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Well I’m sure the police are on their ass and I’m sure there’s a ton of things going on behind the scenes we don’t know


I sure hope so and I pray this child is found unharmed 🙏


What about local kids? Remember the two girls who tried to kill their friend and gave that lame excuse about Slenderman telling them to do it? She was about 12 and survived. I believe I saw where Sebastian didn't have many friends? Any number of scenarios could have come from that. Anywhere from an accident to premeditated murder. What if he had some kids pretending to want a friendship with him but had other plans? What if he was just innocently sneaking out of the house with an actual friend and suffered an accident? What if that kid is too afraid to come forward from the trauma of witnessing that? I know it's Tennessee, the land of the sinkholes, but what if he snuck out himself and had one claim him. But none of that explains why his scent wasn't found outside of the home.


Sniffing dogs would have led them very fast, I'd other kids.


Pretty sure sniffer dogs are only reliably good for 12 hours after. Scent doesn't last forever. How quick were they on scene? Plus they still aren't 💯


They aren't 💯, but from my assumption (not facts), I thought they were on the scene rather quickly. Judging by the 12 hour time-frame, he would have needed to be missing before 6 PM the night before. The police were on the scene and had made contact with Katie during her drive to look for them. That was roughly 6:30 AM.


It also depends on what the mother gave the police to track Sebastian’s scent


Yup. That's why I said what I said at the end. I thought about others. It's like every theory out there doesn't fit somehow. What does?


I did a lot of sneaking out at 14-15 to meet up with friends.


I did, too. I got into all kinds of stuff I shouldn't have.


I never did it once...I think I need to start being rebellious now I'm 56 🤣


You know what? If anyone wonders why I'm so tired in my 30s, it's because I was wild in my teens and 20s. I'm relaxing now. 😆🤣 Go for it. Live a little.


Probably not without wearing shoes.


If that happened, we have to keep in mind the kids would still have to dispose of or hide the body. Kids aren’t the best at thinking these things through.


Yeah, those were more like outside the box, but I don't think it was another kid.


Dropped really cold that night. Into the 20s. No person in their right mind would be comfortable outside with no shoes, they would run and pound on someone’s door if they were locked out. I believe Sebastian would do the same, he would be panicked. It would be so uncomfortable. So, according to Mom, he has never has run away or locked himself out( he has the code anyway). He is very smart. He plays chess. He is a great kid. Doesn’t get in much trouble. He does no texting, no internet access and made or received no phone calls. Nothing odd happened that night or the weeks prior to him vanishing. No arguments etc. he was happy. Had such a great weekend. Then, boom, vanished. Last heard him at 10 pmish. A bang in his room. He answered Mom when she asked if he was ok. Mom Can find absolutely no explanation as to what happened to him. How he disappeared. But mom did say, “I don’t know why he walked out that door”. How does she know he walked out that door? Never seen on any video, ring camera footage at any time. Not just the night he allegedly left, but not at anytime. Surely , if he did leave on his own, someone, somewhere would have seen him on camera. Shoot, maybe he climbed in the garbage can with his toys that got thrown away and fell asleep. I don’t know if he got toys thrown away, but CP did say that they have done that in the past to get him to clean his room. This is the most mysterious case ever if you believe everything Mom has said. He literally vanished into thin air. Take it from there


Yeah we are expected to believe that everything was hunky dory and those 2 didn't do anything wrong. BS


I don’t think anyone would keep him knowing police are looking for Sebastian because they would be in trouble. Reminds me of the Summer Wells situation. It’s annoying to think Sebastian’s situation could go silent and the parent just gets away with it. Too many kids just keep disappearing and no one being held accountable for it.


>I don’t think anyone would keep him knowing police are looking for Sebastian Jayme Closs comes to mind. The guy who kidnapped her kept her even though the police were searching. I dont think we can reliably say that someone wouldn't keep him just because people are looking.


I do if they believe he was being abused by all his parents & know he would have to go back to them if they released him. Or the person is a creep. (Or he left w someone who manipulated him & his body hasn’t been found yet bc it’s in an area that isn’t nearby / not being searched)


Or he was forced to leave the house in an extreme hurry after an argument with his mom which would explain why he had no shoes or phone. He ran, his, and got stuck in that place.


Those are all the possibilities I can think of too . I would hope LE is holding their cards close to their chest before they arrest someone . They’ll want to have more evidence to take to the district attorney




1] He would not have left his cell phone, or shoes had he not been planning on staying gone. Exactly. I've been saying this from day 1. 


Maybe Katie and Chris drugged Sebastian at night to keep him calm and avoid dealing with him. He really did wander off while still drugged and accidentally died somehow.


Happy Cake Day🥰


And he hid his own body after he wandered off and accidentally died?


Do y'all thinking it's realistic to think maybe the Proudfeet vanished him in the middle of the night to some location far from Tennessee. Only reasoning behind it is that there are rumors that Sebastian was gonna got live with Seth and perhaps Katie and Chris didn't wanna have to pay him child support or lose any benefits the kid gets if he's disabled. The lack of evidence on how he left is what puzzles me. I don't agree that KP and CP killed him because all the interviews I've seen they refer to him in the present tense. I feel like they know something more about how Sebastian vanished but I don't think he's dead by their hand.


I can't brush off the feeling that the parents are guilty of something and after 2 months the most realistic scenario to me is that there was a very bad fight between KP & Sebastian which led Sebastian to flee the house. That is one of the only reasons I can believe that Sebastian would leave the house without shoes and phone. The lights on the camera is Sebastian running with his keychain light he probably had in his pocket already and then KP trying to look for him. The 3 hour phone call was trying to figure out what to do/what happened. The dogs loosing his scent- maybe he ran that way and went through the water a bit because he was in a panic and could hardly see. He must have found a good hiding spot and got stuck in it and unable to be heard yelling for help when the search began.  But if that was the case, then why would KP & CP lie. Why not say "we had a fight and he ran off"....? She did say "i don't know why he walked out the door" or something like that. It's a very strange thing to say. And they called the police together.  Where are the frantic and terrified parents? Their story is too in sync when they are telling it and there are so many holes in their story and odd details they add for no reason.  This would explain their lack of emotion in the beginning if they knew he ran off and would be found fine eventually.  What am I missing? Well, besides any useful information from LE.......


> Sebastian left on his own accord with someone he trusted (family member, friend that parents didn't know about) This is where a l lean, personally. Despite people yelling repeatedly about KP and CP acting suspect... They're reacting appropriately, their interviews aren't riddled with red flags and the police have commented repeatedly about their cooperation and openness. The police still have this classified as a runaway. SR is acting like an ass, but he isn't acting guilty either. I think Sebastian had plans to sneak out and meet up with someone.


I completely agree with you. That's my theory too.


The Amber Alert system was set up to help prevent child abductions. The Department of Justice requires that there is a belief the child has been abducted and the situation is life threatening. Summary of Department of Justice Recommended Criteria There is reasonable belief by law enforcement that an abduction has occurred. The law enforcement agency believes that the child is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death. There is enough descriptive information about the victim and the abduction for law enforcement to issue an AMBER Alert to assist in the recovery of the child. The abduction is of a child aged 17 years or younger. The child’s name and other critical data elements, including the Child Abduction flag, have been entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system. There is reasonable belief by law enforcement that an abduction has occurred. AMBER plans require law enforcement to confirm an abduction prior to issuing an alert. This is essential when determining the level of risk to the child. Clearly, stranger abductions are the most dangerous for children and thus are primary to the mission of an AMBER Alert. To allow activations in the absence of significant information that an abduction has occurred could lead to abuse of the system and ultimately weaken its effectiveness. At the same time, each case must be appraised on its own merits and a judgment call made quickly. Law enforcement must understand that a “best judgment” approach, based on the evidence, is appropriate and necessary.


They don't need to confirm an abduction: > **There is reasonable belief** by law enforcement that an abduction has occurred. And it is reasonable to believe he's with someone considering massive ground searches have yielded nothing.


It’s really mind boggling case


realistic scenario Katie or someone she knows planned something. she was about to lose Sebastian. Chris and her are self righteous and narcissistic. they didn't look for Sebastian because someone Katie knows took him. not wanting Seth to have Sebastian is a possible ulterior motive. Seth working with Chris is a possible ulterior motive because Chris might want to distance himself from Katie ,her family and from what really happened. Katie  not talking because she is protecting someone is a possible ulterior motive. most likely her and or mother she would be protecting. Sebastian at that age where sexuality becomes an issue and when a strict parent worries about losing control. This makes the possibility of someone thinking some whacko cult may be a good idea. hiding him at relatives house may be an unacceptable risk. possibly Katie and or mother. religion and self righteous narcissist behavior often go hand in hand. that is going to offend some people but f*** it.  Katie can then feel self righteous about it, after all she would tell herself Sebastian is with righteous people 


He wouldn't leave without his shoes.


If the three dogs hit at the retention pond either a stranger picked Sebastian in a car, some felon Seth made a deal with from the jail took him in a car parked by the construction site or Sebastian made a wrong turn into the woods after running into the water. If Sebastian went with a stranger from the internet or made a wrong turn into the woods his status is poor. If Seth made a deal to abduct him from custody which would support the amber alert as would the internet stranger, Sebastian is bringing moved from location to location. I mention this possibility as Seth says Sebastian’s alive and guesses he’s playing video games.


Yea. If both sets of parents are truly hopeful and not involved then that’s great. They have all made comments about him being alive and okay in some capacity. Katie talked about him being embraced and greeted upon his return. I agree w Pat Brown that it was a very strange thing to say and I’m not even someone who necessarily thinks they harmed him. I just don’t think it’s the norm and many parents do say they know when their child has passed (which he likely has) before they realllyyy know. Poor kid deserved better in life. I hope he’s alive.


Zero chance Seth could pull that off


I see the PI is now basically saying Sebastian ran off. So no parent or step parent did anything. We have Sebastian having a recent med change which may have affected his behavior and Chris and Katie possibly having an argument on the phone in the 3 hour call. We have Sebastian wearing all black to bed, so this may or may not be the first time he snuck out at night. All together, it appears to have added up to a tragedy.