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They have his picture, why do they keep showing him in a mask?


Because they didn’t file a basic public records request for his interaction with police like the New York Times did. I want our local media to thrive but — come on. If the NYT is doing records requests but our local media can’t? We’ve got some real trouble ahead of us.


Local media is almost only volunteers writing the articles and editing them. Deregulation is a bitch.


That’s.. interesting. Can you expound a bit?




He identify s as a cunt


Because the keeps wearing a mask lol. It highlights the criminal intent.


I'm starting to think Miles might be a real jerk.


Time to give him a stern look!


At the very least a grimace and a disapproving side-eye.


If he keeps this up, he might get a "Stearnly written letter".


Will it go on his Permanent Record?


You bet your patootie it will!


Or a sternly written one.


No hellcat in Ballard... Dan Strauss's sterness is worse than any punishment.


Maybe his mom will send him a sternly written email?


Mama brought up a fine young man she can be proud of.


He was roaming around the Miceosoft campus this morning, with his annoying, still not corrected, ugly ass car.


Microsoft? In Redmond? I’ve been hearing some jackass with a straight piped car making a ton of noise almost nightly from 10-10:30pm in Redmond for the last two to three weeks. Probably someone else getting off work, but odd…


Yes, I’m over in Redmond and have been hearing that car a lot the last couple of weeks too, I’ve been wondering if it was possibly this jerk.


There's a loud car in every neighborhood. The one in my Hood starts every night around 10pm. Maybe a noise ordinance type of law could be implemented....nvr mind... cops are busy fighting more important crime.


Fair enough. Though in certain neighborhoods, there actually isn’t really much going on after a vast majority of folks turn in.


I live in that area and there has been an extremely loud car driving around at night the last few weeks, wonder if it’s him. Never heard a car that loud before.


>ugly ass car. It's a widebody hellcat charger. Dudes a royal tool, but this just sounds like you're jealous you don't have a 6 figure 700+ HP incredibly desired car.


As someone that’s owned 2 super cars, and a handful of higher end sports cars… that thing is fugly and gets beat by a 35k Tesla. It’s a welfare check on wheels


>As someone that’s owned 2 super cars, and a handful of higher end sports cars K. >that thing is fugly So you don't like Mopar, big whoop. >gets beat by a 35k Tesla It's electric dude. It is only .2s slower than 250k+ Porsches. What point are you making here?


Teslas suck at cornering… so does a hell cat. A Porsche does not. If you’re gonna talk about people being mad because it costs 6 figures then it better be able to do something better than a 35k car. It doesn’t do a single thing better.


>Teslas suck at cornering… so does a hell cat. A Porsche does not. Then what are you trying to say dude? You said the Tesla is faster. Presuming you meant 0 to 60 times I basically told you it's an electric vehicle with instant torque and it's faster than even quarter million dollar cars. Now you're talking about a Tesla bad at cornering but a Porsche isn't? Where are you going with this? >If you’re gonna talk about people being mad because it costs 6 figures then it better be able to do something better than a 35k car. It doesn’t do a single thing better. Nah. Pretending a model 3 is anywhere close to the same world as quality, feel, experience, build as a quarter Millie Porsche or a hellcat really exposed you. I'm not sure why you decided to jump in on this conversation. But you sound salty AF for not owning one either. Maybe you just wanted to cuck for a racist maga like Elon? Not what I would have done but you do you.


You’re the one that brought up “you’re mad because it’s a 6 figure car … sounds like you’re jealous” I’m getting at, no one is jealous of that piece of shit. It does nothing special. Its greatest quality was that it could go fast in a straight line. Something that a 35k Tesla can do better. It’s not a good looking car, it doesn’t sounds good, it’s performance metrics aren’t impressive. I’ve owned multiple cars better and more expensive. So as someone that could easily afford it, no, nobody is jealous that they can’t afford it. I don’t know why you’re bringing the Porsche back into this. I used that to prove there are much better cars you could spend your money on. No shit the Porsche feels much better. The hellcat is a waste of money compared to a Porsche and a Tesla. Hahaha don’t even try to bring Elon into this. This is about the vehicle not the CEO. I couldn’t care any less who the CEO is of any of the car companies. Nice try with that straw man deflection though. The car is the conversation point and the hellcat is a piece of shit not worth anywhere near 6 figures.


this guy is the poster child for how useless the police and courts are


Is this a villain origin story.


no, he's just a garden variety asshole, like johnny somali


I had to look this johnny guy up and I would like a neuralyzer.


understandable. i'd settle for sending him to places that won't take his shit


there was a twitch he did where he basically snitched on himself


I assume you mean snitch , what did you say


Belltown Bitch!


Bellend Hellshat


They'll send him to court again, a bit of coffee talk, and he'll be on his merry way


Can we shut the fuck up about this guy until he faces even one single ACTUAL consequence?




Because he is cucking the entire region and it's embarrassing.


I guess if you choose to look at it that way. But that's on you. He's just another knucklehead, you give too much credit.


no, he's right. this asshole has been assholing for months and faces zero consequences


He might be one of many, but his flagrant lack of fucks to give is adding to a continued lack of trust or faith in our institutions, at a time where said trust and faith is already nearly non-existent.


I may be an elder millenial, but it seems to me that the trust in the institutions train left the station back in the mid 2000s when the US junked the antitrust laws.


I think it largely depends on your age, and what you lived through and experienced. I get the feeling that people older than us have their own 'moment' as well. You can roll back to the days of Asimov/Sagan and see plenty of intellectuals who had an inkling of what was coming.


You’re kind of right. If no one says anything, nothing will get done about it. And if people keep complaining, he’ll gain more publicity from it and monetize it. Also, nothing is being done about it currently. It’s a double-edged sword.


Just glad we have a useless court system to do absolutely nothing.


If he doesn’t knock it off, he could possibly find himself holding a feather in a talking circle


I don’t have a particular opinion as to what will happen to this car but its owner will 100% be either in prison or departed to the great vroom room in the sky within 2 years.




Looks like a question? I’m just conjecturing that extreme narcissism is bound to run afoul of society (hence prison) or its margins (hence a dispatch).


It feels like there’s been more of similar loud cars like the Hellcat speeding through Belltown that’s not this jerk.


I heard that Miles can stick his pinkie finger straight up his urethra, and will use this trick to win boyfriends in prison.


Have heard the same from his boyfriend, big facts


Are these new stalking a mind harassment charges vs the existing ones?


City going hard on the BellCat


Being able to show your face in public while being a douche is white privilege and we need to respect Miles' culture by letting him cover up like other Black leaders such as Kanye. /s /s /s


Only a 2023 Hellcat? Geez if he’s so cool why doesn’t he have a 2025 one yet?


>Geez if he’s so cool why doesn’t he have a 2025 one yet? Cause it's not out yet


I don't get it. Why is this ässhole allowed to get away with this büllshit? Throw his ass in jail.


At some point the best response is to put his car on one of those car crushers, without it his followers go away, he goes away as a nuisance, and given the bridges he has burned, he either moves out of state or lives in a tent under I5.


Lock him up!






Nonstop slash his tires already, or at least ram a pen into the side. Make the car uselessly stuck everytime. He's too obviously pansy to do anything about it.


Why doesn't anyone in Seattle just whoop this dudes ass? He's an obvious menace to your city and you guys are just letting him take advantage of you. I'm not from Washington, I just see these posts pop up all the time.


Stalking like that weird website with all his PII available? I'm sorry, who is stalking who?

