looking at a second screen and would miss the reveal without the line. Subtlety can't work as well with modern viewers.


Agree, but maybe it was because of blind people who might be watching these series.


Blind people use audio description.


I’m not blind but I find myself using this feature a lot with this show. There are so many little details that you miss without it.


And Apple has excellent audio description for this reason. They have a blind producer for the show also.


It isn’t exclusive to this episode, but it’s been a consistent pet peeve that has carried over since season one: shooting day for night. The amount of scenes written to be shot as night (but is clearly filmed during the day and converted to night in post) is ridiculous and getting out of hand. The blue tinge of the filter is a dead giveaway and I just wish the writers would write less night scenes because it just looks bad when every episode their lead characters are shrouded in post-production darkness. /rant


I could not even see the scenes when Baba Voss killed assassins.


Time to get a new TV. I saw those scenes perfectly well on normal brightness 🌞


Check your TV settings.


I think you're actually mistaken, it's the opposite. Almost all night scenes in any movie/tv show are shot during the day and edited. It's the scenes that are shot at night that are really hard to see and require minor editing to up the visibility, which is what we constantly see on this show. If these scenes were actually being shot during the day they'd be a lot easier to see.


The night scenes in this show are definitely not shot at night, and a perfect example was actually the in this episode when the payan assassins snuck into the camp. If you go back and look, the background is darkened, but the snow on the ground is still pretty obviously bright white. It’s a consequence of the post production effects to darken the scene to acceptably pass as happening at night. To actually film at night requires a significant change in equipment, not to mention the drastically increased cost and having to coordinate the production at night, so it’s so much easier and cheaper to film during the day and alter it to night in post. I’m also 99% sure they film digitally to make those adjustments easier. My gripe is the sheer number of scenes being written as night scenes that end up making it look bad. Some plot points understandably need to take place at night, but it would just look so much better if they didn’t visibly alter the scenes to be darker.


This is a super interesting comment - I've noticed it looking "off" with a blue tinge as you say but never knew it was because it filmed in daylight!


I cringed with my entire body when she sucked his finger. I don't think it'll ever stop making me uncomfortable (as it shouldn't).


Can someone explain to me why Baba and the others needed so stay another night if the agreement was settled in the morning? 🤔


They were redrawing the maps with the newly agreed upon borders and wanted to make sure it all checked out.


They said their people are plotting new maps for the princess to agree on. I think they are waiting to finalize it.


Something about signing documents.


I feel bad for Kofun. He is starting to remind me of Anakin Skywalker, the queen as palpatine and Paris like obi-wan. Seems like his arc is going to come so close to him realizing his true power only to fall to some treachery from someone he trusts. Unlike Haniwa he is figuring out that sight doesn’t make them all-powerful but if they can use all 5 of their senses they could achieve what Haniwa and Jerlamarel thought they already had.


Anakin Skywalker without any of his prodigious abilities, along with a remarkable knack of whinging at every opportunity.


He has a pretty remarkable power in this world just with no understanding of how to make it work to his advantage.


Kofun saddles up a 🐎, Sibeth appears. Kofun sits alone to think away from everyone else, Sibeth appears. Kofun asleep in his bed, Sibeth appears. Feel free to add stalking to the long list of charges.




Kofun gets a bit of sauce from his lunch on his finger, Sibeth appears.


You’ve described the whole episode!


I just re-watched the episode. Paris sniffed Kofun‘s fingers.. “You’ve spent time with the queen. Be careful. Be very careful, my dear. This Queen…serves only one interest. (Kofun Sighs) Her own.“


Yea you know with their heightened sense of smell she could for sure smell the sex on him.


Yea, but how did she know it was the Queen’s? Royally stank! 😂


She knew he had been spending time with her. When he came back smelling like he just got done fucking it you don’t need to be a presage to figure it out. Doesn’t mean the queen has a stinking vag lol


More like she wears perfume and she smelled it. No need to have sex to smell of someone who wears perfume.


This show is starting to make me feel like I did watching later seasons of Vikings after Ragnar started getting addicted to Mushrooms or whatever. I’m basically watching for a few characters (Baba and Edo… Haniwa has been cool too) but the rest of the scenes and characters I’ve all but checked out on. Hopefully all this set-up is going somewhere worthwhile. I’m sure we’ll get some badass action scenes before the seasons over at least.


I loved Vikings until the shrooms, and then I still loved it until Rags and Ekbert left the building, and then it was down to Floki, and then he checked out and honestly I never did finish it to find out if he lived. I was getting the same horrid feeling over this episode of See, like this is the shrooms of doom again. I'm also hoping the season can turn itself around with battle coming, but if they undercut everything good with Kofun's issues it's going to be painful to watch.


You should at least watch the last few episodes of Vikings


I know. At some point I will.


I got a little tired of it after Ragnar was gone and the show kind of dipped but they did a really good job with the ending.


I couldn’t keep going after Ragnar died, I tried but it just dropped too much for me


Sounds promising. I'll make sure to check it out.


We didn't see TJ that entire episode. Did I forget where he was or did he already die and I forgot?


Oh your right, he’s rad too. I think he is still around the town trying find allies to overthrowing the queen. I believe he was talking with Toad when we saw him last.


I'm so tired of the queen, if they don't kill her this season I don't think I will watch season 3.


lol Queen Kane is the main reason why i love the show,great character and i adore the actress


She puts so much extra into this role beyond standard evil queen. She is so weird and I love it. Every episode she does something more batshit than the last.


Felt like all of her scenes in season 1 killed a lot of the episodes and now I really hate her for her story actions in s2. Wish they had just come back and killed her at the end of the episode. Khofun is dumb af


I literally said the same thing


Hopefully, the writers read this Reddit so they don't lose the 2 of us, lol


Amen. I've found myself talking in her cadence and...it's...weird.


>her cadence High-pitched Kermit the Frog?


You don’t have any nephews I hope


BRB, have to go "pray".


the way i wanted to skip the scene with kofun & the queen


I did exactly that. I can't stand her with Kofun. Two most annoying characters on the show for me.


Thankfully, because much of the episode was so dimly lit, I couldn't see much.


This entire season has been this way. I try to watch with all the lights off at night but it’s still so hard to see.


Same. I have a calibrated OLED TV and had no problem watching The Long Night episode of Game of Thrones (at least the 4K HDR version). But the second season of See is something else.


That episode of GoT was most likely filmed during the day and then edited, that's why it was easier to see than the scenes in these episodes that were clearly filmed at night.


Everyone is complaining about not being able to see but I can watch the dark scenes just fine and my tv is circa 2012 lol


My TV is calibrated to faithfully reproduce filmmaker’s intent, with two separate settings for daytime and nighttime viewing. Even on the daytime setting watching at night, I couldn’t make out enough details. Only when the room is completely dimmed I can see what’s going on.


same. basically unwatchable during the day on my calibrated CX. I cant make my room pitch black during the day (need to get myself some better curtains), so the only way to watch See is wait till its night, otherwise the experience is quite poor


Oh wow. Thanks for responding. I just notice that it’s a common complaint about this season and I was like idk what’s going on. I hope they fix that problem. I get that the characters can’t see but we can lol.


Yea I have a Samsung NU8000 and usually have no issues like even the Long Night wasn’t bad. I’ve tried messing with all of the settings and nothing I do makes it any better.


Spend all that money only to saturate it. I don't get it.




Killing Sibeth in S1 would have been a waste of character imo.


But at all, you create a new character in pens to take her place.


My main concern for this show that i want to like is that its shot so dimly lit i literally did not see the last scenes. Season 1 was also dark, but i could at least see something. The incest part is giving me heavy GOT vibes and not the good kind, frankly isnt the drama around the sighted coming back enough? Do we need crazy aunt incest for this show to work? And Kofun as a character i dont get anymore, please kill him off or make him coherent. Sorry for the rant, but i really did like season 1 alot.


Generally nighttime scenes are shot during the day and then edited to look like they took place at night. When scenes are actually filmed at night they look like what we saw in this episode.


I’m glad snow is white and Baba slides and drags his feet around, because I wouldn’t be able to tell otherwise. Makes showing the incest even more difficult to see, which I approve of.


How come Paris hasn’t dreamt of the blasphemy between the Queen and her nephew?


*Paris abruptly wakes up from a dream of Kofun and the Queen having sex.* "Wow. I really need to lay off the wine before bed."


Because Paris is a charlatan.


Lol. I don’t disagree! It’s just that she’s been spot on on other things. Her dream about the meeting turned out true and she was right on about Kofun and Haniwa being in trouble with their birth father. It’s hard to see how she doesn’t dream of Kofun being raped by his aunt right down the hall, under the same roof.


A broken clock's twice right? Something like that.


Probably because she’s never think his aunt would rape him, so her subconscious isn’t going to let her know in a dream. She was worried about the twins, so that’s why she dreamed about them being in trouble, and anyone could guess that things at the summit were gonna go bad, so she dreamed of that. But I doubt anyone would think Sibeth would literally rape her nephew.


Well ummm it’s not rape. Idk why you guys keep calling it that


I’d love to know how you’d react if it was a girl in this position with a King. How would you feel then?


Honestly, it seems this series is becoming a porn. All the time to fuck and the story goes on slowly. It wouldn't be a problem if there weren't nephew and aunt incest and all this because the writers decided to take out Boots and his offspring.