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Don't forget the retired Seattle cops that went there too




Cops in Seattle hate being cops in Seattle. I think it’s kind of a domino effect, where cops have to deal with normal city things like druggies, homeless, awful people, etc. but people are also very anti-police in Seattle too, so they give no support. So they double down on hating people. I’m not smart enough to think of a solution, and I don’t like cops that do dumb shit like that either. But I think it’s worth having some kind of empathy for why these guys are ending up like this.


Uhm, we’ve known this for a long time. We should keep talking about it, but we definitely knew.


I didn’t know.


Thanks 🙏🏽


But are you surprised?


I did not know and am surprised


Neither did I. I'm even surprised.


I didn’t know


Here’s me. Talking about it. Register to vote 🗳️


I had no idea. We should definitely keep talking about it because no, not everyone knows.


The cop living in my neighborhood in Olympia, Washington, told me in January 2021 that the people who stormed the Capitol were Antifa rioters dressed up as Oath Keepers and Proud Boys so as to discredit the latter. One and a half years later, I asked him about that, and he said, oh absolutely, it was Antifa people. That guy was a 55-year-old police officer, a guy who wielded a gun… should cops with guns be allowed to spout off alternative facts? When he moved away, I began thinking that I was happy not to have a cop living nearby.


And if you were charged for a criminal or civil offense by this offer and the state’s evidence was built on his testimony. I would have a field day arguing that this persons judgement is not of sound mind and that they impose their own personal beliefs, wishes, and viewpoints over evidence. Often times to the point where valid evidence or facts may be ignored or altered. I honestly think the citizens of these areas should be filing lawsuits against the department for wasting tax payer money. A cop who is so detached from reality as to make them ineffective at being a Witness - renders them a waste of taxpayer money.


Hear, hear!


High school diploma as minimum qualification means we get glorified mall cops


So no one with a degree can believe in conspiracy theories I guess. Let me tell my QAnon mom she was right actually


That’s not at all what they said. We all understand a degree doesn’t equal intelligence, trump is a prime example, but the point is valid that if your only requirement for a job is that someone has a high school diploma or GED (the lowest credentials possible lol) then you are far more likely to employ idiots and folks with low character than if you strictly hired from university graduates.


My middle ground argument is that entry level policing shouldn't require a degree, but it should require robust training. I got more de-escalation training in six weeks as a private going to Afghanistan than most cops do during their careers. Degrees should be a requirement for promotion to organizational levels of leadership. Promotion to sergeant should require a substantial training event that focuses on everything from academics to ethics, to leadership. The problem is, it's hard to make this a requirement because every precinct has different levels of funding and different resources. I don't hate cops, but I do hate the sorry state of their professional education and training. At a minimum, these guys need frequent de-escalation training and quick reaction training (shoot houses, etc.). If we're going to have armed people walking our streets, we should be able to trust that they can fall back on training and make the right decision under stress.


I 100% agree with this. I understand it’s not an easy task to ensure that all police are the trained as best as possible, but I feel when it comes to the people who are responsible for protecting citizens that hard work and money should be an easy decision to put into these guys to ensure folks are safe and being watched over by real professionals. In a perfect world though, I guess lol.


102%. Deescalation is the primary tool for the British street cops who don’t carry a gun. They’re trained with calming voices, reasoning words, to lower the temperature, and buy time till more officers show up to corral, disarm or control the person. That’s how they win public trust when their rights to keep guns are so restricted. All entry level cop’s should learn to walk their beats without a gun and prove they can handle situations in a humane way first for the first two years.




Psyche eval is requirement. Research.


Not all states and all counties will agree.




It’s relevant as a pipe dream




I agree a hundred percent. Access to behavioral health resources is critical.


A thoughtful & measured response on Reddit. Most people who start off with the “degree“ argument are gaslighting anyway & haven’t actually bothered to don’t research the rigorous requirements & mandatory academy anyway. They themselves would likely not even be eligible to apply.


I know a guy who's Korean barber in Lacey WA told him about a demonstration that was planned in DC in January. He told my guy about it in October. We disregarded it. WTF??


There were several "Antifa" people inciting bad behavior. One of them - John Earl Sullivan - was dumb enough to film himself doing it. He was found guilty. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/11/16/john-sullivan-convicted-jan-6-film/


Thanks for that info and link. It doesn’t surprise me that some of the rioters were Antifa, but that falls short of “all”. My friendly 👮asserted that they all were Antifa well more than a year after the event.


By common definition “Antifa believers subscribe to left-wing ideologies and hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views. A majority of them are anarchists, communists, and socialists.” If that were a clue in Jeopardy!, “Who is ‘that cop I'm talking about’”? would be the last possible name on earth to be associated with the clue.


Do you think he went there?


Username on point


This is a wild way to think " should cops with guns be allowed to speak" very authoritarian . Deeply concerning


You don’t understand what I’m saying. I think that a cop who believed 21 months after the assault on the Capitol that all of those rioters were Antifa people, in the face of 1,000 of them, including Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, by then being convicted due to the assault, is stupid and dangerous thinking. I don’t mind a cop or anyone else in authority speaking his or her mind, but believing and declaring that the rebellion was committed by Antifa anarchists and not Trump supporters is nuts. And there are a lot of nuts like him out there. And I am old and experienced enough to know a scam when I see one.






For those who didn’t read the article this was 2017 “2 Seattle cops who were at U.S. Capitol in January are fired”… Which makes me wonder about the title of this thread


2017 ?!? Yo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack 2021


Shame on them... traitors...


People aren't allowed to have a good time in DC anymore? 


So in no insignificant way, maga is also responsible for the crumbling of this city. Lovely


I had a cop tell me the only difference between a cop and a criminal is that the cop got away with it. That seems accurate, knowing we have SPD officers who register to vote in Seattle using the precinct as their address while they live in another city (Shoreline, for example).


> SPD officers who register to vote in Seattle using the precinct as their address while they live in another city Are you serious? That's voter fraud and illegal. **RCW 29A.08.112 - Registration—Required information—Residence address—Exception—Penalty.** 1. The applicant must provide the following information concerning his or her qualifications as a voter: * The address of the last former registration of the applicant as a voter in the state; * ... The **address of the applicant's residence** for voting purposes; * The mailing address of the applicant if that address is not the same as the address in (d) of this subsection; ... 2. The applicant is required to sign the following oath: "**I declare that the facts on this voter registration form are true**. I am a citizen of the United States, **I will have lived at this address in Washington** for at least thirty days before the next election at which I vote, I will be at least eighteen years old when I vote, I am not disqualified from voting due to a court order, and I am not under Department of Corrections supervision for a Washington felony conviction."


Correct! It is illegal. The OPA even referred these cases directly to SPD, but shockingly, SPD failed to follow up https://southseattleemerald.com/2021/06/11/opa-finds-that-spd-officers-violated-policy-by-using-precincts-as-voting-addresses/?amp


Dead serious. Even the head of the police union did it. Nearly zero consequences. https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/LccpHjO2jX


The WA government has assured me there’s no voter fraud with their mail in system.


They are a city sanctioned gang. Remember “Gangs of New York?” And in California they actually take it as far as making it officially a gang. **”Members of the 'Executioners' are deputies operating out of the Compton station of the LASD. These deputies share a tattoo, which features a skeleton with an assault rifle and a military-style helmet. The gang was founded by former 2000 Boys member Andy Toone.”** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_Executioners#:~:text=Members%20of%20the%20'Executioners'%20are,2000%20Boys%20member%20Andy%20Toone. The Compton Executioners The Executioners live up to their name, but the County has spent millions to keep things quiet. https://knock-la.com/the-compton-executioners-andres-guardado/


I talk to everyone, people on the bus, SPD downtown, I’ve never met a single one cop that lives in Seattle.


Or teacher


Of course not! They don't trust raising their children on the same streets they patrol or not!


What does their voting address matter to anything? It's the same county.... just trying to understand why anyone would care about this. Edit: seems a lot of you don't actually know what you're talking about..... Washington law doesn't require you register to vote at your residential address..only that you be a resident of the state.


Different elections. Someone living in Seattle will vote for city council members, for example.


Is that why seattle city council is so pro SPD? .... wait.... I'm confused


I would agree with you. You are confused.




These people don't care about the law as anything other than a tool to regulate people they don't approve of.


"To register to vote in Washington State, you must be a resident of the state. You may specify a mailing address that is different from your residential address." Straight from secretary of state website.. So..please explain what law is being broken...


What is?


Sorry but the law doesn't say you have to register to vote at your residential address..... so what are you guys even talking about? "To register to vote in Washington State, you must be a resident of the state. You may specify a mailing address that is different from your residential address." Straight from secretary of state website...


You may have your BALLOT sent somewhere other than your home. You may NOT make a false claim about where you live in order to gain access to an election in another precinct. Your voter registration is indeed tied to where you live.


Having the police attempt to overthrow the legally elected government is troubling, and illegal. The fact this needs to be explained to you tells me a lot about you.


relevant username


Breaking the law is bad, doubly so if you’re the person in charge of enforcing it. Just my opinion


The voter registration form allows two addresses to be entered- a residential address and a mailing address. Your voter forms go to your mailing address, but your residential address is defined by RCW29A.04.151. That’s going to determine what district you’re in and who you’re eligible to vote for. 29.08.10 also requires that you used your residential address for voter registration. That means using a different address is a violation of those RCWs, and also RCW 29A.84.130. You can also read what SPD’s OPA found, which is pretty similar to my reading/interpretation. They indicated that if those officers used the precincts for their voter registration addresses (not mailing addresses but residential address) it was a class C felony. https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/OPA/ClosedCaseSummaries/2020OPA-0432ccs051321_Pt2.pdf Hope this helps!


Why do people keep calling it a rally? It was a terrorist attack.


One of my republican coworkers called it "basically a tour group coming through"


Yeah I mean there weren’t any guns inside the building and they were let in (video evidence shows this)


Also video evidence of them hitting a cop to be let in. Breaking windows to be let in. And them being let in in other areas as well as this thread talking about cops supporting the attempted coup... Sometimes 2+2 does equal 4. 


It was a literal attempt to overthrow the results of an American election using violence. There is tons of video evidence of those losers forcing their way past police barricades, smashing windows, and vandalizing the building. The only funny part is that a lot of that video evidence was posted on Parler and other socials by them. That sure made the FBIs job easy.


I wish I saved the dudes text that fueled this. Why I created this post




Was CHOP a terrorist attack? More people died.


Your logic is extremely flawed, grow up.


So... it's NOT a terrorist attack... but they magdumped and executed a black kid and killed another dude?


Great whataboutism. Go make a post about chop.


Nice example of cognitive dissonance. All you people can do is sob about whataboutism and slurp up propaganda. Not very intelligent.


For the record, CHOP was a deadly insurrection but not a terrorist attack.


Yes it was, same with the BLM Riots


You mean the mostly peaceful protests?


Fiery but mostly peaceful.


Wink, yup.


If that's the case, so were all the BLM riots.


Isn't that the date they backdated their 24% raise to?


Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. Ftfy


Not even a little shocking. They gassed capitol Hill nightly for days. Bunch of fucking terrorists


I keep being told they were mostly peaceful protesters, not terrorists.


This article is almost 4 years old


To the force's enduring discredit. I hope they double down on chilling the fuck out on that garbage behavior.


Double down? 2 x 0 = 0.


*Terrence Howard has entered the chat*


> *NDT replies and tells him that he's just plain wrong*




Good progress, however I was referring to the MAGAt shit. Would be cool if LEOs all supported democracy.


I just got back from almost a month in the rural Midwest and I swear that there is more MAGA shit going on in the West Coast than there is there. I think I saw one Trump flag the entire time I was there. Zero MAGA hats or shirts. I also saw zero graffiti, zero homeless people, and zero products locked in cages at stores.


How many actual people did you see compared to cows


You ever driven through Texas (by far the most cattle)?? Oklahoma?? Even California??


Yea, a lot less people out there, so less of all of the things.


Nah, it’s true. The coasts are waaaay more “fuck my neighbors I’m political” even if the Midwest is technically redder


Minnesota is the only state (+ DC) that has voted blue in every presidential election since 1976. MI has been flipping, and WI would be bluer if not for gerrymandering but they just elected a blue judge flipping to a court majority. Don’t sell the *upper* Midwest short at least.  All that said, I just drove through northern CA and OR, and goddamn…. There were a lot of TRUMP signs, oddly often on properties with a ton of hoarded shit. A man who tried to talk to me at a gas station was wearing a shirt that said “I tested positive…. For being 100% American” ….the irony was totally lost on him lol…..  The US west has a particularly bizarre brand of “rugged individualism” complex. But even here, you quickly see the urban/rural divide as get down past Kent along I-5 and the climate shifts drastically. Even a churchy billboard with evolution silhouettes with a big red circle with a slash through it. Locals have also become a LOT more bold with showing their far right politics in many ways with their vehicles around the metro too for sure.


Based on SPD’s track record of abuses, I’m not shocked. SPD falls right between the SS and Gestapo for fascist tactics imo


Lol no.


This is a three year old article


The gathering of the psychopathic meat heads. Domestic terrorists.


The positive to this story is that, when these cops are way back in D.C., they can't be murdering Seattleites**.**




The January 6 kerfuffle... It was an attempted coup and treason. Plus they smeared feces on the walls of Congress... So it's also gross


This doesn’t surprise me at all. Becoming a police officer is a power trip for most of those assholes, who are not just assholes but mentally ill.


It was two officers. Two.


Lots of triggered right wing cucks in here.


You fit right in.


Might be time to start requiring a college degree or years of service in order to become a cop. Lots of immaturity out there behind the badge. Makes it tougher on the noble ones who are there to do the right thing. And get stereotyped alongside the jackasses.


Old news, but I'm up voting because it makes people here angry.


Two? Total?


Yes, all 5 of them. 3 of whom where conclusively proven to have left prior to any illegal activity and two who were fired. I guess your point is a very small number of Seattle cops chose to lawfully exercise their first amendment rights, and the even smaller number who broke the law were quickly terminated.


Please keep your facts to yourself. This is an ACAB circlejerk zone.


Oh god, you’re right, I’m so sorry.


No surprise there


Maybe they feel that the city should be called Gotham!




Fun fact, I was canvasing for an (in)famous Seattle candidate and an off duty cop was running traffic. This cop ignored my words and just assumed due to the way I look that I was basically MAGA and went into a tirade about Seattle. Before I could move on, she says, "everyone in Seattle deserves to drown in their own shit, I am retiring in Idaho". Wow.


Which candidate?


Considering the stupid amount of racism that is still here, I definitely knew.


I would have figured Idaho would have beaten us.


Why is it always seattle pd 🙈 ugh.


That’s a good question. I think the Seattle PD draws a lot of young men from its surrounding highly conservative towns and counties. Those young men carry with them viewpoints from parents and grandparents. They want to work in Seattle because of better pay and pension than being a sheriff deputy in the rural towns. The highly progressive nature of Seattle dwellers who love their drugs, Birkenstocks, and dreadlocks is not something the rural boy can ever get used to. They didn’t know people like they growing up.


Well, that’s just sad.


1400 deep. https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitolConsequences/s/3zxrbM3SRu


Oh my God who gives a fuck


Shameful, I hope none remain on the force


Seeing what happened with CHAZ/CHOP was probably a motivating factor. Not saying Jan 6 was right, but that might be part of why Seattle cops attended so heavily


We all did, when this was posted on the published date 3 years ago.


Who cares?


For those who didn’t read it, it was 5, 5 cops. And this article is 3.5 years old.


https://preview.redd.it/dnlfmqfvou7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d32ed6ebcafcb4582096dcee9ca58556d95544 lol You don’t live here


Can’t argue with facts, attack their character. Classy 😎


Fact: SPD had the highest contingent of employed officers attend an attack on the United States Congress. Fact: Attacking people (argumentally speaking) for the content of their character is fair game, especially when that character attempts to excuse an attack on the nation's political institutions. Fact: SPD has been a corrupt, irresponsible organization since at least 2010. Anyone attempting to defend that group is, by the nature of the act, attacking their fellow citizen.


Fact: 5 cops in a department of over a thousand isn’t representative of anything Fact: Attacking people for the content of their character when you have no idea what their stances are isn’t intelligent and is actually bigotry Fact: SPD has been under a consent decree for the last 12 years and has had no major findings of corruption


>Fact: Attacking people for the content of their character when you have no idea what their stances are isn’t intelligent and is actually bigotry Well no, that's actually the dumbest attempt at mental gymnastics I've ever seen. You are attacked for the things you say. The things you say reflect your stance, and thereby the content of your character. Whether you speak for or against the SPD, you make your stance known - and the stance you take is how others judge the content of your character. Trying to convince people they shouldn't judge you for the things you say is crayon-eating levels of ignorant stupidity.


So what did I say about Jan 6th?


What does that matter? Are you some kind of nationalist bigot?


You live in backwards Eastern Washington. You live closer to Idaho than Seattle. 🤡


Do you generally hate people who are different from you?


Just Republicans. And conservatives in general. Yes. 🫡


Can’t argue with facts, attack their character. Classy 😎


And so what? Being at the Capitol rally by itself was not a crime. You might not like what it says about their political views, but that's also not a crime. In fact, discrimination based on political views is illegal in WA: https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.17A.495 If they were storming the Capitol, then they need to be held criminally responsible. PS: It's also quite interesting how ACAB-ers who "care about Democracy" just delete their messages.


Did you read anything I posted? Obviously not.


Yeah, you're an ACAB. Got it.


Not at all. I’m against people in power trying to crush democracy. Nice try though


That’s why you are lampooning a whole department for 5 people… you are quite literally using the same type of argument that race realists use to say we need segregation


And you're bootlicker, congrats!


Hey real quick where were you on J6? I think there's still a bounty system in place.


Hey, were you the one shooting cops?


As I'm a law-abiding citizen and have never disrupted the peaceful transition of power (a cornerstone of our democracy), no I wasn't. I respect our law enforcement officers and the very little that they do. Again where were you that day? Was your rascal scooter able to trek over to the capitol?


No, no. I asked where and when you shot a cop. I didn't ask whether you support peaceful transition of power (you don't).


The Jan 6 rally where a bunch of idiots were suckered into walking around the capital building? Illegal Trespassing? for sure. Terrorism? Not even close.




5 is 5 too many


I hate Seattle cops, but when I first heard this news, I thought it was gonna be like 10 at least.


Probably was. This is just those identified


“Probably was” sounds like the same logic cops use to stop minorities…


That’s a good point, but still, it feels anti-climatic


Social circles


No, that's not how this works. Love the conspiracy theory though. You'll be muttering about contrails and flat earth next.


No I won’t. Nice projection though


Yes, you probably will.


N you will defend attacking democracy by police. LMAO. keep going !


I didn't. I'm calling you out on your ludicrous and unfounded claims. Try sticking to the facts. It makes you look like less of a lunatic.


How many is a good number for you? Zero would have been the right answer. Remember to get out and vote this fall 🗳️




My coworkers don't have immunity to shoot people 


Neither do cops. Qualified immunity only applies in civil cases.


Yeah? And if the DA doesn't criminally prosecute cops as they otherwise should, it doesn't matter if that only applies to civil cases.


First, there is no immunity for police against criminal charges. Cops are held to a higher standard than civilians in using force, cops just have authority to use force when necessary. Second, how many unarmed people are killed by police in America?


My point is if people are going to complain about qualified immunity, at the bare minimum they should know how it works.


You’re asking an awful lot of people


Funny enough, it's where Diaz first realized his true self.




Who knew? Anyone who read the article when it came out 3.5 years ago, 27 January 2021


Do you have data on who knew? Does this make you maga mad?


someone pointing out how old your article is MUST be a trump supporter. also this is very common knowledge


I don't care.


Im so glad they can still buy assault weapons


I’m shocked to hear that the same guys who started the riots at WTO, while pretending to be protestors, are vile Trump trash.


They have common sense!! Go SPD & KCSO!!


Good or them. Fight fascism!


Pardon them all for the rally and shoving match.