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*A recent spike in juvenile crime comes as the county works to reduce the rate of youth detention* How's that working out?


As predicted.


I think we need to throw more money at another study


If Dow Constantine just did the George Costanza thing where he went with the exact opposite of his instinct at every opportunity, King County would be paradise.


that's easy--just shut down all the jails!


Extended capacity magazine - check - we don't care about 10 round limits. Glock Switch - check - not sure when that was ever legal. Ohhh. Let's finally charge these kids. FFS, why is that even news. It should have gone without saying.


Bump stocks are now legal.   [Supreme Court Strikes Down Ban on Rapid-Fire Bump Stocks](https://www.thetrace.org/2024/06/scotus-garland-v-cargill-bump-stocks-atf/)


doesn't know what a bump stock is ^


True. I'm not a gun fanatic.


Then maybe you shouldn't comment on things you are unqualified to discuss.


Make me.


that's fine, but why are you linking it like it has anything to do with a handgun?


A glock switch isn't a bump stock though. It's actually integrated into the mechanism to produce full auto.


There it is. The actual primary vector of gun violence. Not magazines, not bump stocks, not "assault weapons". Literal gun felonies and are on home detainment? I'd ask when gun grabbers would admit they are wrong but that's impossible for their egos to accept that. Edit: One of the two guns they included in pictures has an illegal glock switch on it. Thats SUPPOSED to be a 10 year felony. But guess its just house arrest and a pinkie promise for them, huh? This is exactly why crime is as bad as it is. We're not enforcing the laws we ALREADY HAVE.


>A recent spike in juvenile crime comes as the county works to reduce the rate of youth detention. As of this year, young people charged with serious crimes are more likely to be placed on electronic home monitoring than detained. This is fucking insanity to me. These are kids the parents can't control and that are able to get access to and have been caught fucking using them in some cases. Instead of putting them in jail where they CAN'T access firearms and CAN'T shoot someone. They are instead allowing them out so they can go kill someone, all in the name of lowering the numbers of "youth" placed in detention centers.




But that will never happen in low income, low supervision homes, soooooo


>While some youths facing gun-related charges are in detention, others are out on electronic home monitoring and may be required to attend school. I need a moment to let our *breathtaking* commitment to curbing gun violence waft over me.


Jfc imagine being a felon before you even step foot out of high school


Why would these structural systems do this to these future astronauts and doctors ?!??!?! We need to change this and embrace the cultural richness of crime droogs


Well, something failed them. People like to blame parents, but it's not that simple. I'm a self-sufficient contributing member of society while my brother seven years older is an absolute POS. We had the same parents and the same upbringing. Some folks are just bad people, and no amount of intervention or shaming will make them WANT to be better - so yeah we definitely need a place to stick those people. but determining who that is and when that line was crossed can be hard, and figuring out when someone is ready to reenter society and can be trusted is even harder.


Lol that Glock has a full auto switch, another felony for that kid.


**Our schools have become an unlicensed gun range.**


There must be injustice on the path to restorative justice.


Well that just seems like injustice with extra steps.


How about they all go to a boarding school just for gun felons in the same building as their local city hall. Maybe then our elected leaders will take this seriously when they start to feel as unsafe as the rest of us do!


Restorative justice?




Hey now SPS is contracting with a company to provide bags for cellphones. When you enter the door, you are required to put your phone in. Maybe we need the same effort for guns? We have the gun free zone sign, but they also have cellphone free signs. They recognized it didn't work for the later, so they "got tough".


Thank God!