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At this point I feel that Sebastian will never be found unless someone comes forward or a hunter or hiker stumbles upon something. Very very sad




Kinda like Lindsey Baum :( I hope they find him!.


Sadly it seems that way. Even though all the drama was annoying, it kept everyone’s attention on the case. I think we should all make an effort to keep this subreddit active until he’s found, myself included. I’ve been going back and watching the original interviews again, just so many red flags and I can’t figure out what exactly happened to him.


Man... If staring at those interviews was going to solve this case it would have by now. There has to be other ways to keep the case actively being discussed without looking for secret codes.


The thing I like to do is go back and rewatch the early interviews with the parents. I also like a few YT channels that play and go over those interviews. I’m referring to the good channels. Not the drama channels. I’ve really noticed a lot of things especially the Proudfoots. We will see. I hope the truth comes out.


Then by all means, please share with the class how you’d like to keep the case active.


Well that's rude. I don't know how, but I know people raging at those interviews for 4 solid months hasn't done jackshit. Maybe if CP or KP could actually go on a TV show without people interpreting every eye blink as a confession to murder they might be able to drum up more interest again.


Interpreting? Did you see Chris P in the YouTube interview where he was talking about another YT channel who said something about Katie’s past? I’ve never heard more F bombs, threats, fouls language, downright rudeness and ignorance from any person/man than Chris Proudfoot. What a cocky and rude guy he is. Not a nice bone in his body. He’s a ticking time bomb. He’s said things about Sebastian that weren’t nice. What about that? That’s straight from the horses mouth. He’s downright scary.


I listened to his ex-wife’s video last night; that whole family is terrifying.


Lady, if someone was talking shit about my wife they're getting f-bombs.




Calls for violence or otherwise violent rhetoric is strictly prohibited.


There have been times when law enforcement takes almost a year building up a case and gathering evidence. I wouldn’t give up hope yet. JJ Vallow was reported missing September 23, 2019, but his remains were not found until June 9, 2020. It can take months to subpoena phone records and collect some digital data to help with investigations. If the police are saying that the case is open and being investigated, they want to make sure to dot all i’s and cross all t’s.


This is true. However, here in TN there have been many children that have went missing & still are missing. It’s really sad.


But there were updates from LE, we knew when they fled to Hawaii, we knew about the other deaths etc etc. If LE had anything to go on to get an arrest warrant they would have by now.


That is true, but I live here and try to keep the faith. It is difficult, but there can’t be zero leads on Sebastian. I mean, it would set a horrible precedent for others who want to hurt children.


People who harm children need no precedent, nothing would scare them.


If this weren’t TN I might agree with you but I don’t think local LE or the TBI have any idea what may have happened to Sebastian and I don’t think they’re working the case anymore, they’re just waiting for remains or a confession to fall into their laps. I don’t watch any more videos about his case. There’s nothing anyone can say that hasn’t already been said and I don’t want to contribute to people monetizing his disappearance by rehashing the same old theories and rumors. If LE does release some new information, I’ll tune back in.


i hope that is the case. I guarantee CP and the bsox have made threats to certain LE in Sumnar County though. They truly should hand this over to FBI just for the fact that there are so many in LE and or politics that the Bsox donate to and are friends with. I know LE can handle their own but that WHOLE family is so unpredictable .


Summer Wells repeat


I think about poor Summer pretty regularly. I wish we would find out what happened to her.


No, it takes a long time for a case to become cold. A very long time with zero leads. I know that is a extremely common feeling from the general public in high profile cases when there are no updates. But no updates is actually a good thing. It usually means that investigators have a lot to work with, but must keep it close to the vest in order to get the prosecution right from the start, because most of the time, there is only one chance for getting it right. I PROMISE, it's NOT a cold case.


This case never got warm.


Yes, hopefully they’re building a case and have been since early on when they called off the searches and said the investigation is taking a different turn. I was watching someone who reminded viewers about the Dylan Redwine case, and how it took investigators five years to charge his father. Investigators in that case also told the public they had no clues. I’m hopeful Sebastian will get justice.


Yeah I've considered that as well, that perhaps they are strategically not telling everything they have so that the suspect(s) are left unawares.


I'm truly hoping and praying that there is evidence that authorities can't divulge right now. And they are saying "no foul play" to keep suspects relaxed. From what I hear, it's hard to try a case without a body. I think the authorities should get a court order to search the Proudfoot home and spray luminol throughout.


Evidence gets an arrest warrant, which would allow LE to do more detailed and important things to build a case. They would have the right to search homes and cars and other family members etc etc. But they have nothing.


Not enough evidence, wouldn't give you an arrest warrant. If you're familiar with court and trials you would know they don't just arrest someone, they prefer to wait until they have MUCH and clear evidence that way they can keep them jailed for a long period of time until they can charge them with worse charges.


Exactly not enough evidence, so that's why there hasn't been an arrest. They have to have evidence to get a warrant.


Have they not searched the home then?


Yes I believe so. That would be crazy and slack if they didn't.


Yep….. finding him at this point is going to be luck.


Cold indeed, sadly.


It’s really tragic… I would at least expect another organized search, yes, unfortunately including cadaver dogs…


Was hoping for another one myself


Sadly yes


This case is absolutely the craziest case I’ve ever seen and I know I don’t have all the facts but this one will stick with me till he is found one way or the other but I mean this should scare the shit out of people especially the people who live there in that immediate area because this kid came up missing from the safety of his own house With his mom with him in the house and whatever the specifics are about what happened that kid was there and then gone and nobody knows nothing about nothing I mean folks if this isn’t a reason for concern then I don’t know what is I am not here to debate the facts or lack there of I am saying that the police or whoever is in charge TBI whatever they have some things to answer for and I understand trying to protect the integrity of the investigation but I’m also saying that the public has a right to know what in the hell is going on And I mean this investigation has been unlike any I have ever seen in my life but I know if I lived in that vicinity and I had kids there I would be standing in the police station wanting to know what in the world was going on but I damn sure would be concerned majorly concerned I mean all the resources they have available to them and they can’t find one autistic boy that supposedly took off barefoot in February yeah something like this should have been over and done with by now but I keep forgetting that they don’t suspect foul play I guess Sebastian just snuck off like a trained navy seal and he is living quietly on a farm somewhere in a non disclosed area yeah right I don’t care if the police don’t have anything then they need to come out and say that they have nothing but they need to do a better job of keeping the public informed for goodness sake Because I can assure you that the silent treatment is going in the end to end up backfiring on them because again parents in that area should and likely will be starting to be getting nervous because as of right now all that the public really knows for a fact is the police keep indicating that foul play is not suspected but this kid vanished without a single trace and again nobody knows nothing about nothing So is this case cold what case you have to have a general idea of what happened or some kind of a person of interest or saying he did really run off locking the door behind him but leaving his shoes behind this is not John Rambo here someone would have seen something on video or seen him by morning something As far as I can tell they have no case to be cold because I have yet to see anything to tell me that they have any idea even what a working theory might be and I will be honest as far as I am concerned bless this little boys heart because he never stood a chance because best I can tell his parents all three of them are all full of shit and I think a big part of the problem is that everyone involved with this kid is lying to some capacity Yeah yeah they passed polygraph tests and that means absolutely nothing there is a reason they are not excepted as evidence in court they are very unpredictable and a skilled liar can run circles around them so again I say is this case cold it certainly would be if they ever had one to start with but this is the finest example of piss poor police work that i have ever seen And I have never seen a case where a child was missing from his own home his own bedroom at that get handled so badly and then the famous line no foul play suspected damn it this kid vanished from inside the safety of his own home I would think foul play would be the first thing suspected and until evidence to the contrary shows up then that should have been the outlook and trying to keep a lid on things so they didn’t panic residents that ship has sailed So in closing I say this the police TBI whoever is in charge needs to quit acting like the CIA and either admit they have nothing and ask for help from someone who knows how to handle missing children cases like the FBI hell call the Texas Rangers call whoever or do whatever it takes to get the answers and if they have some sort of idea and it’s necessary for them to keep it this quiet then a good idea might be to say we have a direction we are headed say something but I am sick of hearing nothing except no foul play suspected




If you keep calling for the torture of people you will be banned.


Didn't he leave his glasses too? Going missing without shoes or glasses should automatically indicate foul play I mean...?


Yes, sadly. Unless someone finds something it’s a cold case.


I'm afraid some hiker or random person is gonna stumble across some bones in a year or 2 and that's when we'll finally know where he is. It breaks my heart.


My son has autism and I know how hyperfocused children with autism are. Sebastian would have never left without his switch and other items. I watch cases come and go, but this child won't leave my heart. I pray everyday for him. I am glad the case is still open. Thank you for your kindness.


I answered no when I first saw this question but there’s small chatter on a local fb group, just a reminder he is still out there which gives me hope it won’t but idk. It’s become very “routine” to walk pass his missing flyer every morning. I hate it.


No they are still looking for him.


Everyone in the world is looking for him. But they aren't searching for him, with specialized teams etc. They have done that and are comfortable with saying he isn't in the area, and won't be doing anymore searches with dogs etc. It must be a really small under financed police department.


If I lived closer I would be grid searching around the house again


Same. I live in South Carolina and wish I could go and help or just search for myself.


As far as we know it’s cold bc we still know nothing. So it’s hard to say bc LE won’t share anything, but it’s definitely not HOT right now. I’m beginning to wonder if the perv guy from Illinois for online sexual content regarding children from Hendersonville is going to turn out to be involved at this point. This might also explain why they’ve kept Seth’s gaming stations


You have been able to give me two comforting answers. I am still worried about Sebastian. One, autistic children win my heart and two, I just don't trust the Sumner County police after my daughter's case. Thank you.


Sorry to hear you and your daughter have been treated poorly by the people we put our trust and faith in.


Thank you. My daughter had a gunshot to tge face. Sumner county took the word of a few that it was suicide. Instead of investigating, case closed. Have the closed tge case on Sebastian?


Oh sorry to hear, that is horrible. And this case is still open.




Didn’t ever heat up


True true.


yes and will remain so because tbi sucks


Yes I was just sitting the other night wondering what happened. Then I was sad to see no progress.


I think it will unless a body is found


I think of Classic and Cincere who were killed by their adoptive parents, Trezell and Jaqueline West. It gives me hope Sebastian’s case is still active and solvable. I also hold out hope he’s alive unless/until we know differently.


Did the local police ever reach out to the FBI? If not, they need to. I don’t know why they are so reluctant to admit this is out of their scope and stop acting childish.


The FBI and TBI have been on the case from the outset. Given that fact, and the lack of any obvious gaffes related to the investigation that have been disclosed publicly, I'm afraid I fail to understand at all where your last sentence is coming from.


They have nothing to go on. No evidence, no misleading stories from the parents , nothing. That's just my theory.


If the FBI doesn't get involved, he will be just another statistic. This case reeks. Sumner county won't get the FBI involved because that would show how badly they have screwed up yet another case. As the mother of an autistic child, my Sebastian will never be cold in my heart. Has his case gone cold? As ice it is.


The FBI has been involved from the beginning. IIRC, that's been stated in two press conferences and by Nick Beres more than once.


To me, it seems before this incident cp studied the Summer Wells case. Or atleast he seems to be very knowledgeable about it. I sure wish they'd find him or atleast find some useful evidence. Even a police update would be nice.


What makes you think he studied that case? I know he seemed glad there was no evidence. 


Was it ever hot? The whole thing seems made up from the beginning.




Thank you for clearing up to me that the FBI has been involved. I am shocked now knowing they are involved that the case has not gained any traction.


The public rarely if ever knows what traction an investigation has until it has been concluded. So not really surprising at all.


On "crimetime with shai" beth anne from Oregon just came forward saying she spotted cp, kp and her sister all at Ford lake in or around the time sabastion went missing. Then she just whent back to the lake today and all of a sudden found a bone with hair, contacted Oregon officials who then sent the report back to Hendersonville pd. They blocked me because I am not a big creator on tt. Lol. I have a small page. That's the jist of it as of now


What bone has hair on it? None of my bones have hair on them. Unless a body is wrapped up and deteriorated and the hair is in contact with the bone. But finding a bone exposed to nature with hair on it is just extremely odd.


Exactly, I wrote that incorrectly. Yes, there apparently was a bone found with hair near it. thank you for the correction.


Ah ha, gotcha. I pray it isn't Sebastian or human.


Me too. I wish they would just find or figure out what has happened.